专题16 任务型阅读(阅读表达)--【真题荟萃】 2024年中考英语真题分类汇编(含解析)

专题16 任务型阅读(阅读表达)--【真题荟萃】 2024年中考英语真题分类汇编
Gui Haichao became the country’s first payload expert (载荷专家) in space and the first Chinese civilians (平民) to go on a space flight. He went into space in the Shenzhou-16 together with Jing Haipeng and Zhu Yangzhu. They set out for the space station from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in the Gobi Desert.
Gui’s interest in science started when he was a child. He read a lot about space from a set of books he had at home. After finishing his studies at Beihang University, Gui went to Canada to do research and wrote many papers. Since then, he had been working at Beihang University as a teacher. In 2018, China planned to choose its third group of astronauts. Gui was chosen and went through really hard training for his body and mind. He even had to learn how to deal with high G-force during his training. Gui and his team also went to the Badain Jaran Desert in northwest China to learn living skills. They had to collect water and repair their tools in very difficult situations. During the training, Gui’s shoes broke and he had to walk on the hot sand for two hours, which was very painful.
The Shenzhou-16 is the first crewed mission (载人任务) since China’s space station entered its application (应用) and development stage. Gui Haichao is a member of the team, and he did lots of research to help scientists learn more about space. “I’m sure we can finish the mission successfully,” he said.
1.Where was the Shenzhou-16 sent to the space station
2.What did Gui Haichao do in Canada
3.What was Gui Haichao before going on a space flight
4.What’s the purpose of the text
5.According to the text, how do you like Gui Haichao
Once a little weed (杂草) grew in a field. There were many tall and beautiful flowers around it. Lots of bees and butterflies came to them because of their nice smells and bright colours. The little weed wasn’t satisfied, because its flowers were tiny and simple.
One spring morning, three children came to play in the field. “Let’s pick some flowers for our grandma!” said one. “That’s a good idea!” said another. “She will love all these bright and beautiful flowers!”
“What about that one ” the youngest child said, pointing at the little weed. “Forget it!” laughed the oldest brother. “That’s just a useless weed!”
Hearing this, the little weed felt even worse. “Am I really useless ” it asked itself. “Why was I put on the Earth ”
In winter, all flowers were gone, only the little weed stood alone in the field. Just at that time, it noticed some birds coming above the field. “We are hungry!” they shouted. The little weed felt sorry for the poor birds and called out to them, “Hey! Down here! I have pods (豆荚) that you can eat!”
“You’re so kind!” The birds ate up the seeds (种子) in the pods thankfully. “They’re delicious. We can’t find anything better than what you gave us!”
This made the little weed pleased and confident. “At last, I have found out what I am good for!” the little weed said.
6.Why did lots of bees and butterflies come to the flowers (no more than 8 words)
7.Who did the three children pick the flowers for (no more than 2 words)
8.When did the little weed notice the birds come above the field (no more than 2 words)
9.Did the birds think the little weed was useful (no more than 3 words)
10.How did the little weed feel finally (no more than 3 words)
A talented young band, called Esinaba, became one of the top 10 winners at a national music competition this year. The band came from Aba Tibetan and Qiang autonomous prefecture (阿坝藏族羌族自治州), Sichuan. The band’s name means “azalea flower” in the Qiang language.
The band was formed in March last year. It is made up of six children, including lead singer Li Guoran, guitarist Zhang Ruixiang, and drummer (鼓手) Qiu Zixin, with an average (平均) age of 10.
“The original (起初的) idea of forming a band was to make music class interesting. Our goal is to make folk music popular so that this beautiful music can reach more people,” says Ha Xue, a music teacher at two local primary schools. She adds that one of the members in the band is Yu Meng xiaofeng, who plays a Qiang musical instrument made of sheepskin.
“We collected old songs of our ethnic group (民族). Many of them are not written. They are passed down by elders singing to their children,” says the teacher. “I worked with the children to turn the old songs into new pieces with modern instruments. We plan to hold a concert this year.”
11.What’s the name of the band
12.How many members are there in the band
13.Why did they form the band
14.What do they plan to do this year
15.What’s special about the band
If you have a chance to learn by yourself, what might you do Perhaps you choose to practice football skills; you would prefer to discuss something together; and you might just read. This is the most important thing of “unschooling”. It is also known as “natural learning” or “independent learning”. For this kind of educational practice, people think differently. Here are their comments (意见). Know MoreSchooling is education that children receive at school. Home schooling is the practice of educating that children learn at home with a parent or a tutor. Unschooling is an educational practice that allows children to decide how, what and where they want to learn.
AgreeIndependent learning teaches children to be responsible for themselves. With no teacher around, children must manage themselves, and this is a really important skill for later life. Unschooling allows children to learn what they are really interested in. If learning is enjoyable, it’s more successful. Very young children learn in a natural way. Without being taught, they know colors and voices, they learn smiling and walking. Why shouldn’t people continue to learn like this Unschooling gives children more time for sports, volunteering and museum or park visits. They may meet different people who share their interests. DisagreeUnschooling requires parents’ support and attention. They need to create a learning space that excites children and remind them of their daily routines. Teachers can push children to learn what they don’t enjoy but can be important later in life. Unschooling sounds too good to be true. It can be helpful when children are very young. But it puts too much pressure on children because they can learn difficult subjects easily only with teachers’ help. Unschooling happens at home, so children could have less contact with others at their age. This means they could end up becoming shy.
When deciding how you are going to learn, it’s necessary to think about which works. Choose what is suitable for you and what can have a positive influence on your growth.
16.What is the most important thing of unschooling
17.Whose support and attention do children need when they experience unschooling
18.How can children become successful in learning
19.Why are children under too much pressure from unschooling
20.If possible, what kind of educational practice would you like to choose Why
(2024·安徽·中考真题)My family has always had family dinners, as far as I can remember. Since I was a little boy, my mother has insisted (坚持) that we attend family dinners at least once a week. Every Sunday, my mother would prepare a lot of food and bring it to my grandma’s house. We would wait for more family members to come before eating together at the table, my grandma’s dinner table.
