【暑假自练】Unit 1-2 阶段综合复习卷(含听力音频+答案)七年级英语下册 冀教版

【暑假自练】Unit 1-2 阶段综合复习卷(含听力音频 答案)七年级英语下册 冀教版
满分100分 考试用时90分钟
I. 听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息.(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)
1.A.Beef soup. B.A large bowl. C.Yes, please.
2.A.Yes, she does. B.No, she didn’t. C.She enjoyed it.
3.A.Great. B.By train. C.I went to Shanghai.
4.A.Three times. B.Next week. C.For three hours.
5.A.With my family. B.It was exciting. C.I went to the beach.
II. 听句子,选出该句的最佳答语.(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)
6.A.We went to the farm by bus. B.We went to the farm by bike. C.We took the subway to the farm.
7.A.take out B.put out C.find out
8.A.3:15 B.3:45 C.4:15
9.A.20 minutes B.2 kilometers C.2 minutes
10. A.one B.won C.when
III. 听对话和问题,选择适当的答案.(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)
11.What did Mrs. Wang think of the journey
A.Interesting. B.Exciting. C.Awful.
12.What does Andy think of the trip
A.Terrible. B.Interesting. C.Exciting.
13.How did Mrs. Sun like the journey
A.Interesting. B.Exciting. C.Awful.
14.Why does the woman hope to visit Thailand
A.The food is nice. B.There are many beautiful places. C.The weather is always warm.
15.What did the girl think of her school trip
A.Tired. B.Happy. C.Interesting.
IV. 听对话、短文和问题,选择正确答案.(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)
16.Who has been to Hawaii before
A.Julia. B.Julia’s mother. C.Mike.
17.How will Julia go to Hawaii
A.By plane. B.By subway. C.By train.
18.How long is Mike staying with his grandparents
A.One week. B.Two weeks. C.One month.
19.How will the speakers go to Shanghai this Saturday
A.By plane. B.By coach. C.By train.
20.Where are the speakers going to meet
A.In the town square. B.At the school gate. C.At a bus stop.
V. 听短文填空.(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)
Information sheet
Name Favorite Animals Why
Linda 21 They are 22 and can help people.
Tony cats They are 23 .
Mary 24 They are 25 .
I. 词语运用 (共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)
Once there was a poor man. He had 26 orange tree. 27 the tree, there 28 (be) many fine 29 (orange). One of 30 (they) was very big. It was as big as a football. Nobody saw so 31 (big) an orange. The poor man was very happy. He took it to the king (国王). The king was so 32 (happy) that he gave the man 33 (many) money for it. When a rich man 34 (know) that, he said to himself, “It was only an orange. Why 35 (do) the king give so much money to him I would take my gold cup to the king. He would give me more money.” The next day when the king received (收到) the gold cup, he said to the rich man, “What a beautiful cup! I would show you something wonderful. Please take this great orange away.”
II. 单项选择(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)
36.—How many floors are there in your house
—Three. The living room is on the ________ floor.
A.one B.once C.first
37.Last weekend I ________ Mount Fanjing and saw many flowers on the way.
A.climbed B.painted C.described
38.—I can’t be late for class and I have many ________ rules at school.
—Yes, but remember that school rules are very helpful and important for us.
A.the other B.another C.others D.other
39.She _________ her homework right now. She _________ it just now.
A.isn’t doing; finished B.isn’t doing; finishes
C.didn’t do; finished D.didn’t do; finishes
40.—I heard that all of you had a great time at the park.
—Everyone was so happy. ________ went boating while ________ played tennis.
A.Some; other B.One; the other C.Some; the others
41.The T-shirt is too big for me. Please show me ________ one.
A.other B.others C.another D.the other
42.—How do you like the milk tea
—It _______ good. I’d like another cup.
A.looks B.smells C.sounds D.tastes
43.Students will have more trips to _________ places next term.
A.other B.another C.the other D.others
44.My cousin can dance very well. I can ________ dance very well.
A.also B.only C.still D.too
45.Some boys are playing football, and _______ are running around the playground.
A.other B.others C.the other D.the others
III. 完型填空(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)
We all need to have food every day and food is colorful (五颜六色的).
Some food is green, some food is red, and 46 is black. Now more and more people like to have 47 food—black rice, black beans, black grapes. 48 do they like black food Do you know
First, black food 49 make grey hair turn into (转变成) black hair. Second, black food is 50 for the heart (心脏). Next, black food can 51 children become clever. At the 52 time, black food can also help women look young.
Doctors 53 that it isn’t good to be choosy (挑剔的) about food. Black food is very good, 54 we need food with different colors. So let’s eat food in all 55 from now on.
46.A.this B.any C.some
47.A.white B.black C.green
48.A.Why B.When C.How
49.A.must B.mustn’t C.can
50.A.bad B.good C.easy
51.A.help B.see C.has
52.A.right B.first C.same
53.A.spell B.talk C.say
54.A.but B.so C.and
55.A.sizes B.colors C.classes
IV. 阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2分,计30分)
Do you like animals There is a kind of animal in the South Pole (南极). It has wings (翅膀) and feathers (羽毛), but it can’t fly. Its name is penguin (企鹅).
People found penguins in 1488. Hundreds of years later, people gave them this nice name. They are not tall and they are a little heavy. When they walk, they look very funny. They have a lot of black and white feathers. They make penguins look cute and keep them warm. So they can live in the very cold place.
Penguins can’t fly in the air, but they are great swimmers. Penguins spend quite a lot of their time in the water. Sometimes they can stay under the water for eighteen minutes. Are they practicing swimming No, they are searching for (搜寻) food. What do they usually eat Little fish are their important food.
56.When did people find penguins
A.In 1478. B.In 1488. C.In 1498. D.In 1888.
57.What does the underlined word “They” refer to (指代)
A.People. B.Animals. C.Wings. D.Feathers.
58.What does the writer think of penguins
A.Scary. B.Lovely. C.Slow. D.Smart.
59.What can penguins do according to (根据) the text
a.fly b.swim c.walk d.sing
A.ab B.ad C.bc D.bd
60.What is paragraph 3 mainly about
A.Penguins’ living habits. B.Penguins’ neighborhood.
C.Penguins’ looks. D.Penguins’ history.
We all know Sandwich (三明治) is kind of food with meat between two pieces (片) of bread. It is very popular with people. How does this kind of food get the special name
There is an interesting story about it. Sandwich was a town in England. John was a young man in Sandwich. He was very interested in playing cards. He went out to play cards for money all day and all night. Sometimes he played for 24 hours a day. He asked his servants (仆人) to bring food to him. They put some meat and bread in front of him. But he didn’t want to stop playing cards. So he put the meat between two pieces of bread to eat them. In this way he could play cards with one hand and eat with the other hand.
To his surprise, other people ate bread and meat as John did. He gave the food a special name—sandwich. Later, when he was hungry, he asked his servants for sandwiches. Then the food and the name sandwich spread (传播) around the country. Now it’s popular around the world.
61.What does the underlined word “hungry” mean in Chinese
A.纠结的 B.困倦的 C.饿的 D.渴的
62.Where did the story happen (发生)
A.In a school. B.In a town. C.In a village. D.In a restaurant.
63.Why didn’t John stop to eat
A.Because he didn’t like the food. B.Because he couldn’t eat with one hand.
C.Because he didn’t want to stop playing cards. D.Because other people liked the food very much.
64.What can we learn from the text
A.At first, sandwich is a name of a place.
B.John played cards just for fun.
C.The servants put the meat between two pieces of bread.
D.John knew sandwich could be popular.
65.What is the text mainly about
A.A town in England. B.A lazy young man.
C.A delicious meal. D.A food name.
Do you like to eat noodles Come to Mr. Brown’s Restaurant. Our restaurant is big and clean.
66 . You can order beef noodles, vegetable noodles and so on. They are all at good prices. A bowl of beef noodles is only 8 dollars. 67 . A bowl of chicken noodles is only 6 dollars. A bowl of vegetable noodles is only 5 dollars. 68 . The fish soup is a very popular special in our restaurant. The tomato and egg soup is delicious, too. Lots of people would like to eat in our restaurant.
Our restaurant is on New Street. 69 . It is open from 11: 00 a. m. to 9: 00 p. m. every day. If you order meat noodles, fruit is free. If you are too busy to come, 70 . You will get the food in about 30 minutes.
A.We also have different kinds of soup
B.We have different kinds of noodles
C.please come and have a try
D.A bowl of mutton noodles is only 7 dollars
E.It’s between the park and the post office
F.You can have a good day
G.please call us at 55660099
V. 连词成句(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)
71.would, what, you, for, like, supper

