高二下学期 英语 期末模拟试卷一原卷版+解析版(适应全国甲卷地区)

Fun Fall Weekend Getaways
Gulf Shores, Alabama
Alabama's Gulf Shores is attractive year-round, but the fall months bring fewer crowds and more affordable prices on hotels. Head to Gulf Shores for warm ocean waters and lovely whites and beaches that you may have all to yourself. There's also plenty to do at this beach destination outside of playing in the sand and surfing. For example, you can visit a downtown music bar.
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Albuquerque's amazing landscapes provide an enjoyment for visitors year-round. However, visiting in fall allows you to enjoy the famous Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta, which takes place in October. Book a trip in early October to see hundreds of brightly colored balloons dot the sky—you can even take a balloon ride yourself. Because this hot air balloon festival is such a popular event, you'll want to secure accommodations well in advance.
Laconia New Hampshire
You may not have heard of Laconia before. This small New Hampshire city is mostly known for its incredible fall festivals. Perhaps you've heard the famous New Hampshire Pumpkin Festival which takes place here in late October. Plan a weekend getaway to check out the amazing display of jack-o'-lanterns, live music, the Children's Costume Parade, a cornhole tournament and more.
Shenandoah National Park, Virginia
Located around 75 miles southwest of the nation's capital is Shenandoah National Park, a great place for leaf peeping(赏叶) and exploring the outdoors in autumn. This national park has more than 200, 000 acres of forest, waterfalls, flower fields and plenty of wildlife. For example, you can spot black bears, deer and birds throughout the national park.
1.What can tourists do in Alabama's Gulf Shores
A.Enjoy whites and beaches.
B.See beautiful fallen leaves.
C.Attend pumpkin exhibitions.
D.Watch the Children's Costume Parade.
2.Why are people advised to travel to Albuquerque in fall
A.There are fewer tourists.
B.There is a famous balloon festival.
C.They can take a balloon ride for free.
D.They can save money during the trip.
3.Which place should you visit if you are interested in wildlife
A.Gulf Shores. B.Albuquerque.
C.Laconia. D.Shenandoah National Park.
Shaping, drying, glazing and firing... in less than 5 minutes, a mini vase only millimeters in size starts to take shape as viewers watch on. As the founder of a miniature ceramics (微型陶瓷) studio, Wang Wenhua never expected that his works would surprise viewers in China, let alone those abroad, and that his short videos would earn over 45 million views and 4.2 million likes on a video application.
Having worked in China's "Porcelain Capital (瓷都)" Jingdezhen in East China's Jiangxi Province for 14 years, Wang said he had once seen the world's biggest ceramic here but he had never seen the smallest, so he decided one day to try something different — making micro porcelain.
Things were not easy in the beginning, and many people doubted him. "They called me crazy and mocked me when I went to factories and asked them to help make miniature tools for me to create micro pottery. Even my wife did not support me," Wang said.
However, Wang did not give up and after about half a year of experimentation, Wang finally made miniature tools on his own and was able to complete his first miniature porcelain — a vase.
According to Wang, the key to making a miniature ceramic work is concentration and a pair of steady hands. After numerous attempts, Wang found that the smallest works he could get were about 2 millimeters in size. "It would probably miss my original intention if I made micro pottery using a microscope, so I have focused more attention on making the smaller pieces more beautiful and complex," said Wang.
The smallest vase that Wang has made is a bowl only 2 millimeters tall, 3 millimeters wide and 1 millimeter thick. Wang says he plans to apply for the Guinness World Records for the world's smallest pottery work.
4.What inspired Wang Wenhua to make micro porcelain
A.The high expectations of the viewers.
B.The popularity of his videos on a video application.
C.His decision to make something different.
D.The responsibility of the founder of the studio.
5.Which words can best describe Wang Wenhua
A.Generous and wise. B.Brilliant and wealthy.
C.Talented and selfish. D.Determined and focused.
6.What plays a significant role in Wang producing a miniature ceramic work
A.Using a microscope in his work.
B.Advanced tools made by himself.
C.Carrying out numerous experiments.
D.Attention on a thing and steady hands.
7.In which section of a newspaper may this text appear
A.Fashion. B.Art. C.Education. D.Psychology.
Why don't we have eyes in the back of our heads There are at least two reasons. Eyes are biologically expensive things to make and rear view (后视) eyes don't fit well into the human evolution (进化).
Even animals, such as rabbits, whose main survival advantage is rear vision, have only the side eyes. Rear vision is not so important. There are other species that have evolved this ability by moving the position of their eyes relative to the rest of their head. Many birds have their eyes positioned towards the side of their head, allowing them a very wide angle of vision and, in the case of some birds such as the woodcock, they are positioned so they can actually achieve 360- degree vision. It is also obvious that spiders, which tend to have many eyes, only have them facing forwards.
Humans, and probably some other animals, do have another adapted sense to make it up. Many experiments showed that sounds behind the head were noticed by a listener more than sounds to the front, especially if a listener was in a dark room. So, our ears can make up for the lack of rear-facing vision. You can look at it another way. Rear vision is useful only if the potential threat is visible. During human evolution, that was most often not the case.
Finally, there is often more than one potential "solution" to a given problem. In many species, the answer to maintaining 360 degree awareness of surrounding danger is to rely on many eyes. Social behavior is common in the animal kingdom and one reason for this is that there is safety in numbers. You might be looking the wrong way when a tiger approaches, but if your teammates raise the alarm this is as effective as having eyes in the back of your head.
8.Why do humans have no rear view eyes
A.They are bad for human survival.
B.They are replaced by other organs.
C.They are less likely to spot the danger.
D.They are abandoned by natural selection.
9.What is the purpose of paragraph 2
A.To explain why animals have other functions.
B.To state rear-view eyes aren't a must for survival.
C.To prove rabbits, birds and spiders are very special.
D.To show rear view eyes are against the natural selection.
10.What does the underlined word "that" in paragraph 3 refer to
A.The visible threat behind the head.
B.Sensitive hearing.
C.The sounds behind the head.
