
Here are some wonderful festivals around the world that happen in spring. If you want to know more about them, please click Here or visit wws.lfestival.Htm
SongKran — Thailand
Dates: 13th — 15th, April
In Thailand, people celebrate a festival called Songkran, when people bead out to the streets with water guns to spray (喷洒) everyone who walks past. It’s a very important traditional celebration in the country.
Naghol — Vanuatu
Dates: Every Saturday from April to May
Every year, villagers come together to celebrate the harvest of yams (甘薯), an important part in the people’s diet in Vanuatu. The festival is most famous for its “land diving ceremony”. During the ceremony men and boys dive to the ground from high wooden towers with only two thin vines (藤) tied to their feet.
Cherry Blossom Viewing — Japan
Dates: The cherry blossom season is different from year to year depending on the weather.
The festival is well-known. The Japanese celebrate the days when the flowers finally blossom. Only a few days later, the petals (花瓣) fall to the ground, like pink snowflakes. That means the traditional festival only lasts for several days. In Japan, almost everyone has picnics in the parks to view the flowers.
Sinhalese New Year — Sri Lanka
Dates: 13th or 14th, April
Just like in many other countries in South East Asia, this is the time when people celebrate the traditional New Year, an ancient celebration which marks the end of the harvest season and is one of two times of the year when the sun is straight above Sri Lanka. There are a lot of delicious foods during the celebration.
1.What will most likely happen to a tourist walking in the street during SongKran in Thailand
A.He will get wet. B.He will hurt his feet.
C.He will be treated to delicious foods. D.He will see some petals falling.
2.Where can you go to see dangerous actions during the festival
A.Thailand. B.Vanuatu. C.Japan. D.Sri Lanka.
3.How is Cherry Blossom Viewing different from the other festivals
A.It is a traditional festival. B.It is a very famous festival.
C.Its date is different every year. D.It provides visitors with delicious foods.
4.Where are you most likely to find the text
A.On TV. B.In a report. C.On the Internet. D.In the newspaper.
【答案】1.A 2.B 3.C 4.C
1.细节理解题。根据SongKran - Thailand部分“In Thailand, people celebrate a festival called Songkran, when people bead out to the streets with water guns to spray (喷洒) everyone who walks past. It’s a very important traditional celebration in the country. (在泰国,人们庆祝一个名为宋干节的节日,人们手持水枪涌向街头,向路过的每一个人喷洒。这是这个国家非常重要的传统庆典。)”可知,在泰国的宋干节期间,游客走在大街上可以会被淋湿。故选A。
2.细节理解题。根据Naghol - Vanuatu部分“The festival is most famous for its “land diving ceremony”. During the ceremony men and boys dive to the ground from high wooden towers with only two thin vines (藤) tied to their feet. (这个节日最著名的是它的“陆地跳水仪式”。仪式期间,男人和男孩们从高高的木塔上跳到地上,脚上只绑着两根细藤。)”可知,节日期间,游客可以在瓦努阿图看到危险的动作。故选B。
3.细节理解题。根据Cherry Blossom Viewing - Japan部分“Dates: The cherry blossom season is different from year to year depending on the weather. (日期:每年的樱花季节因天气不同而不同。)”可知,樱花节和其他节日不同的地方在于它每年的日期都不一样。故选C。
4.推理判断题。根据第一段“Here are some wonderful festivals around the world that happen in spring. If you want to know more about them, please click Here or visit wws.lfestival.Htm(以下是世界各地春季举行的一些精彩节日。如果你想了解更多信息,请点击此处或访问wws.lfestival.Htm)”可知,这篇文章很可能出现在网站上。故选C。
基 本 题 型 及 题 型 特 征 主旨大意题 主要考查对阅读材料的中心思想的概括能力。其考查形式有很多,如概括标题、主题、中心思想或大意等
细节理解题 主要考查对阅读材料中的某一具体事实和细节的理解能力。这一题型常见的命题方式:事实认定题、排序题、图形辨认题、数字运算题等
推理判断题 主要考查根据文章的字面意思,通过语篇逻辑关系,研究细节的暗示,推敲作者的态度,理解文章的寓意的能力。推理判断题属于主观性较强的高层次阅读理解题
词义推断题 主要考查根据上下文猜测生词的能力,要求根据句子结构、上下文或构词法推断词义
1. The main idea of the passage/text is_________.
2.The text/passage is mainly about_________.
3. What does the passage mainly discuss
4. Which of the following best expresses the main idea
5.The main point of the passage is_________.
6.The best headline for this article would be_________.
7.Which of the following is the best title of the article
8.What is the topic of the text
9.The main purpose of the story is to tell us_________.
1.Which of the following statements is true/false
2.Which of the following is not mentioned in the passage
3.All of the followings are true except_________.
4.The author/passage states that_________.
5.According to the passage, when...
1.We can conclude that_________.
2.We may infer that_________.
3. The author suggests that_________.
4.The story implies that_________.
5.What the author really means is_________.
6. It can be inferred from the passage that_________.
7.According to the passage, you can see_________.
8. It can be seen from the passage that_________.
9.The passage suggests that_________.
1.What does the author think of...
2.How does the author feel about,..
3.What's the tone of the author
1.This selection(节选)might be some parts of a book concerned with_________.
2. This passage might be taken out of a book dealing with_________.
3.Where did this passage most probably appear
4.These extracts(摘录)are probably taken from_________.
突破4 词义推断题解题技巧
1,The phrase "..." in Paragraph 1 could be replaced by_________.
2.The word "..." in Paragraph 2 refers to_________.
3.What is the meaning of the underlined word “…”in Paragraph 2 / What does the underlined word“…”mean
4.Which of the following is the closest in meaning to the phrase “…”
5.The word "..." most probably means_________.
