【暑假自练】Unit 2 Saving the Earth(含听力音频+答案)九年级英语上册 仁爱版

【暑假自练】Unit 2 Saving the Earth(含听力音频 答案)九年级英语上册 仁爱版
第一部分 听力(共五节,30小题;每小题1分,满分30分)
第一节 听对话,选择相应的图片。
1. What sport does Jimmy like best
A. B. C.
2.A. B. C.
3.A. B. C.
4.A. B. C.
5.What food does Lily like best
A. B. C.
第二节 听句子,选择最佳应答
6.A.Neither. B.Me, too. C.No, thanks.
7. A.December. B.Spring. C.Cloudy.
8. A.Either is OK. B.No, thanks. C.I like it.
9. A.The purple sweater. B.The red jacket. C.The red and purple scarf.
10.A.Nice to meet you. B.Yes, I like maths. C.I prefer English to maths, too.
第三节 听对话,选择最佳选项完成句子
11.What does the man want to drink
A.Tea. B.Coffee. C.Water.
12. A.English. B.Art. C.Music.
13. What kind of music does Peter like
A.Pop music. B.Folk music. C.Country music.
14.Which subject does Jack like best
A.Physics. B.Maths. C.Chemistry.
15.What kind of music does Betty often listen to now
A.Rock. B.Pop music. C.Country music.
第四节 听对话,根据对话内容及问题,选择最佳选项。
16.What do they think of the park
A.It’s red and small. B.It’s green and nice. C.It’s noisy and crowded.
17.How can they help keep the park clean
A.By planting more trees. B.By picking up rubbish. C.By cleaning up the park.
18.What kind of music does John like to play best
A.Classical. B.Pop. C.Rock.
19.What instrument is John good at
A.The piano. B.The guitar. C.The drums.
20.What is John’s dream
A.To be a music teacher. B.To have his own band. C.To open an instrument shop.
21.What is the man’s first choice when traveling
A.Local food. B.Nature. C.Historical places.
22.What does the man usually do to learn about important historical events
A.Take notes. B.Take photos. C.Talk with friends.
23.Where does the man come from
A.Britain. B.America. C.Russia.
24.When did the summer camp begin
A.On July 10th. B.On July 12th. C.On July 24th.
25.Which part of the camp does Justin like best
A.Having lots of English classes.
B.Visiting the Sydney Opera House.
C.Staying with an Australian family.
第五节 听短文,根据对话内容及问题,选择最佳选项
26.What color was the rubbish bag
A.Red. B.Black. C.White.
27.When did the speaker begin going to the forest
A.3 years ago. B.4 years ago. C.5 years ago.
28.How often has the speaker been to the forest every year
A.One. B.Two times. C.Four times.
29.Why does the speaker often go to the forest to pick up rubbish
A.To keep and sell it to others.
B.To make full use of it at home.
C.To do something for the environment.
30.How does the speaker feel about the work she has done
A.Sad. B.Proud. C.Excited.
第二部分 完形(共二节,满分20分)
speed since plenty of pollute such as
Frogs are an environmental warning system. They have skin which takes in whatever is in the environment. This means that if the environment is 31 , a frog’s skin takes in the pollution and the frog dies. For this reason, if there’s something wrong in the environment, frogs are the first to die. If there are 32 frogs, it’s a good sign that the environment is healthy.
Frog numbers around the world have been dropping at a faster 33 in recent years than ever before. Up to 200 kinds of frogs have died out 34 1980. This is a disaster. Frogs are needed in the food chain as food for animals like snakes, birds and fish. Frogs are also needed in the food chain to eat insects 35 grasshoppers. The world needs frogs.
Though Kyle Tianshi is only a 15-year-old student, he has published five novels. However, this may not be his most famous achievement 36 Kyle just won the “Hero Award”. He received the 37 for the tool he invented called NEREID. The invention can detect (检测) if there is something 38 to people and the environment in water.
Kyle came up with the idea based on his experience growing up in San Diego, California, US. People couldn’t get clean drinking water and his parents asked 39 not to drink tap water (自来水) because the water was in serious pollution. Kyle spent about $60 buying the tools needed to detect the tap water. He thought the price was very 40 . Then he used their family’s garage as his 41 , doing research on the pollution in drinking water. Kyle hopes to invent a tool which is not expensive for 42 the drinking water. In this way, he can offer help to people who don’t have water filtration (过滤) systems.
