Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7. 课时5 Section B (2a-2e)练习(原卷版+解析版)九年级英语全册(人教版)

Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7.
Unit 14 课时5 Section B (2a-2e)
1.扎实掌握重点单词以及短语:gentleman,ceremony,congratulate,thirsty,lastly,task,ahead,responsible,wing,attend the graduation ceremony,separate from sb.,never fail to be thankful to sb.,set out on your new journey,be responsible for;等等。
1) First of all,I'd like to congratulate all the students who are here today.
2) I hope you'll remember the important people in your lives who helped and supported you.
3) The key is to learn from mistakes and never give up.
3. 通过阅读策略的训练,理解关于毕业演讲词的语篇内容。
4. 回顾过去的初中生活,感恩母校、老师和同学,并树立远大志向。
1. I ______________ (祝贺) him on his good exam results yesterday.
2. Our first_________(任务) is to collect some information.
3. They’re very happy to have__________(单独的) rooms now.
4. Be sure of yourself and go your__________ (独自的)way.
5. Jack was very stressed because he was invited to the ________(庆典)of his friend’s wedding.
6. I am ________ (口渴的). Could you give me some water
1. 首先____________________________ 2. 充满活力____________________________
3. 渴求知识________________________ 4. 处理,对付__________________________
5. 对未来充满希望_____________________ 6. 长大____________________________
7. 对......感到自豪_______________________ 8. 在过去的三年里_____________________
9. 对......心存感激_______________________ 10. 在…前面__________________________
11. 犯错误_________________________ 12. 放弃做某事_______________________
13. 连同......一起______________________ 14. 有机会做某事______________________
15. 有能力做某事______________________ 16. 做自己的选择/决定_____________________
17. 对......负责任_________________________ 18. 几年后___________________________
19. 返回母校看看________________________ 20. 开始新的旅程_____________________
1.First of all的用法
【课文详解】First of all, I’d like to congratulate all the students who are here today.
【句型剖析】first of all意为“首先,第一” 常常放在句首,后用逗号隔开,表示重要性上的先后。例如:
First of all, let me tell you the news.
【拓展】at first意为“开始,起初”,强调顺序上的先后。例如:
At first, let me introduce my friend Mike to you. Then…
At first he refused to accept any responsibility but he ended up apologizing.
最初他拒不承认有任何责任, 到头来还是道了歉。
【即学即练】Please remember the following things when you are in the museum. ________ , don’t touch the things. Second, don’t make any noise.
A.First of all B.By the way C.In fact D.So far
【课文详解】Although you have to go your separate ways now, I hope that in a few years’ time,you’ll come back to visit our school.
Although he is a little child, he knows a lot. 虽然他是个小孩子,但是他知道很多。
I hope that I can visit the Great Wall some day. 我希望有一天我能够去参观长城。
in a few years’ time的意思是"在未来几年的时间里",采用了"in+一段时间"结构,在句中作状语,主句使用一般将来时。
I will leave in five hours. 五个小时后我将离开。
【即学即练】________ Jill isn’t feeling well today, ________ he still goes to school.
A.Although; but B.But; although C.Although; / D.but; although
【课文详解】It is always hard to separate from those whom you have spent so much time with for the past three years.
【句型剖析】 whom引导的是定语从句,修饰先行词those, whom在定语从句中作spent的宾语。
This is the man whom I talk with. 这就是我和他谈话的那个人。
separate... from...,divide... into...
This patient should be separated from the others. 这个病人应该隔离。
The world is divided into seven continents. 世界被分成七大洲。
【即学即练】In the busy street, there were some artists ________ the tourists paid no attention.
A.that B.who C.from whom D.to whom
【课文详解】Never fail to be thankful to the people around you.
(1).Don't + 动词原形
Don't stand up. 别站起来。
Don't be careless. 别粗心。
Don't let them play with fire. 别让他们玩火。
(2).Let's ( let sb ) + not + 动词原形
Let's not say anything about it. 对于这件事,咱们什么也别说。
Let them not play with fire. 别让他们玩火。
NO PHOTOS! 禁止拍照!
(4).在Be动词引起的肯定祈使句前加Don't,构成Don't be+其它成分。
Don't be careless.不要粗心。
【即学即练】Don’t ________ for school again, Millie!
A.late B.are late C.is late D.be late
【课文详解】Behind each door you open are chances to learn new things, and you have the ability to make your own choice.
