
( )1.Welcome back ______ school.
at B. in C. to
( )2. I’m from the _________.
A. China B.UK C. Canada
( )3. We are _________.
A. a friend B. friend C. friends
( )4. What ______that
is B. am C. are
( )5. This is Amy. _______ is a new student.
she B. She C. He
( )6. ________ are you from
What B. How C. Where
( )7.-Where are you from -____________
I’m Amy. B. I’m from China. C. He is from the USA.
( )8. -_________ is that man -He is my father.
A. What B. Who C. How
( )9. How many _______
A. eggs B. egg C. an egg
( )10. Is she your grandmother
Yes, she is. B. Yes, she isn’t. C. No, he isn’t.
( )11. Is ________ your brother
he B. she C. it
( )12. Who’s that boy
A.She’s my mother. B.This is my friend. C.He is my brother.
( )13. The ______ is my mother.
A. woman B. man C. son
( )14. Look ______ the elephant.
to B. in C. at
( )15. The bear is short ______ fat.
and B. or C. but
( )16. The giraffe is _____ tall.
and B. so C. to
( )17. The ______ has a long nose.
monkey B. elephant C. bear
( )18. A rabbit has a short _____and long ears.
tail B. eye C. foot
( )19. -How _______ animals do you know -I know all the animals.
much B. many C. about
( )20. Make your eyes _________.
thin B. short C. small
( ) 21. ________ is my car
A. What B. Where C. Who
( ) 22. The pencil ______ under your book.
A. is B. am C. are
( ) 23. ________ it on the desk
A. is B. Is C. Are
( ) 24. _____ a good time.
A. have B. Having C. Have
( ) 25. Let’s ____ home.
A. go B. go to C. to go
( ) 26. -What’s under the desk? -______
A. A cap. B. It’s on the desk. C. Yes, it is.
( ) 27. ______ a map.
A. Row B. Bounce C. Read
( ) 28. Is it in your box
A. Yes, it isn’t. B. Yes, it is. C. No, it is.
( ) 29. I ______ like grapes.
A. am not B. don’t C. can’t
( ) 30. -Do you like strawberries -____________.
A. Yes, I am B. Yes, I do C. Yes, I should
( ) 31. -I don’t like pears. -Me, _______.
too B. also C. neither
( ) 32. -______ I have some apples -Here you are.
A. Am B. Do C. Can
( ) 33. ______ you like oranges
A. Are B. Do C. Can
( ) 34. Have _______ grapes.
A. a B. the C. some
( ) 35. The watermelons ______ very good.
A. taste B. tastes C. is
( ) 36. How many ______ do you see
A. a bird B. bird C. birds
( ) 37. I can ______ twelve.
A. see B. sees C. seeing
( ) 38. How ______ cars do you have
A. much B. many C. some
( ) 39. Open it ______ see.
A. and B. or C. but
( ) 40. You have 16 ______.
crayon B. crayons C. a crayons
( ) 41. Can you count ________ me
for B. to C. with
( ) 42. Eight ____ six makes fourteen.
A. times B. and C. are
( ) 43. Three times five makes ______.
A.eighteen B. fifteen C. twenty
( )1.不知道那个男孩是谁,你会问:
Who’s that man B. Who’s that boy C. Who’s she
( )2. 初次见面很高兴,你会说:
A. Hello. B. Nice to meet you. C. Goodbye.
( )3. 向妈妈介绍你的朋友Amy, 你会说:
A. She is Amy. B. Nice to meet you. C. This is my friend, Amy.
( )4. 如何询问“你来自哪”
A. Where are you from B. Who are you C. What’s your name
( )5. 如何表达“这是我的爷爷”
A. He is my father. B. She is my grandpa. C. He is my grandfather.
( )6. Amy找不到她的帽子了,会问:
A. Where is my ball B. Where is my cap C. Where is my car
( )7. Sarah想说“它是在你的玩具箱里么”,应该怎么问
A. It is in your toy box. B. Is it in your toy box C. It’s here.
( )8. 妈妈对你说“玩的愉快”,应该这样说:
Have a good time. B. Goodbye. C. Good luck.
( )9. John想借用陈杰的钢笔,他应该这样说:
A. Where is my pen B. Can I use your pen, please C. I can’t find my pen.
( )10. 如何描述一头大象
A. It’s so tall. B. It’s short and fat. C. It has a long nose.
( )11. Amy喜欢吃苹果,她会说:
A. I like apples. B. I don’t like apples. C. Do you like apples
( )12. Sarah想说“你喜欢吃梨么”,应该怎么问
A. Do you like oranges B. I like pears C. Do you like pears
( )13. 你想问Amy有多少只彩笔,应该怎么问?
