专题14 阅读理解(说明文)--【真题荟萃】 2024年中考英语真题分类汇编(含解析)

专题14 阅读理解(说明文)--【真题荟萃】2024年中考英语真题分类汇编
Technology is the first power!It is a great joy and a matter of pride to see China’s high technology is brightly shining from the sky to the ground. It is widely known that China has well-developed high-speed railway network (铁路网) in the world. Now, the country is breaking its own speed record with the CR450. The CR450 can travel at a top speed of 453 kilometers an hour. Once put into use, it will take just about 2.5 hours to travel from Beijing to Shanghai, which takes at least 4.5 hours at the moment. Even though it can travel so fast, it can also start braking (刹车) quickly, taking just 1.7 seconds, and its noise level keeps low. It creates a safe and comfortable environment for passengers. With the advantages, the CR450 shows China’s leading role and great power to the world.
The AG60E is China’s self-developed lightweight two-seat electric plane. It is 6.9 meters long, 2.6 meters high and 8.6 meters wide. It is mainly designed for pilot training, flight experience, and private travel. It uses an electric power pared with the traditional plane, it doesn’t send out greenhouse gases, and its noise level is much lower. The AG60E electric plane draws the world’s attention, for it is a practice of China’s aviation industry (航空工业) towards air pollution. The AG60E is only a starting point. It is expected to become an important force to achieve green and low-carbon development in the field of aviation.
1.How long will it take to travel from Beijing to Shanghai by CR450
A.1.7 hours. B.About 2.5 hours. C.At least 4.5 hours.
2.What is the advantage of the CR450
A.Fast and safe. B.Light and small. C.Warm and bright.
3.Why does the world pay attention to the AG60E
A.It is self-developed by China.
B.It can be used in many fields.
C.It’s environmentally friendly.
4.What do the CR450 and the AG60E have in common
A.Their noise level is low.
B.They have been widely used.
C.They can hold many passengers.
5.What does the poster want to show us
A.Chinese people’s wish for green travel.
B.The ways to cut down pollution in China.
C.Great achievements of China’s technology.
(2024·四川遂宁·中考真题)Li Fang is an engineer during the day, but in the evening, she becomes a student at a night school in Chengdu, Sichuan Province. She is trying new hobbies with her 4-year-old daughter, including art and jazz dancing. She used to spend evenings watching her daughter play in the park. Now, she can experience new things together with her daughter at a night school.
A growing number of Chinese people go to night schools. They can get colorful courses from dancing and sports to wine tasting. These courses usually cost hardly anything. They have become popular among young people who want to look for new skills, hobbies and friends.
In the 1980s, many people studied at night schools for middle school courses. However, night schools disappeared because of the popularization of higher education. The latest fashion came to Shanghai last autumn, when more than 650,000 people competed for 10,000 places at the city’s night schools.
Night schools have also rapidly appeared in other cities. Miss Wang in Wuhan thinks night schools are good places to make friends. “I used to spend much of my time alone. Since I attended the night school, have felt more connected with modern society. Besides, chatting to people with similar hobbies is a lot of fun,” she said.
Young people strongly wish to improve themselves and make their cultural lives colorful. That has made night schools popular.
6.What did Li Fang use to do in the evening
A.Watch her daughter play. B.Experience new hobbies.
C.Try new things. D.Learn jazz dancing.
7.How much does it cost if young people go to night schools
A.A little. B.Much. C.Little or nothing. D.Too much.
8.According to the numbers “650,0000” and “10,000”, we can infer _______.
A.there are more young people B.there are more night schools
C.the night schools are very popular D.the night schools are only in Shanghai
9.What does Miss Wang think of the night schools
A.Good places to connect with society. B.Good places to spend time alone.
C.Good places to take up hobbies. D.Good places to chat with old people.
10.Why do young people attend the night schools
A.To make friends. B.To taste wine.
C.To do sports. D.To improve themselves.
(2024·四川广安·中考真题)What will the world of tomorrow be like Many people today believe that technology is going to help solve some problems we have today. New technology may solve old problems, and it may also create new ones. No technology is perfect. Each has advantages and disadvantages. Here are three examples.
When we dream about the future, many of us think that we will be able to fly to the sky in our own flying cars. We could fly at 480 km per hour, avoiding traffic lights and busy roads. However, if too many flying cars are in the air, there will be trouble with traffic control.
3D printing is another new technology for the future. 3D printers are already used to make life-size models of car parts (部件), and man-made body parts, like ears. As we move into the future, 3D printing will change the way we make things and the way we treat sick people. The disadvantage is that such a machine is very expensive.
Finally, people are trying to make a robot suit (套装). This is an electronic suit. It allows people to lift heavy things and walk a long way. It might help people walk again after an illness or an accident. However, one disadvantage at the moment is the cost.
It is easy to imagine a future. We will be able to fly to work, print out a new pair of shoes or lift a car above our heads. Although there are some problems to solve, we can certainly dream of a world. In this world, technology makes people’s life easier and safer, and it can solve some of the most difficult problems we have today.
11.How does the writer start the passage
A.By asking a question. B.By giving a report.
C.By giving advice. D.By telling a story.
12.Which one of the following is NOT true
A.If too many flying cars are in the air, there will be problems with traffic control.
B.3D printing won’t change the way we make things.
C.A robot suit costs too much at the moment.
D.Technology can solve some of the most difficult problems we have today.
13.What might the robot suit help people do after an illness or an accident
A.It might help people fly to the sky. B.It might help people make models.
