专题16 任务型阅读(补全句子)--【真题荟萃】 2023-2024年中考英语真题分类汇编(含解析)

专题16 任务型阅读(补全句子)--【真题荟萃】 2024年中考英语真题分类汇编
Puberty (青春期) in the process of life when young people leave childhood and move into adulthood. It is difficult for teenagers because puberty influences them on both their minds and bodies.
Some young people may begin puberty at 8, while others may not start until 14 or 15. Usually, teenage girls start puberty two years before teenage boys do. For boys and girls, it is usually complete by the age of 18.
During those yours, the body develops in many ways. Feelings can also change quickly.
Teenage boys during puberty often begin to take unnecessary risks. Their attention is on having fun and being accepted. They like trying some challenging outdoor activities like skateboarding and rock climbing. So they need to think deeply before they act and make good decisions for themselves.
A girl’s personality (个性) often doesn’t develop in the same way as a boy’s. Teenage girls sometimes don’t believe in themselves. They aren’t sure about their own feelings. However, they are usually afraid to tell their parents or teachers about their problems. For this reason, teenage girls should be encouraged to discuss things with trusted adults.
Parents, schools and communities can do a lot to care for and help young people. It is everyone’s responsibility (责任) to help young people grow into healthy adults.
1.Puberty has an both teenagers’ minds and bodies.
2.Usually, teenage boys start puberty two years teenage girls .
3.Teenage boys like trying some challenging outdoor activities skateboarding and rock climbing.
4.People should teenage girls discuss things with trusted adults.
5. the young into healthy adults is everyone’s responsibility.
Have you ever seen a storm Lots of things can happen when there is a storm. It can rain. The wind can blow (吹). The sky can be dark. And all the lights in your house can go out.
When all the lights go out, your house is dark. It is a problem because you cannot do certain things in the dark. You cannot read or write. It is hard to put on clothes. It is hard to feed your pet. It is hard to walk because you cannot see well.
When all the lights go out, you can wait until the storm goes away. Then the lights may go back on. But it is not interesting to wait and wait!
To make things better, it is a good idea to make the dark interesting. You can light candles. The fire on the candles will give the house light. Then you can play a game with your family. Maybe you can use the light to read. Or you can tell an interesting story in the dark.
6.Lots of things when there is a storm.
7.When all the lights go out, your house .
8.It is hard to walk in the dark because you cannot .
9.After the storm , the lights may go back on.
10.To make things better, it is to make the dark interesting.
The Internet is the best thing to happen since the creation of the alphabet*. However, can you trust what you read on the Internet Anyone in the world can put a website on the Internet. Many people say that the things they read on the Internet may not be true. You need to be careful when you look through lots and lots of information. As you explore the Internet for information, here are some ideas to get the right things online.
First, check who wrote the website. Make sure that the writer is an expert. For example, if the topic is science, make sure the writer is a (n) _______ or a science teacher. The expert can provide us with professional knowledge or statistics (统计数据) in the field. Make sure to study the statistics so that you can avoid making minor mistakes**.
Next, make sure the site is there for a good reason, not a bad one. If the site is meant to fool you, you can be sure you can’t trust what’s on it. If the site is there to give you information, the information is more possibly good.
Also, check how old the information is. A good research engine (搜索引擎) can help you get a date for when something was written. In many subjects, like science, new information replaces old information all the time.
Finally, train yourself to be a serious person about the information from websites. You can use other resources to check what you’ve got online.
If you follow these suggestions, you will become a better user of the Internet.
* Alphabet is a set of letters or symbols in a fixed order, such as Aa to Zz in English, and used in writing.
** A minor mistake is a mistake that is small and not so important or serious.
11.How many pieces of advice does the writer give
The writer gives pieces of advice.
12.What word (s) can you put in the “_______”
I can put “ ” there.
13.Why should you study the statistics on the site
Because we can avoid if we do that.
14.Which paragraph best matches the picture above
It’s Paragraph in the passage.
15.What’s the passage mainly about
It’s about how to .
(2023·宁夏·中考真题)阅读下面短文, 根据短文内容,在每小题句子空白处填入适当词语,使其意思与短文内容一致(每空词数不限)。
Long ago, there was a man called Sessa. He invented a new game to make his friend, the king, happy. He called it “chess”. The king loved it and decided to give him anything he liked. However, Sessa told the king he only wanted some grains of wheat(小麦粒).
