专题15 短文填空(语法填空)--【真题荟萃】 2024年中考英语真题分类汇编(含解析)

专题15 短文填空(语法填空)--【真题荟萃】 2024年中考英语真题分类汇编
After some warm-up activities, Zhang Hanliang starts her martial (武术的) art exercises in the morning. To promote (推广) martial arts to more people, Zhang and her team 1 (make) many 2 (tradition) Chinese martial art videos in the past few years. 3 (million) of people watched the videos. “I hope that more and more people will feel the beauty of 4 (do) Chinese kung fu.” said Zhang.
Zhang has practiced martial arts for over 20 years. 5 (she) love for martial arts 6 (come) from her family. After Zhang had practiced at home for a few years, her father sent her to a sports school. At that time, Zhang was the 7 (young) child to learn martial arts at the school, but she practiced very hard. “I would keep 8 (practice) after daily training every day.” Zhang said.
In 2007, Zhang began to teach martial arts. Besides her job at the university, Zhang 9 (work) to promote the martial arts to foreigners now. She has been invited to many foreign countries to give lessons on it. “Martial arts can be a bridge for cultural exchanges between China and other countries,” said Zhang. She wished more and more people 10 (know) and love martial arts.
The oil-paper umbrella has a history of over 1,000 years in China. There are different 11 (story) about the invention of the umbrella in China. The most popular one has something to do with Lu Ban. It’s said that once he and his wife visited the West Lake. It started raining suddenly. His wife said, “Let’s have 12 competition. Before sunrise tomorrow, the one who comes up 13 a good way to visit the West Lake even on rainy days will be the winner.” Lu Ban 14 (think) it was easy. He collected some tools and materials. Then he spent the whole night 15 (build) pavilions (亭子) around the lake. He was quite proud of his work.
The next morning, 16 Lu Ban talked about his achievements and felt proud, his wife held something unusual in her hand. It could be opened into a round shape. Lu Ban was 17 (surprise). He found that the object, made of silk and bamboo, could be opened and closed 18 (easy). It was light, beautiful and easy to carry. Lu Ban said, “You win. Your invention can protect us from rain better.” So the umbrella 19 (invent).
Later, people began to use paper, which was 20 (cheap) than silk. To make the umbrella water-proof, people brushed a kind of oil on the surface. So the oil-paper umbrella appeared.
Mooncakes are one of the most popular foods during the Mid-Autumn Festival. But let’s be honest: not many of us really like to eat them, mainly 21 they are made in factories and often several months old by the time they 22 (buy). Now here’s the thing: homemade mooncakes. They’re amazing, whether you’re eating them 23 (you) or giving them to your friends as gifts. Yes, they require a lot of effort, but they’re worth it.
24 (produce) mooncakes, you’ll need a mold (模具). Molds are available in different sizes and depths. I usually use a traditional large 25 (wood) mold. But a plastic mold in a similar size will do just line.
Before cooking, I prepare several kinds of ingredients (原料) and make them into balls separately. The key to 26 (make) proper mooncakes is to gather each ball in layers (层). In my way, the middle ball is made of nut (坚果) pieces. The 27 (two) layer is made of mashed red bean mixed with sugar, which is lastly covered with a layer of pastry (油酥面团). It is then pressed into a mold and carefully taken out into the oven.
It’s important to follow the cooking 28 (instruction) carefully. To prevent breaking up, I first cook mooncakes 29 a high temperature to set the pattern and shape. Then, I lower the temperature and remove them 30 (regular) to brush the surface with egg wash.
Just look at my mooncakes! Not bad. right
Leonardo da Vinci began painting the Mona Lisa, one of the most famous paintings of all time, in 1503. He was working on a special painting for a church at the time, but it was not going 31 (good). The woman who can be seen in the Mona Lisa is said to be Madonna Lisa del Giocondo. She was the wife of an Italian businessman. Her husband asked da Vinci 32 (paint) a portrait (肖像) of her.
After da Vinci finished the painting in 1506, he was invited by the French King to visit France 33 he took the painting with him. Today the Mona Lisa is kept in the Louvre, an art museum in Paris, and it is seen by about six million 34 (visit) a year.