C.It might help people walk again. D.It might help people save money.
14.What would be the best structure (结构) of this passage
(Paragraph1=① Paragraph2=② Paragraph3=③ Paragraph4=④ Paragraph5=⑤)
A. B.
C. D.
15.What is the theme (主题) of the passage
A.Traffic. B.Machines. C.Clothes. D.Technology.
(2024·山东烟台·中考真题)A Long March 5 rocket took off from the Wenchang Space Launch Site in Hainan province on May 3, 2024. After flying for about 37 minutes, it successfully placed the Chang’e 6 robotic lunar probe (月球探测器) into an Earth-moon transfer trajectory (转移轨道). Several days later the probe was programmed to land on the moon’s far side and started its tasks, which would last about 53 days.
This is the world’s first try to bring samples (样本) from the moon’s far side. For China, it’s the second sample-return moon journey. Chang’e 5 successfully brought samples from the moon in the winter of 2020. Up to now, 10 moon sample-return tasks have been carried out by the United States, the former Soviet Union (前苏联) and China, but all these samples were collected from the moon’s near side.
The moon’s far side has always been a subject of scientific wonder because of its many mysteries. It’s facing away from Earth and it can never be seen from Earth. It was once called the “dark side of the moon” even though it receives just as much sunlight as the near side.
Chinese researchers have found that the soil on the far side is much thicker than that on the near side, but they haven’t found out the reason. Samples brought back by Chang’e 5 have helped scientists find that there were volcanic (火山的) activities on the near side around 2 billion years ago. Some scientists thought maybe volcanoes became inactive on the far side about 4 billion years ago. Is it true Samples from the far side will allow them to know the answer.
“Comparing the make-up of the far side samples from Chang’e 6 with those collected from the near side will be of great scientific value to the international community,” said Martin Sweeting, a famous professor of space engineering.
16.When did Chang’e 6 begin to work on the moon
A.On May 3, 2024. B.After flying for about 37 minutes.
C.In the winter of 2020. D.After landing on the moon’s far side.
17.How many times has China got samples from the moon’s near side
A.Once. B.Twice. C.Five times. D.Ten times.
18.According to the passage, the moon’s far side ________.
A.receives less sunlight than the near side
B.has thicker soil compared with the near side
C.can be seen from Earth with powerful cameras
D.has more recent volcanic activities than the near side
19.What can we learn from Martin Sweeting’s words
A.Chang’e 6 will stay longer on the moon for more tasks.
B.Chang’e 6 is carrying out a valuable task for the world.
C.Chang’e 6 will bring samples from both sides of the moon.
D.Chang’e 6 can compare samples before bringing them back.
In Northwest China’s Gansu Province, there are camel traffic lights at Mingsha Mountain and Yueya Spring, a scenic spot (景点) surrounded by sand dunes (沙丘). A red camel shows “stop” and a green camel shows “go”. The special traffic lights, first designed to reduce the traffic jam in the desert, got much media attention in 2023 and have become a popular tourist attraction.
According to a report, more than 3.7 million tourists visited the spot in 2023, with 42 percent choosing camel rides.
The quick increase in tourists needs more local camel herders (牧民). Zhao, 42, is an experienced camel owner from the Yueya Spring Village, who owns 21 camels. The rapid development of tourism has brought hope for the villagers. And they began to do the camel walking business at the scenic spot.
In the busy season in summer, the scenic area is home to about 2,000 camels. Each camel undertakes three trips a day.
“Our village used to be poor, but now we are rich because of the camel walking business. They are like family members to us. In summer, we give them nice food and help them cool down. We also take them to the vet for annual check-ups in winter.” Zhao said.
20.How does the writer introduce the topic of the passage in Paragraph 1
A.By telling a story. B.By giving examples.
C.By asking questions. D.By describing a scene.
21.How many tourists chose camel rides at the scenic spot in 2023
A.More than 3.7 million tourists. B.More than 4.2 million tourists.
C.More than 1.5 million tourists. D.More than 2.4 million tourists.
22.The underlined word “they” in Paragraph 3 refers to “________”.
A.tourists B.villagers C.scenic spots D.camel rides
23.What’s the best title for the passage
A.The friendship between the villagers and camels.
B.The camels living in the desert.
C.The developing tourism in the desert.
D.The special camel traffic lights in the desert.
24.The passage probably is ________.
A.a letter B.an ad C.a novel D.a news report
Do you speak a dialect (方言) in daily life While many Chinese people speak putonghua, some local dialects are in danger of disappearing (消失). To save them, the Chinese government started the Chinese Language Resources Protection Project (中国语言资源保护工程) a few years ago.
This project looks at how people talk in 1,712 places. Their languages include 103 dialects that are almost gone. It has helped China to build the largest language resource library in the world. There’s an online library where people can learn dialects from over 5.6 million audio clips and over 5 million videos.
________ According to Harold Palmer, a world expert on language, “dialects are a key to store local cultures. Language clearly shows the history and beliefs of an area,” he said.
Scholar Zhang Hongming talked about his concerns about the disappearing of dialects. “For about over 10 years, in the Wu dialect areas such as Shanghai and Suzhou, children aged 6 to 15 can understand but hardly speak the dialect. Young people above 15 years old sometimes speak it, but not very well. If this keeps happening, the dialect might disappear,” he said.
So how did China make this big library “A big national effort has been put into the project to make it happen,” said Cao Zhiyun, an expert on the project. “Over five years, more than 350 universities and research groups joined in, along with over 4,500 experts and more than 6,000 dialect speakers.”