D.Rear vision.
11.Where does the text most likely come from
A.A travel brochure. B.A fiction.
C.A science magazine. D.A book review.
You've probably felt it at some point in life: a red face, a huge heart, and a coating of sweat on your palms. That intense feeling, also known as an adrenaline (肾上腺素) rush, is caused by stress, nervousness, or excitement.
What happens to the body in any of those scenes is the same. "The special phenomenon begins in organs called adrenal glands(肾上腺). They secrete (分泌) the hormone adrenaline, preparing your body to take action ", says Alan Goodman,a professor of biological anthropology (人类学) at Hampshire College in Massachusetts. "The chemical helps you respond in high risk situations—and even to fight or flee. "
In fact, as soon as your brain senses danger, it tells your body to start making adrenaline. The hormone floods into your bloodstream and jumps into action by connecting to adrenoceptors, which can be found in cells in almost every organ.When a large amount of the chemical is produced all at once—more than 10 times higher than when you're calm—it's called an adrenaline rush.
That flood has lots of noticeable effects, and each one is intended to protect you in a dangerous situation. Your pupils might widen to let more light into your eyes so you can see more of your surroundings. Your brain begins to work faster to draw up a plan. Your heart beats more rapidly and pumps extra blood to your muscles, also delivering a surge of oxygen from your lungs. All of these effects build up anxious feelings. That's why it might seem as if your head is spinning, your thoughts are racing, or your heart is beating out of your chest.
12.Why is the strong feeling mentioned in Paragraph 1
A.To introduce the topic. B.To present research data.
C.To record an experience. D.To address healthy issues.
13.What can hormone adrenaline do
A.Relieve mental nervousness.
B.Help react in risky situations.
C.Voice signals of blood disorder.
D.Prevent the body from taking action.
14.When will an adrenaline rush happen
A.Our brain senses curiosity.
B.Hormone floods into bones.
C.Adrenaline levels rise sharply.
D.Chemicals are found in the cell.
15.What is the last paragraph mainly about
A.The reason for anxious feelings.
B.The effect of the brain on making plans.
C.The positive roles an adrenaline rush plays.
D.The importance of recognizing headaches.
Traveling with friends or family is always a fun bonding experience, and one of the best ways to do that is by taking a charter (租赁) bus.  16.  .
Security and safety
 17.  . When hiring a bus, it is much harder for someone to steal it because there are not enough cars or people they can distract during an escape attempt. Additionally, some companies provide their security personnel on board their buses which adds an extra measure of safety for all passengers and the company itself.
Chartering a bus, you have more flexibility than renting cars or traveling by train. You'll also have the convenience of being able to specify precisely how much space and comfort everyone in your group needs during the trip, which is essential if there are mobility issues among some members of your party."
If you're traveling with more than one or two people, there may be more comfortable ways to travel than staying in a car.  19.  , especially if you're traveling long distances. The seating will be comfortable, and there will probably be many electrical outlets where you can plug your devices in.
There are many advantages of booking a charter bus over a rental car when traveling with a group, but the biggest one is convenience. If you book a charter bus, the bus company will pick you up at your start location, drive you to your end location, and even wait for you at any place where you want to stop.  20.  .
A. Flexibility
B. Room for personal belongings
C. In short, the bus is your vehicle, and you can use it as you please
D. The first reason is security when you travel with more than one person
E. You just have to worry about having fun safely with other fellow travelers
F. A chartered bus will give everyone in your group some much-needed comfort
G. Here are the reasons why you should book a charter bus when traveling with a group
Nowadays, social media brings people together from all over the world. As 21. is replacing conversations, people are actually feeling 22. and communicating less. That's why 28-year-old Rob Lawless from a big city who has spent the last four years having an hour-long face-to-face conversation with a(n) 23. a day is so unique.
"The concept of 24. with strangers just to get to know them is so foreign to people who think it was 25. . In reality, I'm just here to sit with you and 26. anything,"said Lawless. During a typical day, he speaks to around four strangers. Since 2015, he has 27. to more than 2,800 people. Lawless 28. to listen to what other people say, whether it's their love of sports or how they are struggling to earn a 29. in the city.
However busy he is, Lawless 30. fails to talk to strangers. For him, making these conversations is the best way to 31. his time. Starting to work after graduation, he felt he missed those face-to-face 32. . Though he saw countless 33. for social engagement (社交应酬), networking was never the goal. Instead, he chose to find a way to meet people in a(n) 34. setting.
Lawless has 35. speaking with new friends so far. An hour provides the perfect amount of time to get to know someone on a 36. level. He has got to know the city and its people better. He wanted to recapture the social 37. he felt when he was on campus.
Lawless was very 38. at college. He joined some clubs. He could walk around campus and say hi to people. Going from college to the professional world, he has 39. lost that. Therefore, when he moved to the big city, he told himself, "This is my campus now. This is my city to make it what I want. I want to 40. people as I walk down the street."
21.A.writing B.telephoning C.texting D.telegraphing
22.A.lonely B.comfortable C.strong D.helpless
23.A.official B.stranger C.colleague D.customer
24.A.agreeing B.playing C.quarreling D.meeting
25.A.possible B.inconvenient C.difficult D.cheerful
26.A.talk about B.refer to C.deal with D.pick up
27.A.replied B.spoken C.responded D.compared
28.A.decides B.refuses C.pretends D.loves
29.A.degree B.place C.living D.credit
30.A.never B.even C.still D.often
31.A.waste B.spend C.save D.spare
32.A.fights B.conferences C.requests D.connections
33.A.participants B.techniques C.opportunities D.functions
34.A.relaxing B.secret C.unfamiliar D.open
35.A.stopped B.continued C.considered D.admitted
36.A.wider B.steadier C.lower D.deeper
37.A.order B.status C.environment D.gathering
38.A.involved B.experienced C.lucky D.sensitive
39.A.frequently B.completely C.simply D.willingly
40.A.impress B.scare C.respect D.recognize
The Columbian Exchange,     (name) so in 1972 by professor Alfred Crosby in the University of Texas at Austin, was the exchange of crops, animals, ideas and foods between the New World (the Americas) and the Old World (Europe, Africa and Asia) following the journeys of explorers, conquerors and traders. When     (return) to the Old World, they took plants     are native to the Americas such as com, potatoes, tomatoes, chili peppers and tobacco (烟草), along with valuable gems (宝石) and minerals. Explorers and traders in turn     (bring) to the New World apples, bananas, grapes, cattle, chicken and garlic.