I used to feel that was a silly little tradition. But now I find it’s fantastic to get together as a family to talk about anything and everything after a long week of school and work. Every time I sit at the dinner table, my grandma’s dinner table, I look around and find so many people who truly love me. It’s a love that feels so good. For me, dinner is not just a meal, but a chance to reconnect with each other.
I finally realize the true meaning of this tradition. It’s not about the dinners or activities. It’s about family, a group of people who care about each other. All the memories (记忆) around my grandma’s dinner table will last forever.
Now, I’m always expecting Sunday to arrive.
21.How often do the writer’s family members get together for dinner (不超过5个词)
22.What does dinner mean to the writer (不超过10个词)
23.Why is “my grandma’s dinner table” mentioned several times in the text (不超过10个词)
In his lovely piece of writing “Why Write ”, the writer Paul Auster shares a story about growing up as an eight-year-old in New York City. He was crazy about baseball, especially the New York Giants. The only thing he remembers about attending his first major league baseball game is that he saw his hero Willie Mays after the game. The young Auster gathered his courage and went close to his hero. “Mr. Mays,” he said, “could I please have your autograph (签名) ”
“Sure, kid, sure,” Mays replied kindly. “Have you got a pencil ”
Auster didn’t have a pencil on him, neither did his father or his mother or anyone else in his group.
Mays waited patiently, but when it became clear that no one present had anything to write with, he said, “Sorry, kid. We’ve got no pencil. I can’t give you my autograph.”
From that day on, Auster made it a habit to never leave the house without a pencil in his pocket. “It’s not that I had any special plans for that pencil,” Auster writes, “but I didn’t want to be unprepared. I had been caught empty-handed once, and I wasn’t about to let it happen again. The years have taught me this: If there’s a pencil in your pocket, there’s a good chance that one day you’ll feel like starting to use it. That’s how I became a writer.”
What is your pencil What is so important that without it you feel unprepared I know some cartoonists always carry pen and paper and some photographers always have a camera in their pockets. They are always prepared.
Pick your “pencil” and don’t leave home without it.
24.To get Willie Mays’ autograph, what did Auster need
25.What habit did Auster form after that day
26.What do you think of Auster’s habit Why do you think so
(2024·江苏扬州·中考真题)阅读短文,回答下面5个问题,将答案写在答题卡标有题号的横线上。(每题答案不超过10 个词)
A total of 23 spotted seals (斑海豹) were put back into the waters off the coast of Dalian in Northeast China’s Liaoning Province on Tuesday, Dec. 12, 2023 as part of China’s continuous efforts to protect endangered wildlife.
The seals were hunted and sold, but have now been saved and marked for future protection. A fishery law enforcement ship arrived at the sea area near Dalian in the morning, carrying the spotted seals. The seals were let go free one by one into the sea. They swam freely in the water, returning to their natural home.
Spotted seals are nationally protected animals in China. They are the only kind of seals that can breed (繁殖) in Chinese waters. Like migratory (迁徙的) birds, they appear around October every year in Liaodong Bay, and take the long journey back to the Northwest Pacific in May after breeding. They are often considered as the “panda of the sea”.
Thanks to China’s top-class national protection in recent years, the population of spotted seals in Chinese waters has reached around 2,000, while the global population is between 400,000 and 600,000. Studies have shown that these 2,000 spotted seals are of great importance for the study and research on spotted seals.
To protect this rare animal and its ecological environment, the Liaoning Dalian Spotted Seal Wetlands were set up in 1992. In January 2002, they were included in the List of Wetlands of International Importance. Covering an area of 560,000 hectares with a coastline of about 370 kilometers, the wetlands are rich in biological resources. They have become home to nationally protected animals such as the spotted seal, finless porpoise, killer whales, false killer whales, common dolphins, bottlenose dolphins, and East Asian river dolphins.
Since 1992, researchers in Dalian have successfully saved 388 spotted seals and put 299 of them back into the wild.
27.Where were the 23 spotted seals put back into the sea
28.What is the other name of the spotted seal
29.With China’s protection, what has happened to the spotted seals in Chinese waters
30.What does the underlined word “they” in paragraph 5 refer to (指的是)
31.As a student, what can you do to protect wildlife
From September to February each year, Dazhong Mountain in Chuxiong, Yunnan is home to more than 50,000,000 migratory birds (候鸟). People used to call the mountain Daqueshan, which means bird-hunting mountain.
The villagers used to hunt birds on the mountain. Then one year, they couldn’t hear birds singing. People started to worry if migratory birds would return again. In 1984, the Hongtupo Forest Police Station was set up. The officers worked on the mountain, trying to find migratory birds and stop people from hunting them. The job was really difficult. They might lose their way or meet dangerous animals.
The officers also tried to tell villagers the importance of protecting birds and other wild animals. They visited the villagers door to door and helped them with farm work. They even organized activities in schools to get their messages across to children. Now, even children know that birds are to be loved.
The mountain is greener, the water is clearer, and more and more animals come to live here. It has become a bird-protecting mountain. Many people have opened bed-and-breakfasts (民宿) for birdwatchers.
“The village has changed a lot, and we don’t hunt birds anymore,” people say. Since people have stopped hunting, the police station now mainly works to save injured (受伤的) wildlife.
32.How many migratory birds live on Dazhong Mountain from September to February
33.What did the villagers on Dazhong Mountain use to do
34.What danger might the officers face on the mountain
35.Do the villagers know that birds are to be loved now
36.What is the theme of this passage
Liang Qichao educated his own children well. He set a good example for them and often communicated with them. If there were a talk across time and space, he would advise middle school students like this. Don’t be afraid of the difficulties in life. Never stop learning. You’ll get good results sooner or later. No matter where you go in the world, don’t forget your motherland. You have many chances and can go after your personal dreams anywhere, but you should always keep your homeland in your heart.