The project is now entering into its second part. This includes creating digital (数字化的) tools like apps and mobile dictionaries to help people learn dialects.
25.The Chinese Language Resources Protection Project was started ________.
A.to create digital tools B.to store local cultures C.to save local dialects
26.Which sentence can be put in ________
A.Why is it important to protect the dialect culture
B.How can we make good use of the dialect culture
C.What are people doing to spread the dialect culture
27.What does the underlined word “concerns” in Paragraph 4 mean
A.Worries. B.Doubts. C.Suggestions.
28.The writer shows China’s efforts on the project in Paragraph 5 ________.
A.by comparing ideas B.by listing numbers C.by explaining reasons
(2024·江苏连云港·中考真题)As we know, eating vegetables is good for us. Why do some people like them but others don’t A new study has found that other people’s likes and dislikes could be a reason. According to the research, people who eat vegetables and show a clear dislike for them can influence others.
People may make facial expressions (面部表情) when eating. How does it affect a person watching them A team of scientists in the UK did a study. They asked more than 200 young women to watch videos of other adults eating broccoli (西兰花). The people in the videos had different expressions while eating. They would smile, seem neutral (neither happy nor sad), or look disgusted.
The study found that when people in the videos look disgusted while eating broccoli, people watching them began to like broccoli less. The opposite was not true, however. When someone had a smile while eating broccoli, people watching them did not like broccoli more.
By watching others, humans learn which behaviors will be good for them. Scientists believe that people might avoid food that looks terrible. In this way, people can protect themselves from eating something bad or dangerous.
The research focused only on adults, but the team believe that the results could also work for children. This means, if children see their parents not enjoying certain foods, including vegetables, they might not want to eat them either.
How does the behavior of adults influence children’s choices of food The team said they hope to understand more about it. This could help find ways to encourage children to eat more healthy foods.
29.What does the underlined word “disgusted” in paragraph 2 mean
A.Excited. B.Amazed. C.Unhappy. D.Untidy.
30.What’s the result of the study
A.People may prefer the food others like.
B.Children dislike eating certain vegetables.
C.Young women are easily affected by others.
D.People may not choose the food others dislike.
31.The team may do further study on _________.
A.the safety of children’s food B.the wish to understand children
C.the influences of parents’ behavior D.the ways to produce healthy foods
32.What is the best title of the text
A.Videos affect choices of food B.Studies on vegetables help a lot
C.Expressions prevent possible dangers D.Opinions on vegetables influence others
(2024·江苏连云港·中考真题)Best kite festivals around the world
Imagine a sky full of colorful kites of all shapes and sizes. Isn’t it wonderful Now, we’ll take you on a journey through some of the best kite festivals around the world.
Name Weifang International Kite Festival Washington State International Kite Festival Dieppe International Kite Festival
Time Every year in April. Every year in August. Every two years in September.
Place In Weifang, China. In Washington, US. In Dieppe, France.
History Since 1984. Since 1981. Since 1980.
Features There is a big parade (巡游). Visitors can try their hand at kite making. It’s celebrated for about a week with kite fights and races. It still holds a world record about kite flying. It shows kite designs with different themes. There is an evening light show with thousands of kites.
33.Both Weifang and Washington State International Kite Festival ________.
A.take place once a year B.keep many world records
C.last for about a month D.have a history of 30 years
34.What can people do in Dieppe International Kite Festival
A.Take part in a big parade. B.Join in kite fights and races.
C.Decide the theme for kites. D.Enjoy a light show with kites.
35.If Tom wants to make a kite, he can go to ________.
A.Dieppe in April B.Dieppe in September
C.Weifang in April D.Washington in August
(2024·湖北·中考真题)So far, China has successfully sent a large number of satellites (卫星) and spaceships into space. Space scientists have been greatly inspired (赋予灵感) by the old stories and ancient famous people when giving them names.
Since thousands of years ago, Chinese people have dreamed of going to the moon. Chang’e Flies to the Moon is one of the most popular stories. As you can see, China’s first man-made satellite to circle around the moon was named Chang’e I. More interestingly, the moon rover (巡视器) was named after the Jade Rabbit, who is the partner of Chang’e in the story. These old stories carry people’s best wishes and dreams. With the development of science and technology, our scientists have made them come true.
Kua Fu Runs After the Sun is another story to show how much ancient Chinese people wanted to know about the unknown world. Now, Kua Fu is going with the scientists to “visit” the sun, because we have a space project called KuaFu Mission.
Besides the ancient stories, space scientists also get ideas from ancient famous people. For example, Mozi, an ancient scientist, discovered that light travels in a straight line over 2, 000 years ago. His discovery made space study take a big step at that time. So, China’s first quantum (量子) science satellite was named Mozi, making China the first country in the world to achieve quantum communication between satellites and the ground.
From such simple things as giving names to the satellites, we can see how great our traditional culture is and what influence it has on our modern science and technology.
36.In China, space scientists get ideas from ________ when naming satellites.
①old stories ②traditional projects
③ancient famous people ④ popular inventions
A.①② B.①③ C.②④ D.③④
37.What do we know about Chang’e I according to the passage
A.It moves around the moon. B.It protects the Jade Rabbit.
C.It “visits” the sun with the scientists. D.It is the world’s first man-made satellite.
38.How does the writer support his opinion in Paragraph 4
A.By listing numbers. B.By comparing facts.
C.By giving an example. D.By reporting a result.
