
1.The young man walks about three __________(英里)to work every day.
2.There is a __________(花园)in my new house.
3.The __________(公寓)is too expensive.
4.The new shopping mall is in the __________(中心)of their city.
5.I’d like to __________(分享) my experience with you all.
6.I have my own __________(卧室)in my new house.
7.She makes all her __________(自己的)clothes.
8.There are two __________(浴室)in my house.
9.I like to chat with my friends on the __________(阳台).
10.Many people are walking on the __________(海滩).
11.There are many kinds of fishes in the __________(海).
12.You’ve left off a __________(零).
13.He has two __________(百)books.
14.There are __________(千)of people in the square.
15.If I have two __________(百万)dollars, I want to travel around the world.
( )1.- Is there _______with your computer I can’t start it .
- Sorry , I don't know .
A . something wrong B. anything wrong
C . wrong something D. wrong anything
( )2.- My bike is _______. Can you lend yours to me?
- Sure .
A . new B.cheap C. broken D. difficult
( )3.- What do you have ________ your neighbourhood
- Supermarkets, restaurants, a school and a hospital .
A. of B . around C . above D . with
( )4. I go to my grandparents’ home ________ with their housework every Sunday .
A . help B . helped C . to help D . helping
( )5. —I will go to Hong Kong Disneyland with my parents tomorrow.
My pleasure B. Have a nice trip
C. All right D.congratulations
( )6. ---Where were you last Saturday
---I in the Capital Museum.
A. am B. will be C. was D. have been
( )7. There ______ some flowers on the teacher’s desk just now, but now there ______ nothing on it.
A. have; has B. were; was C. were; is D. has; has
( )8. After Steven sent some e-mails, he ______ surfing the Internet.
A. starts B. has started C. will start D. started
( )9. ---Frank, you look worried. Anything wrong
---Well, I ______ a test and I’m waiting for the result.
A. will take B. took C. am taking D. take
( )10. ---Oh, my God! I ______ my notebook in my bedroom.
---It doesn’t matter. I will lend you mine.
A. forget B. forgot C. leave D. left
( )11. ---Sam opened the door and ______ a lovely dog outside.
A. finds B. found C. has found D. will find
( )12. ---Hello, mum. Are you still on Lushan Mountain
---Oh, no. We are back home. We ______ a really good journey.
A. have B. had C. are having D. will have
( )13. Ken ______ his jacket in the gym. He has to get it back.
A. left B. leaves C. is leaving D. was leaving
1. 飞行快如光速 _____________________________________
2. 弹钢琴____________________________________________________
3.扑灭火 _____________________________________________
4.那时 _____________________________________________________
6. 尽他全力 ___________________________________________
7.小心某物 _____________________________________________________
8.努力练习 ________________________________________________
11.用...伤害某人 ______________________________________________
12. 参加活动__________________________________________________
13.玩火柴 _______________________________________________________
14. 发现,查明 __________________________________________________
15. 着火 ____________________________________________
John is_____ ______ ______ look after his pets well.
2. 他们花了半小时才穿越那片森林。
It took them the forest.
3. 他在10岁时就会说英语了。
He could________English________ ________ ________ten.
4. 她不知道做什么。
She doesn’t know ____________________________.
5.你能给我展示一下怎样上网吗 ·
Can you________ _______ _________ to search the Internet
1. There’s somebody at the door. (改为否定句) There is __________ __________ at the door.
2. You should not use our hands to pick up goldfish. (改为同义句)
__________ pick up goldfish __________ our hands.
3. The weight of an elephant can be up to 11,000 kilograms. (改为同义句)
An elephant __________ __________ __________ __________ 11,000 kilograms.
4. It isn’t easy to take care of dogs. (改为同义句)
Dogs __________ __________ __________ __________ __________.
5. Linda weighed 60 kilograms last year. (对划线部分提问)
__________ __________ __________ Linda __________ last year
6. We don’t have to take our cats for a walk. (改为同义句)
We don’t have to __________ __________ __________.
7. There are no other things in the box. (同义句) There is __________ __________ in the box.
What is a “cat coffee shop” Well, it is a cafe that has cats.1.___
It seems that there are more pet cats around us today. 2.___ There are around 60 million pet cats in China, according to the National Bureau of Statistics(国家统计局).
