
一、听句子,选择适当的应答语。每个句子读两遍 (每小题1分,共5分)
1.(1分)A.He likes listening to music.
B.An engineer.
C.Visit London.
2.(1分)A.That's a good idea.
B.Yes,there is.
C.No,they won't.
B.I agree with you.
C.Sure,I'd love to.
4.(1分)A.See you later.
B.Sorry,I can't.
5.(1分)A.Sorry to hear that.
B.Enjoy yourself !
C.I will tell some stories to the old people.
6.(1分)What does the man need?
A.Some honey.
B.A blender.
C.Some bananas.
7.(1分)What does Tom like to do?
A.Play the violin.
B.Play the guitar.
C.Play computer games.
8.(1分)Where are the speakers now?
A.In the museum.
B.In the zoo.
C.In the park.
9.(1分)How long does it take the boy to get to school?
A.Ten minutes.
B.Fifteen minutes.
C.Twenty﹣five minutes.
10.(1分)When will the man be free?
A.This evening.
B.Tomorrow morning.
C.Tomorrow afternoon.
11.(2分)(1)What does Linda want to be?
A.An English teacher.
B.A tennis player.
C.A football player.
(2)Which subject isn't Linda good at?
12.(3分)(1)What does the girl invite Eric to do?
A.Watch a talent show.
B.Go shopping.
C.Watch a movie.
(2)What does Eric want to do at first?
A.Wash his uniform.
B.Wash the dishes.
C.Do his homework.
(3)What day is it today?
四、听力填词(共1小题,计5分),录音中有一篇短文,根据所听内容填写下面的表格。(每空一词, 短文读两遍)
Name Mary
Age (1)_________
Grade Eight
The predictions about the future She will live in (2)_________ and will be a(n)(3)_________She will buy a house with a(n)(4)_________and will buy a sports (5)_________
14.(8分)We are going to high school.Jack wants to be an engineer.He is going to build roads,bridges and houses.Hob is interested in math and science,but he is going to study medicine.He often searches(查找)
Kate is good at music.Her favorite singers are Zhou Bichang and Jiro Wang.She wants to be an artist.She is going to sing and dance for people.Joan wants to be an astronaut (宇航员).She says,"I'm going to explore (探索)(太空) some day.""What do you want to be,Alice?"Joan asks me."Oh,I'm going to teach in the countryside,"I say.
All of us are doing our best at school.I'm sure we will do something good for our country.
(1)   students are mentioned(提到) in the passage.
(2)Who wants to be an artist?    
(3)Where does Hob often search the information about medicine?    
A.In a medicine book.
B.In the newspaper.
C.On the Internet.
D.In a library.
(4)Where does Alice want to teach?    
A.On a farm.
B.In the countryside.
C.At home.
D.Abroad (在国外).
15.(6分)Gina Green is Lucy's aunt.She is very good at making milk shakes.Every Saturday,Lucy goes to play with Linda,Aunt Gina's daughter.Aunt Gina always makes milk shakes for Lucy.Today
What she needs:
Eight fresh strawberries
Four spoons of sugar
Two big cups of milk
Strawberry ice﹣cream
Three small glasses
How to make it:
Cut the fresh strawberries into small pieces;
Put the sugar over them;
Put the strawberries in the freezer(冰箱) for about an hour;
Take the strawberries out and put them in the blender;
Add the milk and turn on the blender;
Turn off the blender,add the strawberry ice﹣cream and mix;
Pour the milk shake into glasses.
Now,it's time for them to enjoy the strawberry milk shake!
(1)How often does Lucy go to play with Linda?    
A.Once a week.
B.Twice a week.
C.Once a month.
D.Twice a month.
(2)What doesn't Aunt Gina need to make the milk shake?    
(3)What does Aunt Gina need to do after adding the milk?    
A.She needs to add the sugar.
B.She needs to cut up the strawberries.
C.She needs to turn on the blender.
D.She needs to put the strawberries in the freezer.
16.(8分)Liu Xiuxiang was born in a poor family.When he was 4,his father died.His mother developed mental(精神的)health problems.When he was 10,Liu collected rubbish,and in high school he worked 18 hours a day during summer vacations.However difficult it was
In 2007,Liu failed the Gaokao.He got lost.He wondered if he should continue studying.After working in a bathhouse for about 50 days,he decided to go back to school.In 2008,he finally passed the Gaokao and went to university.
After graduation,he became a history teacher in his hometown. "I want to come back to tell the children,who are as poor and lost as I was
Now Liu gives speeches around the country.His story inspires(鼓舞)many students and encourages people to help those from poor families.Since 2012,he has helped more than 1(质量)of education.
Liu was titled "the most beautiful teacher" in 2020.His story moves us a lot.
(1)How long did Liu Xiuxiang work during summer vacations in high school?    
A.4 hours a day.
B.10 hours a day.
C.12 hours a day.
D.18 hours a day.
(2)The underlined word "lost" in Paragraph 2 probably means "    .
(3)Liu Xiuxiang set a good example for the children to take control of lives through    .
(4)The passage is written in the order of    .
17.(8分)Millions of people around the world love the comic strip Peanuts,especially the lovely dog Snoopy.But few people know Charles.He created the dog Snoopy.