It took Qian Xuesen five years to finally return to China from America and ten years to complete the rocket project. Mr. Qian put all his life into the endless outer space as the leader of China’s “Two Bombs and One Satellite” Project. He is known as the “father of China’s space program” and “king of rocket”. Qian Xuesen was so great a scientist, but he never stopped his research. He believed that there was no end to the exploration (探索) of science and truth, and said, “Nothing is final!”
When Yuan Longping was young, he saw lots of Chinese people starving (挨饿). To make sure everyone had enough to eat, he worked in the fields for many years doing experiments. He didn’t stop even when others told him he was wasting his time. Because of his research, China’s rice yields (产量) increased greatly. When hunger was no longer a problem in China, Mr. Yuan still spent all his time out in the experimental fields so that people could live a better life.
37.Did Liang Qichao educate his own children well
38.How long did it take Qian Xuesen to finally return to China from America
39.What qualities (品质) do the three great people have in common (共有的)
40.As there are different situations in real life, do you agree that nothing is final Please explain.
In the past years, it is always believed that robots cannot think like humans. In recent years, with the development of the technology, it seems not difficult for robots to think like us. Some people are worried that might happen in the future.
Where is the robot technology heading (朝向) Can robots and humans work together
Yes—they’re here to help humans Robots were created by humans. Robots do jobs that are too dangerous for people to do by themselves. Although robots might take some people’s jobs, they will create new types of work, and they will probably create more jobs than those they take away. Besides, robots’ programme could actually make them more trustworthy (值得信任的) than humans, because they are not influenced by feelings.
No—humans should not trust robots Robots are nearly controlling the world. Jobs that used to be done by humans are now being taken by robots. Although robots are under our control now, that might not always keep the same. An experiment (实验) found that some robots had learned how to lie (说谎) to each other. With the development of AI (人工智能), robots could start to act in their own interests.
41.Is it difficult for robots to think like humans recently
42.Who created robots
43.Why are robots actually more trustworthy than humans
44.Can robots lie to each other according to the experiment
45.What will happen with the development of AI
Nowadays, more and more service robots have become a part of people’s daily life. According to a recent report, the average annual (年均的) growth of the Chinese robotics industry (机器人行业) over the past five years has reached 22 percent.
Many Chinese companies have made robotic dogs. For example, one company in Hangzhou made a robotic dog and it could carry 3 kilograms of things and it could serve as a running partner for its owner. In 2021, a company also made a robot that was able to “see” and “sense” its environment with face and body recognition (识别) technology. The robot could follow its owner and avoid obstacles (障碍) automatically (自动地).
Robots are now helping people in many ways. They are widely used in houses, acting as people’s personal helpers, such as robot cleaners and cooking robots.
In education, robots are used as great teachers and coaches. Recently, a board game robot was used in Guangzhou. Besides teaching students to play Chinese chess, it could also tell the culture and rules of the game.
Robots are also used in elderly (年长的) care. Some products that could improve old people’s self-care have already been in use on the market.
Now, service robots are made to offer more convenient and intelligent services. Our life will be different with the help of these robots in the future. Do you think so
46.What percent has the average annual growth of the Chinese robotics industry reached over the past five years
47.Is there a robot that can “see” and “sense” its environment
48.According to Paragraph 3, what can robots do in houses as people’s personal helpers
49.In which ways can robots be used according to the passage
50.What do you think of service robots
Li Huanying(李桓英) was honored as “The most beautiful female striver(最美巾帼奋斗者)” in 2022. She is a famous expert on leprosy prevention(麻风病预防) and control in the world.
Li was born on August 17, 1921 in Beijing. She graduated from School of Medicine, Tongji University in 1945. Later, Li became one of the first officials of the World Health Organization(WHO) in 1950. She was sent to many areas in Asia and America to control the spread of infectious diseases(传染病). There she saw many countries troubled by diseases during her seven years of service. When Li was 37, she decided to return to China because she felt she was greatly needed by her country.
Leprosy is one of the most ancient infectious diseases in human history. There was no proper way to cure it. So Li started the medical projects about leprosy in China. She had been traveling a lot for years. She left her footsteps wherever leprosy patients were in Yunnan, Guizhou and Sichuan.
Thanks to her efforts, Li shortened the course of treatment(治疗) for leprosy patients to two years. And she cut down the number of leprosy patients from 110,000 to less than 10,000. Li’s treatment method was spread worldwide in 1994. In 2016, Li received a lifelong achievement award(奖项) for leprosy prevention and control in China.
Today, Li Huanying still cares about leprosy prevention and treatment. “The disease should be stopped in our generation,” she said.
51.When did Li Huanying start to work in the WHO
52.Why did Li Huanying come back to China when she was 37
53.Where did Li Huanying treat the leprosy patients
54.Did Li Huanying’s efforts of treatment for leprosy patients work out fine
55.What award did Li Huanying receive for leprosy prevention and control in 2016
(2023·江苏盐城·中考真题)Imagine you are walking through deep snow. As you walk, you leave footprints where you’ve been. That’s what happens when using technology, such as computers, mobile phones and tablets. You leave your digital footprint and it will never disappear.
Here are reasons why your digital footprint should matter to you.
How people see you
Of course, you have nothing to hide, but if people get information about you, they might judge you from the information you have left online. For example, you make a bad joke online. Years later, it’s found by the university you are applying to, and they don’t think it’s funny. Maybe they decide you are not the “right” kind of person for them,
Your private information
Not everything can be shared with everyone. For example, you might share your school reports with your parents, but keep them secret to your e-friends. If you share them on the Internet, they will not be a secret anymore. Therefore, to protect your privacy(隐私), remember to put out less information online.
Keeping your money safe
There are plenty of people looking at information about you, and some of them want to steal from you. So you shouldn’t write bank details, card numbers or passwords in emails or text messages.