Some Interesting and Fun Things for You This Term
English Club
For the first-grade students
Time: Tuesday afternoon and Friday evening
Place: Room 301
Tele: 77459312
Math Exam
For the third-grade students
Time: on Monday, September 23rd
Place: Room 306
PS: Top 10 will get a surprise
A Talk
For all students
Time: 14:30—16:30, October 25th
Place: in the school hall
Topic: How to Learn English Well
Singing Competition
For the second-grade students
Time: on Friday, December 27th
Place: in the music room
Tele: 58172352
1.How often do the English club members practice spoken English
A.Once a week. B.Twice a week.
C.Three times a week. D.Four times a week.
2.How many students will get a surprise after the math exam
A.4. B.10. C.20. D.306.
3.Where can the text be seen
A.In a park. B.In a shop. C.In a hospital. D.In a school.
【答案】1.B 2.B 3.D
1.细节理解题。根据English Club部分中“Time: Tuesday afternoon and Friday evening (时间:周二下午和周五晚上)”可知,英语俱乐部的成员每周练习两次。故选B。
2.细节理解题。根据Math Exam部分中“Top 10 will get a surprise (前10名同学会得到一个惊喜)”可知,在数学测试后会有10个学生得到惊喜。故选B。
3.推理判断题。根据本文标题“Some Interesting and Fun Things for You This Term (本学期给你的一些有趣的事情)”可知,文章所讲的四项有趣的活动是学校对学生的活动安排。由此可推断,在学校里能看到这篇文章。故选D。
Chile is famous for its many attractions. If you’re planning a visit, be sure to add “Mano del Desierto” or “Hand of the Desert” to your must-see list.
Standing 11 meters tall and made of iron and cement (水泥), this sculpture of a hand emerges from the sand in the Atacama Desert, which is known as the driest desert in the world outside of polar regions. The sculpture was created by Mario Irarrazabal in the early 1980s and was financed by a local nonprofit organization. The sculpture is not only impressive in terms of its design but also in the message it expresses. Many people believe that the hand represents the weakness and helplessness of human beings, as well as their strength and determination to overcome hardships. It is a reflection on the human condition and our relationship with nature.
If you’re interested in visiting the Hand of the Desert, take Route 26 or 28 from Antofagasta, a port city in northern Chile. The sculpture is located between mile markers 1309 and 1310 and can be reached from either direction. The desert’s flatness makes it easy to spot the sculpture from far away.
Visitors should take precautions (预防措施) before leaving, such as filling their gas tanks, packing plenty of water, and wearing sunscreen. They should also avoid driving too quickly, as many car accidents occur in the desert each year.
For those who are nervous about driving alone, working with an agency like Plan South America is a good choice. The founder of the agency, Harry Hastings, said that he always tries to join a visit to the sculpture with guests traveling to the desert, calling it an “important landmark” that is both culturally and visually significant.
4.What makes the Hand of the Desert a famous attraction
A.Its height and material. B.Its location and. designer.
C.Its building time and local support. D.Its design and meaning.
5.What can we know about from paragraph 3
A.The sculpture can be reached very easily.
B.The sculpture can be seen from far away.
C.The sculpture is protected by the government.
D.The sculpture attracts millions of visitors every year.
6.What can we infer about Harry Hastings
A.He built the sculpture “Hand of the Desert”. B.He gave the financial support to the sculpture.
C.He speaks highly of the sculpture. D.He likes driving alone to visit the sculpture.
7.Where can the passage probably be taken from
A.A science fiction. B.A magazine. C.A fairy tale. D.A book review.
【答案】4.D 5.B 6.C 7.B
【导语】本文是说明文。文章主要介绍智利的著名景点Mano del Desierto,即“沙漠之手”。
4.推理判断题。根据第二段“Standing 11 meters tall and made of iron and cement (水泥), this sculpture of a hand emerges from the sand in the Atacama Desert, which is known as the driest desert in the world outside of polar regions. The sculpture was created by Mario Irarrazabal in the early 1980s and was financed by a local nonprofit organization. The sculpture is not only impressive in terms of its design but also in the message it expresses. Many people believe that the hand represents the weakness and helplessness of human beings, as well as their strength and determination to overcome hardships. It is a reflection on the human condition and our relationship with nature. (这只手的雕塑高11米,由铁和水泥制成,从阿塔卡马沙漠的沙子中出现,阿塔卡马被称为极地以外世界上最干燥的沙漠。这座雕塑由马里奥·伊拉拉扎巴尔于20世纪80年代初创作,由当地一家非营利组织资助。这座雕塑不仅在设计上令人印象深刻,而且在传达的信息上也令人印象深刻。许多人认为,这只手代表着人类的软弱和无助,以及他们克服困难的力量和决心。它反映了人类的状况以及我们与自然的关系。)”可知,“沙漠之手”之所以有名是因为它独特的设计和意义。故选D。
5.细节理解题。根据第三段“The desert’s flatness makes it easy to spot the sculpture from far away. (沙漠的平坦使得从远处很容易看到这座雕塑。)”可知,从远处就可以看到这座雕塑。故选B。
6.推理判断题。根据最后一段“The founder of the agency, Harry Hastings, said that he always tries to join a visit to the sculpture with guests traveling to the desert, calling it an “important landmark” that is both culturally and visually significant. (该机构的创始人哈里·黑斯廷斯表示,他总是试图与前往沙漠的客人一起参观这座雕塑,称其为具有文化和视觉意义的“重要地标”。)”可知,哈里·黑斯廷斯对这个雕塑高度评价。故选C。
7.推理判断题。根据第一段“Chile is famous for its many attractions. If you’re planning a visit, be sure to add “Mano del Desierto” or “Hand of the Desert” to your must-see list. (智利以其众多的景点而闻名。如果你计划参观,一定要把“Mano del Desierto”即“沙漠之手”添加到你的必看名单中。)”可知,这篇文章主要介绍智利的著名景点“沙漠之手”,所以它很可能摘自于旅行杂志。故选B。
Years ago, I bought a blouse. That same day, I considered putting it on, but for no particular reason decided not to. That weekend, I again considered wearing the blouse, but the occasion didn’t seem special enough, so again, I passed. Fast forward to today. I have never worn that blouse.