The exchange of these foods and animals had a(n)    (power) impact on the eating patterns of peoples around the world. Elizabeth Lambert Ortiz wrote in her book The Food of Spain and Portugal, "    cannot be stressed too strongly that the importing of foods by Spain and Portugal from the Americas was     most significant     (develop) in cuisine in the 16th and 17th centuries." The impact wasn't just felt in Spain, Portugal and other European     (country). The New World foods also traveled with traders to Asia,     (actual) making the impacts truly global.
增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号( ),并在其下面写出该加的词。
Over 5 thousands
people have come together in our city to take part this year's Kite Festival. The
sky is blue but the wind is gentle, which is ideal for fly kites. This event is
good for us to understand our culture. The annually kite festival is not only a
local event but also a big chance for people to visit your city. The event
attracts to kite flyers aged from 2 to 70. There were all kinds of kites in the
sky, such as terrible dragons and beautiful eagles. Apart from kites, a
festival also includes other activities such as Chinese singing and dancing, as
well as KungFu shows. People can spend the day happy in the festival.
43.你校将举行英语作文比赛。请你以"Benefits of Exercising Regularly"为题写一篇短文参赛,内容包括:
1. 定期运动的好处;
2. 你的建议。
1. 词数80左右;
2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
Benefits of Exercising Regularly
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
Gulf Shores, Alabama
Alabama's Gulf Shores is attractive year-round, but the fall months bring fewer crowds and more affordable prices on hotels. Head to Gulf Shores for warm ocean waters and lovely whites and beaches that you may have all to yourself. There's also plenty to do at this beach destination outside of playing in the sand and surfing. For example, you can visit a downtown music bar.
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Albuquerque's amazing landscapes provide an enjoyment for visitors year-round. However, visiting in fall allows you to enjoy the famous Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta, which takes place in October. Book a trip in early October to see hundreds of brightly colored balloons dot the sky—you can even take a balloon ride yourself. Because this hot air balloon festival is such a popular event, you'll want to secure accommodations well in advance.
Laconia New Hampshire
You may not have heard of Laconia before. This small New Hampshire city is mostly known for its incredible fall festivals. Perhaps you've heard the famous New Hampshire Pumpkin Festival which takes place here in late October. Plan a weekend getaway to check out the amazing display of jack-o'-lanterns, live music, the Children's Costume Parade, a cornhole tournament and more.
Shenandoah National Park, Virginia
Located around 75 miles southwest of the nation's capital is Shenandoah National Park, a great place for leaf peeping(赏叶) and exploring the outdoors in autumn. This national park has more than 200, 000 acres of forest, waterfalls, flower fields and plenty of wildlife. For example, you can spot black bears, deer and birds throughout the national park.
1.What can tourists do in Alabama's Gulf Shores
A.Enjoy whites and beaches.
B.See beautiful fallen leaves.
C.Attend pumpkin exhibitions.
D.Watch the Children's Costume Parade.
2.Why are people advised to travel to Albuquerque in fall
A.There are fewer tourists.
B.There is a famous balloon festival.
C.They can take a balloon ride for free.
D.They can save money during the trip.
3.Which place should you visit if you are interested in wildlife
A.Gulf Shores. B.Albuquerque.
C.Laconia. D.Shenandoah National Park.
1.考查细节理解。根据Gulf Shores, Alabama部分中的"Head to Gulf Shores for warm ocean waters and lovely whites and beaches that you may have all to yourself. "前往墨西哥湾沿岸,享受温暖的海水、美丽的白色和海滩,您可能会拥有一切。可知,游客在阿拉巴马州墨西哥湾沿岸(Alabama's Gulf Shores)可以享受白色和海滩。故选A。
2.考查细节理解。根据Albuquerque, New Mexico部分中的"However, visiting in fall allows you to enjoy the famous Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta, which takes place in October. Book a trip in early October to see hundreds of brightly colored balloons dot the sky—you can even take a balloon ride yourself. "然而,秋季游览可以让您享受10月举行的著名的阿尔伯克基国际热气球嘉年华。预订10月初的旅行,观看数百个色彩鲜艳的气球点缀在天空中 — 您甚至可以亲自乘坐热气球。可知,作者建议人们秋季前往阿尔伯克基(Albuquerque),这是因为秋季这里有一个著名的气球节。故选B。
3.考查细节理解。根据Shenandoah National Park, Virginia部分中的"This national park has more than 200, 000 acres of forest, waterfalls, flower fields and plenty of wildlife. For example, you can spot black bears, deer and birds throughout the national park."这个国家公园拥有超过200000英亩的森林、瀑布、花田和大量的野生动物。例如,您可以在整个国家公园看到黑熊、鹿和鸟类。可知,如果你对野生动物感兴趣,你应该参观哪些地方弗吉尼亚州谢南多厄国家公园(Shenandoah National Park),故选D。
Shaping, drying, glazing and firing... in less than 5 minutes, a mini vase only millimeters in size starts to take shape as viewers watch on. As the founder of a miniature ceramics (微型陶瓷) studio, Wang Wenhua never expected that his works would surprise viewers in China, let alone those abroad, and that his short videos would earn over 45 million views and 4.2 million likes on a video application.
Having worked in China's "Porcelain Capital (瓷都)" Jingdezhen in East China's Jiangxi Province for 14 years, Wang said he had once seen the world's biggest ceramic here but he had never seen the smallest, so he decided one day to try something different — making micro porcelain.
Things were not easy in the beginning, and many people doubted him. "They called me crazy and mocked me when I went to factories and asked them to help make miniature tools for me to create micro pottery. Even my wife did not support me," Wang said.
