中考英语二轮构词法专题复习 词形变化总复习(含答案)

序号 名词 形容词 序号 名词 形容词
1 health healthy 51 success successful
2 luck lucky 52 wonder wonderful
3 salt salty 53 end endless
4 sleep sleepy 54 home homeless
5 cloud cloudy 55 noise noisy
6 centre central 56 life lifeless
7 rain rainy 57 care careful / careless
8 wind windy 58 cheer cheerful
9 fog foggy 59 color colorful / colorless
10 sun sunny 60 harm harmful / harmless
11 fun funny 61 help helpful / helpless
12 noise noisy 62 hope hopeful / hopeless
13 shine shiny 63 meaning meaningful / meaningless
14 taste tasty
15 friend friendly 序号 动词 形容词
16 love lovely 1 amaze amazed / amazing
17 week weekly 2 bore bored / boring
18 gold golden 3 excite excited / exciting
19 wood weeden 4 frighten frightened / frightening
20 wool woolen 5 interest interested / interesting
21 west western 6 relax relaxed / relaxing
22 east eastern 7 satisfy satisfied / satisfying
23 north northern 8 surprise surprised / surprising
24 south southern 9 tire tired / tiring
25 education educational 10 worry worried / worrying
26 tradition traditional 11 embarrass embarrassed / embarrassing
27 music musicical 12 scare scared / scaring
28 person personal 13 organize organized
29 culture cultural 14 die dead
30 nature natural 15 live lively / alive
31 use useful / useless 16 sleep sleepy
32 fashion fashionable 17 wake awake
33 value valuable 18 create creative
34 practice practical 19 follow following
35 medicine medical 20 smile smiling
36 physics physical 21 forget forgetful / forgettable
37 fool foolish
38 energy energenic 序号 形容词 副词
39 danger dangerous 1 brave bravely
40 humour humourous 2 certain certainly
41 America American 3 exact exactly
42 Britain British 4 polite politely
43 England English 5 special specially
44 France French 6 especial especially
45 China Chinese 7 sure surely
46 Japan Japanese 8 safe safely
47 beauty beautiful 9 wide widely
48 delight delighted 10 true truly
49 peace peaceful 11 actual actually
50 power powerful
序号 形容词 副词 序号 动词 名词
11 important importantly 1 advise advice
12 immediate immediately 2 appear appearance
13 comfortable comfortably 3 behave behaviour
14 gentle gently 4 fail failure
15 simple simply 5 call caller
16 terrible terribly 6 climb climber
17 possible possibly 7 dance dancer
18 probable probably 8 design designer
19 proper properly 9 drive driver
20 perfect perfectly 10 hunt hunter
21 angry angrily 11 lead leader
22 busy busily 12 own owner
23 easy easily 13 organize organizer
24 happy happily 14 perform performer
25 heavy heavily 15 play player
26 lucky luckily 16 print printer
27 unlucky unluckily 17 produce producer
28 noisy noisily 18 read reader
29 bright brightly 19 report reporter
30 calm calmly 20 sing singer
31 clear clearly 21 speak speaker
32 correct correctly 22 travel traveller
33 deep deeply 23 wait waiter / waitress
34 different differently 24 act actor / actress /action
35 excited excitedly 25 work worker
36 final finally 26 write writer
37 free freely 27 swim swimmer
38 loud loudly 28 shop shopper
39 neat neatly 29 run runner
40 pleasant pleasantly 30 rob robber
41 quiet quietly 31 win winner
42 quick quickly 32 visit visitor
43 real really 33 collect collector / collection
44 recent recently 34 invent inventor
45 regular regularly 35 direct director
46 sad sadly 36 educate educator
47 separate separately 37 operate operator
48 serious seriously 38 protect protector / protection
49 slow slowly 39 attract attraction
50 soft softly 40 communicate communication
51 sudden suddenly 41 congratulate congratulation
52 usual usually 42 explain explanation
53 beautiful beautifully 43 express expression
54 careful carefully 44 describe description
55 careless carelessly 45 discuss disscussion
56 peaceful peacefully 46 donate donator / donation
57 successful successfully 47 graduate graduation
58 wonderful wonderfully 48 pollute pollution
59 complete completely 49 produce producer / prodution
60 50 invite invitation
序号 动词 名词 序号 名词 名词
51 suggest suggestion 1 art artist
52 celebrate celebration 2 tour tourist
53 organize arganization 3 science scientist
54 introduce introduction 4 piano pianist
55 achieve achievement 5 violin violinist
56 advertise advertisement 6 music musician
57 arrange arrangement 序号 形容词 名词
58 excite excitement 1 free freedom
59 improve improvement 2 kind kindness
60 imagine imagination 3 ill illness
61 agree agreement 4 sick sickness
62 develop development 5 rich richness
63 move movement 6 sad sadness
64 punish punishment 7 careful carefulness
65 treat treatment 8 careless carelessness
66 breathe breath 9 ugly ugliness