What happened here Why do people own so many unused possessions, treating them as though they are too special to use To find out, I ran an experiment in which participants imagined buying a bottle of wine. We had half of the participants imagine considering opening it one night, but deciding not to. Then when we measured how special the wine seemed, and participants intentions to open it later we found that those who had imagined holding off on opening it were in fact less likely to intend to open it later. When asked the reason, most assumed they were waiting for a future occasion to open it a more special occasion.
Why do people fall into this mental trap Prior research points to a recipe for what psychologists term “specialness spirals”. When you give up using something, if you believe that you are waiting to use it, the possession will start to feel more special. And as you search for the right occasion day after day it becomes more tempting (吸引人的) to hold out for a future occasion. The less you use it, though, the more special it feels, and the cycle continues. Ultimately, the likelihood (可能性) of using the possession becomes rarer and rarer. The more this happens, the more stuff you have lying around.
How can you fight specialness spirals Try committing in advance to using an item on a specific occasion. When buying a dress, tell yourself you’ll wear it this weekend. Or when purchasing a candle, plan to light it that day. This strategy encourages you to actually enjoy your possessions.
8.Why has the author’s blouse sat unworn for many years
A.She forgot where it was put. B.She soon grew to dislike it.
C.She had no other clothes to match it. D.She failed to find a right occasion to wear it.
9.What were the participants asked to do in the experiment
A.Discuss how to deal with the wine. B.List reasons for drinking the wine.
C.Decide whether to drink the wine. D.Evaluate the quality of the wine.
10.What can we learn about specialness spirals
A.They result from an optimistic attitude to the future.
B.They help explain the psychology of delayed rewards.
C.They can attract people into shopping traps.
D.They can lead to a collection of unused stuff.
11.What is the main purpose of the text
A.To describe a purchase experience. B.To explain a psychological phenomenon.
C.To criticize a wrong consumption concept. D.To encourage people to prepare for a rainy day.
【答案】8.D 9.C 10.D 11.B
8.细节理解题。由文章第一段“Years ago, I bought a blouse. That same day, I considered putting it on, but for no particular reason decided not to. That weekend, I again considered wearing the blouse, but the occasion didn’t seem special enough, so again, I passed. Fast forward to today. I have never worn that blouse. (几年前,我买了一件衬衫。就在同一天,我考虑穿上它,但没有什么特别的原因,我决定不穿。那个周末,我又考虑穿这件衬衫,但这个场合似乎不够特别,所以我又没穿。快进到今天。我从来没穿过那件衬衫。)”可知,作者多次考虑穿上这件衬衫,但都觉得场合不够特别,所以一直没有穿,这表明她没有找到合适的时机去穿它。故选D。
9.细节理解题。由文章第二段中“To find out, I ran an experiment in which participants imagined buying a bottle of wine. We had half of the participants imagine considering opening it one night, but deciding not to. Then when we measured how special the wine seemed, and participants intentions to open it later we found that those who had imagined holding off on opening it were in fact less likely to intend to open it later. When asked the reason, most assumed they were waiting for a future occasion to open it a more special occasion. (为了找出答案,我做了一个实验,让参与者想象自己买了一瓶葡萄酒。我们让一半的参与者想象有一天晚上考虑打开它,但最终决定不打开。然后,当我们测量葡萄酒的特殊程度,以及参与者稍后打开它的意愿时,我们发现,那些想象过要推迟打开它的人,实际上不太可能打算稍后打开它。当被问及原因时,大多数人认为他们是在等待未来一个更特殊的场合打开它。)”可知,在实验中,参与者被要求想象购买了一瓶酒,并想象考虑是否在某个晚上打开它。这意味着他们的任务是决定是否饮用这瓶酒。故选C。
10.推理判断题。由文章第三段中“Prior research points to a recipe for what psychologists term “specialness spirals”. When you give up using something, if you believe that you are waiting to use it, the possession will start to feel more special. And as you search for the right occasion day after day it becomes more tempting (吸引人的) to hold out for a future occasion. The less you use it, though, the more special it feels, and the cycle continues. Ultimately, the likelihood (可能性) of using the possession becomes rarer and rarer. The more this happens, the more stuff you have lying around. (先前的研究指出了心理学家所说的“特殊螺旋”的秘诀。当你放弃使用某样东西时,如果你相信你在等着用它,那么拥有它就会开始觉得更特别。当你日复一日地寻找合适的机会时,你就会更容易坚持等待未来的机会。然而,你越少使用它,它就越有特殊的感觉,如此循环往复。最终,使用所有权的可能性变得越来越少。这种情况发生得越多,你周围的东西就越多。)”可知,“特殊螺旋”指的是人们因期待更特殊场合而不断推迟使用某物品的心理现象,这会导致物品越积越多却未被使用。故选D。
11.推理判断题。通读全文,尤其是由文章第一段“Years ago, I bought a blouse. That same day, I considered putting it on, but for no particular reason decided not to. That weekend, I again considered wearing the blouse, but the occasion didn’t seem special enough, so again, I passed. Fast forward to today. I have never worn that blouse. (几年前,我买了一件衬衫。就在同一天,我考虑戴上它,但没有什么特别的原因,我决定不戴。那个周末,我又考虑穿这件衬衫,但这个场合似乎不够特别,所以我又没穿。快进到今天。我从来没穿过那件衬衫。)”可知,文章的主要目的是通过作者自身经历引入并解释一种心理现象——为什么人们会拥有许多未使用过的物品,并将它们视为过于特别而不愿使用,即“特殊螺旋”效应,并提出对抗这一现象的策略。故选B。
On the bustling streets of Sydney, Australia, Dong Min, a young Chinese woman, dressed in elegant Chinese traditional clothing — hanfu, gracefully holds a dizi, the bamboo flute of China, fascinating passersby with the melodies of traditional Chinese music.