However, Wang did not give up and after about half a year of experimentation, Wang finally made miniature tools on his own and was able to complete his first miniature porcelain — a vase.
According to Wang, the key to making a miniature ceramic work is concentration and a pair of steady hands. After numerous attempts, Wang found that the smallest works he could get were about 2 millimeters in size. "It would probably miss my original intention if I made micro pottery using a microscope, so I have focused more attention on making the smaller pieces more beautiful and complex," said Wang.
The smallest vase that Wang has made is a bowl only 2 millimeters tall, 3 millimeters wide and 1 millimeter thick. Wang says he plans to apply for the Guinness World Records for the world's smallest pottery work.
4.What inspired Wang Wenhua to make micro porcelain
A.The high expectations of the viewers.
B.The popularity of his videos on a video application.
C.His decision to make something different.
D.The responsibility of the founder of the studio.
5.Which words can best describe Wang Wenhua
A.Generous and wise. B.Brilliant and wealthy.
C.Talented and selfish. D.Determined and focused.
6.What plays a significant role in Wang producing a miniature ceramic work
A.Using a microscope in his work.
B.Advanced tools made by himself.
C.Carrying out numerous experiments.
D.Attention on a thing and steady hands.
7.In which section of a newspaper may this text appear
A.Fashion. B.Art. C.Education. D.Psychology.
4.细节理解题。根据文章第二段"Having worked in China's "Porcelain Capital (瓷都)" Jingdezhen in East China's Jiangxi Province for 14 years, Wang said he had once seen the world's biggest ceramic here but he had never seen the smallest, so he decided one day to try something different — making micro porcelain. (在中国"瓷都"江西省景德镇工作了14年后,王说他曾经在这里见过世界上最大的陶瓷,但从未见过最小的陶瓷,所以他决定有一天尝试一些不同的东西——制作微型瓷器。)"可知,王文华做微瓷器是因为他决定做一些不同的东西,故选C。
5.推理判断题。根据文章第四段"However, Wang did not give up and after about half a year of experimentation, Wang finally made miniature tools on his own and was able to complete his first miniature porcelain — a vase. (然而,王先生并没有放弃,经过大约半年的实验,王先生终于自己制作了微型工具,并完成了他的第一个微型瓷器——花瓶。)"及倒数第二段中""It would probably miss my original intention if I made micro pottery using a microscope, so I have focused more attention on making the smaller pieces more beautiful and complex," said Wang. ("如果我用显微镜制作微型陶器,可能会错过我的初衷,所以我把更多的注意力集中在让较小的作品更漂亮、更复杂上,"王说。)"可知,王文华是有决心并且很专注的,故选D。
6.细节理解题。根据文章倒数第二段中"According to Wang, the key to making a miniature ceramic work is concentration and a pair of steady hands. (据王先生说,制作微型陶瓷作品的关键是专注和一双稳定的手。)"可知,在制作微型陶瓷作品的过程中,专注一件事情和稳定的手起着重要的作用,故选D。
7.推理判断题。根据文章第一段中"As the founder of a miniature ceramics (微型陶瓷) studio, Wang Wenhua never expected that his works would surprise viewers in China, let alone those abroad, and that his short videos would earn over 45 million views and 4.2 million likes on a video application. (作为微型陶瓷工作室的创始人,王文华万万没想到自己的作品会让国内观众大吃一惊,更不用说国外观众了,他的短视频在视频应用上获得了超过4500万的观看次数和420万的点赞。)"并结合文章主要介绍了微型陶瓷工作室的创始人王文华开始制作为瓷器的原因及经过,可推知,文章可能出现在报纸的"艺术"版面,故选B。
Why don't we have eyes in the back of our heads There are at least two reasons. Eyes are biologically expensive things to make and rear view (后视) eyes don't fit well into the human evolution (进化).
Even animals, such as rabbits, whose main survival advantage is rear vision, have only the side eyes. Rear vision is not so important. There are other species that have evolved this ability by moving the position of their eyes relative to the rest of their head. Many birds have their eyes positioned towards the side of their head, allowing them a very wide angle of vision and, in the case of some birds such as the woodcock, they are positioned so they can actually achieve 360- degree vision. It is also obvious that spiders, which tend to have many eyes, only have them facing forwards.
Humans, and probably some other animals, do have another adapted sense to make it up. Many experiments showed that sounds behind the head were noticed by a listener more than sounds to the front, especially if a listener was in a dark room. So, our ears can make up for the lack of rear-facing vision. You can look at it another way. Rear vision is useful only if the potential threat is visible. During human evolution, that was most often not the case.
Finally, there is often more than one potential "solution" to a given problem. In many species, the answer to maintaining 360 degree awareness of surrounding danger is to rely on many eyes. Social behavior is common in the animal kingdom and one reason for this is that there is safety in numbers. You might be looking the wrong way when a tiger approaches, but if your teammates raise the alarm this is as effective as having eyes in the back of your head.
8.Why do humans have no rear view eyes
A.They are bad for human survival.
B.They are replaced by other organs.
C.They are less likely to spot the danger.
D.They are abandoned by natural selection.
9.What is the purpose of paragraph 2
A.To explain why animals have other functions.
B.To state rear-view eyes aren't a must for survival.
C.To prove rabbits, birds and spiders are very special.
D.To show rear view eyes are against the natural selection.
10.What does the underlined word "that" in paragraph 3 refer to
A.The visible threat behind the head.
B.Sensitive hearing.
C.The sounds behind the head.
D.Rear vision.
11.Where does the text most likely come from
A.A travel brochure. B.A fiction.
C.A science magazine. D.A book review.