“What !” said the king, greatly surprised.
“Since you enjoy my chessboard so much, just give me a grain of wheat on the first square(方格)of the chessboard, two grains on the second square, four for the third, and so on. Each square doubles the last,” replied Sessa.
“Very well!” the king told his prime minister(大臣), “give it to him!”
The first day, when the prime minister gave Sessa a grain of wheat, everyone laughed loudly.
The second day, he got two. The ninth day, Sessa received 256 grains. It took Sessa 16 days to get enough wheat to fill a large bag, but only one more day to get two bags.
By the end of the month, wagons(马车)filled with grains were moving into Sessa’s house. The prime minister was very worried and went to see the king.
“Dear king! Sessa has now collected nearly all our wheat! If we continue, our wheat will soon be empty!” he said.
“Impossible!” said the king. But after he checked and double-checked, he found that by the 64th square, he should give Sessa a total of 18, 446, 744, 073, 709, 551, 615 grains of wheat!
The king had to call Sessa and take back his words.
Sessa replied, “I am happy with what I have now-I won't ask you for the second half of the chessboard. ”
With that, the king and Sessa were still best friends and Sessa got what he wanted—a wiser king.
16.Sessa a new game called “chess” to make the king happy.
17.The king felt when Sessa said he only wanted some grains of wheat.
18.It took Sessa days to receive 256 grains of wheat.
19.The king had to call Sessa to .
20.From the story we can learn that Sessa is a(n) man.
Chinese shadow puppetry (皮影戏) is a form of traditional Chinese folk drama. It is probably one of the most ancient arts using light and shadow. It is also a mix of many art forms, including painting, music, opera and story-telling. Shadow puppetry was added to UNESCO’s Intangible Cultural Heritage List in 2011.
More than 2,000 years ago, Emperor Wu of Han was very sad about the death of his wife. One day, one of his men happened to see some children playing with toys. The shadows of the toys were lively on the floor. Then he had an idea— he made a puppet (偶) of the emperor’s wife. As night fell, he invited the emperor to watch a puppet show. This is believed to be the start of shadow puppetry.
In the Tang Dynasty, shadow puppetry was played by many people in many places around the country. Then in the Yuan Dynasty, it was introduced into West Asian and European countries along the Silk Road. The art form became the most popular in the Qing Dynasty. At that time, it was played in almost every province and in many kinds of celebrations like weddings and birthday dinners.
It is not an easy job to make the puppets. Their body parts are cut separately and then joined together so that they can move freely. During the show, puppetry artists connect the puppets’ most important joints (关节) with sticks. In this way, they can hold the puppets and make the puppets walk, run or dance as they want. Sometimes the puppets could be as lively as living things on the screen.
In fact, most puppetry artists across China don’t get trained and don’t play shadow puppetry as a job. They just play it for fun and love. However, they are still experts (专家)in this field. In recent years, puppetry artists have explored ways to make this ancient art form as popular as it used to be and pass it on to the young, hoping more people can understand its importance and feel its beauty. They also get support from the Chinese government. Thanks to their hard work, Chinese shadow puppetry is becoming great again.
21. are used in Chinese shadow puppetry. Also, many all mix together in it.
22.Shadow puppetry started in the Han Dynasty. One man created a puppet show to the emperor who lost his wife. Then it was spread in the Tang and Qing Dynasties.
23.Artists join the puppets’ body parts together cutting them separately. In a show, they hold and the puppets with sticks that connect their most important joints.
24.Instead of playing shadow puppetry for a , most puppetry artists in China just play it for fun and love. But this doesn’t becoming experts in this field.
25.Puppetry artists have done a lot to the development of shadow puppetry. The Chinese government also offers them to make the art form great again.
About 80% of the land animals make homes in the forest. But their homes are disappearing(消失) all over the world. In the last 10,000years, we’ve lost 30% of all trees that were once on the earth. That’s bad news for animals because cutting down trees destroys(破坏) the homes of animals that live in the forests. What’s worse, some pollutions caused by human activities like water pollution and air pollution are bringing further losses to the forests. Therefore, as good friends of animals, it is necessary for us to take some actions to protect their homes-forests.
●Plant more trees by taking part in the volunteering, projects and activities.
●Take extra plastic bags along and pick up litter on your walk to keep the forest clean.
●Put out campfires before moving on when you go camping to avoid wildfires in the forest.