【句型剖析】 “you open”是省略that/which引导的定语从句。
此句为倒装句,原句顺序为:Chances to learn new things are behind each door you open,主语为chances属于复数形式,因此be动词用are,倒装句起强调作用,强调主语chances。
固搭:have the ability to do sth. 意为“有能力做某事。”
【即学即练】A lot of policemen are standing around the meeting hall, because inside its walls ________.
A.where sit the leaders B.the leaders there sit
C.sit the leaders D.that the leaders sit
(1) responsible作形容词,意为“有责任的;负责的;可靠的”。例如:
Our teacher is a very responsible person.
(2) be responsible for意为“对……负责任”,一般指对某事负责。例如:
Who’s responsible for the terrible mess
(1) be responsible to 也意为“对……负责任”,一般指对某人负责。例如:
We must be responsible to the people.
(2) the responsible person 认真负责的人,可靠的人
the person responsible 负责人
【典例】Sixteen-year-old teenagers are old enough to ________ what they say and what they do.
A.be strict in B.be responsible for C.be thirsty for
7.set out的用法
set out on sth.意为“开始进行新的或重要的事情”。例如:
They set out on a sightseeing tour.
set out 为不及物动词词组,意为“出发;启程”,后不能直接加宾语。例如:
They will set out for New York in July.
(1) set about sth./doing sth. 意为“着手做某事”。例如:
We set about our task at once with great enthusiasm.
(2) set aside 意为“放在一边,搁置;存蓄,留下”。例如:
My parents set aside a bit of money every month.
(3) set off 意为“动身,出发; 燃放(鞭炮等),使……爆炸或发出响声”。例如:
After we had finished eating, he proposed to set off immediately.
(4) set out to do sth.意为“打算或着手做某事”。例如:
He set out to make a lot of money.
(5) set up 竖起来,支起来;建立,成立。例如:
The school has set up a special class to help slow students.
【典例】—What time will you set off to the library today
—At about 9 a.m.
A.get up B.set up C.set out
1.We have learnt describe unforgettable people or things in junior high school life.
2. We have learnt how to read for details.
3. We have learnt some key words involving this text.
1.—David, remember to come to my birthday party on time this evening.
—OK. I will ________ early to the party.
A.give out B.set out C.sell out
2.—Would you like something to drink, sir
—No, thanks. I’m not ________ at all.
A.tired B.relaxed C.hungry D.thirsty
3.There are usually a lot of ______ travelling by train during Spring Festival.
A.pioneers B.passengers C.managers
4.—Bob has been ________ school for 2 days. What’s wrong with him
—It’s said that he has a cold and stays at home.
A.nervous about B.thirsty for C.absent from D.worried about
5.—What’s your plan for the winter vacation
—I’ll go to Beijing ________ the school term ends.
A.as soon as B.even though C.so that D.along with
6.Almost everyone is thirsty ________ success.
A.of B.with C.for
7.—What do you think of your middle school life
—Busy but wonderful. ________, it’s valuable.
A.In the end B.All in all C.As a result D.First of all
8.—I think it is a good way to study English by watching English movies.
—I agree. I find it ________ to improve my listening and speaking.
A.harmful B.thankful C.careful D.helpful
9.The scientist was doing a lot of research. Though he was very tired, he ________ his work.
A.invited B.separated C.continued D.received
10.—It’s convenient to share videos or broadcast live (直播) on free apps like TikTok.
—That’s true, but think twice before sharing. We must ________ what we post (发布).
A.be relaxed about B.be proud of
C.be interested in D.be responsible for
It was a lovely spring afternoon. My classmates and I were playing happily on the playground when I let out a cry, “Ow! Ow! Something in my shoe is biting(bite咬)me.” Everyone was shocked by the cry. They took me into a classroom and were about to take off my 11 . “Which foot is it ” one asked. “Let us have a look.” Suddenly, I remembered the holes in 12 socks. My family was very poor during those years. I wore welfare(福利救济)socks, which cost only a little, but those 13 welfare socks didn’t last long. Soon there were 14 at the bottom.
I refused to take off my shoe. I 15 stand others seeing the holes in my sock. I tried to hold back my tears. Yet, each time the thing 16 my shoe bit me, tears raced down my face. My teacher, Miss Diane, hurried into the 17 . “What’s wrong ” she asked. “Something is biting her right foot, 18 she doesn’t let us take off her shoe,” one of my classmates answered.
