专项07 阅读选择(含答案)-2024年四升五英语暑假专项提升(人教PEP版) (含答案)

专项07 阅读选择 (含答案)
庐江县某小学在操场举行了一场主题为“Learn to care, love life”爱心义卖活动。
Learn to care(关心), love life Welcome to our stall(货摊)! We have many things(物品). They are good but cheap. Please have a look!
( )1.What can we buy in the stall
A.Some books and candies. B.Some flowers and toys. C.Some clothes.
( )2.The things in the stall are ______.
A.cheap B.expensive C.old
( )3.A flower is ______.
A. 10 B. 2 C. 4
( )4.I want to buy two toys and a hat, so I should(应该) pay (付钱) ______.
A.five yuan B.ten yuan C.sixteen yuan
Hello, my name is Sarah. I get up at 6: 50. I have breakfast at 7: 30. Then I go to school. I have four classes in the morning and two classes in the afternoon. I have lunch at twelve o'clock at school. I go home at 4: 50. Have dinner at seven o'clock. I go to bed at 9: 30.
( )5.Sarah gets up at _____.
A.6:40 B.6:50 C.7:00
( )6.Sarah has breakfast at _____.
A. B. C.
( )7.Sarah has _____ classes all day.
A.4 B.6 C.7
( )8.Sarah has lunch _____.
A.at school B.at home C.in the library
( )9.Sarah goes to bed at _____ .
A.night o'clock B.ten o'clock C.nine thirty
你们学校有农场吗?让我们看一看Kate和同学在项目化学习中设计的梦想校园农场(Dream School Farm) 吧!
Welcome to our school farm. It’s big and cool.
Look, this is the vegetable garden. You can see carrots, tomatoes and potatoes. I like tomatoes very much. They are big and juicy. In labour class(劳动课), we are little farmers. We can water and pick the vegetables. It’s fun. We can also buy them in a cheap price(价格). One tomato is two yuan. The potatoes and carrots are one yuan for each(每个).
There are also many animals. We have twelve rabbits, fifty hens, five cows and fifteen horses. We can feed(喂) rabbits with carrots in labour class. We can also milk the cows and make a house(房子) for the hens. Then we can get fresh milk and eggs. And we can ride(骑) horses in PE class. It’s so cool.
What’s your dream school farm like
( )10.—What vegetables are on the farm —______.
A. B. C.
( )11.—How many horses are there on the farm —______.
A.Fifty B.Five C.Fifteen
( )12.“We can also milk the cow.” Here “milk” means(意思) ______.
A.牛奶 B.挤奶 C.鲜奶
( )13.On Kate’s school farm, we can ______ in PE class.
A.feed the rabbits B.pick the vegetables C.ride horses
( )14.Which of the following is True(正确的)
A.The tomatoes on the farm are small. B.Two tomatoes and six carrots are ten yuan.
C.We feed the rabbits with potatoes.
We have a nice and big school. Our classroom is on the first floor. It’s next to the computer room. There is a computer on teacher’s desk. There are two doors, two blackboards, five windows, eight lights, many desks and chairs in our classroom. The teachers’ office is on the second floor. The music room is next to the teachers’ office. I like my school very much.
( )15.Our school is ______.
A.nice but small B.nice and big C.big and bad
( )16.Our classroom is ______ the computer room.
A.under B.next to C.on
( )17.There are ______ windows and ______ lights in our classroom.
A.5; 8 B.6; 7 C.6; 8
( )18.The music room is on the ______ floor.
A.first B.second C.third
( )19.The teachers’ office is next to the ______.
A.computer room B.our classroom C.music room
□□□□□□ Hi, Chen Jie! How are you I’m in London. It’s cool and windy here. I can fly a kite today. I go to a new school. It’s big and beautiful. Guess, where is my classroom Is it on the second floor No, it’s on the first floor. There are thirty-six students in my class. The teachers’ office is next to it. I go to school at 7:40 and go home at 4:50, Oh! It’s 9:30 now, Time to go to bed. It’s still windy outside, but it’s warm inside. What’s the weather like in Beijing Can you fly a kite Love, Tim
( )20.The postcard is from ______ to ______.
A.Chen Jie; Tim B.Tim; Chen Jie C.Tim; Sarah.
( )21.Is it cool and windy in London
A.Yes, it is. B.No, it isn’t. C.Yes, it does.
( )22.Chen Jie is in ______.