●Don’t cut down trees for disposable chopsticks(一次性筷子).
●Don’t take rocks, flowers and leaves from the forest floor which might provide homes for small animals.
●Don’t destroy the animals’ homes and habitats.
Huge and beautiful forests where a great variety of animals make homes are ready for us to explore. Whenever you have a chance to get close to nature, make wise choices and take the advice mentioned above to protect homes for our dearest friends.
26.For animals, it is bad news to trees.
27.Human activities like water pollution and are bringing further losses to the forests.
28. campfires before moving on to avoid wildfires in the forest.
29.Try to use less disposable to protect more from being cut down.
30. you get close to nature, please make choices and take the advice above to protect homes for our dearest friends.
Today, many kids hardly read books. They are busy with their mobile phones or computers. Forming (养成) the good habit of reading among our kids is really important to their learning success. Parents must do something to help their kids fall in love with reading.
Your reading place doesn’t have to be big or have a lot of bookshelves. It can be a chair in the room where your child sleeps. A corner of the sofa is also OK. A comfortable place with enough light can help your child read comfortably.
Reading to your kids could really help set up a good relationship. And this will become moments to be remembered when they are old and you are no longer with them.
A visit to a bookstore once a month is good reading improvement to your kids. Not only will they be more interested in books, but they will also be excited to see different kinds of books. If there are some books they like best, buy them for your kids.
Read in front of your kids often. Whether you love books, magazines, or graphic novels (连环画小说), let your child see you reading. Kids learn from what they see. If you’re excited about reading, your child will catch your enthusiasm (热忱).
31.Here is some for parents to help their children with reading.
32.Parents should provide for their children according to the 2nd paragraph.
33.Parents can with kids if they read to their kids.
34.The fourth paragraph mainly tells parents to to the bookstore.
35.If parents read in front of their kids, they will have on their kids.
(2023·黑龙江大庆·中考真题)“It can’t be done.” Boyan Slat heard this over and over when he first suggested a way to clean up millions of tons of plastic polluting our oceans.
Slat was on a diving(潜水)trip in Greece three years ago when he was troubled by plastic. “There were more plastic bags than fishes,” he says. “That moment I realized it was a huge problem and that environmental problems are really the biggest problems we will face.”
That fall, Slat, then 17, decided to study plastic pollution as part of a high school project. Soon, Slat learned that no one had yet thought of useful ways to clean up all the rubbish. Most people wanted to “fish” up the plastic using ships with nets—which might need more than 1,000 years, cost too much, and leave sea life along with the rubbish.
Slat decided to avoid these problems: a solar-powered system(太阳能系统)using a moving plastic tube(管)which will go around the rubbish and collect it. Wind and waves will push the rubbish to the tube. A ship will pick up the rubbish and take it back to the land.
Slat organized a team of volunteers for the Ocean Cleanup, which has about 100 members.
Over the next three to four years, Slat will continue to test whether his project is good enough or not.
Use words with proper meanings and grammatical rules to fill in the blanks. (Only one word for one blank.)
36.Slat first suggested cleaning up millions of tons of to stop the ocean.
37.When Slat was diving in Greece, he found there were fishes plastic bags.
38.“Fishing” up the plastic might need a time and too much.
39.Slat hoped the rubbish would be pushed to the tube by and .
40.It will Slat and his team over three to four years to test his project is good enough or not.
Jenny was a nurse in a children’s hospital. One evening there was a big dance in the hospital. Most of the doctors and nurses would be there, but of course some had to look after the children. Jenny was not among the fortunate(幸运的) ones who were free to go to the dance, she enjoyed dancing very much, so when she had to start working that evening while her friends were getting ready to go to the dance, she felt very sorry for herself. She went to each sick child one by one and said good night. She came to a little boy called Tommy in the end. Tommy was only 11 years old, but he already talked like an adult. Poor Tommy had a very serious illness, and now he could hardly move any part of his body except his hands. But he was happy and thought about others instead of himself all the time.
When Jenny came up to his bed, he said, “I’m sorry that you have to miss the dance because of us. But we are going to have a pay for you. If you look in my drawer, you’ll find a piece of cake. I saved it from my supper today, so it’s pretty fresh.” “I’d get up and dance with you if I could,” he added.
Suddenly the hospital dance seemed very far away and not at all important to Jenny.
41.Jenny enjoyed dancing very much, so when she had to begin that evening while her friends were getting ready to go to the dance.