8.考查细节理解。根据第一段"Why don't we have eyes in the back of our heads There are at least two reasons. Eyes are biologically expensive things to make and rear-view (后视) eyes don't fit well into the human evolution (进化)."为什么我们的眼睛没有长在脑后?至少有两个原因。眼睛从生物学角度上说是昂贵的东西,而后视的眼睛并不适合人类的进化。可知,人类没有后视的眼睛是因为它们并不适合人类的进化,被自然选择所抛弃。故选D。
9.考查推理判断。根据第二段中的"Even animals, such as rabbits, whose main survival advantage is rear vision, have only the side eyes. Rear vision is not so important."即使是兔子等主要生存优势是后视的动物,也只有侧眼。后视并不是那么重要。可知,本段主要通过列举兔子、蜘蛛和鸟类的例子,告诉我们后视并不是那么重要,它并不是生存的必备条件。可推知,第二段的主要目的是说明后视并不是生存的必要条件。故选B。
10.考查代词指代。根据第三段中的"Rear vision is useful only if the potential threat is visible."只有在潜在威胁是可以看见的时候,后视才有用。可知,后视只对脑后发生的可见的威胁是有用的。可推知,that代指的是"脑后的可见的威胁",画线词所在句子表示"在人类进化过程中,脑后的可见的威胁的情况并不经常发生。","The visible threat behind the head"意为"脑后的可见的威胁",符合句意。故选A。
11.考查推理判断。根据第一段"Why don't we have eyes in the back of our heads There are at least two reasons. Eyes are biologically expensive things to make and rear-view (后视) eyes don't fit well into the human evolution (进化)."为什么我们的眼睛没有长在脑后?至少有两个原因。眼睛从生物学角度上说是昂贵的东西,而后视的眼睛并不适合人类的进化。可知,本文主要向我们解释了人类的眼睛没有长在脑后的原因,这是一篇科普知识类的文章,因此,文章最有可能选自一本科学杂志。故选C。
You've probably felt it at some point in life: a red face, a huge heart, and a coating of sweat on your palms. That intense feeling, also known as an adrenaline (肾上腺素) rush, is caused by stress, nervousness, or excitement.
What happens to the body in any of those scenes is the same. "The special phenomenon begins in organs called adrenal glands(肾上腺). They secrete (分泌) the hormone adrenaline, preparing your body to take action ", says Alan Goodman,a professor of biological anthropology (人类学) at Hampshire College in Massachusetts. "The chemical helps you respond in high risk situations—and even to fight or flee. "
In fact, as soon as your brain senses danger, it tells your body to start making adrenaline. The hormone floods into your bloodstream and jumps into action by connecting to adrenoceptors, which can be found in cells in almost every organ.When a large amount of the chemical is produced all at once—more than 10 times higher than when you're calm—it's called an adrenaline rush.
That flood has lots of noticeable effects, and each one is intended to protect you in a dangerous situation. Your pupils might widen to let more light into your eyes so you can see more of your surroundings. Your brain begins to work faster to draw up a plan. Your heart beats more rapidly and pumps extra blood to your muscles, also delivering a surge of oxygen from your lungs. All of these effects build up anxious feelings. That's why it might seem as if your head is spinning, your thoughts are racing, or your heart is beating out of your chest.
12.Why is the strong feeling mentioned in Paragraph 1
A.To introduce the topic. B.To present research data.
C.To record an experience. D.To address healthy issues.
13.What can hormone adrenaline do
A.Relieve mental nervousness.
B.Help react in risky situations.
C.Voice signals of blood disorder.
D.Prevent the body from taking action.
14.When will an adrenaline rush happen
A.Our brain senses curiosity.
B.Hormone floods into bones.
C.Adrenaline levels rise sharply.
D.Chemicals are found in the cell.
15.What is the last paragraph mainly about
A.The reason for anxious feelings.
B.The effect of the brain on making plans.
C.The positive roles an adrenaline rush plays.
D.The importance of recognizing headaches.
12.推理判断。第一段写到了一些强烈的感受a red face, a huge heart, and a coating of sweat on your palms(红扑扑的脸,巨大的心,还有你手掌上的一层汗珠),并且指出这些作为肾上腺素飙升而被人熟知,引出了文章主要介绍的对象,因此应该是为了引出主题,故选A。
13.细节理解。根据第二段They secrete (分泌) the hormone adrenaline, preparing your body to take action和The chemical helps you respond in high risk situations—and even to fight or flee.(它们分泌荷尔蒙肾上腺素,让你的身体做好采取行动的准备。这种化学物质可以帮助你在高风险的情况下做出反应——甚至是战斗或逃跑)可知荷尔蒙肾上腺素可以帮助在危险情况下反应,故选B。
14.细节理解。根据第三段When a large amount of the chemical is produced all at once—more than 10 times higher than when you're calm—it's called an adrenaline rush.(当大量的化学物质同时产生时——比你平静时高出10倍——这被称为肾上腺素激增。)可知,肾上腺素激增时肾上腺素水平会急速上升,故选C。
15.段落大意。根据最后一段第一句:That flood has lots of noticeable effects, and each one is intended to protect you in a dangerous situation.(这种急速增长有很多明显的影响,每一个都是为了在危险的情况下保护你)可知最后一段讲的是肾上腺素激增的积极作用,故选C。
Traveling with friends or family is always a fun bonding experience, and one of the best ways to do that is by taking a charter (租赁) bus.  16.  .
Security and safety
 17.  . When hiring a bus, it is much harder for someone to steal it because there are not enough cars or people they can distract during an escape attempt. Additionally, some companies provide their security personnel on board their buses which adds an extra measure of safety for all passengers and the company itself.
Chartering a bus, you have more flexibility than renting cars or traveling by train. You'll also have the convenience of being able to specify precisely how much space and comfort everyone in your group needs during the trip, which is essential if there are mobility issues among some members of your party."
If you're traveling with more than one or two people, there may be more comfortable ways to travel than staying in a car.  19.  , especially if you're traveling long distances. The seating will be comfortable, and there will probably be many electrical outlets where you can plug your devices in.
There are many advantages of booking a charter bus over a rental car when traveling with a group, but the biggest one is convenience. If you book a charter bus, the bus company will pick you up at your start location, drive you to your end location, and even wait for you at any place where you want to stop.  20.  .