The painting measures (测量为) only 77 centimeters by 53 centimeters and is painted 35 oil on wood. In 1911, Vincenzo Peruggia, a worker at the Louvre, stole the painting. He took it out of the museum by hiding it under 36 (he) coat. Two years later, police officers found 37 painting when he tried to sell it.
In 1962, the Mona Lisa was 38 (take) to Washington and New York for artwork shows. For the journey, the museum 39 (want) to insure (给……投保) the painting. The insurance company set the value of it at 100 million dollars, making it the most 40 (value) painting ever! Today, the value of the painting would be over 700 million dollars.
The Zigong Lantern Festival shows the wisdom and culture of people in Zigong. In 2008, the festival 41 (become) a national-level intangible cultural heritage (国家级非物质文化遗产). So far the Zigong lantern festival 42 (reach) many places in China and more than eighty 43 (country) around the world.
Wan Songtao is 44 important leader of a lantern-making company in Zigong. He spent his every vacation 45 (learn) lantern-making from his father when he was a teenager. 46 (get) better at designing (设计), Wan studied fine art in college.
One of the most important parts of making a large lantern is designing. “We used to design the lanterns all by ourselves,” said Wan. “ 47 (lucky), we can use AI for good ideas now.” Besides AI, other technologies are also very 48 (help). “The great success of Zigong lanterns comes 49 team effort,” said Wan. His favorite work The sundial in 2024 is the work of over 80 Zigong lantern makers as well as a group of engineers. It took them over 4,000 hours to make it 50 bring it to the park.
The Lin family has a son and a daughter, Lin Ming and Lin Fang. Lin Ming is seven and Lin Fang is two years 51 (young) than her brother. They study in different 52 (school). One day, Mrs. Lin picked up Lin Ming and then they went to Lin Fang’s school together. Some boys and girls were playing 53 (happy) on the playground. Lin Ming stood at the school gate and waited 54 his sister. Just then, the bell 55 (ring). Several minutes later, many 56 (child) walked out in a line. Lin Fang was the 57 (five) one in it. When Lin Ming saw her, he couldn’t wait to run to her. “Fangfang,” Lin Ming 58 (shout). Jumping with joy, Lin Fang rushed to meet 59 (he). They hugged each other and walked to their mother hand in hand. When Mrs. Lin saw this, 60 big smile appeared on her face. Her heart was filled with happiness.
The theme parks in the world are popular because they have their own character IPs (知识产权), such as Mickey Mouse and Harry Potter. According to 61 research report, IP is the “heart” of a theme park. 62 (develop) China’s own IPs, some theme parks make good use of traditional Chinese culture, and others focus on films about Chinese 63 (story).
It is 64 (encourage) that the Chinese cultural industry (产业) has been taking a big step in creative works. For example, some famous theme parks have opened in Shanghai and Beijing 65 (recent). It’s happy to see that some Chinese culture has been welcomed in the parks.
Over the past few years, Chinese cultural IPs have often appeared 66 movies and TV dramas. For example, the Chinese film Chang’an San Wan Li became a success thanks to the Chinese ink paintings, ancient poems 67 high technology in it. Besides, Mulan, which 68 (produce) years ago, helped traditional Chinese cultured to be learned by the world.
Traditional Chinese culture 69 (provide) special experiences for the entertainment industry. The key lies in new ideas. With the help of high technology, China can develop 70 (it) traditional cultural IPs and it will have world-class theme parks in the coming years.
Xi’an is the capital city of Shaanxi province. It lies in 71 north of China. The city’s early history is often connected with Liu Bang, who started the Han Dynasty and made Xi’an his capital. He 72 (give) it the name Chang’ an. During the Tang Dynasty, Xi’an achieved its great importance. Korea and Japan followed Xi’an’s example in 73 (build) their ancient capitals.
Many things from ancient times can still be found in Xi’an today. The city wall—one of the few city walls still left in China—is a good example. It 74 (go) around the city and is an important cultural site (遗址). In central Xi’an there is the Bell Tower—the 75 ( large) bell tower remaining in China. The bell was first designed as an emergency alarm (警钟) to warn of danger, 76 it was very often used to tell people the time.
While Xi’an is a city 77 a long history, it is also very much a part of the modern world. It is best 78 (know) as a center for software (软件) research, development and services. Historically, Xi’an has always been a city of art, industry and business that have placed it far in front of many other 79 (city).