Overall, the message is: No one can go online without leaving his digital footprint—but with care, you can control it.
56.When do you leave digital footprint
57.How many reasons are mentioned in the passage
58.What should you do to protect your privacy
59.What shouldn’t be written in emails or text messages
60.How can you go online safely
To respect your decisions is a simple and powerful quality of a person but it’s seldom used. Few people fully respect all his or her decisions, making decisions without really considering whether those decisions are really needed, whether they are correct, or even whether they are possible to complete. Imagine how you will feel if you are able to respect your decisions. You will be determined (坚定的), more creative, more satisfied, and so on.
Although many methods could be written about how to respect your decisions and carry them out, the simplest way to start is by deciding to decide and deciding to respect the decisions you make! Yes, it’s as simple as that.
Before making a decision, it is a good idea to notice how you feel about what you are considering. Do you feel easy and relaxed about what you are thinking to do If you decide to do something that doesn’t agree with your inner feelings, you will certainly find it difficult to complete the task that you’ve decided to do. In fact you may not even start it! By making sure that the decision agrees with your values first, you should have no difficulties carrying it out.
Respecting your decisions is respecting yourself. If you seldom do what you say, then other people will not trust you, nor will you trust yourself. Very quickly these make you tired, slow and lazy. At this point nearly everything seems like hand work.
To respect your decisions is a great quality to have. By giving importance to your time and energy, you will be able to make wise decisions. You will be known as someone who does what they say they will do. You will be highly respected. You will have a powerful and clear mind. You’ll have one of the greatest attributes (特质) needed for success.
61.What will you be like if you respect your own decisions according to Paragraph 1
62.What should you do before making a decision according to Paragraph 3
63.Why do others no longer trust you according to Paragraph 4
64.How could you make wise decisions according to the last paragraph
65.Give a proper title to the passage.
The earliest form of writing appeared about 5, 500 years ago. In the past, hand writing was an important subject in school. Now, many students sometimes do homework on a computer and turn in their tasks online.
Many people think typing (打字) is quick and easy to read, while writing by hand may take longer than typing. But others say writing with a pen and paper is more valuable. Writing by hand has big advantages. Research shows that when we write down ideas with a pen or pencil, we make the brain active to help us learn, remember and think. Writing by hand lets people show their creativity. No two people have the same handwriting. Writing by hand can also help people concentrate. When using a computer, people can go online or play computer games easily.
Handwriting may be pretty, however, people can get their ideas and thoughts down more quickly when they type. Typing can also make it easier for people to change. Once something is written by hand, you can’t delete it. If you want to make a change, you have to write it all over again. What’s more, some people’s handwriting may be hard to read. Typing makes everything clear, and no one will have to worry about their words being clear enough.
66.When did people begin to write
67.How is the brain when we write by hand
68.What’s the main idea of Paragraph 2
69.How many advantages of typing are mentioned in Paragraph 3
70.If you need to write a report, will you type or handwrite it Why (Give 2 reasons. )
Humans share the Earth with all kinds of wildlife and have lived in peace with them for thousands of years.
Many of our animal friends may not be around for much longer, however, and many of them are in great danger. According to a study, the populations of animals including mammals (哺乳动物), birds and fish have fallen by an average of 60 percent since 1970. What’s worse, a study in 2014 found that species (物种) are dying out 1,000 times faster than normal.
Sadly, it is because of humans that animals are in this situation now. By increasing human development, we may end up seriously harming the environment on which animals live and depend. Human development has caused pollution in oceans and three quarters of the world’s land to be affected (影响). The balance between animals and their ecosystems has been greatly harmed by humans.
Luckily, many people have realized that our action in fact does harm to animals, risking our own lives as a result, so effective steps have been quickly taken to save both these endangered animals as well as ourselves. The World Wildlife Fund has called on governments and businesses to protect nature. In China, many natural reserves (保护区) have been built up and harmful behavior such as selling rhino horns (犀牛角), tiger bones and ivory has been banned (禁止).
People have been taking steps in the right direction, which is encouraging news. The numbers of many animals have increased. The protection of animals still has a long way to go. In the end, to protect animals is to protect ourselves, and we should spare no effort toward living in harmony (和谐) with nature.
71.What do humans share with wildlife according to the passage
72.In paragraph 2, how many studies are mentioned about the danger wildlife is in
73.Who is responsible for the current (目前的) situation
74.What has China done to save the endangered wildlife
75.What is the writer’s purpose of writing the passage
Matt, a seven-year-old boy, was interested after seeing the wooden box on the sidewalk. His friend Lisa told him that it was called “Little Library”. People built boxes and put books in them. Other people would take books to read and add books they had already read.
The idea excited Matt and he decided to make his own so that kids could trade books. But Lisa worried that kids might not see it. Matt wanted to have a try, anyway. Lisa agreed and went for tools, while Matt ran to collect books.
With the help of Matt’s father, they built a wooden box. They put a door on it and placed their small library in front of the yard. Matt put two books in the box and said, “Now I just have to wait.”
Matt ran out three times that day to check. But each time, his books were untouched. The next days, Matt kept checking the box, but his books were still there.
“No kids saw it, and no one wants to trade books,” Matt said in a low voice.
The next two days, Matt gave up checking the box. Lisa noticed his low spirits and encouraged him to take a look in case someone decided to trade.
They went to the box and Lisa opened the small door. There lied two new books and Matt’s books were gone! There was a card in the box, too. “Dear friend, thanks for your books, and I hope you like mine,” it said.
76.Who was Lisa
77.What did Matt do when Lisa went for tools
78.Where did Matt put his wooden box
79.How did Matt feel when he found that no one noticed his box
80.Some kids think “Little Library” is a great idea. Do you agree with them Write down one of your reasons.
On May 15, 2023, a 16-year-old girl from Changsha, Hunan province made new history. Xu Zhuoyuan became the youngest Chinese girl to succeed in reaching the top of Mount Qomolangma. What makes it more meaningful is that the year 2023 marks the 70th anniversary (周年) of the first human being achieving the impossible dream.