Kyle said his sister Emily Tianshi 43 his interest in environmental research. To make people have an eye 44 environmental protection, they have founded the Clean Water Innovation program to support clean water and usually organize community clean-up events.
Everyone can 45 to help the earth. Pay attention to things around you, and you may think of some creative ideas, too.
36.A.if B.as C.so
37.A.invitation B.request C.prize
38.A.harmful B.important C.similar
39.A.her B.him C.them
40.A.right B.low C.high
41.A.lab B.library C.bedroom
42.A.checking B.cleaning C.polluting
43.A.lost B.developed C.showed
44.A.for B.in C.on
45.A.take risks B.take notes C.take actions
第三部分 阅读(共三节,满分50分)
①After darkness falls, Zhou Yuxian rides along the streets of Shanghai. It’s not just for exercise. He’s out hunting for “treasure”, he says.
②The 27-year-old is among China’s early adopters (采用者) of “stooping” people leave unwanted things on the street for others to pick up and take home. Zhou’s apartment is covered with objects he found during late-night rides—bamboo poles, lamps and colorful ribbons. Recently, he was excited to discover a toilet on a street corner. It’s now being used as a plant pot in his friend’s office. Until recently, most Chinese people consider it strange or even shameful to decorate their homes with other people’s junk. But Zhou says many young people don’t see it that way. “We can wear expensive brands and pick up ‘rubbish’ at the same time,” he says. “It shows a very fashionable attitude.”
③Stooping comes from New York, where there is a long tradition of people leaving unwanted things out of their apartment buildings. The name “stooping” was first used in 2019 by a couple from Brooklyn, who set up an account (账户) sharing photos and locations of waste things in the city.
④Now, the movement is rapidly taking off in China. Like elsewhere, young people in China tend to be eco-aware. Secondhand stores have been becoming popular in many cities for several years..
⑤“It’s a growing trend,” says Zhou. “Old people prefer to break things and throw them away rather than let other people use them. But as education levels rise, I believe people are slowly accepting reusing and recycling.”
46.What did Zhou Yuxian do with the toilet he found on a street corner
A.He sold it to a secondhand store.
B.He put it in his own bathroom.
C.He used it as a plant pot in his friend’s office.
D.He threw it away as it was considered junk.
47.Why is “stooping” becoming more popular among young people in China
A.They are influenced by traditional Chinese culture.
B.They prefer to break things rather than reuse them.
C.They are eco-aware and open to reusing and recycling.
D.They want to show off their wealth by collecting expensive brands.
48.What does the underlined word “stooping” in the passage probably mean
A.a fiction B.a story C.a person D.a lifestyle
49.Which of the following best shows the structure (结构) of the passage
A. B. C. D.
50.What does the passage mainly talk about
A.People leave unwanted things on the street. B.The true meaning of stooping.
C.Zhou Yuxian is out hunting for “treasure”. D.Stooping comes from New York.
①Trends (潮流) come and go. Many goods that people buy to keep pace with fashion end up in the rubbish bin. Now, young Chinese people are giving these things a second life. Called “stoopers”, they pick up idle goods and reuse them. They are mainly in big cities like Shanghai, Beijing and Guangzhou.
②Chen Jiaorong, 27, is one of them. She started stooping (弯腰) in June 2022 when she found that many people were letting go of things hardly used after they were released from the COVID lockdown (封闭管控) in Shanghai. After that, she often “hunted treasures” in her free time. Now, her small apartment holds things redesigned from the idle goods she collected, including tables, chairs and clothing.
③“Some say stooping means collecting rubbish,” Chen said. “But for me, it is about making the best use of things.” That’s why she wanted to promote the trend to others. Sometimes Chen also puts eyeball-shaped stickers on idle goods that she doesn’t need and posts pictures of them on social media for others to find.
