Starter Unit 1-3重点短语和必备背句型 2024-2025人教版七年级英语上册

2024人教新教材 Starter Unit 1-3重点短语和必备背句型 (附答案)
Starter Unit 1 Hello!
1. 过渡单元 2. A部分 3. 相互问好 4.请坐下 5. 问候你的同学
6. 开始你们的对话 7. 与他们交谈 8.世界卫生组织
9.中华人民共和国 10. 中国人民解放军11.拼写你的名字
1.同学们,早上好! 2. 高老师,早上好。 3. 你能向全班问好吗?
4. 认识你也很高兴! 5. 我叫彼得。你叫什么名字?
6. 我可以知道你的名字吗? 7. 你的名字是怎么样拼写的?
8.你好吗?我很好,谢谢你。 9. 哦,铃声响了。我们去上课吧!
10. 上课时间到了,让我们进教室吧!
Starter Unit 2 Keep Tidy!
有一个水瓶 2.喝一瓶 牛奶 3. 需要一块橡皮4. 有一把自行车的钥匙
非常感谢您 6. 不用谢,别客气 7. 保持你的书包整洁 8. 一副眼镜
找到一双新鞋 10. 等一会儿 11. 放风筝 12. 骑车 13. 别拒绝
14. 在你的书桌下面15. 在他爸爸的头上
1. 你的书包里有什么?我有两瓶牛奶。
2. 你的帽子是什么颜色的?它是棕色的。
3. 他的裤子是什么颜色的?他们是白色的。
4. 海伦的自行车是什么颜色的?它是黑白色的。
5. 醒醒,小凯特!别起床太晚了。
7.我没有看见。哦,等一下。现在我看到了。它在你的头上 。
8.你需要保持你的房间整洁。 9.一双短袜在床下,一些新书在盒子里 。
10. 埃玛的爸爸有一副新眼睛。他们是棕色的。
Starter Unit 3 Welcome!
玩的高兴 2. 三只小鸡 3.五颗西红柿苗 4.十一棵苹果树 5.我们去湖边吧。
跟我一起来 7.喜欢听音乐 8.坐在阳光下 9.爱讲笑话 10. 看着这些白马
11.让我数一数 12. 种十二颗土豆苗 13. 看见很多白绵羊
14.有15只黑白奶牛 15.在他的院子里种些花
1. 这是什么?它是一只黄狗。 2. 那是什么?它是一颗苹果树。
3. 这些是什么?它们是胡萝卜苗。 4.那些是什么?它们是白鹅。
5.海伦在院子里看见什么动物了? 一只白绵羊
9.你叔叔的房子是什么颜色?它是红色的 。10. 彼得的叔叔有一个大农场。
参考答案Starter unit1
重点短语 1.starter unit 2.Section A 3.say hi to each other
4.Sit down ,please 5.greet your classmates 6.start your conversations
7.have a conversation with them 8.WHO 9.PRC1 0.PLA 11.spell your name12.start to do sth.=start doing sth. 13.greet sb. with sth.14.Good morning!15.!Nice to met you
1.Good morning ,class. 2.Good morning Ms Gao. 3.Can you say hi to the class
4.Nice to meet you ,too. 5.My name is Peter what’s your name
6.May I have your name 7.How do you spell your name
8.How are you I'm fine, thanks.9.Oh ,that 's the bell. Let's go to class.
10.It's time for class lets go to the classroom.
参考答案start unit 2 一,重点短语
1.have a water bottle 2.have/drink a bottle of milk 3.need an eraser 4.have a key to the bicycle 5.thank you very are welcome 7.keep your school bag tidy 8.a pair of glasses 9.find a pair of new shoes10.Wait a a kite12.ride the bike13.Don't say no14.under your desk15.on her dad's head
1.What do you have in your schoolbag I have two bottles of milk.2.What color is your cap It is brown.3.What color are his trousers They are white.4.Helen's bike is black and orange.5.Wake up, little Kate !Don't get up too later!6.I can't find my new glasses. Do you see them 7.I don't see them.Oh,wait a minute.Now I see them !They are on your head!8.You need to keep your room tidy.9.A pair of socks is under the bed.Some new books are in the box.10.Emma's dad has a pair of new glasses. They are brown.
参考答案:Start ter unit 3
1.have fun /have a good time 2.three baby chickens 3.five tomato plants 4.eleven apple trees 5.Let's go to the lake 6.come with to listen to music 8.sit in the sun to tell jokes 10.look at these white houses 11.Let me count 12.plant twelve potato plants13.see many white sheep14.have fifteen black and white cows15.plant some flowers in his yard
1.What'd this It is a yellow dog. 2.What's that It's an apple tree. 3.What are these They're carrot plants. 4.What are those They are white geese. 5.What animals does Helen see in the yard A white sheep .6.How many rabbits does Fu Xing's grandpa have Twelve 7.You can see many kinds of animals on my uncle's farm.8.Another red house is under the big tree.9.What color is your uncle's house It's red.10.Peter's uncle has a big farm.



上一篇:江苏省苏州市吴江区2023-2024四年级下册6月期末英语试题(图片版 无答案无听力原文无音频)