Mountain climbing is one of the world’s most dangerous sports, and one of the most popular places for this is Mount Qomolangma. It is about 8, 848. 86 meters high and so is very dangerous to climb. Thick clouds, heavy snowstorms and freezing weather conditions make the climbing more difficult. However, these difficulties didn’t scare Xu away. She wanted to challenge herself. She has been training hard to make her dream come true.
On April 15, she left Changsha for Nepal (尼泊尔). On April 28, she arrived at the base camp and made preparations for the huge task. At 10 p. m. Beijing time on May 14, Xu began her journey from Camp 4. The climbing was very hard, and it took her 10 hours to reach the top.
Although she is quite young, Xu has already climbed five mountains over 5, 000 meters in China. When she was 12 years old, she said on Hunan TV, “I will climb Qomolangma.” Four years later, she kept her promise. Her spirit shows us that we should challenge ourselves in the face of difficulties. It also shows that we should never give up trying to achieve our dreams.
81.When did Xu reach the top of Mount Qomolangma
82.What is one of the world’s most dangerous sports according to the text
83.Did the difficulties scare Xu away
84.How many hours did it take Xu to reach the top from Camp 4
85.What can we learn from Xu
1.From/In the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center (in the Gobi Desert). 2.He/Gui (Haichao) went to Canada to do research and wrote many papers. 3.A teacher (at Beihang University). 4.To introduce a person/Gui Haichao. 5.Hard-working/Great/Excellent.
1.根据“They set out for the space station from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in the Gobi Desert.”可知他们从位于戈壁沙漠的酒泉卫星发射中心出发前往空间站。故填From/In the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center (in the Gobi Desert).
2.根据“After finishing his studies at Beihang University, Gui went to Canada to do research and wrote many papers. ”可知桂海潮在北京航空航天大学完成学业后,他去加拿大做研究,并写了许多论文。故填He/Gui (Haichao) went to Canada to do research and wrote many papers.
3.根据“Since then, he had been working at Beihang University as a teacher. In 2018, China planned to choose its third group of astronauts.”可知桂海潮在北京航空航天大学当老师。故填A teacher (at Beihang University).
4.本文主要介绍了神舟十六号航天员桂海潮。故填To introduce a person/Gui Haichao.
6.Because of their nice smells and bright colours. 7.Their grandma. 8.In winter. 9.Yes, they did./Yes. 10.Pleased and confident.
6.根据“Lots of bees and butterflies came to them because of their nice smells and bright colours”可知许多蜜蜂和蝴蝶因为它们的好闻和鲜艳的颜色而向它们飞来。故填Because of their nice smells and bright colours.
7.根据“Let’s pick some flowers for our grandma”可知他们是为他们的奶奶摘花。故填Their grandma.
8.根据“In winter, all flowers were gone, only the little weed stood alone in the field. Just at that time, it noticed some birds coming above the field”可知在冬天,它注意到一些鸟从田野上方飞来。故填In winter.
9.根据“They’re delicious. We can’t find anything better than what you gave us”可知鸟把杂草的豆荚吃了,认为它们很美味,所以鸟认为杂草很有用。故填Yes, they did./Yes.
10.根据“This made the little weed pleased and confident.”可知它感到高兴和自信。故填Pleased and confident.
11.Esinaba. 12.Six. 13.To make music class interesting./To make folk music popular. 14.Hold a concert. 15.It makes folk music popular.
11.根据“A talented young band, called Esinaba”可知乐队的名字是Esinaba。故填Esinaba.
12.根据“It is made up of six children”可知乐队里有六个孩子。故填Six.
13.根据“The original (起初的) idea of forming a band was to make music class interesting. Our goal is to make folk music popular”可知组建乐队的最初想法是让音乐课变得有趣,目标是让民间音乐流行起来。故填To make music class interesting./To make folk music popular.
14.根据“We plan to hold a concert this year”可知他们计划今年举办一个音乐会。故填Hold a concert.
15.开放性试题,合理即可。根据“Our goal is to make folk music popular so that this beautiful music can reach more people”可知这个乐队让民间音乐流行起来。故填It makes folk music popular.
16.It allows children to decide how, what and where they want to learn. 17.(They need their) parents’ support and attention. 18.By learning what they are really interested in./They can learn what they are really interested in. 19.Because they can’t learn difficult subjects easily without teachers’ help./Because they can learn difficult subjects easily only with teachers’ help. 20.示例一:Schooling. Because school teaches the importance of timekeeping and discipline, which prepares me for future life and work./Because it provides me with chances to have contact with other children of my age./Because at school, teachers can push me to learn what I don’t enjoy but can be important later in life.
示例二:Unschooling. Because it may take me out of the stress from the competition with other students at school./Because I need to be responsible for myself, which helps develop my independence./Because it gives me more time for sports, volunteering and museum or park visits.
示例三:Home schooling. Because it makes it possible for me to learn at my own pace.
16.根据“Unschooling is an educational practice that allows children to decide how, what and where they want to learn.”可知,非学校教育最重要的事情是允许孩子们自主决定他们想要学习的方式、内容和地点。故填It allows children to decide how, what and where they want to learn.
17.根据“Unschooling requires parents’ support and attention.”可知,孩子们在进行非学校教育时,最需要他们父母的支持和关注。故填(They need their) parents’ support and attention.
18.根据“Unschooling allows children to learn what they are really interested in. If learning is enjoyable, it’s more successful.”可知,孩子们通过学习自己真正感兴趣的内容,会变得更成功。故填By learning what they are really interested in./They can learn what they are really interested in.
19.根据“But it puts too much pressure on children because they can learn difficult subjects easily only with teachers’ help.”可知,因为孩子们只有在老师的帮助下才能轻松地学习困难的科目,所以非学校教育的模式会给孩子们带来太多的压力。故填Because they can’t learn difficult subjects easily without teachers’ help./Because they can learn difficult subjects easily only with teachers’ help.