Miss Diane lived next door to me. She 19 everything about my family. She put both hands on my shaking shoulders and 20 into my painful and hopeless eyes. “Oh, yes, it must be a sock-eating ant,” she said, as if she had 21 seen the thing inside the shoe. “I had a bite from one of those ants. By the time I got my shoe off, it had 22 almost the whole bottom of my sock.” My classmates nodded while they were listening to the teacher 23 , although they all looked a little puzzled(迷惑).
Miss Diane took off my right shoe and sock and shook them over the dustbin. Two red ants 24 it. “Just like what I thought, the ants have eaten part of her sock.” When she stroked an alcohol(酒精)cotton ball on the bites, she added, “You are such a 25 girl to take so many bites.” The alcohol felt cool on the bites, and a little girl’s pride(自尊)was saved.
11.A.coat B.shirt C.hat D.shoe
12.A.his B.her C.my D.your
13.A.cheap B.wet C.dirty D.free
14.A.pockets B.boxes C.stones D.holes
15.A.could B.couldn’t C.must D.mustn’t
16.A.in B.near C.under D.on
17.A.office B.playground C.classroom D.toilet
18.A.because B.but C.or D.so
19.A.borrowed B.forgot C.taught D.knew
20.A.got B.dropped C.ran D.looked
21.A.hardly B.already C.still D.only
22.A.eaten B.put C.taken D.turned
23.A.angrily B.sadly C.carefully D.happily
24.A.lived on B.went over C.fell into D.turned to
25.A.lucky B.brave C.friendly D.clever
How funny would it be to see memes (表情包) in our textbooks Fourteen high school students from Sichuan Province have made this a reality.
They wrote a set of creative (富有创新的) textbooks that include five subjects: Chinese, English, maths, chemistry and physics. They share their notes and experience to help you prepare for high school entrance exams. You can see funny memes almost everywhere in their textbooks. The language they use is not too serious.
Each textbook has its own highlights, too. The English textbook introduces tongue twisters, movies and TV series. The chemistry textbook has wuxia characters. There is a boy named Shangguan Huaxue (chemistry) in the book. He meets a girl and they learn chemistry together. It has ancient poems and wuxia-style (武侠风格) descriptions.
Yan Zuhuai, 15, a top student at Chengdu No.7 High School, is the textbooks’ “editor-in-chief”. He got the idea to create the books in June. “Many underclassmen wanted me to share my notes with them. When I saw people sharing bikes, I thought, why not share knowledge as well ” Yan said.
But when he put all of his notes together, he found that they were boring. Realizing that his classmates enjoy online novels and memes, he decided to add these things to them. He wrote guidelines and samples for each textbook and invited 13 students to join him in creating them.
Their first drafts (草稿) came out in August. Students and teachers praised them. But Yan felt the books needed to be improved. In October, he and his team learned how to use the design software (软件) to improve the books. The final versions (版本) will come out at the end of December. About 2,500 people have preordered (预定) them. Many publishing houses have shown great interest in them too.
26.What can the students get from the textbooks
A.Knowledge about funny memes. B.Notes of the five subjects.
C.Description of poems and novels. D.Experience of creating books.
27.What’s the meaning of the underlined word
A.students who are younger B.students who are elder
C.students who have good manners D.students who have bad manners
28.According to the text, the textbooks was created to help the students ________.
A.who are interested in ancient poems B.who want to be top in the school
C.who are ready to enter the high school D.who like sharing learning experience
29.Which is the right order about how Yan Zuhuai and his friends completed the textbook
①He put all of his notes together but found they were boring.
②Their first drafts came out.
③The final versions will come out.
④He got the idea to create the books.
⑤He invited 13 students to join him in creating them.
A.②①③④⑤ B.④⑤①②③ C.⑤①④②③ D.④①⑤②③
30.What can we learn from the passage
A.The textbooks are so welcomed by students.
B.The textbooks are too serious for the students.
C.Many underclassmen wanted to share notes with the textbooks.
D.Fourteen students use the software to create the textbooks.
In the eyes of most people, I was the 31 (bad) student. Miss White, a new teacher, was young and beautiful. One day, I was sitting alone in the classroom. Miss White came up and talked to me 32 a big smile. Soon her smile took away my 33 (unhappy).
“Do you think I can go to college ” I didn’t know why I asked such 34 “foolish” question. I thought she would say “no” because everyone else would say so. Instead, she said, “Dear, 35 nobody believes you, you must be confident of yourself. You must 36 (try) your best to do anything you want.” From then on, I worked hard on all my 37 (lesson). And we became good friends. She often helped me with my studies. In the end, I changed a lot and 38 (successful) went to a good college.