A.London B.Beijing C.New York
( )23.How many students are there in Tim’s class
A.35. B.45. C.36.
( )24.Where is the teachers’ office
A.It’s on the second floor. B.It’s on the first floor. C.It’s under my classroom.
Good morning. Here is the weather report. Today it’s cold in Beijing. Please put on your coat. It’s windy in Nanjing. Please stay at home. It’s snowy in Harbin. You can make a snowman. It’s sunny in Shenzhen. You can fly a kite.
( )25.What’s the weather like in Nanjing
A. B. C.
( )26.Is it snowy in Shenzhen
A.Yes, you can. B.Yes, it is. C.No, it isn’t.
( )27.Is it snowy in Harbin
A.No, I can’t. B.Yes, I can. C.Yes, it is.
( )28.What can you do in Shenzhen
A.Yes, I can. B.Yes, you can. C.You can fly a kite.
( )29.What’s the weather like in Beijing today
A.It’s sunny. B.It’s windy. C.It’s cold.
I’m Chen Jie. I get up at 6:40. I have breakfast at 7:10. And then I go to school. I have four classes in the morning and two in the afternoon. I have lunch at school. I go home at 5:00. I have dinner at 7:00. I go to bed at 10:00.
( )30.Chen Jie gets up at ______.
A.6:04 B.6:14 C.6:40
( )31.Chen Jie has ______ at 7:10.
A.dinner B.breakfast C.lunch
( )32.Chen Jie has lunch ______.
A.at home B.at Li Ping’s home C.at school
( )33.Chen Jie goes to bed at ______.
A.ten o'clock B.10:00 a.m. C.seven o'clock
Mark: Hi! It's 4 o'clock. School is over. Let’s go to the playground.
Tom: OK. Let's play football.
Mr Zhang: Time to go home, kids.
Mark. What time is it now
Tom: It's 6 o'clock. It's time for dinner.
Mark: Oh! Let’s go!
( )34.School is over at ____________ o'clock.
A.four B.three C.five
( )35.Mark and Tom go to the ____________ together.
A.teachers' office B.gym C.playground
( )36.It’s 6 o'clock. It’s time for ____________.
A.dinner B.lunch C.breakfast
( )37.—What time is it now —It's ____________ o'clock.
A.three B.six C.seven
Dear, John!
How are you I’m in Moscow now. It’s nice. It’s cold and snowy here. I can skate with my friends. Do you want to skate with me Is it warm in Beijing Can you go on a picnic with your mum
( )38.The postcard (明信片) is from ______.
A.John B.Dad C.Mum
( )39.Where is Dad He’s in ______.
A.Beijing B.Moscow C.Harbin
( )40.Where is John He’s in ______.
A.Sydney B.Moscow C.Beijing
( )41.It’s ______ in Moscow.
A.cold and snowy B.cold and warm C.warm and snowy
( )42.What can Dad do there He can ______.
A.skate B.go on a picnic C.swim
Good afternoon. Here is the weather report. It’s rainy in Beijing. You can wear your raincoat. It’s cold in Shanghai. Please put on your hat. It’s snowy and windy in Shenyang. Kids can make a snowman. In Hong Kong, it’s sunny and warm. It’s 19 degrees. You can go outside and play football. That’s all. Goodbye.
( )43.It’s _____ in Shenyang.
A.sunny and hot B.cloud C.windy and snowy
( )44.What’s the weather like in Shanghai
A.It’s cold. B.It’s hot. C.It’s cloudy.
( )45.It’s _____ degrees in Hong Kong. It’s _____.
A.5; cold B.19; warm C.29; hot
( )46.Is it the world weather report
A.Yes, it is. B.No, it is. C.No, it isn’t.
( )47.People in Hong Kong _____ go outside.
A.can B.can’t C.not
This is my uncle’s farm. It’s very big. There are fifteen cows on it. They are very fat. There are twenty goats and forty hens. There are some vegetables on his farm. Look! These are green beans. They are green and long. And those are carrots. They are orange. I often(经常) play with my sister and brother on the farm. We like our uncle and the farm very much. Welcome to my uncle’s farm. I will show you around(带你到处看看).
( )48.My uncle’s farm is ______.
A.small B.big C.long
( )49.The green beans are ______.
A.small B.yum C.long
( )50.The cows are very ______.
A.thin B.fat C.short
( )51.The carrots are ______.
A.orange B.red C.green
( )52.I often play with ______ on the farm.