20.本题是一道开放性试题,从学校教育、家庭教育以及非学校教育三种不同的教育方式中任选其一即可,并给出合理的理由。参考答案为:Schooling. Because school teaches the importance of timekeeping and discipline, which prepares me for future life and work./Because it provides me with chances to have contact with other children of my age./Because at school, teachers can push me to learn what I don’t enjoy but can be important later in life. / Unschooling. Because it may take me out of the stress from the competition with other students at school./Because I need to be responsible for myself, which helps develop my independence./Because it gives me more time for sports, volunteering and museum or park visits. / Home schooling. Because it makes it possible for me to learn at my own pace.
21.At least once a week./Every Sunday. 22.It is a chance to reconnect with each other. 23.Because it is the place full of family love.
21.根据“Since I was a little boy, my mother has insisted (坚持) that we attend family dinners at least once a week. Every Sunday, my mother would prepare a lot of food and bring it to my grandma’s house.”可知,作者一家每周至少一次/每个星期天家庭聚餐。故填At least once a week./Every Sunday.
22.根据“For me, dinner is not just a meal, but a chance to reconnect with each other.”可知,对作者来说,家庭聚餐是一个与家人互相重新建立联系的机会。故填It is a chance to reconnect with each other.
23.通读全文可知,文章多次提到“祖母的餐桌”,是因为家人们每周至少一次的家庭聚餐就是在祖母家,在祖母家的餐桌上,这是一个承载着家人们关爱的地方。故填Because it is the place full of family love.
24.A pencil. 25.He made it a habit to never leave his house without a pencil in his pocket. 26.I think it’s helpful/it’s a good idea. Because this habit helps him get prepared/become a writer.(言之有理即可)
【导语】本文介绍了Paul Auster小时候因为没带铅笔,没能得到最喜欢的棒球运动员的签名,从此之后养成了出门带铅笔的习惯,最后成为了一名作家。
24.根据“‘Sure, kid, sure,’ Mays replied kindly. ‘Have you got a pencil ’”可知,为了得到Willie Mays的签名,Auster需要一支铅笔。故填A pencil.
25.根据“From that day on, Auster made it a habit to never leave the house without a pencil in his pocket.”可知,那天之后,Auster养成了口袋里不带铅笔绝不出门的习惯。故填He made it a habit to never leave his house without a pencil in his pocket.
26.开放性试题,答案不唯一,言之有理即可。参考答案为I think it’s helpful/it’s a good idea. Because this habit helps him get prepared/become a writer.
27.Off the coast of Dalian in Northeast China’s Liaoning Province. 28. Panda of the sea. 29.The population of spotted seals in Chinese waters has reached around 2,000. 30.The Liaoning Dalian Spotted Seal Wetlands. 31.We can join the local activities and raise money for groups to protect wildlife.
27.根据“A total of 23 spotted seals (斑海豹) were put back into the waters off the coast of Dalian in Northeast China’s Liaoning Province”可知共有23只斑海豹被放回中国东北辽宁省大连市沿海水域。故填Off the coast of Dalian in Northeast China’s Liaoning Province.
28.根据“They are often considered as the ‘panda of the sea’”可知它们被称为“海洋中的熊猫”。故填Panda of the sea.
29.根据“Thanks to China’s top-class national protection in recent years, the population of spotted seals in Chinese waters has reached around 2,000”可知近年来,由于中国的国家一级保护,中国水域的斑海豹数量已达2000只左右。故填The population of spotted seals in Chinese waters has reached around 2,000.
30.根据“the Liaoning Dalian Spotted Seal Wetlands were set up in 1992. In January 2002, they were included in the List of Wetlands of International Importance”可知其生态环境,辽宁大连斑海豹湿地于1992年建立,2002年1月,它们被列入《国际重要湿地名录》,故此处they指代“辽宁大连斑海豹湿地”。故填The Liaoning Dalian Spotted Seal Wetlands.
31.开放性试题,言之有理即可。参考答案为We can join the local activities and raise money for groups to protect wildlife.
32.More than 50,000,000. 33.They used to hunt birds on Dazhong Mountain. 34.They might lose their way or meet dangerous animals. 35.Yes, they do. 36.Environmental protection.
32.根据“From September to February each year, Dazhong Mountain in Chuxiong, Yunnan is home to more than 50,000,000 migratory birds (候鸟).”可知,每年9月至2月,有5000多万只候鸟居住在大中山。故填More than 50,000,000.
33.根据“The villagers used to hunt birds on the mountain.”可知,大中山附近的村民过去常常猎杀鸟类。故填They used to hunt birds on Dazhong Mountain.
34.根据“They might lose their way or meet dangerous animals.”可知,他们在山上可能会迷路或者遇到危险的动物。故填They might lose their way or meet dangerous animals.
35.根据“Now, even children know that birds are to be loved.”可知,现在村民们知道鸟儿是值得被爱的。故填Yes, they do.
36.通读全文可知,文章主要介绍了位于云南楚雄的大中山在环境保护方面发生的变化,村民由过去的猎杀鸟类到现在的保护鸟类,体现了环境保护意识的提高,故文章的主题是:环境保护。故填Environmental protection.
37.Yes./Yes, he did. 38.5 years./Five years. 39.The spirit of never giving up when facing difficulties and the love for our country/China. 40.Nothing is final. We should always keep trying and never give up in the face of difficulty. As long as we treat them as challenges in life, we can finally overcome them and improve ourselves. (言之成理即可)
37.根据“Liang Qichao educated his own children well.”可知,梁启超把自己的孩子教育得很好,故填Yes./Yes, he did.
38.根据“It took Qian Xuesen five years to finally return to China from America”可知,钱学森花了5年时间才从美国回到中国,故填5 years./Five years.