72.lives, the tiger, in Asia
73.away, not, anyone, run, do, let (连词成句)
74.the / very / in / country / Spring Festival / is / important / our. (连词成句)
75.country, is, spring, important, festival, in, very, my (.)
VI. 书面表达(计10分)
76.动物是我们人类的朋友,请你以“My favourite animal”为题,写一篇短文,80词左右。
1. What does it look like
2. What’s its lifestyle
3. Why do you love it
4. …
1. 文中不得出现真实人名、校名等信息;
2. 语言通顺,意思连贯,条理清楚,书写规范,可适当发挥。
My favourite animal
16.B 17.A 18.B
19.C 20.B
21.dogs 22.friendly 23.cute 24.elephants 25.quiet
26.an 27.On 28.were 29.oranges 30.them 31.big 32.happy 33.much 34.knew 35.did
46.C 47.B 48.A 49.C 50.B 51.A 52.C 53.C 54.A 55.B
56.B 57.D 58.B 59.C 60.A
61.C 62.B 63.C 64.A 65.D
66.B 67.D 68.A 69.E 70.G
71.What would you like for supper
72.The tiger lives in Asia
73.Don’t let anyone run away
74.The Spring Festival is very important in our country
75.Spring Festival is very important in my country
My favourite animal
I am Li Hua. I study at Hong Xing Middle School. I want to introduce my favourite animal to you.
My favourite animals are dogs. I have a lovely dog. Its name is Wangwang. It is a yellow one. It is tall and strong. It likes sleeping and eating bones. Last Sunday, I went to the park with it. We had a good time near the lake. When I decided to go home, I couldn’t find my key. I was very worried. At last, my dog helped me find the key. What a helpful dog!



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