Miss White is an angel (天使) whose words have kept me 39 (go) further. She helped me 40 (realize) that I can be successful in life by hard work.Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7.
Unit 14 课时5 Section B (2a-2e)
1.扎实掌握重点单词以及短语:gentleman,ceremony,congratulate,thirsty,lastly,task,ahead,responsible,wing,attend the graduation ceremony,separate from sb.,never fail to be thankful to sb.,set out on your new journey,be responsible for;等等。
1) First of all,I'd like to congratulate all the students who are here today.
2) I hope you'll remember the important people in your lives who helped and supported you.
3) The key is to learn from mistakes and never give up.
3. 通过阅读策略的训练,理解关于毕业演讲词的语篇内容。
4. 回顾过去的初中生活,感恩母校、老师和同学,并树立远大志向。
1. I ______________ (祝贺) him on his good exam results yesterday.
2. Our first_________(任务) is to collect some information.
3. They’re very happy to have__________(单独的) rooms now.
4. Be sure of yourself and go your__________ (独自的)way.
5. Jack was very stressed because he was invited to the ________(庆典)of his friend’s wedding.
6. I am ________ (口渴的). Could you give me some water
1. 首先____________________________ 2. 充满活力____________________________
3. 渴求知识________________________ 4. 处理,对付__________________________
5. 对未来充满希望_____________________ 6. 长大____________________________
7. 对......感到自豪_______________________ 8. 在过去的三年里_____________________
9. 对......心存感激_______________________ 10. 在…前面__________________________
11. 犯错误_________________________ 12. 放弃做某事_______________________
13. 连同......一起______________________ 14. 有机会做某事______________________
15. 有能力做某事______________________ 16. 做自己的选择/决定_____________________
17. 对......负责任_________________________ 18. 几年后___________________________
19. 返回母校看看________________________ 20. 开始新的旅程_____________________
1.congratulated 2.task 3.separate 4.wings 5.ceremony 6.thirsty
【答案】1. first of all 2. be full of energy 3. be thirsty for knowledge 4. deal with
5. be full of hope for the future 6. grown up 7. be proud of 8. over the last three years
9. be thankful to 10. ahead of 11. make mistakes 12. give up doing sth
13. along with 14. have chances to do sth 15. have the ability to do sth
16. make your own choices 17. be responsible for
18. in a few years’ time e back to visit our school 20. set out on your new journey
1.First of all的用法
【课文详解】First of all, I’d like to congratulate all the students who are here today.
【句型剖析】first of all意为“首先,第一” 常常放在句首,后用逗号隔开,表示重要性上的先后。例如:
First of all, let me tell you the news.
【拓展】at first意为“开始,起初”,强调顺序上的先后。例如:
At first, let me introduce my friend Mike to you. Then…
At first he refused to accept any responsibility but he ended up apologizing.
最初他拒不承认有任何责任, 到头来还是道了歉。
【即学即练】Please remember the following things when you are in the museum. ________ , don’t touch the things. Second, don’t make any noise.
A.First of all B.By the way C.In fact D.So far
考查介词短语。First of all首先;By the way顺便说一下;In fact实际上;So far到目前为止。根据句中“Second”提示,此处应用意为“首先”的短语。故选A。
【课文详解】Although you have to go your separate ways now, I hope that in a few years’ time,you’ll come back to visit our school.
Although he is a little child, he knows a lot. 虽然他是个小孩子,但是他知道很多。
I hope that I can visit the Great Wall some day. 我希望有一天我能够去参观长城。
in a few years’ time的意思是"在未来几年的时间里",采用了"in+一段时间"结构,在句中作状语,主句使用一般将来时。
I will leave in five hours. 五个小时后我将离开。
【即学即练】________ Jill isn’t feeling well today, ________ he still goes to school.
A.Although; but B.But; although C.Although; / D.but; although
考查让步状语从句。根据“...Jill isn’t feeling well today...he still goes to school.”可知,although引导的让步状语从句不与but连用;且后一句是主句。故选C。
【课文详解】It is always hard to separate from those whom you have spent so much time with for the past three years.
【句型剖析】 whom引导的是定语从句,修饰先行词those, whom在定语从句中作spent的宾语。
This is the man whom I talk with. 这就是我和他谈话的那个人。
separate... from...,divide... into...
