Unit 5 Feeling excited Topic 3知识点清单(无答案)2023-2024仁爱版英语八年级下册

Unit 5 Topic 3 知识梳理
____ _ ____ 测试,测验; ___/__ _______ 紧张
____ _ ______ 做演讲;
______ ______ 练习做某事
__ ____/___ 生病; __ _________ _____ 对……自信
__ _ ___/____ ____ 心情差/好;
__ ____ _______ 情绪高
____ __ _ ________ 给某人一个惊喜
__ _____ __ 为……感到骄傲;
___ __ 穿上,上映
___ /__ _____ ___ 为……做准备
____ …____…用……把……填满
____ ___________ (__) _____ ___有困难做某事
____ ___ 有一天;= _____ _____ 有一天
________ __ __ ___记得要去做某事
________ _____ ___.记得做过某事
__’_+___. ___ __. __ __ ___对某人来说做某事是……
_____ ____ 仔细考虑; ____ __ ________做决定
_ _____ __ _________一种幸福感
______ ___’_ ______ 听从某人的建议
____ __ ____别紧张; __ ______ 在公共场合
__ _______ ____……挤满
______ _______处于困境
Section A
1. __ there ________ wrong 有什么事吗?
★anything 是不定代词,当形容词修饰不定代词时,要放在不定代词________;当主语时,谓语动词用_______.
___ _____ ________ _______(有新鲜事吗 ) in today’s newspaper
2. We will _____ ___ _____ tomorrow and I always _____ _______ ______ a test. 我们明天要测验, 我总是考前变得紧张。
★_____ __ _____ 测验;________ __________ 变得紧张
3. I ___ _________ when I ____ _ ______. 当我发表演讲时,我会很紧张。
I have a CD _____ _____ ______. 我有一张关于做演讲的光盘。
★____ ___ _________ 做演讲=_____ _______
3. I feel more ______ _____ ____ your help. 由于你的帮忙我感到更轻松了。
★_______ ____ 由于,后跟____________
_____________ 因为,后跟_________________
Eg. 该句的同义句是I feel more relaxed ____ ____ ____ ______.
Our car goes very slow _______the traffic is too heavy.
= Our car goes very slow_____ _____the heavy traffic.
He lost his job __________his age.
=He lost his job ______ he is too old.
Section B
1. Yes, but he _____ ______ very _______. 是的,但是他似乎仍然非常沮丧。
2. I ____ _____ he is going to be sick. 恐怕他会生病的。
He was afraid ___ ____ his ______, but he did it ______.
★___ _______ ____ ____ sth. 害怕做某事
___ _______ ____ (______) sth/sb. 害怕(做)某事/某人
___ _______ ____ +从句:__________
Eg. I’m _______ ____ ______ English in public. 我害怕公共地方说英语。
=I’m _______ ___ ________ English in public.
______ you ______ _____ snakes 你怕蛇吗?
3. _______ can ______ our ________. 心情能影响我们的心情。
4. ____ we ____ not _______ _____ ______, we may feel upset and nervous. 如果我们对自己不自信,我们可能感到心烦和紧张。
★____ _____ _____ ________ 对……自信
Eg. He seems ____ ___ __________ _______ _______. 他似乎是自信的。
5. When we are __ _ ___ ____ ___ ___ ____, we could become sick. 当我们总是心情不好时,我们可能生病。
★__ _ _____/____ ____ 心情好/不好=__ ____/____ ____
★____ ____ ____ 总是、一直
Eg. No one can be happy ___ ___ ____. 没人能一直高兴。
It’s important ___ us ___ ____ ____ ____ ____ _______.
6. Let’s show him that we ___ _____ __ him. 让我们向他表明我们为他感到骄傲。
★ be proud of _______________
Eg. We ____ ____ _____ our hometown. 我们以我们的家乡为骄傲。
5. Let’s _____ Michael ___ _______. We can ___ __ a short play ,just _____ we do __ the English corner. 让我们给Michael一个惊喜。我们可以上演一个短剧,就像我们在英国角落所做的那样。
★ ______sb. ___ _______: 给某人一个惊喜;
★put on在此意为________;put on 还有意为________,
put 常见的短语还有___ ___ ____ “把某物收拾好”
___ __ “挂起,粘贴” ___ ___ “扑灭,熄灭”
Eg. Let’s ________ a play to cheer them up.