Dong Min, a talented musician was born in 1990. Seeing a female performer playing the bamboo flute on TV fired her interest in this Chinese traditional instrument at the age of 8. Soon her interest blossomed into talent. At the age of 10, winning a provincial-level Chinese musical instrument competition earned her one of only four spots for further studies in Beijing. After graduating from Minzu University of China with a major in Chinese bamboo flute in 2015, she enrolled at the University of New South Wales in Australia to study cultural leadership where she initiated street performances, featuring Chinese traditional instruments. One year later, she formed a band and founded the Sydney Meya Institute of Chinese Music to teach various Chinese traditional instruments to more people.
Apart from street performances and her institution, Dong also offers online dizi lessons to a global audience and organizes online exchange concerts for her students worldwide. “Our students range from 4-year-olds to 80-year-olds, reflecting the timeless appeal of Chinese music across generations,” Dong said.
Her effort paid off eventually. Her performances grew in popularity. Many audiences traveled all the way from cities like Melbourne and Brisbane to Sydney just to attend her performances.” Many music schools now offer courses on Chinese instruments. I hope to create a platform for music enthusiasts to connect and cultivate friendships through their shared love for music. Thus, we can not only raise awareness of Chinese traditional music in Australia but also share the richness of Chinese culture through music with the international audience.” Dong Min said.
12.Which of the following is true
A.Dong Min founded the institution at 26.
B.Dong Min taught dizi through street performances.
C.Dong Min majored in Chinese bamboo flute in Australia.
D.Dong Min wished to gain popularity through her performances.
13.How is paragraph 2 mainly developed
A.By analyzing reasons. B.By providing examples.
C.By making comparisons. D.By following time order.
14.Which of the following can best describe Dong Min
A.Brave and humorous. B.Gifted and passionate.
C.Creative and stubborn. D.Patient and experienced.
15.Which of the following is the best title for the text
A.Chinese Traditional Music: From China to Australia.
B.Bamboo Flute: Chinese Instrument Shared in Australia.
C.Dong Min: A Culture Messenger Bridging Cultures through Music.
D.Dong Min: A Talented Chinese Girl Spreading Chinese Instruments.
【答案】12.A 13.D 14.B 15.C
12.细节理解题。根据第二段中“Dong Min, a talented musician was born in 1990.(董敏出生于1990年,是一位才华横溢的音乐家)”和“After graduating from Minzu University of China with a major in Chinese bamboo flute in 2015, she enrolled at the University of New South Wales in Australia to study cultural leadership where she initiated street performances, featuring Chinese traditional instruments. One year later, she formed a band and founded the Sydney Meya Institute of Chinese Music to teach various Chinese traditional instruments to more people.(2015年从中央民族大学中国竹笛专业毕业后,她进入澳大利亚新南威尔士大学学习文化领导力,在那里她发起了以中国传统乐器为特色的街头表演。一年后,她组建了一支乐队,并创办了悉尼梅亚中国音乐学院,向更多人教授各种中国传统乐器)”可知,董敏2016年,即26岁时创办了该机构,故选A。
13.推理判断题。根据第二段中“Dong Min, a talented musician was born in 1990.(董敏出生于1990年,是一位才华横溢的音乐家)”、“at the age of 8(8岁时)”、“At the age of 10(10岁时)”、“After graduating from Minzu University of China with a major in Chinese bamboo flute in 2015(2015年从中央民族大学中国竹笛专业毕业后)”以及“One year later(一年后)”可知,本段是按照时间顺序展开的,故选D。
14.推理判断题。根据第二段中“Dong Min, a talented musician was born in 1990.(董敏出生于1990年,是一位才华横溢的音乐家)”、“she initiated street performances, featuring Chinese traditional instruments. One year later, she formed a band and founded the Sydney Meya Institute of Chinese Music to teach various Chinese traditional instruments to more people.(她发起了以中国传统乐器为特色的街头表演。一年后,她组建了一支乐队,并创办了悉尼梅亚中国音乐学院,向更多人教授各种中国传统乐器)”和最后一段中“I hope to create a platform for music enthusiasts to connect and cultivate friendships through their shared love for music.(我希望为音乐爱好者创造一个平台,让他们通过对音乐的共同热爱来联系和培养友谊)”可知,董敏有才华且对笛子充满热情,故选B。
15.主旨大意题。根据全文内容,结合最后一段中“Thus, we can not only raise awareness of Chinese traditional music in Australia but also share the richness of Chinese culture through music with the international audience.(这样,我们不仅可以提高澳大利亚对中国传统音乐的认识,还可以通过音乐与国际观众分享中国文化的丰富内涵)”可知,文章主要报道了一位才华横溢的中国音乐家董敏在悉尼街头表演中国传统乐器笛子,吸引很多人驻足,她还创办机构教授中国各种各样的中国传统乐器,促进了文化交流和音乐教育,C项“董敏:以音乐沟通文化的文化使者”为最佳标题,故选C。
Recently a report was made public by NatureServe, a Virginia-based environmental group, which said 40 percent of animals and 34 percent of plants in the United States are at risk of disappearing.
The group examined data from over 1,000 scientists in the United States and Canada, using 50 years of information on the health of animals, plants and ecosystems. The report provided pictures and maps of areas that are unprotected and where animals and plants are most threatened.
Sean O’Brien, president of NatureServe, said what the report showed was dreadful. For example, among the species (物种) at risk of extinction is the Venus flytrap, a plant that “eats” insects. The report said it is only found in the wild in a few places in the states of North and South Carolina. The report also said 200 species of trees might die out and that America’s large northern grasslands are among the ecosystems most threatened. The main threats to plants, animals and ecosystems include environmental destruction (破坏), land-use change, river pollution, and climate change, according to the report.
California, Texas and the southeastern United States are where the highest percentages of plants, animals and ecosystems are at risk. Those areas have many different forms of life. Wesley Knapp, head plant scientist at NatureServe, said those parts of America haven’t seen much population growth in recent years. Knapp said lawmakers usually do not provide as much money for protecting plants as they do for animals. He hoped the data could guide state and area officials in creating effective State Wildlife Action Plan (SWAP) to protect endangered species.