67 die death 10 happy happiness
68 grow growth 11 unhappy unhappiness
69 arrive arrival 12 different difference
70 choose choice 13 patient patience
71 decide decision 14 confident confidence
72 enter entrance 15 convenient convenience
73 marry marriage 16 excellent excellence
74 perform performer/ performance 17 silent silence
75 rob robber 18 difficult difficulty
76 serve service 19 safe safety
77 think thinker 20 able ability
78 weigh weight 21 wise wisdom
79 sightsee sightseeing 22 high height
80 begin beginner/beginning 23 deep depth
81 shake shaking 24 wide width
82 jog jogging 25 long length
83 hike hiking 26 strong strength
84 swim swimming 27 warm warmth
85 skate skating 28 true truth
86 ski skiing 29 young youth
87 walk walking 30 complain complaint
88 end ending 31 important importance
89 build building 序号 形容词+en变动词
90 cook cooker/ cooking 1 wide widen
91 cross crossing 2 deep deepen
92 turn turning 3 weak weaken
93 hear hearing 4 loose loosen
94 meet meeting 5 tight tighten
95 write writing 6 broad broaden
96 draw drawing 7 strong (特殊记) strengthen
97 read reading
98 paint painting 序号 不规则形容词,副词的比较级和最高级
99 train training 1 good / well better / best
100 warn warning 2 little less / least
101 spell spelling 3 far farther / farthest
102 4 ill/bad/badly worse / worst
103 5 many/ much more / most
序号 加前缀un-,im-,in-ir-,dis-变反义词 序号 双写最后一个字母加-er,-est变比较级,最高级的形容词和副词
1 able unable wet wetter/ wettest
2 comfortable uncomfortable mad madder/ maddest
3 common uncommon sad sadder/ saddest
4 friendly unfriendly hot hotter / hottest
5 fair unfair slim slimmer/ slimmest
6 happy unhappy thin thinner/thinnest
7 grateful ungrateful fat fatter/ fattest
8 healthy unhealthy big bigger/biggest
9 helpful unhelpful red redder/ reddest
10 important unimportant
11 kind unkind 序号 加-es构成动词第三人称单数形式的动词
12 known unknown 1 pass passes
13 like unlike 2 catch catches
14 lucky unlucky 3 match matches
15 luckily unluckily 4 reach reaches
16 necessary unnecessary 5 search searches
17 pleasant unpleasant 6 teach teaches
18 popular unpopular 7 watch watches
19 usual unusual 8 brush brushes
20 patient impatient 9 crash crashes
21 possible impossible 10 finish finishes
22 polite impolite 11 rush rushes
23 correct incorrect 12 push pushes
24 appear disappear 13 wash washes
25 cover discover 14 wish wishes
26 honest dishonest 15 fix fixes
27 like dislike
28 agree disagree 序号 加-es构成名词复数
29 lock unlock 1 tomato tomatoes
30 aware unaware 2 potato potatoes
3 mango mangoes
序号 双写最后一个字母变现在分词的动词 4 hero heroes
1 begin beginning 5 boss bosses
2 chat chatting 6 glass glasses
3 cut cutting 7 box boxes
4 drop dropping 8 fox foxes
5 plan planning 9 beach beaches
6 run running 10 coach coaches
7 sit sitting 11 bus buses
8 shop shopping 12 speech speeches
9 stop stopping 13 sandwich sandwiches
10 swim swimming 14 match matches
11 win winning 15 watch watches
12 hit hitting 16 bush bushes
13 permit permitting 17 dish dishes
14 admit admitting 18 wish wishes
15 refer referring 19 brush brushes
16 prefer preferring 20 toothbrush toothbrushes
21 peach peaches
序号 把f,fe改成v再加es构成复数的名词 序号 名词 名词
1 half halves 1 art artist
2 leaf leaves 2 tour tourist
3 loaf loaves 3 science scientist
4 shelf shelves 4 piano pianist
5 wolf wolves 5 violin violinist
6 thief thieves 6 music musician
7 knife knives 7 physics physicist
8 life lives 8 dentist牙医
9 wife wives 9
10 scarf scarves 10
序号 名词复数不规则变化 序号 跟反身代词连用的动词短语
1 child children 1 teach oneself 自学
2 ox oxen 2 treat oneself to sth.给自己买。。。
3 foot feet 3 by oneself 某人亲自
4 tooth teeth 4 enjoy oneself 过得开心
5 mouse mice 5 help oneself to ... 随便吃点。。。
6 man men 6 call oneself.... 称某人自己
7 woman women 7 find oneself+adj. / v-ing 发现某人自己。。。
8 fireman firemen 8 dress oneself as...自己装扮成。。。
9 policeman policemen 9 look after oneself 自己照顾自己
10 postman postmen 10 buy oneself sth. 给自己买。。。
11 salesman salesmen 11 challenge onself 挑战自己
12 sheep sheep 12 express oneself 表达自己
13 deer deer 13 for oneself 为自己
14 fish fish 14 say to oneself 自言自语
15 Chinese Chinese 15 devote oneself to ... 为。。。献身
16 Japanese Japanese 16 hurt oneself 伤害自己
17 passer-by passers-by 17 come to oneself 苏醒过来
18 man doctor men doctors 18 behave oneself 表现好
19 woman teacher women teachers 19 believe in oneself 相信自己
20 girl student girl students 20 make oneself at home 随意
21 boy student boy students 21 lose oneself in... 迷失自己
22 flower shop flower shops 22 God helps those who help themselves.自助者天助
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上一篇:2025届高三化学一轮专题复习讲义(24)-专题六第一讲 化学实验基础

下一篇:江苏省苏州市吴江区2023-2024四年级下册6月期末英语试题(图片版 无答案无听力原文无音频)