42.Jenny went to each sick child another and said goodnight.
43. Jenny came to a little boy called Tommy.
44.Poor Tommy had a very serious illness, and now he was hardly move any part of his body except his hands.
45.All of , the hospital dance seemed very far away and not at all important to Jenny.
Professor Chen Lin was a famous Chinese educator of the English language. He did a lot to help English learners in China. On January 21, 2023, he passed away at the age of 101.
When he was interviewed in 2006, he talked about an amusing experience with China Daily to express his special love for it: “I must say that over the past 25 years, I have come to like this English title—China Daily—more and more, with my love for the newspaper. One small event in my relationship with China Daily was an amusing and unforgettable one. ”
“In 1982, China Daily celebrated its first anniversary(周年纪念). At that time, Katherine Flower of the UK and I were helping with the British English-teaching TV programme ‘Follow Me.’”
“Soon after that, the editorial board(编辑部)suggested that Kathy and I could help them with their publicity(宣传;推广)programme. So the two of us appeared in a CCTV ad in which we sat at breakfast table reading China Daily. We raised our heads and said to the audience, smiling: ‘Let’s read China Daily DAILY.’”
“We thought it was very clever and enjoyed it.”
From then on, the number of China Daily’s readers has been increasing. More and more people, both at home and abroad, fell in love with it. Then at Professor Chen Lin’s suggestion, a series of English weekly newspapers for middle school students, such as 21st Century Teens JR and 21st Century Teens SR, came out after China Daily. Now, they are enjoyed by many teachers and students in China.
*China Daily is China’s official English newspaper. Its Chinese title is 《中国日报》.
46.What language did Professor Chen Lin teach
He taught .
47.When was China Daily started
It was started in .
48.Who does the underlined part “the two of us” refer to
It refers to .
49.Which English word in the passage means “有乐趣的;有意思的”
It’s “ ”.
50.What title can you make for this passage in no more than eight words using “Chen Lin, China Daily”
The title can be “ ”.
It is healthy to live around trees. Trees work as doctors and they keep us healthy.
Many scientists have studied how trees clean the air. For people in large cities, trees can be very important for their health. These days, cities are planting trees not just in parks. They are also planting trees along streets in order to help clean the air.
Some scientists also believe trees help more than just the air. Trees keep our bodies healthy as well. People in hospitals seem to do better when they can see trees from their rooms. People with trees near their homes usually take more exercise.
Scientists have also studied the healthy effects (效果) of trees on our minds. One effect of trees seems to be that they make people feel relaxed. Scientists did some research on city people in an area with few trees. After trees were planted on the street, people walked slower when going home. They said the area was much nicer.
Of course, another good effect is that doctor trees work for free!
51.Trees work as and they keep us healthy.
52.Cities are also along streets to help clean the air.
53.People in hospitals when they can see trees.
54.Scientists have studied on our minds.
55.After trees were planted on the street, when they went home.
1. influence on 2. after do 3. such as 4. encourage to 5. Helping grow
1.根据“It is difficult for teenagers because puberty influences them on both their minds and bodies.”可知青春期对青少年身心都有影响。动词短语have an influence on表示“有影响”。故填influence;on。