Now $50 million nationwide is shared among all states to carry out their SWAP. If the Recovering America’s Wildlife Act was passed, it would increase that amount to $ 1.4 billion. Knapp said the bill would have better served the protection of plants and animals.
1.What can we infer about the environmental group
A.It has been running for 50 years. B.It has saved 40 kinds of animals.
C.It put much effort into the report. D.It just protects threatened plants.
2.Which is the closest in meaning to “dreadful” in paragraph 3
A.Pleasant. B.Similar. C.Common. D.Terrible.
3.What did Knapp expect of the data
A.It could play an active role. B.It may cover all the species.
C.It might help reduce the cost. D.It will take the place of SWAP.
4.Which is the most suitable title for the text
A.The Protection by Law Making Sense B.Many US Animals and Plants at Risk
C.State Wildlife Action Plan on the Way D.NatureServe Working for a Green World
【答案】1.C 2.D 3.A 4.B
1.推理判断题。根据第二段“The group examined data from over 1,000 scientists in the United States and Canada, using 50 years of information on the health of animals, plants and ecosystems.(该小组研究了来自美国和加拿大1000多名科学家的数据,使用了50年来有关动物、植物和生态系统健康的信息)”可推断,为撰写这份报告,该环保组织付出了很多努力。故选C。
2.词义猜测题。根据画线词后“For example, among the species (物种) at risk of extinction is the Venus flytrap, a plant that “eats” insects. The report said it is only found in the wild in a few places in the states of North and South Carolina. The report also said 200 species of trees might die out and that America’s large northern grasslands are among the ecosystems most threatened.(例如,在濒临灭绝的物种中,捕蝇草是一种‘吃’昆虫的植物。该报告称,它只在北卡罗来纳州和南卡罗来纳州的几个地方被发现。报告还说,200种树木可能会灭绝,美国北部的大草原是最受威胁的生态系统之一)”可推断,报告显示的情况很糟糕,由此可推知,画线词义与terrible的意思最接近。故选D。
3.细节理解题。根据第四段“Knapp said lawmakers usually do not provide as much money for protecting plants as they do for animals. He hoped the data could guide state and area officials in creating effective State Wildlife Action Plan (SWAP) to protect endangered species.(自然保护区首席植物科学家Wesley Knapp说,美国这些地区近年来人口增长不大。Knapp说,立法者通常不会像保护动物那样为保护植物提供那么多的资金。他希望这些数据可以指导州和地区官员制定有效的州野生动物行动计划(SWAP)来保护濒危物种)”可知,Knapp希望该组织公布的数据能发挥积极作用。故选A。
4.主旨大意题。通读全文,尤其是第一段“Recently a report was made public by NatureServe, a Virginia-based environmental group, which said 40 percent of animals and 34 percent of plants in the United States are at risk of disappearing.(最近,总部位于弗吉尼亚州的环保组织NatureServe公布了一份报告,称美国40%的动物和34%的植物面临灭绝的危险)”可知,环保组织NatureServe公布的一份报告显示美国很多动植物濒临灭绝。故选B。
If you ask children the question, “Where does your food come from ” Their answer probably is “the kitchen” or “the grocery store”. Mahan Chandra Borah, a 41-year-old rice farmer, was concerned about this and aimed to educate young people about the importance of agriculture in his country.
“Hundreds of varieties of rice and other crops went extinct in India because of people’s unawareness and I wanted to do something about it,” Mahan says. The result was the formation of the Annapurna Rice Library — a center preserving native seeds and all things ‘rice’.
As a boy, Mahan was a curious reader. “I always had curiosity about things and wanted to get a PhD,” he recalls. Most of Mahan’s days were spent reading and helping his father out in the fields. “Working with him in the fields is how I learnt all I know about farming,” he says.
“Our family was humble. While I wanted to study more, the money was an issue,” he adds. Things became even harder when Mahan’s father passed away. “I was completing my graduation and was heartbroken. However, I also had to look after my family. Studying further was out of the question, so I decided to do agriculture like my father for a living,” he says.
Mahan could have decided to go for traditional farming, but instead, he decided to research alongside. “I went online to look for papers on farming and seed saving. For the library, I have 500 types of seeds preserved there,” he says. Mahan says his favorite rice variety is Bhao Dhan. It is very tough in nature and can adapt easily to the flood-prone (易发洪水的) nature of Assam. However, the lower yield (产量) per hectare has been the reason why the farmers do not prefer to grow the rice.
For the last 15 years, Mahan has operated his library on his own funds. “I run my household and maintain the library. Lack of funds has become an issue, but I am managing somehow and I am sure I will overcome the difficulties and keep it alive,” he says.
5.What inspired Mahan to set up the Annapurna Rice Library
A.The expectation from his father. B.The lack of grain varieties in India.
C.The great demand for more native seeds. D.The public ignorance of rice seed protection.
6.What can we learn about Mahan from the text
A.He came from a family rich enough. B.He graduated from college with a PhD.
C.He dreamed to be an agricultural expert. D.He learned about farming from his father.
7.Why does Mahan like Bhao Dhan
A.Its delicious taste. B.Its high production.
C.Its growing popularity. D.Its good adaptive ability.
8.Which of the following can best describe Mahan
A.Devoted and determined. B.Generous and easygoing.
C.Courageous and humorous. D.Sensitive and open-minded.