39.Which is the right structure of the passage
(①=Paragraph 1 ②=Paragraph 2,…)
A. B.
C. D.
40.What’s the writer’s main purpose of writing the passage
A.To spread the traditional Chinese culture.
B.To explain how our scientists develop the space industry.
C.To introduce the achievements in our science and technology.
D.To tell how traditional Chinese culture influences our space science.
Eat Well, Live Well We eat food so that we have energy to run, jump and play. We should have plenty of different things.
We should eat plenty of dairy products such as milk, cheese, and so on. Along with fish, beans and meat, dairy products make us strong. Do it! Look for low-fat milk and cheese. They are healthier. We should also eat enough grain products so that we have energy to work and play. Grain products include bread, rice and noodles. Do it! Eat a certain amount (数量) of grain products to keep fit.
Fruit and vegetables keep us healthy. We should eat plenty of them at every meal. Do it! Try to eat fruit and vegetables in different colors every day. Don’t forget to drink water. We should drink 6-8 glasses of water every day so that our bodies work properly.
41.Which of the following is a kind of dairy products
A.Fish. B.Beans. C.Milk. D.Noodles.
42.How many kinds of grain products are mentioned in the passage
A.Two. B.Three. C.Four. D.Five.
43.Which is healthier than the other three according to the passage
A. B.
C. D.
44.What’s the writer’s opinion about eating well
A.Grain products are the best of all. B.Eat plenty of food as you like every day.
C.Vegetables make our bodies work properly. D.Have different kinds of food and enough water.
45.In which part of a magazine can we probably read the passage
A.Art. B.Sports. C.Health. D.Education.
(2024·四川泸州·中考真题)We all want to do things well. For example, as students all of us want to have a good performance in study and get good grades. However, growing up also includes accepting when things go wrong. In fact, mistakes can lead to some of the most interesting and meaningful results.
Aiming for good results can help you focus on (关注) your goals, but it’s also important to focus on enjoying the process. Getting too hung up on whether things go as planned can put a lot of pressure on you and lead to worry. That’s why it’s good to leave some room for mistakes and imperfections.
Dr. Rekha Vara is a doctor who helps people with their mental health (心理健康). She says getting things wrong is part of growing up. “We also have to experience the uncomfortable feeling when we get things wrong. This helps us to become stronger,” says Dr. Vara. “Or we’ll be too scared to make mistakes. This fear can lead us to put off doing difficult things or avoid trying new things.”
Learning from your mistakes is necessary during growing up. The most important thing is what you choose to do next. Try not to take it too seriously, blame (责备) yourself or feel too disappointed or upset. Dr. Vara explains, “Remember you’re a common man. Humans make mistakes.” ______, then these feelings will soon pass and then you’ll feel happier.
Instead, thinking about what you might do differently next time helps a lot. In one study, if students were reminded to forgive (宽恕) and be kind to themselves when they failed a test, they felt more encouraged to try again, while other students were less pleased to have a second try.
46.What does the underlined part in Paragraph 2 probably mean
A.执迷 B.懊悔 C.遗憾 D.忽略
47.Which of the following would Dr. Vara agree with
A.Fear leads us to try new things.
B.Failure is normal in growing up.
C.Good results make us stronger.
D.People hardly ever get things wrong.
48.Which of the following can be put in “______” in Paragraph 4
A.Everyone will grow up B.Process is really important
C.You should enjoy your feelings D.You might feel uncomfortable at first
49.How does the writer support his idea in the last Paragraph
A.By telling stories. B.By giving an example.
C.By listing numbers. D.By describing a problem.
50.What’s the best title for the passage
A.Stick to your goals B.Avoid making mistakes
C.Imperfection can be a gift D.Pressure is the key to success
(2024·陕西·中考真题)SHARE THE MAGIC of Italian song with Jonas Kaufmann as he shows us both on and off stage, how he fell in love with Italy and its music.
“ITALIANS LOVE TO SING. They sing in the street. They sing while they go about their business. It is not just a cliché—in Italy, you see grown-up men just singing while they work, because they want to somehow express their feelings. Music is not only to make you smile, music is to make you think, and sometimes to understand that you’re not the only one carrying great problems with you. By expressing that in a song, you can better live with it, because somebody found the right words, the right way to express what you’re feeling at that moment. The songs on this album show the whole range of emotions that Italian music is capable of, just like in opera...”
—Jonas Kaufmann
The word “album” in the text means a group of songs or pieces of music on a CD.
The underlined part means the rich feelings that Italian music is able to express.
51.The songs on this album are sung in ________.
A.Russian B.French C.English D.Italian
52.From Kaufmann’s words, we can know ________.
A.how much Italians love music B.how he created his music
C.his experience of learning music D.his advice on making music
53.Which of the following would Kaufmann most probably agree according to the text
A.Music is a tool to learn a language. B.Music can work as the key to the door of art.
C.Music is the most beautiful art form. D.Music can make people less lonely.
(2024·天津·中考真题)Salt has always been important to people. In the past, it was as valuable as gold. Over the years, people discovered different ways to get salt. Some early people got salt from rocks. In other places, people got salt from the sea. They took sea water and put it in the sun. After a long time, the water dried up (耗尽). Then people could get salt.
Today, people still get salt from the sea. But most salt comes from salt mines (矿) and salt wells (井). How do people get salt from salt mines They dig deep into the ground for it. To get salt from salt wells, people put two pipes (管子) into the ground. Water is sent down through one of the pipes. And the water is mixed with the salt in salt wells. It makes salt water. Then the salt water is pushed up through the other pipe. Later, the salt is taken out of the salt water.