④With a hobby of keeping things since childhood, Huang Xiaohe from the Xishan High School of Kunming No.1 High School also loves stooping. Though the 12-year-old has few chances to go stooping in her city, Huang often looks for idle goods around school. Then, she cleans and redesigns them, turning them into fun things at home. The cotton from a found toy bear dresses a cloud lamp, bottles become decorations (装饰品) and old facial masks are used to make clothes for her Barbie dolls.
⑤“I believe that any waste can be turned into treasures,” said Huang. She also added that stooping is an action to fight over-buying.
51.Which of the following can replace the underlined word “idle”
A.Cheap. B.Smart. C.Useless. D.Lazy.
52.What do we know about Chen Jiaorong
A.She thinks most idle goods are rubbish.
B.She also bought idle goods from social media.
C.Many things in her apartment are from idle goods.
D.She found all the “treasures” during the lockdown.
53.How did Huang Xiaohe turn waste into treasures
A.She found waste around the city.
B.She used old clothes to make masks.
C.She bought idle goods at her school.
D.She used useless bottles for decorations.
54.What is the structure of the passage
A. B. C. D.
55.What is the main good thing about stooping
A.It is good for people’s health.
B.It encourages people to follow the fashion.
C.It helps people make friends on social media.
D.It makes less waste and deals with over-buying.
56.Who can join the Upcycle Competition
A.A boy who is eight years old.
B.A group which has five teenagers.
C.A family of parents and two kids.
D.A team that has three 12-year-olds.
57.Which of the following is TRUE about the competition
A.One can send his competition information after 25 July 2024.
B.The best creations’ photos will be put on www.earthhelper.co/upcycle.
C.If your team wins the second place, you can get 600 dollars.
D.You can send email to hi@earthhelper.co to know more requirements.
58.What is the main purpose of showing the differences of recycling and upcycling
A.To make sure that readers know what they need to create for the competition.
B.To help readers choose the better way to save the earth.
C.To tell the readers to think wisely before deciding to enter the competition.
D.To let the readers do more upcycling activities.
59.Which of the following picture should be put in the
A. B. C. D.
60.How are recycling and upcycling good for the environment
A.New products are created out of old ones.
B.People will make more useful products.
C.More space on the earth will be freed.
D.There will be less harmful greenhouse gas.
During the two sessions (两会) in 2022, more e-waste recycling factories were called for in China.
What is e-waste
61 It includes computers, TVs, batteries (电池), mobile phones, chargers and even kitchen equipment.
What is the influence of e-waste
62 This makes e-waste the world’s fastest-growing domestic waste. The report also found that only 17.4% of the world’s waste was collected and recycled in 2019. This means that gold, silver and other high-value materials were mostly burned or thrown instead of being reused. 63
Waste can also harm the environment and people’s health. For example, one mobile phone battery can pollute 600,000 liters of water. 64
Technology companies are looking for different ways to solve the problem. For example, a US company built a robot called Daisy to take mobile phones apart. 65 With Daisy, valuable materials can be pulled out more easily than before.
There are steps we can all take to reduce our e-waste. Here are my top tips:
Instead of buying a new product, try to repair your computer or smart phone first.
Search for recycling organizations and give your old electronics away to them.
Remove any batteries because they need to be recycled separately.
A.According to a report, the world’s e-waste would reach 74.7 million tons by 2030.
B.E-waste is almost everywhere.
C.What can we do to reduce it
D.E-waste is short for electronic waste, which refers to old technology you are no longer use.
E.It was a waste of about $57 billion.
F.It can take 200 mobile phones apart within an hour.
From September to February each year, Dazhong Mountain in Chuxiong, Yunnan is home to more than 50,000,000 migratory birds (候鸟). People used to call the mountain Daqueshan, which means bird-hunting mountain.
The villagers used to hunt birds on the mountain. Then one year, they couldn’t hear birds singing. People started to worry if migratory birds would return again. In 1984, the Hongtupo Forest Police Station was set up. The officers worked on the mountain, trying to find migratory birds and stop people from hunting them. The job was really difficult. They might lose their way or meet dangerous animals.
The officers also tried to tell villagers the importance of protecting birds and other wild animals. They visited the villagers door to door and helped them with farm work. They even organized activities in schools to get their messages across to children. Now, even children know that birds are to be loved.