【答案】5.D 6.D 7.D 8.A
【导语】这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了印度农民Mahan Chandra Borah设立Annapurna稻米图书馆,旨在教育年轻人农业的重要性,并保存本土稻米种子的故事。
5.细节理解题。根据第一段的“Mahan Chandra Borah, a 41-year-old rice farmer, was concerned about this and aimed to educate young people about the importance of agriculture in his country.(41岁的水稻种植户Mahan Chandra Borah对此表示担忧,并旨在教育年轻人了解农业在他的国家的重要性)”以及第二段的““Hundreds of varieties of rice and other crops went extinct in India because of people’s unawareness and I wanted to do something about it,” Mahan says.(Mahan 说:“由于人们的无知,印度数百种水稻和其他作物灭绝了,我想为此做点什么。”)”可知,Mahan建立Annapurna稻米图书馆的灵感来源于公众对于稻米种子保护的无知导致了许多稻米和其他作物品种的灭绝。故选D。
6.细节理解题。根据第三段的“Most of Mahan’s days were spent reading and helping his father out in the fields. “Working with him in the fields is how I learnt all I know about farming,” he says.(Mahan的大部分时间都花在阅读和帮助他父亲在田地里劳作。他说:“和他一起在田里干活是我学到农业知识的方式。”)”可知,Mahan是从他的父亲那里学习到了有关农业的知识。故选D。
7.细节理解题。根据倒数第二段的“Mahan says his favorite rice variety is Bhao Dhan . It is very tough in nature and can adapt easily to the flood-prone (易发洪水的) nature of Assam. (Mahan说他最喜欢的水稻品种是Bhao Dhan。它的性质非常坚韧,可以很容易地适应阿萨姆邦容易发生洪水的自然环境)”可知,他喜欢Bhao Dhan是因为它具有很好的适应能力,能很好地适应阿萨姆邦易发洪水的环境。故选D。
8.推理判断题。根据最后一段的““I run my household and maintain the library. Lack of funds has become an issue, but I am managing somehow and I am sure I will overcome the difficulties and keep it alive,” he says.(他说:“我管理着我的家庭,维护着图书馆。资金短缺已经成为一个问题,但我正在设法管理,我相信我会克服困难,让它活下去。”)”以及全文对Mahan的描述可知,Mahan Chandra Borah设立Annapurna稻米图书馆,旨在教育年轻人农业的重要性,并保存本土稻米种子,尤其是他在面对资金短缺的情况下仍然坚持运营图书馆,可以看出他既甘于奉献又意志坚定。故选A。2024年高一英语暑假作业之阅读理解(单选)(原卷版)
Here are some wonderful festivals around the world that happen in spring. If you want to know more about them, please click Here or visit wws.lfestival.Htm
SongKran — Thailand
Dates: 13th — 15th, April
In Thailand, people celebrate a festival called Songkran, when people bead out to the streets with water guns to spray (喷洒) everyone who walks past. It’s a very important traditional celebration in the country.
Naghol — Vanuatu
Dates: Every Saturday from April to May
Every year, villagers come together to celebrate the harvest of yams (甘薯), an important part in the people’s diet in Vanuatu. The festival is most famous for its “land diving ceremony”. During the ceremony men and boys dive to the ground from high wooden towers with only two thin vines (藤) tied to their feet.
Cherry Blossom Viewing — Japan
Dates: The cherry blossom season is different from year to year depending on the weather.
The festival is well-known. The Japanese celebrate the days when the flowers finally blossom. Only a few days later, the petals (花瓣) fall to the ground, like pink snowflakes. That means the traditional festival only lasts for several days. In Japan, almost everyone has picnics in the parks to view the flowers.
Sinhalese New Year — Sri Lanka
Dates: 13th or 14th, April
Just like in many other countries in South East Asia, this is the time when people celebrate the traditional New Year, an ancient celebration which marks the end of the harvest season and is one of two times of the year when the sun is straight above Sri Lanka. There are a lot of delicious foods during the celebration.
1.What will most likely happen to a tourist walking in the street during SongKran in Thailand
A.He will get wet. B.He will hurt his feet.
C.He will be treated to delicious foods. D.He will see some petals falling.
2.Where can you go to see dangerous actions during the festival
A.Thailand. B.Vanuatu. C.Japan. D.Sri Lanka.
3.How is Cherry Blossom Viewing different from the other festivals
A.It is a traditional festival. B.It is a very famous festival.
C.Its date is different every year. D.It provides visitors with delicious foods.
4.Where are you most likely to find the text
A.On TV. B.In a report. C.On the Internet. D.In the newspaper.
基 本 题 型 及 题 型 特 征 主旨大意题 主要考查对阅读材料的中心思想的概括能力。其考查形式有很多,如概括标题、主题、中心思想或大意等
细节理解题 主要考查对阅读材料中的某一具体事实和细节的理解能力。这一题型常见的命题方式:事实认定题、排序题、图形辨认题、数字运算题等
推理判断题 主要考查根据文章的字面意思,通过语篇逻辑关系,研究细节的暗示,推敲作者的态度,理解文章的寓意的能力。推理判断题属于主观性较强的高层次阅读理解题
词义推断题 主要考查根据上下文猜测生词的能力,要求根据句子结构、上下文或构词法推断词义
1. The main idea of the passage/text is_________.
2.The text/passage is mainly about_________.
3. What does the passage mainly discuss
4. Which of the following best expresses the main idea
5.The main point of the passage is_________.
6.The best headline for this article would be_________.
7.Which of the following is the best title of the article
8.What is the topic of the text
9.The main purpose of the story is to tell us_________.
1.Which of the following statements is true/false
2.Which of the following is not mentioned in the passage
3.All of the followings are true except_________.
4.The author/passage states that_________.
5.According to the passage, when...
1.We can conclude that_________.
2.We may infer that_________.
3. The author suggests that_________.
4.The story implies that_________.
5.What the author really means is_________.
6. It can be inferred from the passage that_________.
7.According to the passage, you can see_________.
8. It can be seen from the passage that_________.
9.The passage suggests that_________.
1.What does the author think of...
2.How does the author feel about,..
3.What's the tone of the author
1.This selection(节选)might be some parts of a book concerned with_________.
2. This passage might be taken out of a book dealing with_________.
3.Where did this passage most probably appear
4.These extracts(摘录)are probably taken from_________.
突破4 词义推断题解题技巧
1,The phrase "..." in Paragraph 1 could be replaced by_________.
2.The word "..." in Paragraph 2 refers to_________.