A.my uncle B.my father and mother C.my sister and brother
Welcome to my farm. It is big and nice. There is an animal house on my farm. In front of(在……前面) the animal house, there is a vegetable garden. Behind the house, there is a fruit garden. The animal house has two floors. The goats are in the middle(在中间) of the first floor. The pigs are next to the goats and the cows are next to the goats, too. On the second floor, there are hens and ducks. I have sixteen goats, twenty pigs and eight cows. I have thirty-eight hens and forty-one ducks. I am busy but happy every day.
( )53.My farm is ______.
A.big B.small C.big and nice
( )54.The fruit garden is ______ the house.
A.in front of B.behind C.next to
( )55.There are ______ floors in the animal house.
A.first B.two C.second
( )56.How many hens are there in the animal house
A.16. B.20. C.38.
( )57.I am ______ every day.
A.happy B.sad C.bored
I have some new clothes. I like them very much. They are shorts, a sweater, a jacket, a T-shirt and a skirt. I like my white sweater and blue skirt best. There are some red flowers on the sweater. There are three dogs on the skirt. I like blue, so I have many blue clothes. Do you like blue
( )58.My sweater is ______.
A.blue B.white C.red
( )59.The flowers on the sweater are ______.
A.red B.green C.black
( )60.There are three dogs on the ______.
A.jacket B.T-shirt C.skirt
( )61.I am a ______.
A.boy B.girl C.man
My aunt Lucy is beautiful. She has many clothes. Look, this coat is pretty. That sweater is nice. It is blue, white and green. This jacket is 100 yuan. Those shorts are only 30 yuan. She doesn’t have too many dresses or skirts. She always(总是) wears pants. Why Because she is a basketball player(运动员).
( )62.The sweater is ________.
A.blue B.white C.blue, white and green
( )63.The shorts are ________ yuan.
A.30 B.100 C.70
( )64.Lucy is a ________ player.
A.football B.basketball C.baseball
( )65.Lucy always wears ________.
A.dresses B.pants C.skirts
( )66.Lucy has many ________.
A.books B.clothes C.dresses
It’s Sunday today. The weather is fine. Amy and her friends are in the park. They have a good time. Amy is in a red skirt. She is under the tree. Mary is in a green dress. She is near the lake. Sarah’s hat is blue. Sarah is on the grass. Whose shoes are those Those white shoes are Lucy’s. Where is Lucy She is in the tree. Can you find Amy, Mary, Sarah and Lucy
( )67.It’s _________ today.
A.Friday B.Saturday C.Sunday
( )68.Sarah has a blue _________.
A.skirt B.hat C.dress
( )69.Mary is _________.
A.near the river B.on the grass C.near the lake
( )70.Amy is in a _________ skirt.
A.green B.red C.blue
( )71.Lucy is _________.
A.in the tree B.near the tree C.under the tree
Today, all gloves are five yuan. They are very cheap. We have many beautiful umbrellas, too—red, yellow, blue and more. They are fifteen yuan. Sunglasses are cheap, too. They are thirty-five yuan. Come and see us today!
( )72.Where can you see this sale poster (海报)
A. B.
( )73.What is on sale
A. B.
( )74.How much are a pair of sunglasses and an umbrella
A.50 yuan. B.40 yuan.
It’s 7: 00 a. m. It’s time to get up. It’s cold outside. I put on my new jacket. It’s black. It’s very cheap. It’s 40 yuan. I like it very much. Look at the black dress. It’s my sister’s. It’s very beautiful. But it’s too expensive. Look at the pants. They are my father’s. They are brown. They’re too big for me. So I don’t like them.
( )75.I get up at _______
A.seven o’clock B.seven twenty C.seven ten
( )76.My sister’s dress is _______.
A.blue B.black C.old
( )77.My sister’s dress is _______.
A.old B.expensive C.small
( )78.I don’t like the _______.
A.dress B.jacket C.brown pants
( )79.It’s _______ today.