Xi’an is a city always remaking 80 (it) and looking forward, all the while keeping the best of the past.
Hotpot, Mapo Tofu and Fish Filets in Hot Chili Oil (水煮鱼) —these dishes are well-known names in China. And they all have one thing 81 common: They’re very numbing (麻的) and spicy (辣的).“Numbing and spicy” is a special phrase which is used 82 (describe) Sichuan food. Generally, Sichuan cooks are good at using Pixian Broad Bean Paste (郫县豆瓣). It 83 (see) as “the soul (灵魂) of Sichuan dishes” by many people. As 84 result, they are quite different from the dried and spicy Hunan food and the sour and spicy Guizhou food.
However, to Sichuan dishes, there is much more than 85 (they) numbing and spicy flavor (味道) because Sichuan cooks are able to create all kinds of flavors. So people praise Sichuan dishes, “Each dish 86 (have) its own style; a hundred dishes have a hundred different flavors.” There are at 87 (little) 24 kinds of flavors in Sichuan dishes and only one-third of them are spicy. Some dishes are neither numbing 88 spicy, like sweet and sour fish.
Visitors to Sichuan are surprised at so many 89 (choice) they have for food. Sichuan is 90 (certain) a great place to start your Chinese food journey.
When cultures meet, not just their language or clothing may be different. Often their food will be 91 (great) different too. People on both sides can discover new chances for trading. This text 92 (tell) how some common food plants spread around the world.
As early as 5, 000 BC, 93 (potato) were traded in South America as a valuable type of food. They were 94 (take) to Europe in the 1500s and their use soon spread across it.
Tea drinking started in China. By the early 1600s, traders had begun to ship tea from China to Europe. Tea drinking soon 95 (become) fashionable there but because 96 its high price, it remained a drink for the wealthy.
Sugar cane (甘蔗) was first used to produce 97 kind of sweet juice over 8, 000 years ago on the island of New Guinea. Its use soon spread across South East Asia and then to the 98 (wide) world.
Cocoa was used to make a cold, spicy drink in Central America over 3, 000 years ago. The Europeans brought it back with 99 (they) in the 1520s and added sugar to make the sweet, hot drink we know today. 100 it’s expensive, many people still love it.
The year 2024 celebrates the Chinese Year of the Dragon. It is respected as a 101 (luck) year, full of hope for all.
Chinese people respect the dragon, and even see themselves as the descendants (后代) of the dragon. In Chinese culture, the dragon is a symbol of power and good luck. People believe it controls the water and brings a good harvest. So they 102 (admire) the dragon since ancient times. And people who are born in the dragon year are thought to be confident and unafraid to take risks.
But how did the dragon become one of the twelve 103 (animal) in the Chinese zodiac (生肖) According to the legend, there was a party, the order of the zodiac animals would be decided by the order in which they arrived. The dragon, although it had the ability 104 (fly), didn’t come first because it stopped to make rain for farmers on 105 (it) way. So, it was the 106 (five) one to arrive.
To show great respect towards the dragon, Dragon Dance 107 (start) by the Chinese during the Han Dynasty. Now it has been spread all over the world. The length of dragons can be 50 to 70 meters because people believe that the 108 (long) the dragon is, the more luck it will bring. But a small group 109 (not run) a very long dragon because it needs great human power, much money, and special skills.
The dragon is not just an animal in the Chinese zodiac, it’s also a powerful symbol that is rooted (根植) 110 (deep) in Chinese history and customs.
Jiang Shumei, born in 1937, spent most of her time working in a factory. In 1996, she learned her 111 (one) Chinese character (汉字). Sixteen years later, she started to write down some of her own 112 (story). It was not easy. Sometimes, completing a single sentence could take a day. She 113 (usual) started at 3 or 4 a.m., and revised (修改) the pieces several times until she was 114 (satisfy).
In 2013, her book, Time of Trouble, Time of Poverty, was published and proved to be 115 success. The book earned Jiang a lot of fans and sympathy (同情). “Don’t feel sorry for me,” she says to her fans, “The hardships mentioned in the book are now in the past. 116 them, I could never have finished this book.”
So far, the elderly woman 117 (publish) six books, totaling more than 600,000 characters in length. “It’s never too late. I enjoy 118 (I) when writing,“ Jiang says. She lives a healthy life, exercising every day 119 eating a balanced diet. “If I could live as long as 130, would you still say that it is too late for me 120 (start) after 60 ” she says jokingly.