3.What is the meaning of the underlined word “…”in Paragraph 2 / What does the underlined word“…”mean
4.Which of the following is the closest in meaning to the phrase “…”
5.The word "..." most probably means_________.
Some Interesting and Fun Things for You This Term
English Club
For the first-grade students
Time: Tuesday afternoon and Friday evening
Place: Room 301
Tele: 77459312
Math Exam
For the third-grade students
Time: on Monday, September 23rd
Place: Room 306
PS: Top 10 will get a surprise
A Talk
For all students
Time: 14:30—16:30, October 25th
Place: in the school hall
Topic: How to Learn English Well
Singing Competition
For the second-grade students
Time: on Friday, December 27th
Place: in the music room
Tele: 58172352
1.How often do the English club members practice spoken English
A.Once a week. B.Twice a week.
C.Three times a week. D.Four times a week.
2.How many students will get a surprise after the math exam
A.4. B.10. C.20. D.306.
3.Where can the text be seen
A.In a park. B.In a shop. C.In a hospital. D.In a school.
Chile is famous for its many attractions. If you’re planning a visit, be sure to add “Mano del Desierto” or “Hand of the Desert” to your must-see list.
Standing 11 meters tall and made of iron and cement (水泥), this sculpture of a hand emerges from the sand in the Atacama Desert, which is known as the driest desert in the world outside of polar regions. The sculpture was created by Mario Irarrazabal in the early 1980s and was financed by a local nonprofit organization. The sculpture is not only impressive in terms of its design but also in the message it expresses. Many people believe that the hand represents the weakness and helplessness of human beings, as well as their strength and determination to overcome hardships. It is a reflection on the human condition and our relationship with nature.
If you’re interested in visiting the Hand of the Desert, take Route 26 or 28 from Antofagasta, a port city in northern Chile. The sculpture is located between mile markers 1309 and 1310 and can be reached from either direction. The desert’s flatness makes it easy to spot the sculpture from far away.
Visitors should take precautions (预防措施) before leaving, such as filling their gas tanks, packing plenty of water, and wearing sunscreen. They should also avoid driving too quickly, as many car accidents occur in the desert each year.
For those who are nervous about driving alone, working with an agency like Plan South America is a good choice. The founder of the agency, Harry Hastings, said that he always tries to join a visit to the sculpture with guests traveling to the desert, calling it an “important landmark” that is both culturally and visually significant.
4.What makes the Hand of the Desert a famous attraction
A.Its height and material. B.Its location and. designer.
C.Its building time and local support. D.Its design and meaning.
5.What can we know about from paragraph 3
A.The sculpture can be reached very easily.
B.The sculpture can be seen from far away.
C.The sculpture is protected by the government.
D.The sculpture attracts millions of visitors every year.
6.What can we infer about Harry Hastings
A.He built the sculpture “Hand of the Desert”. B.He gave the financial support to the sculpture.
C.He speaks highly of the sculpture. D.He likes driving alone to visit the sculpture.
7.Where can the passage probably be taken from
A.A science fiction. B.A magazine. C.A fairy tale. D.A book review.
Years ago, I bought a blouse. That same day, I considered putting it on, but for no particular reason decided not to. That weekend, I again considered wearing the blouse, but the occasion didn’t seem special enough, so again, I passed. Fast forward to today. I have never worn that blouse.
What happened here Why do people own so many unused possessions, treating them as though they are too special to use To find out, I ran an experiment in which participants imagined buying a bottle of wine. We had half of the participants imagine considering opening it one night, but deciding not to. Then when we measured how special the wine seemed, and participants intentions to open it later we found that those who had imagined holding off on opening it were in fact less likely to intend to open it later. When asked the reason, most assumed they were waiting for a future occasion to open it a more special occasion.
Why do people fall into this mental trap Prior research points to a recipe for what psychologists term “specialness spirals”. When you give up using something, if you believe that you are waiting to use it, the possession will start to feel more special. And as you search for the right occasion day after day it becomes more tempting (吸引人的) to hold out for a future occasion. The less you use it, though, the more special it feels, and the cycle continues. Ultimately, the likelihood (可能性) of using the possession becomes rarer and rarer. The more this happens, the more stuff you have lying around.
How can you fight specialness spirals Try committing in advance to using an item on a specific occasion. When buying a dress, tell yourself you’ll wear it this weekend. Or when purchasing a candle, plan to light it that day. This strategy encourages you to actually enjoy your possessions.
8.Why has the author’s blouse sat unworn for many years
A.She forgot where it was put. B.She soon grew to dislike it.
C.She had no other clothes to match it. D.She failed to find a right occasion to wear it.
9.What were the participants asked to do in the experiment
A.Discuss how to deal with the wine. B.List reasons for drinking the wine.
C.Decide whether to drink the wine. D.Evaluate the quality of the wine.
10.What can we learn about specialness spirals
A.They result from an optimistic attitude to the future.
B.They help explain the psychology of delayed rewards.
C.They can attract people into shopping traps.
D.They can lead to a collection of unused stuff.
11.What is the main purpose of the text
A.To describe a purchase experience. B.To explain a psychological phenomenon.
C.To criticize a wrong consumption concept. D.To encourage people to prepare for a rainy day.
On the bustling streets of Sydney, Australia, Dong Min, a young Chinese woman, dressed in elegant Chinese traditional clothing — hanfu, gracefully holds a dizi, the bamboo flute of China, fascinating passersby with the melodies of traditional Chinese music.
Dong Min, a talented musician was born in 1990. Seeing a female performer playing the bamboo flute on TV fired her interest in this Chinese traditional instrument at the age of 8. Soon her interest blossomed into talent. At the age of 10, winning a provincial-level Chinese musical instrument competition earned her one of only four spots for further studies in Beijing. After graduating from Minzu University of China with a major in Chinese bamboo flute in 2015, she enrolled at the University of New South Wales in Australia to study cultural leadership where she initiated street performances, featuring Chinese traditional instruments. One year later, she formed a band and founded the Sydney Meya Institute of Chinese Music to teach various Chinese traditional instruments to more people.