This patient should be separated from the others. 这个病人应该隔离。
The world is divided into seven continents. 世界被分成七大洲。
【即学即练】In the busy street, there were some artists ________ the tourists paid no attention.
A.that B.who C.from whom D.to whom
考查定语从句。此处含定语从句,先行词是some artists,从句中含pay attention to短语,引导词在从句中作宾语,将介词to提前,用whom引导定语从句。故选D。
【课文详解】Never fail to be thankful to the people around you.
(1).Don't + 动词原形
Don't stand up. 别站起来。
Don't be careless. 别粗心。
Don't let them play with fire. 别让他们玩火。
(2).Let's ( let sb ) + not + 动词原形
Let's not say anything about it. 对于这件事,咱们什么也别说。
Let them not play with fire. 别让他们玩火。
NO PHOTOS! 禁止拍照!
(4).在Be动词引起的肯定祈使句前加Don't,构成Don't be+其它成分。
Don't be careless.不要粗心。
【即学即练】Don’t ________ for school again, Millie!
A.late B.are late C.is late D.be late
【课文详解】Behind each door you open are chances to learn new things, and you have the ability to make your own choice.
【句型剖析】 “you open”是省略that/which引导的定语从句。
此句为倒装句,原句顺序为:Chances to learn new things are behind each door you open,主语为chances属于复数形式,因此be动词用are,倒装句起强调作用,强调主语chances。
固搭:have the ability to do sth. 意为“有能力做某事。”
【即学即练】A lot of policemen are standing around the meeting hall, because inside its walls ________.
A.where sit the leaders B.the leaders there sit
C.sit the leaders D.that the leaders sit
(1) responsible作形容词,意为“有责任的;负责的;可靠的”。例如:
Our teacher is a very responsible person.
(2) be responsible for意为“对……负责任”,一般指对某事负责。例如:
Who’s responsible for the terrible mess
(1) be responsible to 也意为“对……负责任”,一般指对某人负责。例如:
We must be responsible to the people.
(2) the responsible person 认真负责的人,可靠的人
the person responsible 负责人
【典例】Sixteen-year-old teenagers are old enough to ________ what they say and what they do.
A.be strict in B.be responsible for C.be thirsty for
考查形容词短语。be strict in对……严格;be responsible for对……负责;be thirsty for对……渴望。根据“Sixteen-year-old teenagers are old enough to…what they say and what they do.”可知,此处表示的是“对自己的言行负责”。故选B。
7.set out的用法
set out on sth.意为“开始进行新的或重要的事情”。例如:
They set out on a sightseeing tour.
set out 为不及物动词词组,意为“出发;启程”,后不能直接加宾语。例如:
They will set out for New York in July.
(1) set about sth./doing sth. 意为“着手做某事”。例如:
We set about our task at once with great enthusiasm.
(2) set aside 意为“放在一边,搁置;存蓄,留下”。例如:
My parents set aside a bit of money every month.
(3) set off 意为“动身,出发; 燃放(鞭炮等),使……爆炸或发出响声”。例如:
After we had finished eating, he proposed to set off immediately.
(4) set out to do sth.意为“打算或着手做某事”。例如:
He set out to make a lot of money.
(5) set up 竖起来,支起来;建立,成立。例如:
The school has set up a special class to help slow students.
【典例】—What time will you set off to the library today
—At about 9 a.m.
A.get up B.set up C.set out
【详解】句意:——你今天什么时候出发去图书馆?——大约上午9点。考查同义词。get up起床;set up建立;set out动身。根据“What time will you set off to the library today.”可知set off表示“出发”,所以C选项符合,故选C。
1.We have learnt describe unforgettable people or things in junior high school life.
2. We have learnt how to read for details.
3. We have learnt some key words involving this text.
1.—David, remember to come to my birthday party on time this evening.
—OK. I will ________ early to the party.
A.give out B.set out C.sell out
2.—Would you like something to drink, sir
—No, thanks. I’m not ________ at all.
A.tired B.relaxed C.hungry D.thirsty
3.There are usually a lot of ______ travelling by train during Spring Festival.
A.pioneers B.passengers C.managers
4.—Bob has been ________ school for 2 days. What’s wrong with him
—It’s said that he has a cold and stays at home.
A.nervous about B.thirsty for C.absent from D.worried about
5.—What’s your plan for the winter vacation
—I’ll go to Beijing ________ the school term ends.
A.as soon as B.even though C.so that D.along with
6.Almost everyone is thirsty ________ success.
