2024年外研版(三年级起 刘兆义主编)小升初英语专项训练--任务型阅读(含答案)

When I was a child, I often made my parents angry because I didn't listen to them. They were too strict with me. My parents often asked me to be careful when I went out. But I thought they worried too much.
One day, on my way home, I wanted to cross the street, but the light was red. There was no car at that time. So I kept walking. I didn't wait for the light to turn green. At this moment, a car ran to me. I was afraid and didn't know what I should do. Luckily (幸好), the car stopped and I didn't get hurt. But I really had a ①lesson. I told my parents what had happened. They weren't angry with me because they understood that I was afraid. After that, I was more careful and I listened to my parents. I knew that all they said was good for me.
( )1.I often made my parents________ when I was a child.
A.happy B.sad C.angry
( )2. The traffic light was________when I crossed the street.
A. red B. green C. yellow
( )3.A________ran to me when I crossed the street.
A. driver B.car C.dog
4.①处 lesson 的汉语意思是:________ 。
5. I crossed the street at the red light. Were my parents angry with me for that
Bob has a clever dog. His Name is Coco. Every Saturday afternoon, Bob and Coco have a walk in the park near their house. Coco likes taking walks very much. ① One Saturday afternoon, I went to visit Bob in his home. I stayed there for a long time. Bob and I talked a lot. ②
Then it was time for them to take a walk in the park. But Bob forgot (忘记) about that. Coco became worried and sad. He walked here and there in the room all the time and then he sat down in front of me and looked at me. But I didn't pay attention to him. I kept talking with Bob. ③ At last, Coco could not wait any longer. He went out of the room and came back five minutes later. He sat down in front of me again. But this time, he had my cap in his mouth. At that time, I knew Coco wanted me to get out of his house. ④
( )1. I went to visit Bob and took Coco for a walk with him.
( )2.Coco walked here and there in the room because he wanted to go for a walk.
( )3. Coco took my cap and sat down in front of me, because he liked my cap.
( )1.Bob and Coco________have a walk on Saturdays.
A. sometimes B. often C.always
( )2. It was time to take a walk in the park, so Coco became________.
happy B. worried C.angry
Read these interviews (采访) with four people. Then finish the blanks.
Eve says, "I read the newspaper every morning. It's very interesting. I read the news from other countries. I look at the weather and the sports pages!"
Lisa says, “I read a lot of magazines (杂志)一women's magazines. I often read them after dinner. I like articles (文章)about famous people. And I always look at the pictures of new clothes. ”
Sandra says,“I don't like reading the newspaper. All the news is terrible! I like reading books. I read a lot of happy love stories before I go to bed. They make me relaxed. ”
Rick says, "I don't have time for books and newspapers. I read the news on the Internet when I am free. It's very fast, and I can read news from many countries on my computer. ”
Name What When Why
Eve I read1.________ 2. ________ 3.________ .
4.________ I read 5.________ 6.________ I like articles about famous people.
7.________ I read 8.________ 9.________ 10. ________
11.________ I read 12.________ When I am free 13.________ .
A. Ben went to the cinema. His favourite movie was showing. But many people were talking and walking. Ben couldn't hear or see the film. “Shh, keep quiet!”“Ha, no rules now!" B. Wow, what a disaster without rules! Ben felt terrible. “There should be rules on the roads!" C. Ben wasn't having any fun. He went to the zoo. He went to see the giraffes. “Don't feed the animals. ”“Ha, no rules now!" D. Ben was having class. He thought, “I hate rules. I don't want any rules!” E. Ben felt bad. He wanted to leave. Suddenly(突然) a bear rushed at him. Someone let the bear go out! Ben ran away. F. The quiet classroom became noisy. “Hey, don't throw things in the classroom. ”“Ha, there are no rules now. ”Ben felt happy.
任务一:给图片选择正确的句子。 6.
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
( )1.________hated rules.
A. Ben B. Ben's classmate C. Ben's teacher D. The bear
( )2.Ben couldn't hear or see the film. Because________.
A. Ben went to the cinema B.his favourite movie was showing
C.many people were talking and walking D.many people didn't like the movie
( )3.Someone let________go out!
A. Ben B. animals C. the monkey D. the bear
1. Ben wasn't having any fun at the ________. Then he went to the zoo.
2. Ben felt terrible when there were no ________ on the roads.
This is a survey about students’ favourite films. Every student can only choose one kind of films in this class. And all the students take part in this survey.