39.根据“Don’t be afraid of the difficulties in life. ... but you should always keep your homeland in your heart”,“It took Qian Xuesen five years to finally return to China from America and ten years to complete the rocket project.”和“ To make sure everyone had enough to eat, he worked in the fields for many years doing experiments. ... When hunger was no longer a problem in China, Mr. Yuan still spent all his time out in the experimental fields so that people could live a better life.”可知,三位伟人都面对困难永不放弃,并且深深地热爱我们的祖国。故填The spirit of never giving up when facing difficulties and the love for our country/China.
40.本题属于开放性试题,言之有理即可,参考答案:Nothing is final. We should always keep trying and never give up in the face of difficulty. As long as we treat them as challenges in life, we can finally overcome them and improve ourselves.
41.No, it isn’t. 42.Humans. 43.Because they are not influenced by feelings. 44.Yes, they can. 45.Robots could start to act in their own interests.
41.根据“it seems not difficult for robots to think like us”可知机器人像我们一样思考似乎并不困难。故填No, it isn’t.
42.根据“Robots were created by humans”可知人类创造了机器人。故填Humans.
43.根据“Besides, robots’ programme could actually make them more trustworthy (值得信任的) than humans, because they are not influenced by feelings.”可知机器人的程序实际上可以让它们比人类更值得信赖,因为它们不受感情的影响。故填Because they are not influenced by feelings.
44.根据“An experiment (实验) found that some robots had learned how to lie (说谎) to each other”可知一项实验发现,一些机器人学会了如何互相撒谎。故填Yes, they can.
45.根据“With the development of AI (人工智能), robots could start to act in their own interests.”可知随着人工智能的发展,机器人可以开始为自己的利益行事。故填Robots could start to act in their own interests.
46.It has reached 22 percent. 47.Yes, there is. 48.Do some cleaning and cooking. 49.They are widely used in houses, education, games, elderly care and so on. 50.They are more convenient and intelligent.
46.根据“the average annual (年均的) growth of the Chinese robotics industry (机器人行业) over the past five years has reached 22 percent.”可知中国机器人行业在过去五年中的年均增长率达到了22%。故填It has reached 22 percent.
47.根据“In 2021, a company also made a robot that was able to ‘see’ and ‘sense’ its environment with face and body recognition (识别) technology”可知2021年,一家公司还制造了一款能够通过人脸和身体识别技术“看到”和“感知”环境的机器人,此处作肯定回答。故填Yes, there is.
48.根据“Robots are now helping people in many ways. They are widely used in houses, acting as people’s personal helpers, such as robot cleaners and cooking robots.”可知机器人充当人们的私人助手,如清洁和烹饪。故填Do some cleaning and cooking.
49.根据“Robots are now helping people in many ways. They are widely used in houses”“In education, robots are used as great teachers and coaches”“it could also tell the culture and rules of the game.”“Robots are also used in elderly (年长的) care”可知服务机器人可以用于房屋、教育、游戏、养老等领域。故填They are widely used in houses, education, games, elderly care and so on.
50.根据“Now, service robots are made to offer more convenient and intelligent services”可知服务机器人可以提供更方便、更智能的服务。故填They are more convenient and intelligent.
51.In 1950. 52.Because she felt she greatly needed by her country. 53.In Yunnan, Guizhou and Sichuan. 54.Yes. 55.She received a lifelong achievement award for leprosy prevention and control in China.
51.根据“Li became one of the first officials of the World Health Organization(WHO) in 1950”可知,李恒英在1950年成为世界卫生组织(WHO)首批官员之一,故填In 1950.
52.根据“When Li was 37, she decided to return to China because she felt she was greatly needed by her country.”可知,当李桓英37岁的时候,她决定回国,因为她觉得她的国家非常需要她。故填Because she felt she greatly needed by her country.
53.根据“She left her footsteps wherever leprosy patients were in Yunnan, Guizhou and Sichuan.”可知,在云南、贵州、四川,麻风病患者所到之处,她都留下了自己的足迹。故填In Yunnan, Guizhou and Sichuan.
54.根据“Thanks to her efforts, Li shortened the course of treatment(治疗) for leprosy patients to two years. And she cut down the number of leprosy patients from 110,000 to less than 10,000. Li’s treatment method was spread worldwide in 1994.”可知,在她的努力下,李医生将麻风病患者的疗程缩短到了两年。她将麻风病患者的数量从11万减少到不到1万。李的治疗方法于1994年在世界范围内推广。所以李桓英治疗麻风病的努力奏效了,故填Yes.
55.根据“In 2016, Li received a lifelong achievement award(奖项) for leprosy prevention and control in China.”可知,2016年,李获得了中国麻风病防治终身成就奖。故填She received a lifelong achievement award for leprosy prevention and control in China.
56.When using technology. 57.Three. 58.Put out less information online. 59.Bank details, card numbers or passwords. 60.Never leave digital footprints.
56.根据“That’s what happens when using technology, such as computers, mobile phones and tablets. You leave your digital footprint and it will never disappear.”可知,使用高科技时,会留下数字脚印,故填When using technology.
57.根据“How people see you”“Your private information”以及“Keeping your money safe”可知,提到了三点原因,故填Three.
58.根据“Therefore, to protect your privacy(隐私), remember to put out less information online.”可知,为了保护你的隐私,少在网上发布信息,故填Put out less information online.
59.根据“So you shouldn’t write bank details, card numbers or passwords in emails or text messages.”可知,不应该在电子邮件或短信中写下银行详细信息、卡号或密码,故填Bank details, card numbers or passwords.
60.根据“No one can go online without leaving his digital footprint—but with care, you can control it.”可知,要想安全地上网,就不要留下数字脚印,故填Never leave digital footprints.
61.I will be determined, more creative, more satisfied, and so on. 62.I should notice how I feel about what I am considering. 63.Because I seldom do what I say. 64.By giving importance to my time and energy. 65.To respect your decisions.
61.根据“Imagine how you will feel if you are able to respect your decisions. You will be determined (坚定的), more creative, more satisfied, and so on.”可知会更坚定、更有创造力、更满意等等。故填I will be determined, more creative, more satisfied, and so on.