In China, when you want to travel on a high-speed train, you can now choose a quiet car. The big train company in China has started this on some train lines, 121 the ones from Beijing to Shanghai, Beijing to Guangzhou, and Chengdu to Chongqing.
You can choose a quiet car when you buy your train ticket on the website 122 can offer train tickets. You can ask for a quiet seat in the 123 (two) class (等级). On the 12306 phone app, if a train has a quiet car, you 124 (find) a “quiet” sign.
After you buy your ticket, you will receive 125 message telling you not to make any noise in the quiet car. You should use headphones when 126 (listen) to music and go outside the quiet car if you talk on the phone. Parents must make sure their 127 (child) behave well so that they won’t cause any trouble for others. The conductors (列车员) will speak more 128 (soft). They also know when each person will get off the train and can tell 129 (they) quietly.
If you would like 130 (buy) some food, you can scan (扫描) a special code on the arm of your seat. Follow the steps to order, and the salesperson will bring it to you.
Now, you can enjoy a nice and quiet train trip!
The Shenzhou-18 manned spaceship has been successfully launched (发射) from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center. It marks China’s 32nd manned flight into space.
At 8: 59 p. m. on April 25, 2024, it 131 (send) three astronauts and nearly 100 experimental boxes (实验柜) to the Tiangong space station. The three astronauts 132 (be) Ye Guangfu, Li Cong and Li Guangsu. They were all born in the 1980s. Ye was one of the 133 (member) of the Shenzhou-l3 mission (任务) from October 2021 134 April 2022.
This time, he works as the 135 (lead) of the three astronauts. Both Li Cong 136 Li Guangsu are newcomers to space. During 137 (they) time in space, they will care for the space station to make sure it can work 138 (safe). They will do over 90 experiments. A fish 139 (call) “the 4th member of Shenzhou-18” will be used for an experimental project.
The Shenzhou-18 astronauts are planned to return to 140 earth in late October this year. So they will spend about six months on the space station.
1.have made 2.traditional 3.Millions 4.doing 5.Her 6.comes 7.youngest 8.practicing 9.is working 10.to know
1.句意:为了向更多人推广武术,张和她的团队在过去几年里制作了许多中国传统武术视频。根据“in the past few years”可知,强调动作的持续,所以用现在完成时,主语是复数名词,所以助动词用have,后跟过去分词made。故填have made。
3.句意:数百万人观看了这些视频。millions of“数百万的”,固定短语,句首单词首字母要大写。故填Millions。
7.句意:当时,张是学校里最小的孩子,但她练得很刻苦。根据“at the school”可知,是与学校的孩子相比,三者以上作比较用最高级,young的最高级youngest,故填youngest。