A.warm B.hot C.cold
1.B 2.A 3.B 4.C
2.句意:货摊上的东西很_______。A便宜的,B昂贵的,C旧的,根据“They are good but cheap.”,可知货摊上的东西很便宜的,故选A。
3.句意:一朵花______。根据“10 yuan for five flowers.”,可知一朵花2元,故选B。
4.句意:我想买两个玩具和一顶帽子,所以我应该付_______。A5元,B10元,C16元,根据“5 yuan for each(一个) toy. You can take it for only 6 yuan.”,可知应该付16元,故选C。
5.B 6.B 7.B 8.A 9.C
5.句意:萨拉在几点起床?A.6:40,B.6:50,C.7:00,根据短文“I get up at 6: 50.” 我6点50分起床。故选B。
6.句意:萨拉在几点吃早餐?根据短文 “I have breakfast at 7: 30.”我7点半吃早餐。可知为B。故选B。
7.句意:萨拉一天有几节课?A.4,B.6,C.7,根据短文“I have four classes in the morning and two classes in the afternoon.”我上午4节课,下午2节课。可知为6节课。故选B。
8.句意:萨拉在哪儿吃午饭?A.在学校,B.在家,C.在图书馆,根据短文“I have lunch at twelve o'clock at school.”我12点在学校吃午饭。故选A。
9.句意:萨拉在几点睡觉?A.9:00,B.10:00,C.9:30,根据短文“ I go to bed at 9: 30.”我9点半睡觉。故选C。
10.A 11.A 12.B 13.C 14.B
10.句意:农场上有什么蔬菜?根据“You can see carrots, tomatoes and potatoes.”,可知农场上有胡萝卜,西红柿和土豆,故选A。
11.句意:农场上有多少匹马?A五十,B五,C十五,根据“We have twelve rabbits, fifty hens, five cows and fifteen horses.”,可知农场上有五十匹马,故选A。
13.句意:在凯特的学校农场,我们可以在体育课上_______。A喂兔子,B摘蔬菜,C骑马,根据“And we can ride(骑) horses in PE class.”,可知可以在体育课上骑马,故选C。
14.句意:哪一项只正确的?A农场里的西红柿很小。B两个西红柿和六个胡萝卜是十元钱。C我们用土豆喂兔子。根据“One tomato is two yuan. The potatoes and carrots are one yuan for each(每个).”,可知B项描述正确,故选B。
15.B 16.B 17.A 18.B 19.C
15.句意:我们的学校_______。A漂亮但小,B又漂亮又大,C又大又糟糕,根据“We have a nice and big school.”,可知作者的学校又大又漂亮,故选B。
16.句意:我们的教室在计算机室_______。A在……下面,B在……旁边,C在……上,根据“Our classroom is on the first floor. It’s next to the computer room. ”,可知教室在计算机室旁边,故选B。
17.句意:我们的教室里有______扇窗户和______盏灯。根据“There are two doors, two blackboards, five windows, eight lights, many desks and chairs in our classroom.”,可知教室里有五扇窗户,八盏灯,故选A。
18.句意:音乐教室在______楼。A第一,B第二,C第三,根据“The teachers’ office is on the second floor. The music room is next to the teachers’ office.”,可知音乐教室在二楼,故选B。
19.句意:教师办公室在______旁边。A计算机室,B我们的教室,C音乐教室,根据“The music room is next to the teachers’ office.”,可知教师办公室在音乐教室旁边,故选C。
20.B 21.A 22.B 23.C 24.B
20.句意:明信片是______写给______。根据明信片开头和署名,可知是蒂姆写给陈洁的,所以是from Tim to Chen Jie,故选B。
21.句意:伦敦的天气凉爽多风吗?根据“I’m in London. It’s cool and windy here. ”,可知伦敦的天气是凉爽而多风的,所以是肯定回答:Yes, it is.故选A。
22.句意:陈洁是在______。A伦敦,B北京,C纽约,根据“What’s the weather like in Beijing ”,可知陈洁是在北京,故选B。
23.句意:蒂姆的班上有多少学生?A 35。B 45。C 36。根据“There are thirty-six students in my class.”,可知蒂姆班级有36人,故选C。
24.句意:老师的办公室在哪?A在二楼。B在一楼。C在教室下面。根据“Guess, where is my classroom Is it on the second floor No, it’s on the first floor. There are thirty-six students in my class. The teachers’ office is next to it.”,可知老师的办公室在教室旁边,也是在一楼,故选B。
