2023-2024牛津译林版小学英语小升初专题复习--专项练习代词 (含答案)

(  )1.-Can I eat _____
- Yes, they're delicious.
A. it B. them C. its D. they
(  )2.-Mom,_____is Julie,my good English teacher.
- Nice to meet you, Julie.
A. this B. he C. she D. that
(  )3.We should listen to teachers carefully.It is important for _____to study hard.
A. her B. him C. us D. them
(  )4.-Hi,David.Is that your school bag
- No, it is Mike's. And the sweater near the bag is _____, too.
A. mine B. yours C. hers D. his
(  )5.-Is this story book _____
- Yes, it’s ______.
A. yours; my B. yours; mine C. your; my D. your; mine
(  )6.This isn't_______car. It's______.
A. her; mine B. hers; my C. hers; mine D. her; my
(  )7.______hair is long.But Lisa’s hair is longer than_____.
A. My; I B. I; me C. I; my D. My; mine
(  )8.-Excuse me,is that your school bag
- No. ______ is in my desk. I think it is Mary's. She lost _____.
A. My; her B. Mine; her C. Mine; hers D. My; hers
(  )9.-Help_____,boys!There is some fruit and candies.
- Thank you very much.
A. myself B. ourselves C. themselves D. yourselves
(  )10.-There are two dogs in the park. Which one is _____
- The fatter one is _____.
A. her; hers B. their; theirs C. yours; mine
(  )11.-I cooked it by _____. Help _____, Anna.
- Thanks, Joe.
A. me; yourself B. me; yourselves
C. myself; yourself D. ourselves; yourself
(  )12.She is Mary King.What's_____last name
A. his B. her C. my D. your
(  )13. - Is that your eraser
- No, it isn't mine. It's _______.
A. he B. his C. him
(  )14.My sister will come to see me tomorrow.I will meet_____after school.
A. you B. her C. him D. them
(  )15.Is______ your aunt What's_______name
A. he; his B. she; her C. he; her D. she; his
(  )16.This is not_____schoolbag._____is over there under the desk.
A. mine; My B. mine; Mine C. my; Mine D. my; My
(  )17.His country is smaller than_____.
A. we B. our C. ours D. us
(  )18.The boys are in front of_____·
A. we B. our C. us
(  )19.-Where is Lisa's ruler
-_______ ruler is in the pencil case.
A. My B. Her C. His D. Your
(  )20.On_______way home,I met a friend of______.
A. my; my B. me; my C. my; mine D. I; me
(  )21.I will give _____ a book about America.
A. he B. his C. him
(  )22.-Is this new bike the same as _____
- No, they are different.
A. her B. she C. hers D. she's
(  )23.Those girls enjoyed_____in the party last night.
A. them B. they C. themselves D. herself
(  )24.Look!_______are reading______books.
A. They; they B. They; their
C. Their; their D. Their; they
(  )25.We should clean_____twice a day.
A. our tooth B. us tooth C. ours teeth D. our teeth
(  )26.Miss Gao is_______teacher.She teaches______English.
A. our; my B.us;me C. us; our D. our;us
(  )27.Whose bag is bigger,______or_____
A. your; I B. yours; my C. yours; mine
(  )28.-Is this blue jacket_____
- No, it isn't ______. It's my brother's.
A. your; my B. your; mine C. yours; mine
(  )29.David and Grace are class males.And_____English teacher is Mrs.Black.
A. your B. our C. their
(  )30. Her name is Lily. This is a letter of _____.
A. his B. hers C. yours D. theirs
(  )31.Do they do_____homework after school
A. our B. their C. her D. his
(  )32._____classroom is here._____ is there.
A. Their; Our B. Their; Ours
C. Theirs; Our D. Theirs; Ours
(  )33. Miss Li teaches _____ well. So we all like her.
A. us B. we C. our D. ourselves
(  )34.Everyone likes my father,because_____is very friendly.
A. his B. him C. he
(  )1.Kitty has three cousins._____of them like playing football.
A. Other B.All C. Both
(  )2.Look at_____robots over there.They're so cool.
A. these B. those C. that D. this
(  )3.-Where did you buy this iPad From a shopping mall or a supermarket
-_____. I bought it online.
A. Both B. None C. Neither D. Either
(  )4.The size of this T-shirt doesn't suit me. Please show me _____ one.
A. other B. another C. either D. neither
(  )5.There are_____vegetables in our home and I want to buy_____meat.
A. much; many B. many; much C. many; many D. much; much
(  )6.The man has_____friends in this city,so he often stays at home.
A. a few B. few C. a little D. little
(  )7.I had_____bread for breakfast today.I'm not hungry now.
A. a few B. some C. a lot D. many
(  )8.There aren't_____maps in the classroom,but there are_____ pictures.
A. some; any B. some; some C. any; some D. any; any
(  )9. --I can't find________ in the office. Where are they
- They have gone to the restaurant.
A. somebody B. everybody C. anybody D. nobody
(  )10.Are there_____trees behind the house
A. a B. the C. much D. any
(  )11.-Jack,we don't have vegetables for lunch.Could you buy _____
- Sure, but I don't have _____ money.
A. much; any B. some; any C. any; some D. some; some
(  )12.In Lili's room,books are_____.
A. anywhere B. somewhere C. everywhere
(  )13.Can I have a word with you,sir I’ve got_____important to tell you.
A. nothing B. anything C. something
(  )14.There is_____wrong with my ears.I can't hear anything.
A. everything B. something C. nothing
(  )15._____ is time for us to go to help the old people in hospital.
A. This B. That C. It D./
(  )16._____ is an English map.
A. Those B. That C. These
(  )17.I have two good pen friends. One is an American, and _____ is in England.
A. the other B. another one C. another D. other
(  )18.I can see_____in Lucy's room.
A. other thing B. any other things
C. some thing D. some other things
(  )19.-Do you get_____ready for your visit to Qin Lake National Wetland Park
- No. We still have _____ to do.
A. anything; something B. anything; anything
C. everything; something D. everything; nothing
(  )20.There are six bridges over the Yangtze River in Jiangsu.One is for trains,
_____ are all for cars and trucks.
the other B. the others C. another D. others
1-5:B A C D B 6-10:A D C D C 11-15:C B B B B 16-20:C C C B C
21-25: C C C B D 26-30:D C C C B 31-34:B B A C
1-5: B B C B B 6-10:B B C C D 11-15:B C C B C 16-20:B A D C B



上一篇:辽宁省沈阳市第四十三中学2023-2024七年级下学期6月月考英语试题(含答案 无听力音频听力原文)

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