People once worked hard to find and make salt. Now, people can buy it at any food store.
54.Some early people got salt from ________.
A.flowers B.fruits C.trees D.rocks
55.Why did people put sea water in the sun
A.To get salt. B.To catch fish.
C.To wash clothes. D.To water crops.
56.How do people get salt from salt mines
A.By mixing sand with gold. B.By digging deep into the ground.
C.By putting oil on rocks. D.By throwing stones into the sea.
57.What is the right order of getting salt from salt wells
a. The salt is taken out of the salt water.
b. Water is sent down through one of the pipes.
c. The salt water is pushed up through the other pipe.
A.a-b-c B.b-c-a C.c-b-a D.b-a-c
58.The passage is mainly about ________.
A.who discovered salt B.when we made salt
C.where salt comes from D.how much salt we need
(2024·河南·中考真题)An old saying used for forecasting (预测) the weather says, “Red sky at night, sailors’ delight. Red sky in the morning, sailors (水手) take warning.” Is the saying true It turns out that it is. A red sky at sunset may mean that there are clear skies to the west, where the sun sets. A red sky at sunrise usually means that the clear weather has already passed, so storms might be coming.
Forecasting the weather has been practiced for thousands of years. In the 5th century BC, the Greeks sent out forecasts to sailors. They used signs in nature to forecast the weather. But today, meteorologists send exact forecasts further in advance (提前). They use scientific instruments to study weather conditions around the world and make forecasts. Pilots, farmers and many other people depend on these forecasts. Luckily, most of us can simply look on the smart phone or turn on the TV to find out what kind of weather is coming.
If you are looking for some signs of the weather, pay attention to nature. There are two basic rules used in weather forecasting: Weather generally moves from west to east, and low air pressure (压力) usually means rain or snow. So pay attention to the signs. If rainbows form in the west at sunrise, the sun is on the way. Smell the flowers—their smells are stronger in wet air. What are the ants doing Are they moving to higher ground This could mean a drop in air pressure. Are the birds flying low or high Falling air pressure may influence birds’ ears, so they fly low. And if the sky is red at sunset, you might plan a picnic for the next day!
59.What is the old saying about
A.The beauty of sunrise. B.The night sky.
C.The signs of the weather. D.The sailors’ work.
60.What does the underlined word “meteorologists” mean
A.The persons who give daily weather reports on TV.
B.The persons who carry out research on natural history.
C.The persons who take an interest in plants and animals.
D.The persons who do scientific studies of weather conditions.
61.How does the writer develop his idea in Paragraph 2
A.By listing the reasons for terrible weather.
B.By telling a true story about weather forecasting.
C.By introducing different ways of forecasting the weather.
D.By mentioning the difficulties in forecasting the weather.
62.What do we know from the last paragraph
A.It’ll be sunny if ants move to higher places.
B.The smells of flowers are stronger in wet air.
C.Birds fly higher because of the low air pressure.
D.It’ll rain if rainbows form in the west at sunrise.
63.What is the writer’s purpose in writing the text
A.To encourage people to get close to nature.
B.To express the need for weather forecasting.
C.To explain nature can tell us about the weather.
D.To discuss how important weather forecasting is.
(2024·河北·中考真题)The Hutuo River is the mother river of Shijiazhuang, the capital city of Hebei. About 20 years ago, it was dirty and almost dried up. Thanks to the government’s work, it has become much cleaner.
Wu Wenzhong, a 58-year-old villager, lives near the river. “My friends and I often played with water, swam and caught fish in it when I was a child. I liked catching fish best,” he said. He remembers that the villagers had to cross the river by boat at that time. But as time passed by, it got dirty and started to dry up.
To remediate (修复) the river, the government do a lot of things. They clean the river up and build levees (防洪堤) . They plant trees, grass and flowers to green the riverside. They set up fences (防护栏) and put up “No Swimming” signs along the river to protect people. They stop factories from putting waste water into the river. They keep an eye on the river to make sure it stays clean for the fish, birds and people who live nearby. They also have a long-term plan to keep the river in good condition.
Now, there are more than 20 kinds of birds living around the river. It becomes a home for birds again. People can enjoy a day outdoors with the beauty of nature along the river. Wu and other villagers are happy to see the river looking good again.
The Hutuo River’s story shows that when people work together to take care of nature, good things can happen.
64.What was Wu Wenzhong’s favourite activity when he was a child
A.Boating. B.Swimming.
C.Planting trees. D.Catching fish.
65.Which question can help readers know the main idea of Paragraph 3
A.How does the river look B.When do people green the riverside
C.Why is the river important D.What do the government do for the river
66.What do we know about today’s Hutuo River
A.Many birds live around it. B.Factories get water from it.
C.Over 20 kinds of fish live in it. D.Villagers make boats near it.
The Internet is the best thing to happen since the creation of the alphabet*. However, can you trust what you read on the Internet Anyone in the world can put a website on the Internet. Many people say that the things they read on the Internet may not be true. You need to be careful when you look through lots and lots of information. As you explore the Internet for information, here are some ideas to get the right things online.
First, check who wrote the website. Make sure that the writer is an expert. For example, if the topic is science, make sure the writer is a (n) _______ or a science teacher. The expert can provide us with professional knowledge or statistics (统计数据) in the field. Make sure to study the statistics so that you can avoid making minor mistakes**.