A. Flexibility
B. Room for personal belongings
C. In short, the bus is your vehicle, and you can use it as you please
D. The first reason is security when you travel with more than one person
E. You just have to worry about having fun safely with other fellow travelers
F. A chartered bus will give everyone in your group some much-needed comfort
G. Here are the reasons why you should book a charter bus when traveling with a group
16.根据空前"Traveling with friends or family is always a fun bonding experience, and one of the best ways to do that is by taking a charter (租赁) bus. (与朋友或家人一起旅行总是一种有趣的联络感情的体验,最好的方法是租赁一辆公交车)"及下文内容"Security and safety(安全保障)";"Comfort(舒适)"以及Convenience(方便)"可知,下文主要讲述租赁巴士的原因,所以空格处应填能承接上文并引出下文的句子;选项G. Here are the reasons why you should book a charter bus when traveling with a group (下面介绍一下你在跟团旅行时为什么应该选择租赁巴士)正好承接上文并引出下文,讲述租巴士的原因。故选G。
17.根据本段的小标题"Security and safety(安全保障)"以及下文"When hiring a bus, it is much harder for someone to steal it because there are not enough cars or people they can distract during an escape attempt. (当租赁巴士时,对于别人来说,要偷东西要困难得多,因为在逃跑时没有足够的车辆或人员可以分散(乘车人员的)注意力)"可知,空格处应该讲述安全问题;选项D. The first reason is security when you travel with more than one person (第一个原因就是与多人旅行时的安全问题)引出安全问题。故选D。
18.空格处为小标题,所以应能概括下文主要内容,根据下文"When chartering a bus, you have more flexibility than renting cars or traveling by train. (当租赁巴士时,比租赁汽车或者坐火车更灵活)"可知,本段主要讲述灵活性flexibility;选项A. Flexibility (灵活性)概括本段内容。故选A。
19.根据本段小标题"Comfort(舒适)"以及空格后"especially if you're traveling long distances (尤其当你长途旅行时)"可知空格处应描述租赁巴士能够让你更舒适;选项F. A chartered bus will give everyone in your group some much-needed comfort (一个租赁巴士会为团里每个人提供所需的舒适)句中"comfort"对应小标题且能衔接下文。故选F。
20.根据本段小标题"Convenience(方便)"以及空格前"If you book a charter bus, the bus company will pick you up at your start location, drive you to your end location, and even wait for you at any place where you want to stop (如果你租赁了一辆公交车,公交公司会去你的出发地接你并把你送到目的地,甚至会在任何你想停下来的地方等你)"可知,空格处应衔接上文描述方便性;选项C. In short, the bus is your vehicle, and you can use it as you please (这个巴士就是你的车,你可以随意使用)总结租巴士的便捷。故选C。
Nowadays, social media brings people together from all over the world. As 21. is replacing conversations, people are actually feeling 22. and communicating less. That's why 28-year-old Rob Lawless from a big city who has spent the last four years having an hour-long face-to-face conversation with a(n) 23. a day is so unique.
"The concept of 24. with strangers just to get to know them is so foreign to people who think it was 25. . In reality, I'm just here to sit with you and 26. anything,"said Lawless. During a typical day, he speaks to around four strangers. Since 2015, he has 27. to more than 2,800 people. Lawless 28. to listen to what other people say, whether it's their love of sports or how they are struggling to earn a 29. in the city.
However busy he is, Lawless 30. fails to talk to strangers. For him, making these conversations is the best way to 31. his time. Starting to work after graduation, he felt he missed those face-to-face 32. . Though he saw countless 33. for social engagement (社交应酬), networking was never the goal. Instead, he chose to find a way to meet people in a(n) 34. setting.
Lawless has 35. speaking with new friends so far. An hour provides the perfect amount of time to get to know someone on a 36. level. He has got to know the city and its people better. He wanted to recapture the social 37. he felt when he was on campus.
Lawless was very 38. at college. He joined some clubs. He could walk around campus and say hi to people. Going from college to the professional world, he has 39. lost that. Therefore, when he moved to the big city, he told himself, "This is my campus now. This is my city to make it what I want. I want to 40. people as I walk down the street."
21.A.writing B.telephoning C.texting D.telegraphing
22.A.lonely B.comfortable C.strong D.helpless
23.A.official B.stranger C.colleague D.customer
24.A.agreeing B.playing C.quarreling D.meeting
25.A.possible B.inconvenient C.difficult D.cheerful
26.A.talk about B.refer to C.deal with D.pick up
27.A.replied B.spoken C.responded D.compared
28.A.decides B.refuses C.pretends D.loves
29.A.degree B.place C.living D.credit
30.A.never B.even C.still D.often
31.A.waste B.spend C.save D.spare
32.A.fights B.conferences C.requests D.connections
33.A.participants B.techniques C.opportunities D.functions
34.A.relaxing B.secret C.unfamiliar D.open
35.A.stopped B.continued C.considered D.admitted
36.A.wider B.steadier C.lower D.deeper