2.根据“Usually, teenage girls start puberty two years before teenage boys do.”可知女孩的青春期通常比男孩早两年,也就是男孩比女孩晚两年。after表示“在……之后”。故填after;do。
3.根据“They like trying some challenging outdoor activities like skateboarding and rock climbing.”可知男孩喜欢尝试一些具有挑战性的户外活动,比如滑板和攀岩。such as表示“比如”。故填such;as。
4.根据“For this reason, teenage girls should be encouraged to discuss things with trusted adults.”可知应该鼓励十几岁的女孩与值得信任的成年人讨论事情。should情态动词,后接动词原形,动词短语encourage sb to do sth表示“鼓励某人做某事”。故填encourage;to。
5.根据“It is everyone’s responsibility to help young people grow into healthy adults.”可知帮助年轻人成长为健康的成年人是每个人的责任。此处用动名词作主语,动词短语grow into表示“长成”。故填Helping;grow。
6.can happen 7.is dark 8.see well 9.goes away 10.a good idea
6.根据“Lots of things can happen when there is a storm.”可知,有暴风雨的时候会发生很多事情。故填can happen。
7.根据“When all the lights go out, your house is dark.”可知,当所有的灯都熄灭时,你的房子是黑暗的。故填is dark。
8.根据“It is hard to walk because you cannot see well.”可知,走路很困难,因为你看不清楚。故填see well。
9.根据“When all the lights go out, you can wait until the storm goes away. Then the lights may go back on.”可知,当所有的灯都熄灭时,你可以等到暴风雨过去。然后灯就会重新亮起来。故填goes away。
10.根据“To make things better, it is a good idea to make the dark interesting.”可知,为了使事情变得更好,让黑暗变得有趣是个好主意。故填a good idea。
11.4/four 12.scientist 13.making minor mistakes 14.5/five 15.get the right things online
11.根据“First, check who wrote the website.”、“Next, make sure the site is there for a good reason, not a bad one.”、“Also, check how old the information is.”以及“Finally, train yourself to be a serious person about the information from websites.”可知提出了四条建议,故填4/four。
12.根据“For example, if the topic is science, make sure the writer is a (n)…or a science teacher.”可知此处是指如果主题是科学,请确保作者是科学家或是科学老师,空前是a,后接名词单数。故填scientist。
13.根据“The expert can provide us with professional knowledge or statistics (统计数据) in the field. Make sure to study the statistics so that you can avoid making minor mistakes”可知一定要研究统计数据,这样你就可以避免犯小错误,avoid doing“避免做”,故填making minor mistakes。
15.本文讲述了当你在网络上浏览大量的信息时,你需要小心,介绍了一些建议可以让你在网上找到正确的东西。how to后接动词原形。故填get the right things online。
16.invented 17.surprised 18.9/nine 19.take back his words 20.wise
16.根据“He invented a new game to make his friend, the king, happy. ”可知为了让国王高兴,塞莎发明了一种叫做“国际象棋”的新游戏。故填invented。
17.根据“‘What !’ said the king, greatly surprised.”可知国王感到很惊讶,故填surprised。
18.根据“The second day, he got two. The ninth day, Sessa received 256 grains.”可知塞莎花了9天的时间收到了256粒小麦。故填9/nine。
19.根据“The king had to call Sessa and take back his words.”可知国王不得不让赛莎收回他的话。空前有动词不定式符号,动词用原形,故填take back his words。
20.根据“With that, the king and Sessa were still best friends and Sessa got what he wanted—a wiser king.”以及全文可知塞莎很有智慧,应用形容词wise表示。wise。
21. Light and shadow art forms 22. comfort widely 23. after control 24. job prevent them from 25. promote support
21.根据“It is probably one of the most ancient arts using light and shadow. It is also a mix of many art forms”可知这可能是最古老的使用光影的艺术之一,它也是多种艺术形式的混合体,故空一为light and shadow,空二为art forms。故填Light and shadow;art forms。
22.根据“Then he had an idea— he made a puppet (偶) of the emperor’s wife. As night fell, he invited the emperor to watch a puppet show.”可知这个人制作了一个国王妻子的玩偶,让国王来看皮影戏,所以他是为了安慰失去妻子的国王,comfort“安慰”,动词不定式符号to后加动词原形;根据“In the Tang Dynasty, shadow puppetry was played by many people in many places around the country...The art form became the most popular in the Qing Dynasty”可知在唐朝和清朝皮影戏被广泛传播,修饰动词用副词widely“广泛地”。故填comfort;widely。
23.根据“Their body parts are cut separately and then joined together”可知它们的身体部位被分开切割后,然后连接在一起,after“在……之后”;根据“In this way, they can hold the puppets and make the puppets walk, run or dance as they want”可知他们可以拿着木偶,让木偶随心所欲地行走、奔跑或跳舞,即控制木偶,control“控制”,此处用动词原形。故填after;control。