The number of cat owners in China is the second-largest in the world after the United States. 3.___ They think cats are clean pets and you don't have to walk them.
More cats bring more jobs. Many people now work at pet shops and hospitals. 4.___ Some people abandon(抛弃)their cats. The cats become homeless. They can pass on illness. They even hunt and kill other animals like birds and frogs.
In Japan and Australia, the governments take homeless cats to animal hospitals. Doctors operate(做手术)on them. These cats can't have babies. 5.___
A.And that's true.
B.But cats can be problems, too.
C.This way, the number of cats will not go up.
D.You can touch and play with the cats while drinking coffee.
E.One important reason is that more young people are getting cats.
F.There are more and more cat coffee shops in Japan and Australia.
Let me tell you an interesting story. One day, 1 old dog finds a piece of meat 2 his lunch. He is going home with the meat in his mouth. On 3 way home there is a big river 4 there is a bridge(桥) 5 it , he crosses it and stops to have a look at the river. 6 does he see in the river He sees another dog 7 at him, and he also has a piece of meat in his mouth. “His meat looks much bigger
than8 ,”he thinks. “I’ll try to get it.” He opens his mouth and tries to get 9
piece of meat. What happens His 10 piece of meat falls into the river.
( )1. A. a B. an C. the D. /
( )2. A. for B. in C. with D. of
( )3. A. his’s B. his C. he D. him
( )4. A. and B. but C. so D. because
( )5. A. under B. behind C. in D. over
( )6. A. What B. Where C. Who D. Which
( )7. A. looking B. seeing C. smiling D. having
( )8. A. my B. mine C. I D. me
( )9. A. bigger B. the bigger C. big D. the biggest
( )10. A. owner B. own C. owns D. of own
Students often want to practise their English outside class. One of the best ways of practising your English is to speak to a foreigner. Most students ask, “Is it OK to talk to the foreigners when we meet them in the street ”
The answer is yes or no, but probably no! If you see a foreigner who looks lost, it is polite to ask him or her, “May I help you ” But, if not, you should probably let him or her get on with the business. That is, you can talk to a foreigner at some time or places. Feel free to ask him or her questions if a foreigner comes into your school, classroom, or your teachers’ office.
It’s also OK to talk to foreigners in some public places. If you see a foreigner alone in a restaurant, a waiting room, or a shop, it may be the right time for you to ask him or her “Is this seat free ” or questions like that. You can probably help him or her feel more welcome.
It’s pleasure to talk to a foreigner if you choose the right time and place.
( )1.From the second paragraph, we can know that ________.
A.it is polite to stop foreigners to talk with you in the street all the time
B.it isn’t polite to stop foreigners when they are on business
C.it is polite to stop foreigners from talking with others
D.it isn’t polite to help foreigners find the way
( )2.When you try to talk to a foreigner alone in a park, usually he may ________.
A.become angry B.keep quiet C.go away D.feel happy
( )3.This passage perhaps comes from a newspaper in the column.
A.sports B.health C.language D.business
( )4.Where can we talk with a foreigner
A.In a restaurant. B.In a shop.
C.In a street. D.It depends(看情况).
( )5.What is the best title for this passage
A.How to learn English in class
B.Where to learn English
C.When to speak English outside class
D.When and where to talk with a foreigner
Some birds and animals live in the same community. They like to get together and talk about their great dreams.
A small bird says, “I have a good voice. I can make beautiful sounds. I want to be a great singer like Tan Jing. People will love my songs.”
A young horse says, “I am good at running. I can run faster than Su Bingtian. I want to be the best runner some day. I will win a gold medal. ”
A smart tiger says,“I'm the king of the forest. I'm very clever. I want to become a scientist like Qian Xuesen. I can work for people.”
A lovely monkey says, “I'm going to be a manager like Bill Gates. I want to have a big fruit company of my own. Welcome to my company!”
An old giraffe shouts, “Be quiet! Listen to me, everyone. It's good for you to have your own dreams. But you always talk about them. Why don't you do something to make them come true ”
After they hear those words, all of them run away.
1. The birds and animals live .
2. A small bird can and she wants to be a singer.
3. A smart tiger wants to like Qian Xuesen.
4. A lovely monkey wants to be like Bill Gates.
5. The old giraffe thinks all of them should .