They _________ the fire in a few minutes.
Look at your clothes on the floor. Please _____ them_____.
People ______ lanterns to celebrate the Spring Festival.
6. Let’s _____ _____ _____ it! 让我们做准备吧。
★___/____ _____ _____ 为……做准备= ______ _____
Eg. We spent lots of time ________ ______ _____ the party.
My mother is ___________ ______ the meal. 我妈正在准备午饭。
Section C
1. I think the moon can ______ my _______, _________ when the full moon is high _____ the sky ____ the Mid-autumn Festival. 我认为月亮能影响我的心情,尤其是在中秋节当满月高挂在空中时。
2. But I can’t ____ ________ _____ my family. 我不能与家人团聚。
★____ ________ _____ 和……团聚
Eg. People often ____ ________ _____ their family.
3. I feel very ______, and my eyes ____ ____ tears. 我感到很孤独,我的眼睛里充满了泪水
★装满: ___________,=____________=_____________
用…装… ____________
Eg. Young man, please ______ the bottle ______ water.
The bottle ______ ______ water.
The bottle _____ ______ _____ water.
4. It is always _____ and _______ ____ people. 城市总是很吵,并且挤满了人。
★吵闹的 adj. _______; 噪音 n. _________
★ 挤满 ______________
Eg. The parking lot ___ ______ ______ cars and people.
5. I feel______ and I ____ _______ ________ at night. 我感到紧张,晚上难以入睡。
★做某事有困难: _________________=_______________
It’s________ for me______(find) a job here.
=I ______________________________ a job here.
6. I ____ __ ____ in the countryside ____ ___. 我希望有朝一日住在农村。
★希望做某事:__________;______ +_____ 从句:希望
Eg. I ___________ take part in the Olympic ___________.
= I _________ I can take part in the Olympic __________.
7. When the sun ______ _______, it makes me happy again.
8. _______ red often _____ me feel active. 穿红色经常让我感到活跃。
Eg. Father often says_________(smoke) ________(make) him relax.
Section D
1. __ is very important ___ us to __ __ _ ____ ____. 对我们来说,保持好心情非常重要。
★.It’s important to do sth ____________________
句型为: _______________________________;
Eg. 每天坚持吃蔬菜和水果是必需的。
__ __ necessary __ ___ _____ and __________ every day.
2. ____ we are ___ _____ ______, we can study or work harder. 如果我们情绪高涨,我们能更努力的工作或学习。
★__ ____ _______ 情绪高昂”
Eg. We are all ___ ____ ______ at the party.
3. So we must learn ___ ____ ____ ___ourselves and stay ___ __ ____ ____. 我们必须学会照顾自己,保持好心情。
★ 学习做某事:_____ ____ ____ sth;了解 _______
自学 ______________=___________
4. ________ __ eat _______ food and ____ _ ____ _____.
★________ __ __ ___记得要去做某事
________ _____ ___.记得做过某事
Eg. You must remember _________ (post) the letter for me this afternoon.
Are you Mrs. King I remember _______(meet) you before
5. Don’t ______ ______. 不要保持沉默。
6. Tell them about _____ ____ ______ and ____ _____ _____. 告诉他们你的想法和你的心情。
7. ____ ___ ____ help _____ them. 尽量获取他们的帮助。
8._____ __ ____ before ______ __ _________ ________. 在做出重要决定之前,请三思而后行。
★._____ ____ “仔细考虑”;_____ __ “想起,认为,”
_____ _____“考虑”
★_________ n. 决定、决心;
_______________ 做决定、下决心
动词为 _________;决定(不)做某事_______________
Eg. What do you _________ my new room
When I see these pictures, I can often ______ my old friend.
—I don’t how to deal with the problem.
—You’d better ___________ it.
—Ok. I will _______ it_________.
9. ____ _____ ____ your ________ activities. 回到你的日常活动中。
★_____/____ ______ _____ 回到…= _______ _____
★ every day _____________; everyday_____________
Eg. They helped hundreds of people ____________ work again. 他们帮助很多人重返工作岗位。
The Internet is important to our ________ life. People use it almost _________. 我们应该每天说日常英语。
10. It will give you __ _____ _____ _______.这会给你一种幸福感。
★ ____ ______ ___ __________ 一种幸福感