24.根据“In fact, most puppetry artists across China don’t get trained and don’t play shadow puppetry as a job”可知中国的大多数木偶艺术家都没有受过训练,也没有把皮影戏当作一份工作,故空一填job;根据“they are still experts (专家)in this field”可知虽然没有经过训练,但是这并没有阻止他们成为专家,prevent them from doing sth.“阻止他们做某事”,助动词doesn’t后加动词原形。故填job;prevent them from。
25.根据“puppetry artists have explored ways to make this ancient art form as popular as it used to be and pass it on to the young”可知木偶艺术家们探索如何让这种古老的艺术形式像过去一样流行,并将其传递给年轻人,即他们做了很多促进木偶戏的发展,promote“促进”,动词不定式符号to后加动词原形;根据“They also get support from the Chinese government”可知中国政府也给了他们支持。故填promote;support。
26. cut/chop down 27. air/land/soil/light/nuclear/industrial/waste pollution 28. Put out 29. chopsticks trees/forests/bamboos 30. Whenever/When/If/While/As/Once wisely/cleverly/smartly/correctly/rightly/carefully
26.根据“That’s bad news for animals because cutting down trees destroys(破坏) the homes of animals that live in the forests.”可知,这对动物来说是个坏消息,因为砍伐树木破坏了生活在森林里的动物的家园。cut/chop down“砍倒”符合语境,故填cut/chop;down。
27.根据“What’s worse, some pollutions caused by human activities like water pollution and air pollution are bringing further losses to the forests.”可知,一些由人类活动造成的污染,如水污染和空气污染,正在给森林带来进一步的损失。污染行为有很多,故填air/land/soil/light/nuclear/industrial/waste;pollution。
28.根据“Put out campfires before moving on when you go camping to avoid wildfires in the forest.”可知,当你去露营时,在继续前进之前扑灭营火,以避免森林里的野火。故填Put;out。
29.根据“Don’t cut down trees for disposable chopsticks(一次性筷子).”可知,不要为了一次性筷子而砍伐树木。除树木外,也不要砍伐森林、竹子等。故填chopsticks;trees/forests/bamboos。
30.根据“Whenever you have a chance to get close to nature, make wise choices and take the advice mentioned above to protect homes for our dearest friends.”可知,每当你有机会亲近大自然时,做出明智的选择,并采取上述建议,为我们最亲爱的朋友保护家园。故填Whenever/When/If/While/As/Once;wisely/cleverly/smartly/correctly/rightly/carefully。
31.advice 32.comfortable and bright reading places 33.get on well 34.take their kids regularly 35.a great influence
31.根据“Forming (养成) the good habit of reading among our kids is really important to their learning success. Parents must do something to help their kids fall in love with reading.”可知文章介绍了给父母帮助他们的孩子阅读的一些建议。结合“is some”可知应用不可数名词advice“建议”。故填advice。
32.根据“A comfortable place with enough light can help your child read comfortably.”可知父母应该为孩子提供舒适明亮的阅读场所。comfortable and bright“舒适明亮的”;reading places“阅读场所”,复数表示泛指。故填comfortable and bright reading places。
33.根据“Reading to your kids could really help set up a good relationship.”可知如果父母给孩子读书,他们可以和孩子相处得很好。get on well with sb“和某人相处得好”,情态动词can后加动词原形,故填get on well。
34.根据“A visit to a bookstore once a month is good reading improvement to your kids.”和本段内容可知,第四段主要告诉父母要定期带孩子去书店。take their kids regularly to the bookstore“定期带孩子去书店”。故填take their kids regularly。
35.根据“Read in front of your kids often. Whether you love books, magazines, or graphic novels (连环画小说), let your child see you reading. Kids learn from what they see.”可知如果父母在孩子面前读书,他们会对孩子产生很大的影响。have a great influence on sb“对某人有很大的影响”。故填a great influence。
36. plastic/plastics polluting 37. fewer than 38. long cost 39. wind/waves waves/wind 40. take whether
36.根据“Boyan Slat heard this over and over when he first suggested a way to clean up millions of tons of plastic polluting our oceans.”可知,博扬·斯莱特第一次提出一种清理海洋的数百万吨塑料来阻止污染海洋。“塑料”可用plastic或plastics来表示,动词短语stop doing sth意为“阻止做某事”,“污染”是动词pollute,其动名词为polluting。故填plastic/plastics;polluting。