8.句意:在每天的日常训练之后,我会继续练习。keep doing sth“继续做某事”,所以空处用动名词作宾语,故填practicing。
9.句意:除了大学的工作,她现在还在向外国人推广武术。根据“now”可知,时态是现在进行时,主语是第三人称单数,所以be动词用is,后跟work的现在分词。故填is working。
10.句意:她希望越来越多的人了解并热爱武术。wish sb to do sth“希望某人做某事”,固定短语,所以空处用动词不定式,故填to know。
11.stories 12.a 13.with 14.thought 15.building 16.when 17.surprised 18.easily 19.was invented 20.cheaper
12.句意:我们来比赛吧。competition是可数名词单数,且以辅音音素发音开头,其前应加不定冠词a。have a competition“比赛”。故填a。
13.句意:明天日出之前,谁能想出一个雨天也能游西湖的好办法,谁就是赢家。come up with“想出”,动词短语。故填with。
15.句意:然后他花了一整晚在湖边建造亭子。build“建造”,动词。spend some time doing sth.“花费时间做某事”,动名词作宾语。故填building。
19.句意:于是伞被发明了。invent“发明”,动词。此处指雨伞被发明,应为被动语态。时态是一般过去时,应为一般过去时的被动语态。主语是单数,be动词用was。故填was invented。
21.because 22.are bought 23.yourself 24.To produce 25.wooden 26.making 27.second 28.instruction 29.at 30.regularly
21.句意:但说实话:我们中没有多少人真的喜欢吃它们,主要是因为它们是在工厂里制作的,通常在买的时候已经放了好几个月了。根据“they are made in factories and often several months old by the time they”可知,空格后是解释没有多少人喜欢月饼的原因,故填because。
22.句意:但说实话:我们中没有多少人真的喜欢吃它们,主要是因为它们是在工厂里制作的,通常在买的时候已经放了好几个月了。空格前they指代“月饼”,与动词buy之间是被动关系,此句是一般现在时,应填一般现在时被动语态,根据they可知,助动词用are,故填are bought。
24.句意:制作月饼,你需要一个模具。根据“mooncakes, you’ll need a mold”可知,需要模具的目的是为了制作月饼,用动词不定式作目的状语,故填To produce。
29.句意:为了防止破裂,我首先在高温下做月饼,以确定图案和形状。at a high temperature“在高温下”,故填at。
31.well 32.to paint 33.and 34.visitors 35.with 36.his 37.the 38.taken 39.wanted 40.valuable
32.句意:她的丈夫请达·芬奇为她画一幅肖像。ask sb to do sth“请求某人做某事”,故填to paint。
34.句意:今天,《蒙娜丽莎》被保存在巴黎的卢浮宫艺术博物馆,每年约有600万游客参观。根据“and it is seen by about six million...a year”可知,每年约有600万游客参观《蒙娜丽莎》visitor“游客”,“six million”修饰可数名词复数,故填visitors。
35.句意:这幅画的尺寸只有77厘米乘53厘米,是在木头上用油绘制的。根据“is painted...oil on wood.”可知,用油绘制,with“用”符合语境,故填with。
38.句意:1962年,《蒙娜丽莎》被带到华盛顿和纽约参加艺术展。根据“In 1962, the Mona Lisa was...to Washington and New York for artwork shows.”可知,《蒙娜丽莎》被带到华盛顿和纽约参加艺术展,此处与was构成被动语态,用动词过去分词taken,故填taken。
40.句意:保险公司将它的价值定为1亿美元,使它成为有史以来最有价值的画作!此处与“the most...”构成形容词最高级,用valuable“有价值的”,故填valuable。
41.became 42.has reached 43.countries 44.an 45.learning 46.To get 47.Luckily 48.helpful 49.from 50.and
41.句意:2008年,该节日被列为国家级非物质文化遗产。根据“In 2008”可知,此处是一般过去时,动词用过去式,故填became。
42.句意:到目前为止,自贡元宵节已经传到了中国许多地方和世界上80多个国家。根据So far可知,此处用现在完成时have/has done的结构,主语是单数形式,助动词用has,故填has reached。
43.句意:到目前为止,自贡元宵节已经传到了中国许多地方和世界上80多个国家。根据“more than eighty”可知,此空应填复数形式,故填countries。
45.句意:十几岁的时候,他每个假期都跟着父亲学习制作灯笼。spend time doing sth“花费时间做某事”,动名词作宾语,故填learning。
46.句意:为了更好地设计,他在大学学习美术。根据“better at designing (设计), Wan studied fine art in college.”可知,在大学学习美术是为了更好地设计,用动词不定式作目的状语,故填To get。
47.句意:幸运的是,我们现在可以用人工智能来想出好主意。此空位于开头,且空格后有逗号隔开,应填副词作状语。根据“we can use AI for good ideas now.”可知,现在可以用人工智能来想出好主意,这是一件幸运的事,故填Luckily。