Next, make sure the site is there for a good reason, not a bad one. If the site is meant to fool you, you can be sure you can’t trust what’s on it. If the site is there to give you information, the information is more possibly good.
Also, check how old the information is. A good research engine (搜索引擎) can help you get a date for when something was written. In many subjects, like science, new information replaces old information all the time.
Finally, train yourself to be a serious person about the information from websites. You can use other resources to check what you’ve got online.
If you follow these suggestions, you will become a better user of the Internet.
* Alphabet is a set of letters or symbols in a fixed order, such as Aa to Zz in English, and used in writing.
** A minor mistake is a mistake that is small and not so important or serious.
67.How many pieces of advice does the writer give
The writer gives pieces of advice.
68.What word (s) can you put in the “_______”
I can put “ ” there.
69.Why should you study the statistics on the site
Because we can avoid if we do that.
70.Which paragraph best matches the picture above
It’s Paragraph in the passage.
71.What’s the passage mainly about
It’s about how to .
1.B 2.A 3.C 4.A 5.C
1.细节理解题。根据“The CR450 can travel at a top speed of 453 kilometers an hour. Once put into use, it will take just about 2.5 hours to travel from Beijing to Shanghai”可知,乘坐CR450从北京到上海需要约2.5小时。故选B。
2.细节理解题。根据“Even though it can travel so fast”及“It creates a safe and comfortable environment for passengers.”可知,CR450的优势是快速、安全。故选A。
3.细节理解题。根据“The AG60E electric plane draws the world’s attention, for it is a practice of China’s aviation industry (航空工业) towards air pollution.”可知,AG60E电动飞机是中国航空工业治理大气污染的一次实践,是环境友好型的创造,所以引起了全世界的关注。故选C。
4.细节理解题。根据“and its noise level keeps low”及“and its noise level is much lower.”可知,CR450和AG60E的噪音水平都很低。故选A。
5.主旨大意题。根据“It is a great joy and a matter of pride to see China’s high technology is brightly shining from the sky to the ground.”及全文可知,文章主要介绍了中国研发的高铁动车CR450和电动飞机AG60E,这两项的发明表明了中国高科技技术的发展,是中国科技的伟大成就。故选C。
6.A 7.C 8.C 9.A 10.D
6.细节理解题。根据“She used to spend evenings watching her daughter play in the park.”可知,她过去常常在晚上看女儿在公园里玩耍。故选A。
7.细节理解题。根据“These courses usually cost hardly anything.”可知,这些课程通常几乎不花什么钱。故选C。
8.推理判断题。根据“The latest fashion came to Shanghai last autumn, when more than 650,000 people competed for 10,000 places at the city’s night schools.”可知,去年秋天,上海出现了最新的潮流,当时有超过65万人竞争该市夜校的1万个名额。由此可知夜校很受欢迎,故选C。
9.细节理解题。根据“Since I attended the night school, have felt more connected with modern society.”可知,武汉的王小姐认为自己与现代社会的联系更加紧密了。故选A。
10.细节理解题。根据“Young people strongly wish to improve themselves and make their cultural lives colorful.”可知,年轻人强烈希望提高自己,使他们的文化生活丰富多彩。故选D。
11.A 12.B 13.C 14.C 15.D
11.推理判断题。根据“What will the world of tomorrow be like ”可知,文章是以提问题的方式引出话题,展开论述的。 故选A。
12.细节理解题。根据“As we move into the future, 3D printing will change the way we make things and the way we treat sick people.”可知,3D打印技术会改变我们创造事物的方式,以及我们治疗病人的方式。因此选项B“3D打印不会改变我们创造事物的方式。”表述有误。故选B。
13.细节理解题。根据“It might help people walk again after an illness or an accident.”可知,机器人套装可以帮助人们在疾病或事故后再次行走。故选C。
15.主旨大意题。根据“No technology is perfect. Each has advantages and disadvantages. Here are three examples.”可知,文章主要是介绍面向未来世界的一些新技术的情况,故选D。
16.D 17.A 18.B 19.B
16.细节理解题。根据“Several days later the probe was programmed to land on the moon’s far side and started its tasks, which would last about 53 days.”可知,探测器被设定在月球背面着陆后,开始了它的任务,故选D。
17.推理判断题。根据“This is the world’s first try to bring samples (样本) from the moon’s far side. For China, it’s the second sample-return moon journey…but all these samples were collected from the moon’s near side.”可知,这是世界上第一次尝试从月球背面采集样本。对中国来说,这是第二次取样返回月球之旅,之前所有这些样本都是从月球近侧收集的,也就是说中国已经有过一次从月球近侧采集样本,故选A。
18.细节理解题。根据“Chinese researchers have found that the soil on the far side is much thicker than that on the near side”可知,月球背面的土壤比近侧厚得多,故选B。
19.推理判断题。根据“Comparing the make-up of the far side samples from Chang’e 6 with those collected from the near side will be of great scientific value to the international community”可知,嫦娥6号收集的远端样本和近端样本对国际社会来说将具有重大的科学价值,也就是说嫦娥六号正在为世界执行一项有价值的任务,故选B。