A. Do you have crayons B. How many crayons do you see
C. How many crayons do you have
一、1-5CBCAB 6-10CBBAA
11-15ACACA 16-20BBABC
21-25BABCA 26-30ACBBB
31-35CCBCA 36-40CABAB
二、1-5BBCAC 6-10BBABC
( )1. What’s this A. Nice to meet you, too.
( )2. Where are you from B. My name is Sarah.
( )3. What’s your name C. I’m from China.
( )4. Nice to meet you. D. It’s a pen.
( )5. Welcome back to school. E. Thank you.
( )1. Who’s that woman A. Nice to meet you.
( )2. How many eggs B. I’m John.
( )3. Is this your brother C. Two.
( )4. This is my friend, Amy. D. Yes, he is.
( )5. What’s your name E. She is my mother.
( )1. What’s this A. It has a long nose.
( )2. Look at the elephant. B. It’s so cute.
( )3. Come here, children. C. OK.
( )4. Is it a panda D. It’s a giraffe.
( )5. This is a monkey. E. Yes, it is.
( )1. What is it A. It’s under the desk.
( )2. Where is my toy car B. Yes, it is.
( )3. Is it in the box C. Sure. Here you are.
( )4. Where are you D. I’m in the room.
( )5. Can I use your ruler E. It’s a cap.
( )1. Do you like pears A. No, it’s a pear.
( )2. Can I have some bananas B. Yes, I do.
( )3. What are they C. They are some grapes.
( )4. Is it an orange D. Thanks.
( )5. Here you are. E. Of course. Here you are.
( )1. Look at the kites! A. Yes, it is.
( )2. Can you count with me B. So beautiful!
( )3. What’s this C. Of course I can.
( )4. Is it a watermelon D. Eleven.
( )5. How many birds do you see E. My new crayons.
( )Hi, Amy.
( )Mr Jones, this is Amy. She’s a new student.
( )Hi, Mr Jones.
( ) I’m from the USA.
( )Where are you from
( )Mum, this is my friend, Amy.
( )She is my mother.
( )Nice to meet you, too.
( )Hi, Sarah! Who’s that woman
( )Nice to meet you.
( ) Wow! It has a long nose.
( ) It’s a giraffe.
( ) And it has small eyes and big ears.
( ) Come here, children! Look at the elephant.
( ) You are right. What’s that It’s so tall.
( ) Is it in the toy box
( ) Mum! Where is my ball
( ) It’s not in the toy box. Let me see. Is it under the bed
( ) Yes, it is. Thanks, mum.
( ) No, it isn’t.
E. I’m from the USA.
( ) Can I have some bananas
( ) OK. Here you are.
( ) Honey! Have some grapes.
( )Thanks, mum.
( ) I don’t like grapes.
( ) Look at the kites!
( ) Oh!
( ) How many kites do you see
( )Wow! So beautiful!
( ) 1, 2…I can see ten.
( ) No, the black one is a bird.
A: Who’s that boy
B: _____1_____
Hi, John. This is my friend, Amy.
C: _____2_____
A: Nice to meet you, too. _____3____.
C: I’m from the USA.
A: ____4____
C: Yes, I like sports. ____5____
A: OK!
1.__________ 2.__________ 3.__________ 4._________ 5._________
A: What’s this
B: ____1______
A: Wow! _____2_____
B: Open it and see.
A: 1, 2…10. ____3_____
B: ____4_____
1.__________ 2.___________ 3.___________ 4.___________
A: Let’s have some fruit! ____1_______
B: No, I don’t.
A: Do you like grapes
B: ____2_____
A: ____3_____
B: Thank you. ____4_____
1.__________ 2.___________ 3.___________ 4.___________
A: Who’s that boy
B: ___1____
A: Is she your mother
B: Yes, she is. ____2____
A: Wow! __3_____
Is he your father
B: No, he isn’t. ____4______
1.__________ 2.___________ 3.___________ 4.___________
A: ____1_____
B: I know all the animals!
A: That’s great! ____2____
B: It’s an elephant. ___3_____
A: You are right. And what are they
B: ____4____ The big one is a gorilla.
三、A 1.B 2.D 3.A 4.E 5.C
B 1.C 2.A 3.D 4.B
C 1.B 2.C 3.D 4.A
D 1.D 2.B 3.A 4.C
E 1.B 2.A 3.D 4.C



上一篇:Module 4 Unit 12 The ugly duckling重难点梳理 精选精练(含答案)

下一篇:Unit 9 Can you come to my party?语法综合练(原卷版+解析版)八年级英语上册(人教版)