49.句意:自贡灯笼的巨大成功来自于团队的努力。根据“The great success of Zigong lanterns comes…team effort”可知,成功来自于团队的努力,come from“来自”,故填from。
51.younger 52.schools 53.happily 54.for 55.rang 56.children 57.fifth 58.shouted 59.him 60.a
54.句意:林明站在学校门口等他的妹妹。wait for“等待”,固定短语,故填for。
61.a 62.To develop 63.stories 64.encouraging 65.recently 66.in 67.and 68.was produced 69.provides 70.its
61.句意:一份研究报告显示,知识产权是主题公园的“心脏”。此处泛指一份研究报告,“research report”首字母发辅音音素,故填a。
62.句意:为了开发中国自己的知识产权,一些主题公园很好地利用了中国传统文化,而另一些主题公园则专注于中国故事的电影。此处在句中表示目的,用动词不定式形式,故填To develop。
64.句意:令人鼓舞的是,中国文化产业在创意作品方面迈出了一大步。句中It为形式主语,真正的主语是that the Chinese cultural industry ( 产业) has been taking a big step in creative works,此处表示中国文化产业在创意作品方面迈出了一大步,这是一件令人鼓舞的事情,应用形容词encouraging来修饰。故填encouraging。
66.句意:在过去的几年里,中国文化知识产权经常出现在电影和电视剧中。根据“Chinese cultural IPs have often appeared...movies and TV dramas”可知,中国文化知识产权经常出现在电影和电视剧中,in“在……中”符合语境。故填in。
68.句意:此外,多年前制作的《木兰》帮助中国传统文化被世界学习。本句主语是动作的承受者,结合“years ago”可知,用一般过去时的被动语态,主语是“Mulan”,be动词用was。故填was produced。
69.句意:中国传统文化为娱乐业提供了特殊的体验。本句时态是一般现在时,主语是“Traditional Chinese culture”,动词用三单。故填provides。
70.句意:在高科技的帮助下,中国可以开发其传统文化知识产权,并将在未来几年拥有世界级的主题公园。此处作定语修饰“traditional cultural IPs”,用形容词性物主代词its。故填its。
71.the 72.gave 73.building 74.goes 75.largest 76.but 77.with 78.known 79.cities 80.itself
71.句意:它在中国北方。in the north表示“在北方”。故填the。
72.句意:他给它长安的名字。根据“who started the Han Dynasty and made Xi’an his capital. ”可知描述过去的事,用一般过去时,give过去式为gave。故填gave。
74.句意:它环绕着城市,是一个重要的文化遗址。根据“is an important cultural site ”可知此句时态是一般现在时,主语是第三人称单数,谓语动词用三单。故填goes。
77.句意:西安是一座历史悠久的城市,同时也是现代世界的一部分。根据“While Xi’an is a city ... a long history”可知此处指有悠久历史的城市,介词with表示“具有”。故填with。
78.句意:它以软件研究、开发和服务中心而闻名。形容词短语be known as表示“被称为”。故填known。
79.句意:从历史上看,西安一直是一座艺术、工业和商业之都,这使它远远领先于许多其他城市。many other后接名词复数。故填cities。
80.句意:西安是一个不断自我改造和向前看的城市,同时也保留着过去的精华。根据“ Xi’an is a city always remaking”可知此处指改进自己,主语是Xi’an,此处用反身代词itself。故填itself。
81.in 82.to describe 83.is seen 84.a 85.their 86.has 87.least 88.nor 89.choices 90.certainly
81.句意:它们都有一个共同点:麻辣。此处是固定短语in common“共同的”。故填in。
82.句意:麻辣是一个用来形容川菜的特殊短语。be used to do sth“被用来做某事”,为固定短语,符合题意,故填to describe。
83.句意:它被许多人视为“川菜之魂”。此处是固定短语be seen as“被视为”,句子是一般现在时,主语是it,be动词用is。故填is seen。
84.句意:因此,它们与干辣的湖南菜和酸辣的贵州菜有很大的不同。as a result“因此,结果是”,为固定短语。故填a。
87.句意:四川菜至少有24种口味,其中只有三分之一是辣的。at least“至少”,为固定短语,故填least。
91.greatly 92.tells 93.potatoes 94.taken 95.became 96.of 97.a 98.wider 99.them 100.Although/Though
93.句意:早在公元前5000年,土豆就作为一种有价值的食物在南美洲进行贸易。potato “土豆”,可数名词,由“were”可知,用其复数形式。故填potatoes。
96.句意:饮茶很快在那里成为一种时尚,但由于价格高昂,它仍然是富人的饮品。此处是短语because of “由于”。故填of。
97.句意:8000多年前,在新几内亚岛,甘蔗首次被用来生产一种甜果汁。此处是短语a kind of “一种”。故填a。
