
( )1.A.You should have a rest.
B.I’m glad to hear that.
C.Why not call your parents and ask them to bring it here
【听力】I left my homework at home. What should I do
( )2.A.You’re welcome. B.That’s right. C.Good idea.
【听力】Thanks a lot for your help.
( )3.A.I am doing my homework. B.I had a fight with my parents. C.I’d like to go there with him.
【听力】What’s the matter with you, Daming
( )4.A.Thank you. B.Follow me. C.Sure, here you are.
【听力】May I use your English-English dictionary
( )5.A.It’s boring. B.It is good for her. C.No, she shouldn’t.
【听力】Why should the girl take a piano lesson
( )6.What does Lily usually do on weekends
A.Watch TV. B.Play with her friends. C.Do chores and homework.
【听力】M:Lily, what do you usually do on weekends
W:I usually help my mom do chores, and then do my homework.
( )7.What is Mary doing
A.She is using the computer to work.
B.She is playing computer games.
C.She is standing on the computer.
【听力】M:Could I use your computer, Mary
W:Sorry. I’m working on it now.
( )8.What does the boy’s mother want him to do first
A.Watch TV. B.Do homework. C.Clean the room.
【听力】M:Mom, could I watch TV now
W:No, you can’t. You have to do your homework first.
( )9.What does Peter’s mother ask him to do first
A.To do his homework. B.To sweep the floor. C.To take out the rubbish.
【听力】W:Peter, we need to clean the house.
M:OK, Mom, but I need to do my homework first.
W:OK. After you finish your homework, let’s clean the kitchen. I’ll take out the rubbish. Could you sweep the floor
( )10.How often does Tom clean his bedroom
A.Every day. B.Three times a day. C.Three times a week.
【听力】W:How often do you clean your bedroom, Tom
M:I clean it three times a week. How about you, Amy
W:I clean it every day in the morning. But I forgot it today.
( )11.What does David sometimes help his mother do
A.Do some washing. B.Do some shopping. C.Do some cooking.
( )12.What does David like best
A.Playing soccer. B.Drawing pictures. C.Going to the zoo.
( )13.How old is Sam
A.12. B.13. C.14.
( )14.What kind of club does Sam join
A.An English club. B.An art club. C.A piano club.
( )15.How often does Sam go to the club
A.Twice a week. B.Once a week. C.Once a month.
【答案】11.B 12.A 13.C 14.B 15.A
【听力】David is a twelve-year-old boy from the United States. He is very lazy and never does any housework at home. Sometimes he just helps his mother do some shopping. He likes playing sports and soccer is his favorite. He usually plays soccer with his classmates once a week after school.
Sam is David’s elder brother. He is two years older than David. They are in the same school, but in different classes. Sam likes drawing best. He joins an art club in his school. He goes there to practice drawing twice a week, on Wednesday and Sunday. The club often takes the students to the zoo to draw animals.
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
( )1.A.You should have a rest.
B.I’m glad to hear that.
C.Why not call your parents and ask them to bring it here
( )2.A.You’re welcome. B.That’s right. C.Good idea.
( )3.A.I am doing my homework. B.I had a fight with my parents. C.I’d like to go there with him.
( )4.A.Thank you. B.Follow me. C.Sure, here you are.
( )5.A.It’s boring. B.It is good for her. C.No, she shouldn’t.
( )6.What does Lily usually do on weekends
A.Watch TV. B.Play with her friends. C.Do chores and homework.
( )7.What is Mary doing
A.She is using the computer to work.
B.She is playing computer games.
C.She is standing on the computer.
( )8.What does the boy’s mother want him to do first
A.Watch TV. B.Do homework. C.Clean the room.
( )9.What does Peter’s mother ask him to do first
A.To do his homework. B.To sweep the floor. C.To take out the rubbish.
( )10.How often does Tom clean his bedroom
A.Every day. B.Three times a day. C.Three times a week.
( )11.What does David sometimes help his mother do
A.Do some washing. B.Do some shopping. C.Do some cooking.
( )12.What does David like best
A.Playing soccer. B.Drawing pictures. C.Going to the zoo.
( )13.How old is Sam
A.12. B.13. C.14.
( )14.What kind of club does Sam join
A.An English club. B.An art club. C.A piano club.
( )15.How often does Sam go to the club
A.Twice a week. B.Once a week. C.Once a month.
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)




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