37.A.order B.status C.environment D.gathering
38.A.involved B.experienced C.lucky D.sensitive
39.A.frequently B.completely C.simply D.willingly
40.A.impress B.scare C.respect D.recognize
【解析】【分析】本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了来自一个大城市的28岁的Rob Lawless,在过去四年里,每天都和一个陌生人面对面交谈一个小时,以便更了解这个城市和它的人民以及重新体验在校园里的社交环境。
21.句意:由于短信正在取代对话,人们实际上感到孤独,交流也越来越少。A. writing“写”;B. telephoning“打电话”;C. texting“发信息”;D. telegraphing“发电报”。根据下文的“communicating less”可知,交流越来越少,所以推断发信息代替了谈话。故选C。
22.句意:由于短信正在取代对话,人们实际上感到孤独,交流也越来越少。A. lonely“孤独的”;B. comfortable“舒服的”;C. strong“强壮的”;D. helpless“无助的”。根据空后“communicating less”可知,交流越来越少,人们事实上感到孤独。故选A。
23.句意:这就是为什么来自一个大城市的28岁的Rob Lawless,在过去的四年里,他每天都和一个陌生人面对面交谈一个小时。A. official“官员”;B. stranger“陌生人”;C. colleague“同事”;D. customer“顾客”。根据下文“The concept of 4 with strangers”可知,此处是信息词stranger的词汇复现。故选B。
24.句意:“与陌生人见面只是为了了解他们,这种想法对人们来说太陌生了,他们认为这很困难。事实上,我只是在这里和你坐在一起,谈论任何事情,”劳里斯说。A. agreeing“同意”;B. playing“玩”;C. quarreling“争吵”;D. meeting“遇见,见面”。根据上文“having an hour-long face-to-face conversation with a(n) 3 a day”可知,此处表示与陌生人见面。故选D。
25.句意:“与陌生人见面只是为了了解他们,这种想法对人们来说太陌生了,他们认为这很困难。事实上,我只是在这里和你坐在一起,谈论任何事情,”劳里斯说。A. possible“可能的”;B. inconvenient“不方便的”;C. difficult“困难的”;D. cheerful “振奋的”。根据空前“so foreign to people”可知,很多人对与陌生人见面的概念感到如此陌生,他们认为这非常困难。故选C。
26.句意:“与陌生人见面只是为了了解他们,这种想法对人们来说太陌生了,他们认为这很困难。事实上,我只是在这里和你坐在一起,谈论任何事情,”劳里斯说。A. talk about“谈论”;B. refer to“提到,提及”;C. deal with“处理”;D. pick up“捡起”。根据空后“During a typical day, he speaks to around four strangers”可知,此处表示Lawless坐下来和陌生人交谈。故选A。
27.句意:自2015年以来,他已经与2800多人交谈过。A. replied“回应”;B. spoken“说话”;C. responded“回答,答复”;D. compared“比较”。根据上文“he speaks to around four strangers”可知,他已经与2800多人交谈过。故选B。
28.句意:劳里斯喜欢听别人说,无论是他们对体育的热爱,还是他们在城市里如何努力谋生。A. decides“决定”;B. refuses“拒绝”;C. pretends“假装”;D. loves“爱”。根据空后“whether it's their love of sports or how they are struggling to earn a 9 in the city.”可知,Lawless喜欢听别人说话。故选D。
29.句意:劳里斯喜欢听别人说,无论是他们对体育的热爱,还是他们在城市里如何努力谋生。A. degree“学位”;B. place“地方”;C. living“谋生,生计”;D. credit“信用”。不管是他们喜爱的运动,还是他们如何在这个城市艰难谋生,earn a living固定短语,“谋生”。故选C。
30.句意:无论多忙,劳利斯总是和陌生人说话。A. never“从未”;B. even“甚至”;C. still“仍然”;D. often“经常”。根据语境可知,Lawless喜欢与陌生人聊天,所以不管多忙,他从未落下与陌生人的谈话。Never fail to do sth.双重否定表示肯定,表示“总是能做某事”。故选A。
31.句意:对他来说,进行这些对话是打发时间的最好方式。A. waste“浪费”;B. spend“花费”;C. save“节省”;D. spare“抽出,匀出”。根据下文“Starting to work after graduation, he felt he missed those face-to-face 12 .”可知,对他来说,交谈是度过时间的最佳方式。故选B。
32.句意:毕业后开始工作,他觉得自己想念那些面对面的交流。A. fights“斗争”;B. conferences“会议”;C. requests“请求”;D. connections“连接,联系”。根据下文的“social engagement”可推知,此处指毕业后开始工作,他感觉想念了那些面对面联系。故选D。
33.句意:尽管他看到了无数的社交机会,但社交从来都不是他的目标。A. participants“参与者”;B. techniques“方法,技巧”;C. opportunities“机会”;D. functions“功能”。根据下文“Instead, he chose to find a way”可知,此处表示虽然他看到了无数的机会去参与社交,但是网络社会不会是他的选择。故选C。
34.句意:相反,他选择寻找一种在轻松的环境中与人见面的方式。A. relaxing“令人放松的”;B. secret“秘密的”;C. unfamiliar“不熟悉的”;D. open“开放的”。根据上文可知,他找到了一个在轻松的环境中认识人的方法——与陌生人谈话。故选A。
35.句意:劳里斯目前仍在继续与新朋友交谈。A. stopped“停止”;B. continued“继续”;C. considered“考虑”;D. admitted“承认”。根据下文“He has got to know the city and its people better.”可知,他越来越了解这座城市和城市里的人了,所以迄今为止,他一直继续与陌生人交谈。故选B。
36.句意:一个小时是深入了解一个人的最佳时间。A. wider“更宽的”;B. steadier“更稳定的”;C. lower“更低的”;D. deeper“更深的”。根据空前“An hour provides the perfect amount of time to get to know someone”可知,一个小时足以深入了解一个人。故选D。
37.句意:他想重新体验在校园里的社交环境。A. order“命令”;B. status“地位”;C. environment“环境”;D. gathering“聚集”。根据空后“when he was on campus.”可知,他想重新体验在校园里的社交环境。故选C。
38.句意:劳里斯在大学里参与很多事情。A. involved“参与的”;B. experienced“有经验的”;C. lucky“幸运的”;D. sensitive“敏感的”。根据下文“He joined some clubs. He could walk around campus and say hi to people.”可知,在上大学时,他参与了很多事情。故选A。
39.句意:从大学进入职场后,他完全失去了这种能力。A. frequently“经常地”;B completely“完全地”;C. simply“简单地”;D. willingly“愿意地”。从大学到工作,他完全失去了那种交流。故选B。
40.句意:当我走在街上的时候,我想认出人们。A. impress“使印象深刻”;B. scare“使害怕”;C respect“尊重”;D. recognize“识别”。根据上网呢“He has got to know the city and its people better.”可知,他想要在街上行走的时候认出人们。故选D。
The Columbian Exchange,     (name) so in 1972 by professor Alfred Crosby in the University of Texas at Austin, was the exchange of crops, animals, ideas and foods between the New World (the Americas) and the Old World (Europe, Africa and Asia) following the journeys of explorers, conquerors and traders. When     (return) to the Old World, they took plants     are native to the Americas such as com, potatoes, tomatoes, chili peppers and tobacco (烟草), along with valuable gems (宝石) and minerals. Explorers and traders in turn     (bring) to the New World apples, bananas, grapes, cattle, chicken and garlic.
