Unit 6 Enjoying Cycling Topic 3知识点清单(无答案)2023-2024仁爱版英语八年级下册

Topic 3 Bicycle riding is good exercise.
____ __ ________发生一场事故
__/___ ____ 受伤;_____ _____ _____ 据说
____/_____ ___ _______ _____ 遵守/违反交通规则
____ ______ 节约能源; ___ _________ 空气污染
_______/____ ____ ______ ________ 全世界
___ _ ____ 得到罚单; __ ______ 处于危险之中
___ _________ __ (_____)___.注意(做)某事
_______ ______ 交通信号;____ ___ ___ 仅为乐趣
__ ____ __ 如果,假使;_____ ___ 急救
__ _ ____/__ _____ 简而言之,一句话
________ ____ __. 不同意某人
____ ___/__ _______ 小心,当心
_____ _____ 流入…;____ ____ 减速
Section A
1.____ _______ ______ in the car 车里有人受伤吗?
★__/___ ____ 受伤;someone某人,疑问句、否定句中用_________
Eg. _______ is knocking at the door.
There isn’t ________ living here.
2. _____ ______ ______ the driver was speeding. 据说司机超速了。
★_____ _____ _____ 据说
Eg. _____ _____ _____ a ______ ___ ______ in the accident. 据说,有个乘客在事故中受伤了。
3. —I think it’s ______ ___ _____ too fast. 我认为开车太快是疯狂的。
—___ ______ _____ 我认为如此。
2)____________________; 3)_____________________
4.______ I first _______ here, I didn’t ____ _____ _____ the______ traffic. 当我刚搬到这里的时候,我不习惯于这里繁忙的交通。
★. __/___ ____ __(______) ___. 习惯于(做)某事;
____ __ __ ___. 过去常常做某事(现在不做了)
Eg. He can’t _________________ the weather here.
I ____ ___ ____ TV after supper, but now I ___ ____ _____ ______ a newspaper. 我过去晚饭后常常看电视,电视现在我习惯于读报纸。
5. I ___ ______ __ ______ my bike ________.
★__ ______ __ sb./sth. 害怕某人/某物
__ ______ __ _____ ___.=__ ______ __ __ ___. 害怕/不敢做某事。
Eg. She _________________ dogs. 她怕狗。
She _________________ out alone at night.她一个人能晚上不敢出去
=She __________________ out alone at night.
6. But now I feel ____ _______. 但现在我感觉更自信了。
7. ________ can help us ____ _______ and it doesn’t ______ ____ _________. 骑车能帮我们节约能源,也不导致空气污染。
★______ _______ 节约能源;_____ ___________ 空气污染
8. It’s easy __ _____bikes, too.而且停放自行车也很容易。
★park v. 意思是________; n. 意思是_________
Eg. Look at the sign. It says no ________, so you can’t ________ the car in the _______.
9. Many people ______ the world ___ bicycles ___ work and _______.全世界很多人把自行车用于工作和消遣中。
★_______ ____ _______ 全世界= ____ ____ ______ ________
★___ sth. ___ (doing) …. 运用……(做)某事;
Eg. Cycling is popular with people _________________.
We can _____ mobile phones ___ ________(take) photos now. 我们现在可以用手机拍照。
10. Bicycle need ____ _____ than cars. 自行车比小轿车需要的空间小。
★space n. 意为___________,是不可数名词。
Eg. There isn’t enough________ for you in the car.
A. place B. space C. rooms
Section B
1. The young man ___ the bicycle was very ________.
★care v. 关心; _____ ____ =____ _______ ____ 照顾
________ adj. 小心的、认真的;________ adv.
________ adj. 粗心的、大意的
2.We should ____ bicycle helmets ____ ______. 当我们在骑自行车时,我们应该带头盔。
★____ _______ _______ 戴头盔;
3. __ we _____ ___ _______ _____, we may ___ _ ____ and even __ __ ______. 如果违反了交通规则,我们会受到处罚,甚至处于危险。
★________ v. 意为违反、破坏,过去式是________;
adj. __________ 破损的。
break n. 意为________. ____ _ _____ 休息休息;
_____ ___ _____违反规则,____ ___ _____ 遵守规则。
Eg. The boy was too _______. He _______ a girl’s glass while _____ ___ ______ between classes. 这个小男孩太粗心了。他在课间休息时打破了一个女孩的杯子
★ ___ _ ____ 受处罚; __ ______ 处于危险之中;