The mountain is greener, the water is clearer, and more and more animals come to live here. It has become a bird-protecting mountain. Many people have opened bed-and-breakfasts (民宿) for birdwatchers.
“The village has changed a lot, and we don’t hunt birds anymore,” people say. Since people have stopped hunting, the police station now mainly works to save injured (受伤的) wildlife.
66.How many migratory birds live on Dazhong Mountain from September to February
67.What did the villagers on Dazhong Mountain use to do
68.What danger might the officers face on the mountain
69.Do the villagers know that birds are to be loved now
70.What is the theme of this passage
第四部分 语言运用(共两节,满分25分)
Recently, I had the chance to listen to a special speech. It 76 (give) by the British explorer and environmentalist Robert Swan. He was the first person to walk to both the North and South Poles (极地) and make the great achievement of 77 (reach) the South Pole only on renewable energy.
Swan’s stories of his trips really touched me. It was more than 30 years ago. There were no communication tools and the 78 (near) human being to them was 2,500 kilometers away. For the next six months, they had to face all the problems by 79 (they). He also told us a funny thing: When taking a shower during the trip, they had to take off all their clothes in the tent, rushed as 80 (fast) as possible in the temperature of minus (零下) 30℃ to the shower and then ran back to the tent.
In 2017, Swan set foot on the South Pole again, this time with his son. The trip was a great event not only 81 Swan was already 61 years old, well past the average age of 35 for an explorer, but also because it was 82 world’s first trip to Antarctica (南极洲) to be made only using renewable energy. And now Swan is still working hard in environmental protection.
Also, he talked about the 83 (important) of saving energy and protecting our planet. He told us that the future of our planet rested in our hands, and he wanted us 84 (believe) that we young people could make a difference.
Thanks 85 his talk, I also believe that each of us has the power to create a brighter future for our planet.
第五部分 写作(满分25分)
86.春天孕育生机,绿色蕴藏希望。4月3日,习近平总书记来到北京市通州区,挥锹铲土、培土围堰、提水浇灌,接连种下多棵树苗。这是他到中央工作后连续第十七年参加首都义务植树活动,倡导全社会做生态文明建设的实践者。假如你是李华,你校正在开展以“A Greener City, a Better Life”为题的英语征文活动。请你根据以下思维导图的提示,用英语写一篇短文。
4.不少于80词。 (开头已给出,不计入总词数)
A Greener City, a Better Life
As a middle school student in Qinzhou, we should help create a greener city so that we can live a better life. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
16.B 17.B
18.C 19.B 20.B
21.C 22.A 23.B
24.A 25.C
26.B 27.A 28.C 29.C 30.B
31.polluted 32.plenty of 33.speed 34.since 35.such as
36.B 37.C 38.A 39.B 40.C 41.A 42.A 43.B 44.C 45.C
46.C 47.C 48.D 49.B 50.B
51.C 52.C 53.D 54.B 55.D
56.D 57.B 58.A 59.C 60.D
61.D 62.A 63.E 64.C 65.F
66.More than 50,000,000. 67.They used to hunt birds on Dazhong Mountain. 68.They might lose their way or meet dangerous animals. 69.Yes, they do. 70.Environmental protection.
71.The book is so interesting that it is worth reading again.
72.Women football players were very strict with themselves, so they have made great progress.
73.You will fall behind if you give up
74.The film was so sad that Linda cried.
75.Being hard on yourself makes/can/will make you (feel) tired./You will/can feel/be tired if you are hard on yourself.
76.was given 77.reaching 78.nearest 79.themselves 80.fast 81.because 82.the 83.importance 84.to believe 85.to
A Greener City, a Better Life
As a middle school student in Qinzhou, we should help create a greener city so that we can live a better life.
However, some people drop litter everywhere. Some students don’t remember to turn off the lights or taps. To create a greener city, we shouldn’t drop litter everywhere. We can separate the rubbish into different groups. It’s good to plant more trees and flowers to make our city more greener. Besides, we should go to school on foot or by bike to reduce air pollution.
All in all, I wish we can live in a greener city and live a better life. Let’s take action now!



上一篇:阶段综合复习卷(含听力音频+答案)七年级英语下册 仁爱版(二)