37.根据“Slat was on a diving(潜水)trip in Greece three years ago when he was troubled by plastic. ‘There were more plastic bags than fishes,’ he says.”可知,三年前,斯莱特在希腊潜水时,受到了塑料的困扰。“塑料袋比鱼还多,”他说。说明鱼比塑料少,应用fewer…than表示“比……更少”。故填fewer;than。
38.根据“Most people wanted to ‘fish’ up the plastic using ships with nets—which might need more than 1,000 years, cost too much, and leave sea life along with the rubbish.”可知,大多数人想用带网的船来“打捞”塑料,这可能需要1000多年的时间,成本太高,并留下海洋生物和垃圾。说明“打捞”塑料可能需要很长时间,而且成本太高。应用形容词long“长的”修饰名词time,情态动词might后接动词原形,因此应用动词cost的原形来表示“花费(金钱)”。故填long;cost。
39.根据“Wind and waves will push the rubbish to the tube.”可知,风和浪会把垃圾推到管子里。故填wind/waves;waves/wind。
40.根据“Over the next three to four years, Slat will continue to test whether his project is good enough or not.”可知,在接下来的三到四年里,斯莱特将继续测试他的项目是否足够好。根据“It will”可知此处应用动词原形take来表示“花费(时间)”,根据“or not”可知第二空应填入whether。故填take;whether。
41. to work 42. one after 43. At last 44. able to 45. a sudden
41.根据“she enjoyed dancing very much, so when she had to start working that evening while her friends were getting ready to go to the dance, she felt very sorry for herself. ”可知珍妮非常喜欢跳舞,所以当她不得不在那天晚上开始工作,而她的朋友们正准备去参加舞会时,她为自己感到非常难过。work“工作”,begin to do“开始做”,为固定短语。故填to;work。
42.根据“She went to each sick child one by one and said good night. ”可知珍妮一个接一个地去看望每个生病的孩子,并说晚安。one by one=one after another“一个接一个”。故填one;after。
43.根据“She came to a little boy called Tommy in the end.”可知最后她走到一个叫汤米的小男孩旁。in the end=at last“最后”。故填At;last。
44.根据“Poor Tommy had a very serious illness, and now he could hardly move any part of his body except his hands.”可知可怜的汤米得了一场非常严重的病,现在除了双手,他几乎不能移动身体的任何部分。could=was able to表示“能够”。故填able;to。
45.根据“Suddenly the hospital dance seemed very far away and not at all important to Jenny.”可知突然间,医院的舞会似乎很遥远,对珍妮来说一点也不重要。suddenly=all of a sudden“突然”。故填a;sudden。
46.(the)English(language) 47.1981 48.Katherine (Flower)/Kathy and (Professor) Chen Lin 49.amusing 50.(Professor/Mr. ) Chen Lin and China Daily;(Professor/Mr.) Chen Lin’s (Special) Love for China Daily;(Professor/Mr.) Chen Lin loved China Daily
46.根据“Professor Chen Lin was a famous Chinese educator of the English language”可知,教英语的,故填(the) English (language)。
47.根据“In 1982, China Daily celebrated its first anniversary”可知,1982年,《中国日报》迎来了创刊一周年,由此可知它是在1981创办的,故填1981。
48.根据“Katherine Flower of the UK and I”及“that Kathy and I could help them with their publicity(宣传;推广)programme”可知,划线部分指代作者陈教授和Kathy,故填Katherine (Flower)/Kathy and (Professor) Chen Lin。
49.根据“When he was interviewed in 2006, he talked about an amusing experience with China Daily to express his special love for it”可知,谈论到一次有意思的经历,所以amusing表示“有乐趣的;有意思的”,故填amusing。
50.根据“When he was interviewed in 2006, he talked about an amusing experience with China Daily to express his special love for it”可知,本文主要讲述了陈教授在《中国日报》的一次有趣经历,以表达自己对《中国日报》的特别喜爱,故填(Professor/Mr. ) Chen Lin and China Daily;(Professor/Mr.) Chen Lin’s (Special) Love for China Daily;(Professor/Mr.) Chen Lin loved China Daily。
51.doctors 52.planting trees 53.seem to do better 54.the healthy effects of trees 55.people walked slower
51.根据“Trees work as doctors and they keep us healthy.”可知树木起着医生的作用。故填doctors。
52.根据“These days, cities are planting trees not just in parks. They are also planting trees along streets in order to help clean the air.”可知城市在街道上植树,以帮助清洁空气。故填planting trees。
53.根据“People in hospitals seem to do better when they can see trees from their rooms.”可知医院里的人如果能从房间里看到树,情况似乎会好一些。故填seem to do better。
54.根据“Scientists have also studied the healthy effects (效果) of trees on our minds.”可知科学家们研究了树木对我们大脑的健康影响。故填the healthy effects of trees。
55.根据“After trees were planted on the street, people walked slower when going home.”可知在街上种了树后,人们回家时走得慢了。故填people walked slower。