Section C
1. The bicycle is ___ __ ___ ____ _________ ________ in the world. 自行车时世界上最重要的交通工具之一。
★ ____________________________________ 最…中之一
Eg. The Sound of Music is ___ __ ___ ____ _________ ______. 《音乐之声》是最受欢迎的电影之一。
2. Bicycles ______ the road ____ cars and _______.
★_______…______ 和…分享、共用
Eg. Humans _______ the nature ______ the animals.
3. The bicycle riders must ___ _________ __ the traffic around them. 骑车者必须注意周围的车辆。
★___ _________ __ (_____)___. 注意(做)某事。
___ _________ __ (_____)___. 盼望(做)某事
___/____ _________ __ (_____)___. 习惯于(做)某事
Eg. While doing our work, we must ___ _________ __ ways and means.
I’m ______ ________ ____ ________(hear) from you.
_____ you _____ ____ _______(live) here
We should ____ _____ _____ _______(protect) the environment.
4. They must know and ______ the ______ ______. 他们必须遵守安全规定。
★ _______ n. 安全;__________ adj. 安全的
__________ n. 危险;_____________ adj. 危险的
Eg. Can you tell me something about ______ ____ ______ ______ when________. 你能告诉我一些骑行时如何保持安全吗?
Be ______ while ________ the street, or you will be in ________. 过马路小心,否则你就陷入危险中。
It’s __________ to swim alone here. I’m very worried about your _______.独自在这里游泳时危险的。我非常担心你的安全。
5. __ ____ __ an accident, bicycle riders should know ___ __ ____ _____ ___. 万一发生事情,骑车者应该懂得如何进行急救;
★__ ____ __ 介词短语,意为________。
____ 连词,意为如果,引导________________
Eg.__ ____ __ fire, you must keep calm and call 119.
= You must keep calm and call 119 ____ an fire _______.
★____ _____ ___ 进行急救;
6. __ _ ____, the best way __ __ ____ is __ __ _______. 总之,保持安全的最佳方式就是小心谨慎。
★__ _ ____简言之,一句话,总之;=___ ________
★___ ____ ___ __ __ ___. 做某事的最佳方法;
7. ___ ___ ______ is _______, they must _____ 120 _____ help. 如果伤情严重,他们必须拨打120求助。
★ _____ sb.____ ______:打电话向某人求助
_____ sb, ____ …:拨打…(号码)给某人
_____ sb, ____;给某人打电话;____ sb. ____;给某人打电话
Section D
1. Twenty-three rivers and streams _____ ____ Qinghai Lake. 二十三条小河和溪流流入青海湖。
★_____ ____ 注入,流入;empty adj. 意为______, 反义词是_______.
Eg. The Yangtze River _______ ____ the East Sea. 长江流入东海。
There is nothing in the box. It’s ________.
2. They __ _______ the Alps, the Massif Central and the Pyrenees Mountains. 他们要穿过阿尔卑斯山脉、马塞夫中心和比例牛斯山。
★__ _______ (空间上)通过; __ ______ (表面上)通过;
Eg. Be care when you __ ______ the road.
It’s difficult to ___ _______ the forest alone.
3. 重点单词
________ adj. 中心的;_______ n. 中心
______ adj. 法国的;______ n. 法语;______ n. 法国
_____ adj. 死亡的;_____ n. 死亡;_____ v. 死、去世
____ v. 赢、获胜;过去式是_____; _______ n. 获胜者
r_____ v. 骑车;过去式是 ______; _______n. 骑手
c________ v. 骑车; c_________ n. 骑手、骑车的人
Eg.1. The _______ Park is in the ______ of the city. (center)
2. The ______ man comes from _______. He speaks _______ (France)
3.His father ______ last week. His _____ makes him upset. (die)
4. —Do you know the ______ of the match
—Sure. He also _____ in the ping-ping game.(win)
5. The _____ ______ too fast. (ride)
连词:___ 如果;__ ____ __只要;______ 除非
1)not drive carefully, get hurt
2) be in danger, be careful
3) drive too fast, have an accident