But when Charles was in high school,he always had trouble with his study.He was also poor at sports.And he was even shy to talk with a girl.When he was in high school,he tried to publish(出版)
His famous comic strip Peanuts first appeared in American newspapers in 1950.In the beginning,the themes (主题)of the comic strip were all about children and animals.People liked these characters because they showed the advantages(优点)
In Peanuts,Brown,one of the characters, "It was a dark and stormy night..."again and again.
There are other characters in Peanuts.For example,Lucy doesn't trust others and often seems angry.Schroeder likes to play a small toy piano.Linus is always worried about his safety.Charles said he saw himself in some of his characters.
(1)We can infer from the passage that Charles had a     life in high school.
(2)At first,the themes of Peanuts were all about    .
A.animals and women
B.children and animals
C.schools and dogs
D.toys and pianos
(3)We can learn from the fourth paragraph that Brown    .
A.never loses heart in his life
B.dislikes his dog Snoopy
C.has finished some novels
D.likes dark and stormy nights
(4)The passage is mainly written to tell us    .
A.Charles' comic strips are popular
B.Charles could have a successful life
C.Charles and characters in his comic strip
D.Charles and his life in his school
六、单词拼写与运用 ,根据首字母或汉语提示完成单词,使补全后的句子意思通顺,语法正确。
18.(1分)The two boys both love in math. They want to be   (科学家) in the future.
19.(1分)One more thing.   (最后), don't forget to add some salt.
20.(1分)The more trees we plant,the less    (污染)there will be.
21.(1分)After a long discussion,the two sides still d    (有分歧).
22.(1分)The conversation like this is    (无意义) to you.
23.(1分)Reading is my h    .
24.(1分)Your    (西瓜) is three times bigger than mine.
25.(1分)Please give me a    (勺子)and a knife.
26.(1分)What a surprise!I didn't expect    (see) you here.
27.(1分)My father    (work) in America next year.
28.(1分)Can you tell me how   (make) a banana milk shake?
29.(1分)Do you mind me    ( open) the window?
30.(1分)There    (is)a new hospital in the city in 2 years.
31.(1分)The soldiers are always ready     (try) their best to help people in need.
32.(1分)To be   (success),you must work harder than before.
33.(2分)We need two pieces of bread for breakfast.(划线提问)
    pieces of bread do you need for breakfast?
34.(2分)People will build more buildings in the country.(否定句)
People    more buildings in the country.
35.(2分)Will kids study at home on computer in the future?(做肯定回答)
Yes,    .
36.(2分)You make a banana milk shake for me.Thanks. (改为同义句)
Thank you       a banana milk shake for me.
九、选词填空 。阅读短文,根据短文内容从方框中选择合适的词填空。
Here is a photo(1)    my cousin,Rose.She is American,but now she(2)    in Beijing with her parents.Her parents works in Beijing.Rose gets up at six every morning.After that she reads(3)   .She(4)    breakfast at seven o'clock.Now it is seven o'clock in the morning.Rose is eating breakfast(5)    her parents. "(6)    another cake,Rose.It's only seven o'clock," her mother says. "No,Mom.I have to go now.Li Hua is waiting for me(7)    the bus stop.Goodbye,Mom and Dad!"
38.(10分)Today is Saturday.Students don't need to go to school.It's eight thirty.Larry is lying in bed.His father is cleaning the garden.His mother is washing the clothes and his sister is doing her homework. "Get up,Larry." says his mother. "Go to help your dad." Larry doesn't want to get up,but his mother asks him to help his father.Just then he finds a math book in his schoolbag.He takes it out of the schoolbag and readsShe comes to Larry's room and hears him reading. She is angry.She asks, "What are you reading,Larry?" "I don't know." "Aren't you reading?" "Yes, "but I'm not listening!"
(1)How many people are there in Larry's family? (no more than 1 word)    
(2)Where is Larry's math book? (no more than 4 words)    
(3)What does Larry's mother ask him to do?(no more than 7 words)    
十一、书面表达 (共1小题,计10分)
39.(10分)假如你叫Li Wei.你的美国笔友Tom想知道你对未来的规划,请根据表格信息,向他介绍一下你未来想要从事的职业以及为达成此目标将付出的努力。
My plan for the future
what an English teacher
where at a school in Beijing
how learn English and how to teach children
Dear Tom,
I've received your letter and I know that you want to know my plan for the future.Let me tell you.________________________________________________________________________________________________
Li Wei
六、单词拼写与运用 ,根据首字母或汉语提示完成单词,使补全后的句子意思通顺,语法正确。
26.【答案】to see
27.【答案】will work
28.【答案】to make
30.【答案】will be
31.【答案】to try
33.【答案】How many
34.【答案】won't build
35.【答案】they will
36.【答案】for making
九、选词填空 。阅读短文,根据短文内容从方框中选择合适的词填空。
38.【答案】(1)4/Four.(2)In his schoolbag.(3)To help his Dad.(4)妈妈来到Larry 房间,听到他正在读书.(5)A lazy boy.
十一、书面表达 (共1小题,计10分)
39.【答案】Dear Tom,
I've received your letter and I know that you want to know my plan for the future.Let me tell you.My plan for the future is like this.I like my English teacher.I am also very good at English.So I want to be an English teacher in the future.I want to go to a normal university.After graduation,I hope to teach in a middle school in Beijing.I like children.I will teach children how to learn English well in school.I want to learn from some old teachers how to teach children.I think my relationship with the children will be very good.
Li Wei