20.D 21.C 22.B 23.D 24.D
20.细节理解题。根据“In Northwest China’s Gansu Province, there are camel traffic lights at Mingsha Mountain and Yueya Spring, a scenic spot (景点) surrounded by sand dunes (沙丘)....”可知,第一段开头描绘了鸣沙山月牙泉景区的景象,以此引入文章主题。故选D。
21.细节理解题。根据“According to a report, more than 3.7 million tourists visited the spot in 2023, with 42 percent choosing camel rides.”可知,在2023年,超过370万游客参观了该景点,42%的游客选择骑骆驼,即大约3700000×0.42=1554000人骑骆驼。故选C。
22.词句猜测题。根据“The rapid development of tourism has brought hope for the villagers. And they began to do the camel walking business at the scenic spot.”可知,旅游业的快速发展给村民们带来了希望。于是村名们开始在景区做骆驼散步的生意。此处代词“they”指代前句“the villagers”。故选B。
24.推理判断题。根据“According to a report, more than 3.7 million tourists visited the spot in 2023, with 42 percent choosing camel rides.”以及通读全文可知,本文主要介绍了甘肃省鸣沙山月牙泉景区骆驼生意的发展,文章可能来自于一篇新闻报道。故选D。
25.C 26.A 27.A 28.B
25.细节理解题。根据“To save them, the Chinese government started the Chinese Language Resources Protection Project (中国语言资源保护工程) a few years ago.”可知,为了拯救方言,中国政府在几年前启动了汉语资源保护工程。故选C。
26.推理判断题。根据“According to Harold Palmer, a world expert on language, dialects are a key to store local cultures. Language clearly shows the history and beliefs of an area”可知,世界语言专家哈罗德·帕尔默认为,方言是储存当地文化的钥匙,语言清楚地显示了一个地区的历史和信仰。此处介绍保护方言的原因,选项A“为什么保护方言文化很重要”符合语境,故选A。
27.词句猜测题。根据“For about over 10 years, in the Wu dialect areas such as Shanghai and Suzhou, children aged 6 to 15 can understand but hardly speak the dialect. Young people above 15 years old sometimes speak it, but not very well. If this keeps happening, the dialect might disappear”可知,大约十多年来,在上海和苏州等吴语地区,6至15岁的孩子能听懂但几乎不会说方言。15岁以上的年轻人有时会说英语,但不是很好。如果这种情况持续下去,这种方言可能会消失。此处学者表达了自己的担忧,故选A。
28.细节理解题。根据“Over five years, more than 350 universities and research groups joined in. along with over 4,500 experts and more than 6,000 dialect speakers.”可知,在5年多的时间里,超过350所大学和研究团体加入了该项目。还有4500多名专家和6000多名说方言的人。作者在第5段通过列举数字展示了中国在该项目上的努力。故选B。
29.C 30.D 31.C 32.D
29.词义猜测题。根据“They would smile, seem neutral (neither happy nor sad), or look disgusted.”可知他们会微笑,看起来很中立(既不高兴也不悲伤),或者看起来很厌恶,故此处划线部分和unhappy意义相近。故选C。
30.推理判断题。根据“The study found that when people in the videos look disgusted while eating broccoli, people watching them began to like broccoli less”可知研究发现,当视频中的人在吃西兰花时看起来很恶心时,观看视频的人开始不喜欢西兰花,即人们可能不会选择别人不喜欢的食物。故选D。
31.推理判断题。根据“How does the behavior of adults influence children’s choices of food The team said they hope to understand more about it”可知成年人的行为如何影响儿童对食物的选择,该团队表示,他们希望了解更多,所以会继续研究父母行为的影响。故选C。
33.A 34.D 35.C
33.细节理解题。根据“Weifang International Kite Festival Every year in April”以及“Washington State International Kite Festival Every year in August”可知潍坊国际风筝节和华盛顿州国际风筝节都是一年举办一次。故选A。
34.细节理解题。根据“It shows kite designs with different themes. There is an evening light show with thousands of kites.”可知在迪耶普国际风筝节上人们可以欣赏有成千上万只风筝的晚间灯光秀。故选D。
35.细节理解题。根据“Weifang International Kite Festival Every year in April Visitors can try their hand at kite making.”可知在四月举办的潍坊国际风筝节上,可以自己制作风筝。故选C。
36.B 37.A 38.C 39.A 40.D
36.细节理解题。根据“Space scientists have been greatly inspired (赋予灵感) by the old stories and ancient famous people when giving them names.”可知,太空科学家给卫星命名时受到古老的故事以及古代著名人物的启发。故选B。
37.细节理解题。根据“As you can see, China’s first man-made satellite to circle around the moon was named Chang’e I.”可知,嫦娥一号绕月运行。故选A。
38.推理判断题。根据“Besides the ancient stories, space scientists also get ideas from ancient famous people. For example…”可知,文章第四段介绍科学家给卫星命名时还受到古代名人的启发,下文列举了“墨子号”的例子。故作者通过举例子的方式支持自己的观点。故选C。
40.主旨大意题。根据“From such simple things as giving names to the satellites, we can see how great our traditional culture is and what influence it has on our modern science and technology.”及全文可知,作者写这篇文章的目的是介绍中国的空间技术与中国传统文化之间的渊源,中国传统文化影响着我国的空间技术。故选D。
41.C 42.B 43.A 44.D 45.C
41.细节理解题。根据“We should eat plenty of dairy products such as milk, cheese, and so on.”可知,牛奶是乳制品。故选C。
42.细节理解题。根据“Grain products include bread, rice and noodles.”可知,文中提到了面包、米饭、面条三种谷类食物。故选B。