A.of B.with C.for
7.—What do you think of your middle school life
—Busy but wonderful. ________, it’s valuable.
A.In the end B.All in all C.As a result D.First of all
8.—I think it is a good way to study English by watching English movies.
—I agree. I find it ________ to improve my listening and speaking.
A.harmful B.thankful C.careful D.helpful
9.The scientist was doing a lot of research. Though he was very tired, he ________ his work.
A.invited B.separated C.continued D.received
10.—It’s convenient to share videos or broadcast live (直播) on free apps like TikTok.
—That’s true, but think twice before sharing. We must ________ what we post (发布).
A.be relaxed about B.be proud of
C.be interested in D.be responsible for
It was a lovely spring afternoon. My classmates and I were playing happily on the playground when I let out a cry, “Ow! Ow! Something in my shoe is biting(bite咬)me.” Everyone was shocked by the cry. They took me into a classroom and were about to take off my 11 . “Which foot is it ” one asked. “Let us have a look.” Suddenly, I remembered the holes in 12 socks. My family was very poor during those years. I wore welfare(福利救济)socks, which cost only a little, but those 13 welfare socks didn’t last long. Soon there were 14 at the bottom.
I refused to take off my shoe. I 15 stand others seeing the holes in my sock. I tried to hold back my tears. Yet, each time the thing 16 my shoe bit me, tears raced down my face. My teacher, Miss Diane, hurried into the 17 . “What’s wrong ” she asked. “Something is biting her right foot, 18 she doesn’t let us take off her shoe,” one of my classmates answered.
Miss Diane lived next door to me. She 19 everything about my family. She put both hands on my shaking shoulders and 20 into my painful and hopeless eyes. “Oh, yes, it must be a sock-eating ant,” she said, as if she had 21 seen the thing inside the shoe. “I had a bite from one of those ants. By the time I got my shoe off, it had 22 almost the whole bottom of my sock.” My classmates nodded while they were listening to the teacher 23 , although they all looked a little puzzled(迷惑).
Miss Diane took off my right shoe and sock and shook them over the dustbin. Two red ants 24 it. “Just like what I thought, the ants have eaten part of her sock.” When she stroked an alcohol(酒精)cotton ball on the bites, she added, “You are such a 25 girl to take so many bites.” The alcohol felt cool on the bites, and a little girl’s pride(自尊)was saved.
11.A.coat B.shirt C.hat D.shoe
12.A.his B.her C.my D.your
13.A.cheap B.wet C.dirty D.free
14.A.pockets B.boxes C.stones D.holes
15.A.could B.couldn’t C.must D.mustn’t
16.A.in B.near C.under D.on
17.A.office B.playground C.classroom D.toilet
18.A.because B.but C.or D.so
19.A.borrowed B.forgot C.taught D.knew
20.A.got B.dropped C.ran D.looked
21.A.hardly B.already C.still D.only
22.A.eaten B.put C.taken D.turned
23.A.angrily B.sadly C.carefully D.happily
24.A.lived on B.went over C.fell into D.turned to
25.A.lucky B.brave C.friendly D.clever
How funny would it be to see memes (表情包) in our textbooks Fourteen high school students from Sichuan Province have made this a reality.
They wrote a set of creative (富有创新的) textbooks that include five subjects: Chinese, English, maths, chemistry and physics. They share their notes and experience to help you prepare for high school entrance exams. You can see funny memes almost everywhere in their textbooks. The language they use is not too serious.
Each textbook has its own highlights, too. The English textbook introduces tongue twisters, movies and TV series. The chemistry textbook has wuxia characters. There is a boy named Shangguan Huaxue (chemistry) in the book. He meets a girl and they learn chemistry together. It has ancient poems and wuxia-style (武侠风格) descriptions.
Yan Zuhuai, 15, a top student at Chengdu No.7 High School, is the textbooks’ “editor-in-chief”. He got the idea to create the books in June. “Many underclassmen wanted me to share my notes with them. When I saw people sharing bikes, I thought, why not share knowledge as well ” Yan said.
But when he put all of his notes together, he found that they were boring. Realizing that his classmates enjoy online novels and memes, he decided to add these things to them. He wrote guidelines and samples for each textbook and invited 13 students to join him in creating them.
Their first drafts (草稿) came out in August. Students and teachers praised them. But Yan felt the books needed to be improved. In October, he and his team learned how to use the design software (软件) to improve the books. The final versions (版本) will come out at the end of December. About 2,500 people have preordered (预定) them. Many publishing houses have shown great interest in them too.