25.A 26.C 27.C 28.C 29.C
25.句意:南京的天气怎么样?根据“It’s windy in Nanjing.”,可知南京有风,故选A。
26.句意:深圳下雪了吗?根据“It’s sunny in Shenzhen”,可知深圳天气晴朗,答语为否定回答,故选C。
27.句意:哈尔滨下雪了吗?根据“It’s snowy in Harbin.”,可知哈尔滨下雪了,答语为肯定回答,is提问用is回答,故选C。
28.句意:你可以在深圳做什么?根据“It’s sunny in Shenzhen. You can fly a kite.”,可知可以在深圳放风筝,故选C。
29.句意:北京今天的天气怎么样?A天气晴朗。B天气有风。C天气寒冷。根据“Today it’s cold in Beijing.”,可知北京天气寒冷,故选C。
30.C 31.B 32.C 33.A
【解析】30.题干句意为“陈洁起床在______。”根据“I get up at 6:40.”可知是六点四十,故选C。
31.题干句意为“陈洁七点十分吃______。”根据“I have breakfast at 7:10.”可知是早饭,故选B。
32.题干句意为“陈洁吃午饭______。”根据“I have lunch at school.”可知在学校,故选C。
33.题干句意为“陈洁睡觉在______。”根据“I go to bed at 10:00.”可知是十点,故选A。
34.A 35.C 36.A 37.B
【解析】34.题干句意为“学校放学在________点。”根据“It's 4 o'clock. School is over. ”可知是四点,故选A。
35.题干句意为“马克和汤姆一起去________。”根据“Let’s go to the playground.”可知是去操场,故选C。
36.题干句意为“六点了。该________。”根据“It's 6 o'clock. It's time for dinner.”可知该吃晚饭了,故选A。
37.题干句意为“—现在几点了?—________点。”根据“It's 6 o'clock. It's time for dinner.”可知现在六点了,故选B。
38.B 39.B 40.C 41.A 42.A
38.句意:这张明信片来自 。A约翰,B爸爸,C妈妈。根据明信片的开头和结尾署名可知,明信片是爸爸寄给约翰的,故选B。
39.句意:爸爸在哪里?他在 。A北京,B莫斯科,C哈尔滨。根据文中“I’m in Moscow now. ”可知,爸爸在莫斯科,故选B。
40.句意:约翰在哪里?他在 。A悉尼,B莫斯科,C北京。根据文中“Is it warm in Beijing ”可知,爸爸在问约翰北京的天气,约翰应该在北京,故选C。
41.句意:在莫斯科是 。A寒冷多雪的,B寒冷温暖的,C温暖多雪的。根据文中“It’s cold and snowy here.”可知,莫斯科是寒冷多雪的,故选A。
42.句意:爸爸能在那干什么?他能 。A滑冰,B去野餐,C游泳。根据文中“I can skate with my friends.”可知,爸爸能和他的朋友们去滑冰,故选A。
43.C 44.A 45.B 46.C 47.A
43.句意:沈阳天气______。A晴朗且炎热,B云,C刮风且有雪,根据“It’s snowy and windy in Shenyang.”,可知沈阳刮风且有雪,故选C。
44.句意:上海的天气怎么样?A天气寒冷。B天气炎热。C多云。根据“It’s cold in Shanghai.”,可知上海天气寒冷,故选A。
45.句意:香港______度。天气______。cold冷的,warm暖和的,hot炎热的,根据“In Hong Kong, it’s sunny and warm. It’s 19 degrees.”,可知香港19度,天气温暖,故选B。
47.句意:香港人_______出去。A能,B不能,C不,根据“In Hong Kong, it’s sunny and warm. It’s 19 degrees. You can go outside and play football.”,可知香港人能出去,故选A。
48.B 49.C 50.B 51.A 52.C
48.句意:我叔叔的农场很_____。A小的,B大的,C长的,根据“This is my uncle’s farm. It’s very big.”,可知作者叔叔的农场很大,故选B。
49.句意:四季豆是_______。A小的,B美味的,C长的,根据“These are green beans. They are green and long.”,可知四季豆是长的,故选C。
50.句意:奶牛很______。A瘦的,B胖的,C矮的,根据“There are fifteen cows on it. They are very fat.”,可知奶牛很胖,故选B。
51.句意:胡萝卜是______。A橙色的,B红色的,C绿色的,根据“And those are carrots. They are orange.”,可知胡萝卜是橙色的,故选A。
52.句意:我经常和_____在农场上玩。A我叔叔,B我爸爸和妈妈,C我姐姐和哥哥,根据“I often(经常) play with my sister and brother on the farm.”,可知作者经常和姐姐、哥哥在农场上玩,故选C。
53.C 54.B 55.B 56.C 57.A
53.句意:我的农场______。A大的,B小的,C又大又漂亮,根据“Welcome to my farm. It is big and nice.”,可知农场又大又漂亮,故选C。
