
Part Ⅰ Listening 第一部分 听力
Ⅰ. Listen and choose. (听录音,圈出你所听到单词的元音字母。)
1. 2. 3.
a e o e u i
4. 5. 6.
e o e i u o
Ⅱ. Listen and choose. (同学们在郊游,选出与听到讨论内容相符图片。)
( )1. A. B.
( )2. A. B.
( )3. A. B.
( )4. A. B.
( )5. A. B.
Ⅲ. Listen and choose. (张鹏和陈洁一起来到学校,听他们的对话,选答语。)
( )1. A. I’m from the USA. B. I’m from Shandong.
( )2. A. No, she’s my mother. B. Yes, she is.
( )3. A. I have 12. B. I have 20.
( )4. A. Yes, I do. B. No, I don’t.
( )5. A. I see 11. B. I see 13.
Ⅳ. Listen and number. (大明在数大三班箱子里的玩具,按照所听每个玩具的顺序给相应的图片排序。)
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
Ⅴ. Listen and order. (吴斌斌和Amy在游乐园写生,按照听到的对话给句子排序。)
( ) Wow! How many crayons do you have
( )You have 16 crayons!
( 1 ) Wu Binbin, what’s this
( )Open it and see!
( )My new crayons.
1. : Hello! I like yellow apples.
2. : Hi! I like green oranges.
3. : Hi! I like brown pears.
4. : Hello! I like red strawberries.
【答案】1. 苹果涂黄色(图略) 2. 涂绿色(图略) 3. 梨涂棕色(图略)
4. 草莓涂红色(图略)
A. This is my grandma and this is my grandpa. B. The panda is fat. The bird is little. C. Sarah: Where is my car Is it in the desk Zhang Peng: No, it isn’t. D. Sarah’s dad: Do you like watermelons Wu Binbin: No I don’t. I like bananas.
5. ( )
6. ( )
7. ( )
8. ( )
【答案】5. B 6. D
7. A 8. C
9. 放学了,你对同桌说:( )
A. Let’s go home! B. Look at my book.
10. 你想问妈妈地图在哪里,会问:( )
A. Where is my map B. Where is my bag
11. 你朋友去旅游,你会对他说:( )
A. It’s on your chair. B. Have a good time!
12. 你想知道农场里有多少只狗,会问:( )
A. How many dogs do you have B. How many monkeys do you see
13. 你不喜欢葡萄,Mike也不喜欢,会说:( )
A. I like apples. B. Me neither.
bag orange pencil under fun
14. My is in my .
15. The is .
16. The is the chair.
【答案】14. , 15.
16. ,
Hello, I’m Tom. I’m from Canada. I’m fourteen. I’m tall and thin. I’m a student. I like apples and strawberries. I don’t like grapes. I have a cute dog. It has big eyes and a short tail. I like it very much.
17. Tom is twelve. ( )
18 Tom is from Canada. ( )
19. Tom likes grapes. ( )
20. Tom has a cat. ( )
21. The dog has a short tail. ( )
【答案】17. F 18. T
19. F 20. F
21. T
句意:汤姆十二岁了。根据“I’m fourteen.”,可知汤姆十四岁了,故答案为F。
句意:汤姆来自加拿大。根据“I’m from Canada.”,可知题干与短文相符,故答案为T。
句意:汤姆喜欢葡萄。根据“I like apples and strawberries. I don’t like grapes.”,可知汤姆不喜欢葡萄,故答案为F。
句意:汤姆有一只猫。根据“I have a cute dog.”,可知汤姆有一只狗,故答案为F。
句意:狗有一条短尾巴。根据“I have a cute dog. It has big eyes and a short tail.”,可知题干与短文相符,故答案为T。
22. 画12 并涂上自己喜欢的颜色。
Part Ⅰ Listening 第一部分 听力
Ⅰ. Listen and choose. (听录音,圈出你所听到单词的元音字母。)
1. 2. 3.
a e o e u i
4. 5. 6.
e o e i u o
Ⅱ. Listen and choose. (同学们在郊游,选出与听到讨论内容相符的图片。)
( )1. A. B.
( )2. A. B.
( )3. A. B.
( )4. A. B.
( )5. A. B.
Ⅲ. Listen and choose. (张鹏和陈洁一起来到学校,听他们的对话,选答语。)
( )1 A. I’m from the USA. B. I’m from Shandong.
( )2. A. No, she’s my mother. B. Yes, she is.
( )3. A. I have 12. B. I have 20.
( )4. A. Yes, I do. B. No, I don’t.
( )5. A. I see 11. B. I see 13.
Ⅳ. Listen and number. (大明在数大三班箱子里的玩具,按照所听每个玩具的顺序给相应的图片排序。)
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
Ⅴ. Listen and order. (吴斌斌和Amy在游乐园写生,按照听到的对话给句子排序。)
( ) Wow! How many crayons do you have
( )You have 16 crayons!
( 1 ) Wu Binbin, what’s this
( )Open it and see!
( )My new crayons.
1. : Hello! I like yellow apples.
2. : Hi! I like green oranges.
3. : Hi! I like brown pears.
4. : Hello! I like red strawberries.
A. This is my grandma and this is my grandpa. B. The panda is fat. The bird is little. C. Sarah: Where is my car Is it in the desk Zhang Peng: No, it isn’t. D. Sarah’s dad: Do you like watermelons Wu Binbin: No, I don’t. I like bananas.
5. ( )
6 ( )
7. ( )
8. ( )
9. 放学了,你对同桌说:( )
A. Let’s go home! B. Look at my book.
10. 你想问妈妈地图在哪里,会问:( )
A. Where is my map B. Where is my bag
11. 你的朋友去旅游,你会对他说:( )
A. It’s on your chair. B. Have a good time!
12. 你想知道农场里有多少只狗,会问:( )
A. How many dogs do you have B. How many monkeys do you see
13. 你不喜欢葡萄,Mike也不喜欢,会说:( )
A. I like apples. B. Me neither.
bag orange pencil under fun
14 My is in my .
15. The is .
16. The is the chair.
Hello I’m Tom. I’m from Canada. I’m fourteen. I’m tall and thin. I’m a student. I like apples and strawberries. I don’t like grapes. I have a cute dog. It has big eyes and a short tail. I like it very much.
17. Tom is twelve. ( )
18. Tom is from Canada. ( )
19. Tom likes grapes. ( )
20 Tom has a cat. ( )
21. The dog has a short tail. ( )
22. 画12 并涂上自己喜欢的颜色。