Action Film 动作电影 Horror Films 恐怖电影 Comedy Films 喜剧电影 Science Fiction Films 科幻电影 Cartoon Films 卡通电影
5 6 5 10 12
1. There are________students in the class.
2. Six students like________ .
3. ________students like cartoon films.
1. How many students like science fiction films
2. What kind of films do you like best Why
Yesterday was Sunday. John went running in the park. He saw many people running in the park, too. After that, he went home for breakfast. He ate eggs and drank some milk. Then he went out to play basketball with his friends on the playground. Suddenly, it began to rain. He went home by bus. In the afternoon, John watched the football match on TV. What a wonderful day!
1.What day is it today
2. Where did John go running
3. What did John have for breakfast
4.Did John play football with his friends on the playground
5.How did John go home
Dear Friends,
It's time to leave our school. We are going to middle school soon , so we will say goodbye to each other. We are going to have a farewell party. You can bring your friends.
Place: dining hall Time:Saturday 2:00p.m.
First, we will draw and sing. We are going to give prizes for the best pictures. Then we are going to have cake, candy and juice, too. Yum! We will also give prizes to our good students. Who studied hard Who wrote the best story At last, we will listen to music, play games and dance. It will be great fun.
A farewell party
Time 1.________.
Place 2.________
Activities First, 3________. and 4.________.give prizes for the best pictures. Then have 5.________ , candy and juice, give prizes for good students. At last, listen to music, play games and 6.________.
Sometimes we feel happy, but sometimes we feel sad, angry or worried. If you don't feel well, what should you do Are there any ways to calm people down Here are some suggestions for you.
●You can wash your face with cold water and then sit quietly. Cold water can make you calm.
●You should take a deep breath and count to ten. That can help you calm down.
●You should listen to light music. It can make you feel happy and calm.
●You should try to talk to good friends and tell them about your feelings and worries. Then you'll feel much better,
A good mood (情绪) is good for our health. It can also improve (提高) the efficiency(效率) of our study and work.
1. If you feel angry, you should take a ________ ________ and count to ten.
2. Listening to________ ________can make you calm.
3.If you feel sad, you should ________ ________your friends.
( )1. What's the meaning of the underlined word“suggestions"
A.暗示 B.启发 C.建议
( )2. What's the best title of the passage
A.How to make you calm B. How to make you happy
C. Tell people how you feel.
The traffic rules in England are different from those in China. When you are in England, you must be very careful on the street because the traffic keeps to the left. You must look right first and then left, and then you can cross the street. If the light is red, the traffic must stop. Then people can cross the road. If the light is green, the traffic can go. People mustn't cross.
When you go by bus in England, you have to be careful, too. Always remember the traffic moves on the left. Have a look first, or you will go the wrong way. In many English cities, there are big buses with two floors. You can sit on the second floor. From there, you can see the city very well. It's very interesting.
( )1. You must________before you cross the street in England.
A. look right first B. look left first C.go straight
( )2. You can enjoy the view of the city very well from the ________floor of the bus in many English cities.
A. first B. second C. third
1. The traffic rules in China are________from those in England.
2. In England the traffic keeps to the________ .
3. When the light is________, the traffic can go.
1.C 2.A 3.B 4.教训 5.No, they weren't.
任务一:1.F 2.T 3.F
任务二:1.C 2.B
1.newspapers 2.Every morning 3.It's very interesting 4.Lisa
5.women's magazines 6.After dinner 7.Sandra 8.books 9.Before l go to bed
10.They make me relaxed 11.Rick 12.the news 13.It's very fast
任务一:1.D 2.F 3.A 4.C 5.E 6.B
任务二: 1.A 2.C 3.D
任务三:1.cinema 2.rules
任务一:1.thirty-eight 2.horror films 3 .Twelve
1.Today is Monday.
2.He went running in the park.
3.He had eggs and some milk for breakfast.
4.No, he didn't.
5.He went home by bus.
1.Saturday 2: 00 p.m 2.dining hall 3.draw; 4.sing 5.cake 6.dance
任务一:1.deep breath 2.light music 3.talk to
任务二:1.C 2. A
任务一:1.A 2.B
任务二:1.different 2.left 3.green



上一篇:2024年外研版(三年级起 刘兆义主编)小升初英语专项训练--选词填空(含答案)