44.细节理解题。根据“We should have plenty of different things.”及“Don’t forget to drink water. We should drink 6-8 glasses of water every day”可知,作者认为我们应该吃各种不同的食物以及多喝水。故选D。
46.A 47.B 48.C 49.B 50.C
46.词义猜测题。根据“Getting too hung up on whether things go as planned can put a lot of pressure on you and lead to worry. ”可知,太在意事情是否按计划进行会给你带来很大的压力,导致焦虑,所以划线单词表示“执迷”,故选A。
47.细节理解题。根据“She says getting things wrong is part of growing up”可知,成长过程中的失败是正常的,故选B。
48.推理判断题。根据“then these feelings will soon pass and then you’ll feel happier.”可知,此处应提到了“feelings”这个单词,C选项“你应该享受你的感觉”符合,故选C。
49.细节理解题。根据“In one study”可知,最后一段举了一个例子,故选B。
51.D 52.A 53.D
51.细节理解题。根据“Dolce Vita is the Italian language for the English expression...”可知,专辑是意大利语的,故选D。
52.细节理解题。根据“ITALIANS LOVE TO SING. They sing in the street. They sing while they go about their business. It is not just a cliché—in Italy, you see grown-up men just singing while they work, because they want to somehow express their feelings.”可知,意大利人喜欢唱歌。他们在街上唱歌。他们一边做自己的事一边唱歌。这不仅仅是一种陈词滥调——在意大利,你会看到成年男性在工作时唱歌,因为他们想以某种方式表达自己的感受。由此可知,意大利人非常喜欢音乐。故选A。
53.推理判断题。根据“and sometimes to understand that you’re not the only one carrying great problems with you”可知,音乐有时候让明白你并不是唯一一个有大问题的人,所以音乐可以使人不那么孤独。故选D。
54.D 55.A 56.B 57.B 58.C
54.细节理解题。根据“Some early people got salt from rocks.”可知,一些早期的人从岩石中得到盐。故选D。
55.细节理解题。根据“They took sea water and put it in the sun. After a long time, the water dried up (耗尽). Then people could get salt”可知,是为了得到盐,故选A。
56.细节理解题。根据“They dig deep into the ground for it. To get salt from salt wells, people put two pipes (管子) into the ground.”可知,人们通过深挖地下来从盐矿中获取盐。故选B。
57.细节理解题。根据“Water is sent down through one of the pipes. And the water is mixed with the salt in salt wells. It makes salt water. Then the salt water is pushed up through the other pipe. Later, the salt is taken out of the salt water.”水通过其中一根管子往下输送。在盐井里,水和盐混合。它产生盐水。然后盐水通过另一根管子被推上来。然后,把盐从盐水中取出。由此可知,正确的顺序是:水通过其中一根管子往下输送→盐水从另一根管子被推上来→从盐水中取出盐。故选B。
58.主旨大意题。根据“Over the years, people discovered different ways to get salt”,“Today, people still get salt from the sea”以及全文可知,本文主要介绍了盐从哪里来的。故选C。
59.C 60.D 61.C 62.B 63.C
59.细节理解题。根据“A red sky at sunset may mean that there are clear skies to the west, where the sun sets. A red sky at sunrise usually means that the clear weather has already passed, so storms might be coming.”可知,日落时的红色天空可能意味着太阳落山的西方天空晴朗。日出时天空呈红色通常意味着晴朗的天气已经过去,因此暴风雨可能即将来临。所以这句谚语是关于天气的迹象,故选C。
60.词句猜测题。根据“But today, meteorologists send exact forecasts further in advance (提前).”可知,提前发布准确的预报的应该是气象学家,故选D。
61.细节理解题。根据“In the 5th century BC, the Greeks sent out forecasts to sailors. ... Luckily, most of us can simply look on the smart phone or turn on the TV to find out what kind of weather is coming.”可知,希腊人利用自然界的迹象来预报天气,气象学家使用科学仪器研究世界各地的天气状况并做出预测,也可以看一下智能手机或打开电视来了解天气。所以作者在第二段通过介绍不同的天气预报方法展开他的观点,故选C。
62.细节理解题。根据“Smell the flowers—their smells are stronger in wet air.”可知,闻闻花——它们的气味在潮湿的空气中更强烈。故选B。
64.D 65.D 66.A
64.细节理解题。根据第二段“My friends and I often played with water, swam and caught fish in it when I was a child. I liked catching fish best”可知,吴文忠小时候最喜欢的活动是捕鱼。故选D。
66.细节理解题。根据第四段“Now, there are more than 20 kinds of birds living around the river. It becomes a home for birds again.”可知,现在有许多鸟类生活在滹沱河周围。故选A。
67.4/four 68.scientist 69.making minor mistakes 70.5/five 71.get the right things online
67.根据“First, check who wrote the website.”、“Next, make sure the site is there for a good reason, not a bad one.”、“Also, check how old the information is.”以及“Finally, train yourself to be a serious person about the information from websites.”可知提出了四条建议,故填4/four。
68.根据“For example, if the topic is science, make sure the writer is a (n)…or a science teacher.”可知此处是指如果主题是科学,请确保作者是科学家或是科学老师,空前是a,后接名词单数。故填scientist。
69.根据“The expert can provide us with professional knowledge or statistics (统计数据) in the field. Make sure to study the statistics so that you can avoid making minor mistakes”可知一定要研究统计数据,这样你就可以避免犯小错误,avoid doing“避免做”,故填making minor mistakes。
71.本文讲述了当你在网络上浏览大量的信息时,你需要小心,介绍了一些建议可以让你在网上找到正确的东西。how to后接动词原形。故填get the right things online。