54.句意:水果园在房子________。A在……前面,B在……后面,C在……旁边,根据“Behind the house, there is a fruit garden.”,可知水果园在房子后面,故选B。
55.句意:动物屋有______层。A第一,B二,C第二,根据“The animal house has two floors.”,可知动物屋有两层,表示数量用基数词two,故选B。
56.句意:动物屋有多少只母鸡?根据“I have thirty-eight hens and forty-one ducks.”,可知有38只母鸡,故选C。
57.句意:我每天很_______。A高兴的,B伤心的,C无聊的,根据“I am busy but happy every day.”,可知作者每天很高兴,故选A。
58.B 59.A 60.C 61.B
58.句意:我的毛衣是______。A蓝色的,B白色的,C红色的,根据“I like my white sweater and blue skirt best.”,可知毛衣是白色的,故选B。
59.句意:毛衣上的花是_______。A红色的,B绿色的,C黑色的,根据“There are some red flowers on the sweater.”,可知毛衣上的花是红色的,故选A。
60.句意:______上有三只狗。A夹克,BT恤衫,C短裙,根据“There are three dogs on the skirt.”,可知短裙上有三只狗,故选C。
61.句意:我是一个______。A男孩,B女孩,C男人,根据“I like my white sweater and blue skirt best.”,可知作者是一个女孩,故选B。
62.C 63.A 64.B 65.B 66.B
62.题干句意:这件毛衣是________。A蓝的,B白的,C蓝、白和绿的,根据“That sweater is nice. It is blue, white and green.”可知是蓝、白和绿的,故选C。
63.题干句意:短裤是________元。根据“Those shorts are only 30 yuan. ”可知是30元,故选A。
64.题干句意: 露西是一名________选手。A足球,B篮球,C棒球,根据“Because she is a basketball player(运动员).”可知是篮球运动员,故选B。
65.题干句意:露西总是穿着________。A连衣裙,B裤子,C裙子,根据“She always(总是) wears pants.”可知是裤子,故选B。
66.题干句意:露西有很多________。A书籍,B衣服,C连衣裙,根据“She has many clothes. ”可知是衣服,故选B。
67.C 68.B 69.C 70.B 71.A
67.句意:今天是______。A星期五,B星期六,C星期天,根据“It’s Sunday today.”,可知今天是星期天,故选C。
68.句意:萨拉有一顶蓝色的______。A短裙,B帽子,C连衣裙,根据“Sarah’s hat is blue.”,可知萨拉有一顶蓝色的帽子,故选B。
69.句意:玛丽_______。A在河边,B在草地上,C在湖边,根据“Mary is in a green dress. She is near the lake.”,可知玛丽在湖边,故选C。
70.句意:艾米穿着一条______短裙。A绿色的,B红色的,C蓝色的,根据“Amy is in a red skirt.”,可知艾米穿着一条红色的短裙,故选B。
71.句意:露西_______。A在树上,B在树附近,C在树下,根据“Where is Lucy She is in the tree.”,可知露西在树上,故选A。
72.B 73.B 74.A
74.句意:一副太阳镜和一把雨伞多少钱?根据“ We have many beautiful umbrellas, too—red, yellow, blue and more. They are fifteen yuan. Sunglasses are cheap, too. They are thirty-five yuan.”,可知一副太阳镜和一把雨伞50元,故选A。
75.A 76.B 77.B 78.C 79.C
75.题干句意:我在_______起床。A七点钟,B七点二十,C七点十分,根据“It’s 7: 00 a. m.”可知是7点,故选A。
76.题干句意:我姐姐(妹妹)的裙子是_______。A蓝色的,B黑色的,C旧的,根据“Look at the black dress. It’s my sister’s. ”可知是黑色的,故选B。
77.题干句意:我姐姐(妹妹)的裙子是_______。A旧的,B昂贵的,C小的,根据“But it’s too expensive.”可知是贵的,故选B。
78.题干句意:我不喜欢_______。A连衣裙,B夹克,C棕色裤子,根据“Look at the pants. They are my father’s. They are brown. They’re too big for me. So I don’t like them.”可知是棕色的裤子,故选C。
79.题干句意:今天是_______。A暖和的,B热的,C冷的,根据“It’s cold outside.”可知是冷的,故选C。
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)



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