26.What can the students get from the textbooks
A.Knowledge about funny memes. B.Notes of the five subjects.
C.Description of poems and novels. D.Experience of creating books.
27.What’s the meaning of the underlined word
A.students who are younger B.students who are elder
C.students who have good manners D.students who have bad manners
28.According to the text, the textbooks was created to help the students ________.
A.who are interested in ancient poems B.who want to be top in the school
C.who are ready to enter the high school D.who like sharing learning experience
29.Which is the right order about how Yan Zuhuai and his friends completed the textbook
①He put all of his notes together but found they were boring.
②Their first drafts came out.
③The final versions will come out.
④He got the idea to create the books.
⑤He invited 13 students to join him in creating them.
A.②①③④⑤ B.④⑤①②③ C.⑤①④②③ D.④①⑤②③
30.What can we learn from the passage
A.The textbooks are so welcomed by students.
B.The textbooks are too serious for the students.
C.Many underclassmen wanted to share notes with the textbooks.
D.Fourteen students use the software to create the textbooks.
In the eyes of most people, I was the 31 (bad) student. Miss White, a new teacher, was young and beautiful. One day, I was sitting alone in the classroom. Miss White came up and talked to me 32 a big smile. Soon her smile took away my 33 (unhappy).
“Do you think I can go to college ” I didn’t know why I asked such 34 “foolish” question. I thought she would say “no” because everyone else would say so. Instead, she said, “Dear, 35 nobody believes you, you must be confident of yourself. You must 36 (try) your best to do anything you want.” From then on, I worked hard on all my 37 (lesson). And we became good friends. She often helped me with my studies. In the end, I changed a lot and 38 (successful) went to a good college.
Miss White is an angel (天使) whose words have kept me 39 (go) further. She helped me 40 (realize) that I can be successful in life by hard work.
考查动词短语。give out发出(气体、热量、气味等);set out出发,动身;sell out卖完。根据“remember to come to my birthday party on time this evening.”可知,大卫要早点出发去参加聚会。故选B。
考查形容词辨析。tired累的;relaxed放松的;hungry饥饿的;thirsty口渴的。根据“Would you like something to drink, sir ”和“No, thanks.”可知,因为不渴,所以不想喝东西,故选D。
考查名词词义辨析。pioneers先驱,先锋;passengers乘客;managers经理。根据句中“travelling by train”可知,此处是说有很多乘客坐车,故选B。
考查形容词短语。be nervous about对……感到紧张;be thirsty for渴望……;be absent from缺席……;be worried about对……感到担心。根据“he has a cold and stays at home”可知,Bob感冒了,两天没来上学,因此是上学缺勤。故选C。
考查从属连词。as soon as一……就……,引导时间状语从句;even though尽管,即使,引导让步状语从句;so that 以便于,引导目的状语从句;along with伴随,一起。根据句子可知,此处应是一个as soon as引导的时间状语从句,表示“这学期一结束,我就去北京”。故选A。
考查介词。of属于;with具有;for对于。这里是:be thirsty for意为“渴望……”,因此用介词for。故选C。
考查副词短语辨析。In the end最后;All in all总之;As a result因此;First of all首先。根据“Busy but wonderful. ..., it’s valuable.”可知,总结中学生活是有价值的。故选B。
考查形容词辨析。harmful有害的;thankful感激的;careful仔细的;helpful有帮助的。根据“I think it is a good way to study English by watching English movies.”可知,看英语电影对提高听力和口语有帮助。故选D。
考查动词辨析。invited邀请;separated分离;continued继续;received收到。根据“Though he was very tired, he...his work.”可知,虽然很累,但他继续工作。故选C。
考查形容词短语辨析。be relaxed about对……随意;be proud of因……而骄傲;be interested in对……感兴趣;be responsible for对……负责。根据“but think twice before sharing. We must…what we post”可知,我们要对发布的内容负责。故选D。
