
I’m not happy. I have too 1 rules in my family. I have to get up at 6:00 every morning. I can’t meet my friends after school 2 I have to take my dog for a walk. I can’t watch TV on school nights. And I have 3 in bed by ten o’clock. At weekends, I have to clean my room and wash my clothes. Then I have to help my mother make dinner. Later I have to go to the Children’s Palace 4 the piano. I 5 have any fun. What can I do
1.A.many B.much C.a few
2.A.so B.then C.because
3.A.to is B.to be C.be
4.A.learn B.to learn C.study
5.A.often B.sometimes C.never
Yuan Longping is one of the greatest 6 in the world. He is known as the “father of hybrid rice(杂交水稻之父) ”. Yuan Longping was born in 1930 in Beijing. He had many 7 . When he was a child, he liked swimming and 8 . He also liked playing the violin. He studied hard at school. In 1960, people was short of food in China. Mr Yuan was worried. He wanted everyone could have food to eat. 9 he made up his mind to find out the super hybrid rice. He started his research(研究) in 1960s. And in 1973 he bred(培育) Nanyou No. 2 hybrid rice. 10 a great man!
6.A.writers B.scientists C.teachers
7.A.jobs B.hobbies C.feelings
8.A.reading B.eat C.sing
9.A.Because B.But C.So
10.A.Who B.What C.How
Long long 11 , there was a little monkey in the forest. He liked laughing at everyone. He jumped from tree to tree and 12 bananas at others. One day he saw a little elephant by the river. “Hey, little elephant, you are so 13 . I’m sure you can’t catch me,” said the monkey. The little elephant asked, “ 14 do you always laugh at me ” “It’s great fun,” said the monkey. The monkey went away and saw a turtle (乌龟) sleeping with his 15 open. The monkey put his finger 16 the turtle’s mouth. Just then the turtle shut (合上) his mouth. The monkey shouted loudly from pain. The nice turtle woke up and let the monkey 17 . The monkey climbed 18 a tree quickly and went away.
11.A.before B.after C.ago
12.A.ate B.threw C.picked
13.A.fat B.large C.fast
14.A.What B.Why C.Who
15.A.eyes B.mouth C.nose
16.A.under B.beside C.into
17.A.come B.jump C.go
18.A.up B.in C.down
Different people like different kinds of food. In my family, my mother likes fruit and vegetables, 19 she thinks they are good 20 her. When she goes to the supermarket, she buys 21 carrots, tomatoes, potatoes, apples and pears. But my father doesn’t like 22 . His favourite food is meat. He likes many kinds of meat, like mutton, pork and beef. My 23 likes fast food. She often asks my parents 24 her to KFC or McDonald’s. I often have noodles for breakfast. They are 25 to cook. What kind of food do you like
19.A.and B.because C.so
20.A.to B.at C.for
21.A.a little B.much C.a lot of
22.A.it B.them C.they
23.A.brother B.sister C.mother
24.A.take B.to take C.taking
25.A.difficult B.slow C.easy
There 26 an old man named Sai Weng. One day, his horse went out and 27 come back. It was bad, but he said, “Losing a horse is a bad thing. But maybe it will 28 a good thing.” Several months later, his horse came back 29 another fine horse. It was good, but he said, “Maybe it will become a 30 thing.”
One day, his son 31 the fine horse. He fell off and hurt his leg. It was bad, but Sai Weng 32 think so. “Maybe it will become a good thing.” One year later, there was a war. Many young men became soldiers (士兵) and got hurt 33 . Sai Weng’s son didn’t become a soldier 34 his leg hurt. His leg saved his life. As the saying goes, bad luck often brings 35 luck.
26.A.is B.was C.were
27.A.didn’t B.won’t C.isn’t
28.A.became B.become C.becomes
29.A.and B.from C.with
30.A.good B.nice C.bad
31.A.ran B.rode C.played
32.A.doesn’t B.didn’t C.don’t
33.A.badly B.quietly C.happily
34.A.why B.so C.because
35.A.good B.bad C.small
My favourite story is 36 a beautiful deer whose fur (皮毛) had nine colours. Once she saved a 37 . She just asked the man 38 to tell others. But when the man heard that the queen wanted the deer, he 39 keep his promise (承诺). Later the king 40 out what had happened, he was very 41 . He put the man into jail (牢狱) and told the deer that no one would hurt 42 from then on. I learned many things from the story. First, a good person should be 43 and helpful. Second, it’s very important to be honest (诚实的、正直的). 44 , animals are our good friends, we should love and protect 45 .
36.A.about B.of C.from
37.A.woman B.friend C.man
38.A.please B.not C.don’t
39.A.didn’t B.doesn’t C.will
40.A.think B.look C.found
41.A.angry B.happy C.nice
42.A.her B.she C.him
43.A.strong B.kind C.old
44.A.Last B.Third C.Because
45.A.they B.it C.them
Mr Smith 46 from London. Now he is in China. He is 47 . He thinks 48 students is interesting. He works very 49 . His students like him very much. He can 50 a little Chinese. His students often teach him Chinese 51 Sundays. Mr Smith likes playing football.
He often plays football 52 his students. He has a dream. He wants to be a 53 player. He goes to school 54 bike every day. He gets back home at four in the afternoon. He likes 55 books in the evening.
46.A.come B.comes C.are D.coming
47.A.a teacher B.a worker C.a driver D.a farmer
48.A.teach B.teaching C.play D.playing
49.A.hard B.hardly C.good D.easy
50.A.speak B.say C.talk D.tell
51.A.at B.on C.of D.in
52.A.for B.to C.with D.at
53.A.basketball B.volleyball C.football D.tennis
54.A.on B.by C.in D.take
55.A.seeing B.looking C.reading D.looking at
Hello! My name is Ben. I'm a 56 in an online (线上的) school. I'm never late for school because I have lessons at 57 .
I wake up at 7:30 every morning. At eight, I 58 breakfast with my family and then I play with my dog 59 classes begin,
At 9:00 in the morning, I log (登录) into the online school to have lessons. I learn many 60 online, such as(例如)Maths, History, Science and Art. My favourite subject 61 Science. I think it's interesting. After class, I can chat 62 my teachers. They are friendly to me.
After lunch, I usually read a book or help my mum with the housework before 63 lessons.
There are also a lot of after-school activities. I'm good at writing, and I am in an online club. It's a great way to 64 friends.
I have a lot of homework too. And I always do my homework after class. Then I have some free time to play with my friends and family in the evening.
For 65 , online learning is the best choice (选择).
56.A.teacher B.student C.worker
57.A.seven B.school C.home
58.A.has B.had C.eat
59.A.before B.after C.when
60.A.subjects B.lesson C.subject
61.A.are B.is C.am
62.A.to B.with C.on
63.A.have B.morning C.afternoon
64.A.met B.good C.make
65.A.I B.me C.him
1.A 2.C 3.B 4.B 5.C
6.B 7.B 8.A 9.C 10.B
11.C 12.B 13.A 14.B 15.B 16.C 17.C 18.A
19.B 20.C 21.C 22.B 23.B 24.B 25.C
26.B 27.A 28.B 29.C 30.C 31.B 32.B 33.A 34.C 35.A
36.A 37.C 38.B 39.A 40.C 41.A 42.A 43.B 44.B 45.C
46.B 47.A 48.B 49.A 50.A 51.B 52.C 53.C 54.B 55.C
56.B 57.C 58.C 59.A 60.A 61.B 62.B 63.C 64.C 65.B