99.句意:15世纪20年代,欧洲人将其带回欧洲,并添加糖制成我们今天所知的甜味热饮。they “他们”,代词主格。此处应用其宾格形式them,作介词with的宾语。故填them。
101.lucky 102.have admired 103.animals 104.to fly 105.its 106.fifth 107.was started 108.longer 109.can’t run 110.deeply
102.句意:所以他们自古以来就崇拜龙。admire“尊敬”,动词。根据“since ancient times”可知,时态是现在完成时,主语是人称复数,助动词用have。故填have admired。
104.句意:虽然龙有飞行的能力,但它并没有排在第一位,因为它在途中停下来为农民降雨。fly“飞”,动词。此处用动词不定式作后置定语修饰名词ability ,指飞行的能力。故填to fly。
107.句意:为了表示对龙的高度尊重,中国人在汉代开始了舞龙运动。start“开始”,动词。由“by”可知,此处是被动语态。结合“during the Han Dynasty”可知,时态是一般过去时,故此处是一般过去时的被动语态,主语是第三人称单数,be动词用was。故填was started。
108.句意:龙的长度可以是50到70米,因为人们相信龙越长,它会带来更多的好运。long“长的”,形容词。此处是“the+比较级, the+比较级”,意为“越……,就越……”,故用其比较级。故填longer。
109.句意:但一小群人无法驾驭一条很长的龙,因为它需要大量的人力、大量的资金和特殊的技能。run“使运转”,动词。根据常识可知,几个人无法舞动一条巨长的龙。结合“needs”可知,时态是一般现在时,故用情态动词can’t表“不能”,动词run用原形。故填can’t run。
111.first 112.stories 113.usually 114.satisfied 115.a 116.Without 117.has published 118.myself 119.and 120.to start
111.句意:1996年,她学会了第一个汉字。根据“she learned her...Chinese character (汉字).”可知,空处是指学会了第一个汉字,需用序数词first,意为“第一个”。故填first。
112.句意:16年后,她开始写下自己的一些故事。根据“some of her own...”可知,空处需填入复数名词。stories“故事”。故填stories。
116.句意:没有它们,我永远也写不完这本书。根据“The hardships mentioned in the book are now in the past.”和“them, I could never have finished this book.”可知,此处是指没有书中提及的困难,姜淑梅写不出这本书。without“没有”。故填Without。
117.句意:到目前为止,这位老妇人已经出版了六本书,总长度超过60万字。根据“So far,”可知,本句是现在完成时(have/has done),主语是单数,助动词用has;publish的过去分词为published。故填has published。
118.句意:我很享受写作的过程。enjoy oneself表示“尽情享受,过得愉快”;此处需用myself与主语I保持一致。故填myself。
119.句意:她过着健康的生活,每天锻炼,饮食均衡。“exercising every day”和“eating a balanced diet.”并列,需用连词and表示“和”。故填and。
120.句意:如果我能活到130岁,你还会说我60岁以后再开始太迟吗?it is adj for sb to do sth“对某人来说做某事是……”,固定短语。故填to start。
121.including 122.that/which 123.second 124.will find 125.a 126.listening 127.children 128.softly 129.them 130.to buy
121.句意:中国最大的铁路公司已经在一些线路上推出了这项服务,包括北京至上海、北京至广州和成都至重庆的线路。根据“The big train company in China has started this on some train lines, ...the ones from Beijing to Shanghai, Beijing to Guangzhou, and Chengdu to Chongqing.”可知,此处举例推出这项服务的线路包括哪些,介词including“包括”符合语境。故填including。
124.句意:在12306手机应用程序上,如果火车上有安静车厢,你会发现一个“安静”的标志。此处是if引导的条件状语从句,动作未发生,满足“主将从现”原则,主句用一般将来时。故填will find。
130.句意:如果你想买一些食物,你可以扫描座位扶手上的特殊码。would like to do sth“想要做某事”,动词不定式作宾语。故填to buy。
131.sent 132.are 133.members 134.to 135.leader 136.and 137.their 138.safely 139.called 140.the
131.句意:2024年4月25日晚8点59分,中国航天局将3名航天员和近100个实验柜送往天宫空间站。send“发送”,动词。根据“At 8: 59 p. m. on April 25, 2024”可知,时态是一般过去时,谓语动词用其过去式。故填sent。
133.句意:叶是2021年10月至2022年4月神舟三号任务的成员之一。member“成员”,可数名词。one of the+名词复数,意为“……之一”。故填members。



上一篇:江苏省部分学校2023-2024高一下学期6月联合测评数学试卷 (原卷版+解析版)