11.D 12.C 13.A 14.D 15.B 16.A 17.C 18.B 19.D 20.D 21.B 22.A 23.C 24.C 25.B
coat大衣;shirt衬衫;hat帽子;shoe鞋子。根据“Something in my shoe is biting me.”可知此处是指脱掉鞋子。故选D。
his他的;her她的;my我的;your你的。根据“I remembered the holes in...socks”可知此处是指“我的”袜子。故选C。
cheap便宜的;wet潮湿的;dirty脏的;free免费的。根据“which cost only a little”可知此处是指袜子便宜。故选A。
pockets口袋;boxes盒子;stones石头;holes洞。根据上文“Suddenly, I remembered the holes in...”可知是此处是指袜子上的洞。故选D。
could能够;couldn’t不能;must必须;mustn’t禁止。根据“I refused to take off my shoe. I...stand others seeing the holes in my sock.”可知此处是指作者不能忍受别人看到袜子上的洞。故选B。
in在……里面;near在……附近;under在……下面;on在……上面。根据上文“Something in my shoe is biting me.”可知此处是指鞋里面。故选A。
office办公室;playground操场;classroom教室;toilet厕所。根据上文“Everyone was shocked by the cry. They took me into a classroom...”可知此处是指老师来到了教室。故选C。
because因为;but但是;or或者;so所以。根据“Something is biting her right foot,...she doesn’t let us take off her shoe”可知句子前后是转折关系。故选B。
borrowed借;forgot忘记;taught教;knew了解。根据“Miss Diane lived next door to me. She...everything about my family.”可知此处是指老师了解作者家里的一切。故选D。
got得到;dropped掉落;ran跑;looked看。根据“...into my painful and hopeless eyes.”可知此处是指看着作者的眼睛。故选D。
hardly几乎不;already已经;still仍然;only仅仅。根据“as if she had...seen the thing inside the shoe”可知此处是指老师好像已经看到了鞋子里的东西。故选B。
eaten吃;put放;take拿走;turned转向。根据“By the time I got my shoe off, it had...almost the whole bottom of my sock”以及上文“Oh, yes, it must be a sock-eating ant,”可知此处是指蚂蚁吃袜底。故选A。
angrily愤怒地;sadly伤心地;carefully仔细地;happily开心地。根据“My classmates nodded while they were listening to the teacher...although they all looked a little puzzled.”可知此处是指同学们一边仔细听老师讲一边点头。故选C。
lived on以……为食;went over仔细检查;fell into掉入;turned to转向。根据“Miss Diane took off my right shoe and sock, and shook them over the dustbin(垃圾箱). Two red ants...it.”可知此处是指蚂蚁掉了下来。故选C。
lucky幸运的;brave勇敢的;friendly友好的;clever聪明的。根据“You are such a...girl to take so many bites”可知此处是指老师夸作者是一个勇敢的女孩。故选B。
26.B 27.A 28.C 29.D 30.A
【导语】本文介绍了一名成都七中的优秀学生Yan Zuhuai和他的团队用心做的五个创意教科书的事情。
26.细节理解题。根据“They share their notes and experience to help you prepare for high school entrance exams.”可知,他们分享自己的笔记和经验,帮助你准备中考,可知能得到这五门课的笔记。故选B。
27.词义猜测题,根据“Many underclassmen wanted me to share my notes with them.”可知描述的是一些人,他们想和作者分享笔记,说明也是学生,underclassmen意为“年龄较小的学生”。故选A。
28.细节理解题。根据“They share their notes and experience to help you prepare for high school entrance exams.”可知是为了帮助那些准备进入高中的学生。故选C。
29.细节理解题。根据“When I saw people sharing bikes, I thought, why not share knowledge as well 当我看到人们共享自行车时,我想,为什么不共享知识呢?”可知④排第一位,排除AC;根据“But when he put all of his notes together, he found that they were boring.但是当他把所有的笔记放在一起时,他发现它们很无聊。”可知①排第二,排除B。故选D。
30.细节理解题。根据“Students and teachers praised them.”及“Many publishing houses have shown great interest in them too.”可知教科书很受学生欢迎。故选A。
31.worst 32.with 33.unhappiness 34.a 35.although/though 36.try 37.lessons 38.successfully 39.going 40.realize
32.句意:怀特老师走过来,面带微笑和我说话。根据“a big smile”可知此处表示“面带微笑”,应用介词with,表伴随。故填with。
35.句意:亲爱的,尽管没人相信你,但你必须相信你自己。根据“nobody believes you, you must be confident of yourself”可知此处是让步关系,因此应用although或though,意为“尽管,虽然”。故填although/though。
39.句意:怀特老师是一个天使,她的话让我一直走得更远。固定搭配keep sb. doing sth.“让某人一直做某事”。故填going。
40.句意:她帮助我意识到,我可以通过努力工作在生活中取得成功。固定搭配help sb. do sth.“帮助某人做某事”。故填realize。