62.根据“Before making a decision, it is a good idea to notice how you feel about what you are considering.”可知在做出决定之前,最好注意一下你对自己正在考虑的事情的感受。故填I should notice how I feel about what I am considering.
63.根据“If you seldom do what you say, then other people will not trust you, nor will you trust yourself”可知如果你很少说到做到,那么别人不会信任你。故填Because I seldom do what I say.
64.根据“By giving importance to your time and energy, you will be able to make wise decisions.”可知通过重视你的时间和精力,你将能够做出明智的决定。故填By giving importance to my time and energy.
65.本文主要介绍了要尊重自己的决定,这样会变得更坚定、更有创造力、更满意,故文章可以“To respect your decisions”为标题。故填To respect your decisions.
66.About 5, 500 years ago. 67.It’s active. 68.Some different opinions about typing. 69.Three. 70.I will type it. Because it is very fast and it is easy to correct my mistakes.
66.根据“The earliest form of writing appeared about 5, 500 years ago”可知最早的书写形式出现在大约5500年前。故填About 5, 500 years ago.
67.根据“Research shows that when we write down ideas with a pen or pencil, we make the brain active to help us learn”可知当我们写字时,我们的大脑是活跃的。故填It’s active.
68.根据“Many people think typing (打字) is quick and easy to read, while writing by hand may take longer than typing...”可知本文主要讲述了人们对于打字有不同的观点。故填Some different opinions about typing.
69.根据“people can get their ideas and thoughts down more quickly when they type. Typing can also make it easier for people to change”可知人们在打字时可以更快地记下自己的想法和想法,打字也可以让人们更容易改变;根据“Typing makes everything clear, and no one will have to worry about their words being clear enough.”可知打字可以让一切变得清晰,没有人会担心自己的单词足够清晰。故一共三个优势。故填Three.
70.开放性试题,言之有理即可。故填I will type it. Because it is very fast and it is easy to correct my mistakes.
71.Sharing the Earth. 72.Two. 73.Humans. 74.In China, many natural reserves have been built up and harmful behavior such as selling rhino horns, tiger bones and ivory has been banned. 75.To tell/call on people to protect animals and live in harmony with nature.
71.根据“Humans share the Earth with all kinds of wildlife”可知人类与各种野生动物共享地球。故填Sharing the Earth.
72.根据“According to a study...What’s worse, a study in 2014”可知此处提到了两个研究。故填Two.
73.根据“Sadly, it is because of humans that animals are in this situation now”可知正是因为人类,动物现在才处于这种境地。故填Humans.
74.根据“In China, many natural reserves (保护区) have been built up and harmful behavior such as selling rhino horns (犀牛角), tiger bones and ivory has been banned (禁止).”可知在中国,已经建立了许多自然保护区,并禁止出售犀牛角、虎骨和象牙等有害行为。故填In China, many natural reserves have been built up and harmful behavior such as selling rhino horns, tiger bones and ivory has been banned.
75.通读全文可知,本文主要介绍了人类的活动造成了野生动物的数量在减少,作者号召人们保护动物,与自然和谐相处。故填To tell/call on people to protect animals and live in harmony with nature.
76.Matt’s friend./Lisa (She) was Matt’s friend./A friend of Matt’s. 77.Matt (He) collected books./Matt (He) collected books when Lisa went for tool./Matt (He) ran to collect books./ Matt (He) ran to collect books when Lisa went for tools. 78.In front of the yard./He (Matt) put (placed) it (his wooden box) in front of the yard. 79.He felt upset./He was in low spirits.
80.Yes. (Yes, I do.) It encourages people to read more books./ No. (No, I don’t.) The box is too small for people to notice.
76.根据“His friend Lisa”可知Lisa是Matt的朋友。故填Matt’s friend./Lisa (She) was Matt’s friend./A friend of Matt’s.
77.根据“Lisa agreed and went for tools, while Matt ran to collect books.”可知Lisa去拿工具,Matt跑去收集书。故填Matt (He) collected books./Matt (He) collected books when Lisa went for tool./Matt (He) ran to collect books./ Matt (He) ran to collect books when Lisa went for tools.
78.根据“They put a door on it and placed their small library in front of the yard”可知是他把木盒放在院子前面。故填In front of the yard./He (Matt) put (placed) it (his wooden box) in front of the yard.
79.根据“ Lisa noticed his low spirits”可知他看到没有人注意到盒子,他的情绪很低落,不开心。故填He felt upset./He was in low spirits.
80.开放性试题,言之有理即可。故填Yes. (Yes, I do.) It encourages people to read more books./ No. (No, I don’t.) The box is too small for people to notice.
81.On May 15, 2023. 82.Mountain climbing. 83.No, they didn’t. 84.10 hours. 85.We should challenge ourselves in the face of difficultiese and never give up trying to achieve our dreams.
81.根据“On May 15, 2023, a 16-year-old girl from Changsha, Hunan province made new history. Xu Zhuoyuan became the youngest Chinese girl to succeed in reaching the top of Mount Qomolangma.”可知,于2023年5月15日到达了珠穆朗玛峰顶,故填On May 15, 2023.
82.根据“Mountain climbing is one of the world’s most dangerous sports”可知,登山是世界上最危险的运动之一,故填Mountain climbing.
83.根据“However, these difficulties didn’t scare Xu away”可知,这些困难并没有把她吓跑,故填No, they didn’t.
84.根据“The climbing was very hard, and it took her 10 hours to reach the top.”可知,花费了10个小时,故填10 hours.
85.根据“Her spirit shows us that we should challenge ourselves in the face of difficulties. It also shows that we should never give up trying to achieve our dreams.”可知,可以学到:应该在困难面前挑战自己和永远不要放弃努力实现我们的梦想,故填We should challenge ourselves in the face of difficultiese and never give up trying to achieve our dreams.