Apart from street performances and her institution, Dong also offers online dizi lessons to a global audience and organizes online exchange concerts for her students worldwide. “Our students range from 4-year-olds to 80-year-olds, reflecting the timeless appeal of Chinese music across generations,” Dong said.
Her effort paid off eventually. Her performances grew in popularity. Many audiences traveled all the way from cities like Melbourne and Brisbane to Sydney just to attend her performances.” Many music schools now offer courses on Chinese instruments. I hope to create a platform for music enthusiasts to connect and cultivate friendships through their shared love for music. Thus, we can not only raise awareness of Chinese traditional music in Australia but also share the richness of Chinese culture through music with the international audience.” Dong Min said.
12.Which of the following is true
A.Dong Min founded the institution at 26.
B.Dong Min taught dizi through street performances.
C.Dong Min majored in Chinese bamboo flute in Australia.
D.Dong Min wished to gain popularity through her performances.
13.How is paragraph 2 mainly developed
A.By analyzing reasons. B.By providing examples.
C.By making comparisons. D.By following time order.
14.Which of the following can best describe Dong Min
A.Brave and humorous. B.Gifted and passionate.
C.Creative and stubborn. D.Patient and experienced.
15.Which of the following is the best title for the text
A.Chinese Traditional Music: From China to Australia.
B.Bamboo Flute: Chinese Instrument Shared in Australia.
C.Dong Min: A Culture Messenger Bridging Cultures through Music.
D.Dong Min: A Talented Chinese Girl Spreading Chinese Instruments.
Recently a report was made public by NatureServe, a Virginia-based environmental group, which said 40 percent of animals and 34 percent of plants in the United States are at risk of disappearing.
The group examined data from over 1,000 scientists in the United States and Canada, using 50 years of information on the health of animals, plants and ecosystems. The report provided pictures and maps of areas that are unprotected and where animals and plants are most threatened.
Sean O’Brien, president of NatureServe, said what the report showed was dreadful. For example, among the species (物种) at risk of extinction is the Venus flytrap, a plant that “eats” insects. The report said it is only found in the wild in a few places in the states of North and South Carolina. The report also said 200 species of trees might die out and that America’s large northern grasslands are among the ecosystems most threatened. The main threats to plants, animals and ecosystems include environmental destruction (破坏), land-use change, river pollution, and climate change, according to the report.
California, Texas and the southeastern United States are where the highest percentages of plants, animals and ecosystems are at risk. Those areas have many different forms of life. Wesley Knapp, head plant scientist at NatureServe, said those parts of America haven’t seen much population growth in recent years. Knapp said lawmakers usually do not provide as much money for protecting plants as they do for animals. He hoped the data could guide state and area officials in creating effective State Wildlife Action Plan (SWAP) to protect endangered species.
Now $50 million nationwide is shared among all states to carry out their SWAP. If the Recovering America’s Wildlife Act was passed, it would increase that amount to $ 1.4 billion. Knapp said the bill would have better served the protection of plants and animals.
1.What can we infer about the environmental group
A.It has been running for 50 years. B.It has saved 40 kinds of animals.
C.It put much effort into the report. D.It just protects threatened plants.
2.Which is the closest in meaning to “dreadful” in paragraph 3
A.Pleasant. B.Similar. C.Common. D.Terrible.
3.What did Knapp expect of the data
A.It could play an active role. B.It may cover all the species.
C.It might help reduce the cost. D.It will take the place of SWAP.
4.Which is the most suitable title for the text
A.The Protection by Law Making Sense B.Many US Animals and Plants at Risk
C.State Wildlife Action Plan on the Way D.NatureServe Working for a Green World
If you ask children the question, “Where does your food come from ” Their answer probably is “the kitchen” or “the grocery store”. Mahan Chandra Borah, a 41-year-old rice farmer, was concerned about this and aimed to educate young people about the importance of agriculture in his country.
“Hundreds of varieties of rice and other crops went extinct in India because of people’s unawareness and I wanted to do something about it,” Mahan says. The result was the formation of the Annapurna Rice Library — a center preserving native seeds and all things ‘rice’.
As a boy, Mahan was a curious reader. “I always had curiosity about things and wanted to get a PhD,” he recalls. Most of Mahan’s days were spent reading and helping his father out in the fields. “Working with him in the fields is how I learnt all I know about farming,” he says.
“Our family was humble. While I wanted to study more, the money was an issue,” he adds. Things became even harder when Mahan’s father passed away. “I was completing my graduation and was heartbroken. However, I also had to look after my family. Studying further was out of the question, so I decided to do agriculture like my father for a living,” he says.
Mahan could have decided to go for traditional farming, but instead, he decided to research alongside. “I went online to look for papers on farming and seed saving. For the library, I have 500 types of seeds preserved there,” he says. Mahan says his favorite rice variety is Bhao Dhan. It is very tough in nature and can adapt easily to the flood-prone (易发洪水的) nature of Assam. However, the lower yield (产量) per hectare has been the reason why the farmers do not prefer to grow the rice.
For the last 15 years, Mahan has operated his library on his own funds. “I run my household and maintain the library. Lack of funds has become an issue, but I am managing somehow and I am sure I will overcome the difficulties and keep it alive,” he says.
5.What inspired Mahan to set up the Annapurna Rice Library
A.The expectation from his father. B.The lack of grain varieties in India.
C.The great demand for more native seeds. D.The public ignorance of rice seed protection.
6.What can we learn about Mahan from the text
A.He came from a family rich enough. B.He graduated from college with a PhD.
C.He dreamed to be an agricultural expert. D.He learned about farming from his father.
7.Why does Mahan like Bhao Dhan
A.Its delicious taste. B.Its high production.
C.Its growing popularity. D.Its good adaptive ability.
8.Which of the following can best describe Mahan
A.Devoted and determined. B.Generous and easygoing.
C.Courageous and humorous. D.Sensitive and open-minded.




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