The exchange of these foods and animals had a(n)    (power) impact on the eating patterns of peoples around the world. Elizabeth Lambert Ortiz wrote in her book The Food of Spain and Portugal, "    cannot be stressed too strongly that the importing of foods by Spain and Portugal from the Americas was     most significant     (develop) in cuisine in the 16th and 17th centuries." The impact wasn't just felt in Spain, Portugal and other European     (country). The New World foods also traveled with traders to Asia,     (actual) making the impacts truly global.
(1)句意:1972年由奥斯丁德克萨斯大学的阿尔弗雷德·克罗斯比教授命名的哥伦比亚交换,是新大陆和旧大陆之间在探险家、征服者和商人的旅程之后进行的作物、动物、思想和食物的交换。此处非谓语动词作定语。被修饰词The Columbian Exchange与name是逻辑上的动宾关系,应用过去分词,表示被命名。故填named。
(3)句意:当返回旧世界时,他们带走了美洲本土的植物,如玉米、土豆、西红柿和烟草。 are native to the Americas such as com, potatoes, tomatoes, chili peppers and tobacco (烟草) 是限定性定语从句。先行词为plants ,指物,故用关系代词that/which引导定语从句。关系代词在从句中作主语,不能省略。故填that/which。
(4)句意:探险者和商人反过来把苹果、香蕉、葡萄、牛、鸡和大蒜带到了新大陆。此处是谓语动词,根据句中 they took plants可知,此处时态是过去时,故填brought。
(7)句意:不能过分强调的是,西班牙和葡萄牙从美洲进口食品是16世纪和17世纪美食最重要的发展。根据空后形容词的最高级形式most significant 可知,此处应用定冠词the。故填the。
(8)句意:不能过分强调的是,西班牙和葡萄牙从美洲进口食品是16世纪和17世纪美食最重要的发展。根据空前的most significant 可知,空格处应填入名词,在句中作表语,故填development。
(9)句意:这种影响不仅在西班牙、葡萄牙和其他欧洲国家有感觉。根据空前的other European 可知,这里的country应该用复数形式countries。故填countries。
增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号( ),并在其下面写出该加的词。
Over 5 thousands
people have come together in our city to take part this year's Kite Festival. The
sky is blue but the wind is gentle, which is ideal for fly kites. This event is
good for us to understand our culture. The annually kite festival is not only a
local event but also a big chance for people to visit your city. The event
attracts to kite flyers aged from 2 to 70. There were all kinds of kites in the
sky, such as terrible dragons and beautiful eagles. Apart from kites, a
festival also includes other activities such as Chinese singing and dancing, as
well as KungFu shows. People can spend the day happy in the festival.
【答案】①thousands →thousand ②part后加in ③but →and ④fly →flying ⑤annuall →annual ⑥your →our ⑦删掉to ⑧were →are ⑨a →the ⑩happy →happily
(2)句意:有五千人聚集在我市参加今年的风筝节。take part in固定短语,“参加”,故part后添加in。
(5)句意:每年一度的风筝节不仅是当地的一项活动,也是人们参观我们城市的一个好机会。修饰后文名词短语kite festival应用形容词annual,作定语。故annually改为annual。
(6)句意:每年一度的风筝节不仅是当地的一项活动,也是人们参观我们城市的一个好机会。结合上文“in our city”可知,此处指“我们的城市”应用代词our。故your改为our。
(10)句意:人们可以在节日里愉快地度过这一天。此处副词修饰动词 spend 作状语,故 happy 改为happily 。
43.你校将举行英语作文比赛。请你以"Benefits of Exercising Regularly"为题写一篇短文参赛,内容包括:
1. 定期运动的好处;
2. 你的建议。
1. 词数80左右;
2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
Benefits of Exercising Regularly
【答案】Benefits of Exercising Regularly
Doing exercise on a regular basis is necessary in our daily life. Everyone benefits from exercising regularly, regardless of age, sex or physical ability. For one thing, not only can regular exercise help us keep a healthy body weight, sleep better and reduce our health risks, but it can strengthen our bones and muscles as well, thus enabling us to build a strong body. For another, exercising regularly helps keep our thinking and judgment sharp as we age. It can also reduce our risk of depression and anxiety.
As far as I'm concerned, however busy we are, we should try every means to spare a certain amount of time for exercise. Only in this way can we stay healthy both physically and mentally.
【解析】【分析】本题是一篇应用文写作,要求考生 以"Benefits of Exercising Regularly"为题写一篇短文,参加你校将举行的英语作文比赛。写作要点已经给出,属于提纲类作文,内容包括:1. 定期运动的好处;2. 你的建议。提示中的内容比较泛泛,需要适当补充。本题对于考生的综合能力要求较高,要求考生有很强的谋篇布局的能力和组织要点的能力。需要注意紧扣文章主题,给出的要点都需要包括。写作时注意准确运用时态,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系。尽量使用自己熟悉的单词句式,同时也要注意使用高级词汇和高级句型使文章显得更有档次。
【点评】本篇作文要点齐全,结构完整,条理清晰,应用了较多的语法结构和词汇,熟练地使用了语句间的连接成分,使整个文章结构紧凑,很好地完成了写作任务。例如:Doing exercise on a regular basis is necessary in our daily life. 运用了动名词作主语;For one thing, not only can regular exercise help us keep a healthy body weight, sleep better and reduce our health risks, but it can strengthen our bones and muscles as well, thus enabling us to build a strong body.运用了并列句,倒装句,现在分词作状语; For another, exercising regularly helps keep our thinking and judgment sharp as we age. 运用了时间状语从句;As far as I'm concerned, however busy we are, we should try every means to spare a certain amount of time for exercise. 运用了让步状语从句;Only in this way can we stay healthy both physically and mentally.运用了倒装句。
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)



