2025译林版高中英语必修第二册同步练习题--Unit 4 Part 1 Welcome to the unit & Reading(含答案与解析)

Unit 4 Exploring literature
Part 1 Welcome to the unit & Reading
1.Music is a     (共同的) language.
2.With the help of the Internet, people from different countries can share thoughts on global     (问题).
3.(2024江苏扬州中学月考)The Christmas Pig shows how human beings—even small, lost ones—are     (有能力的) of wonderful, heroic acts.
4.There’s no doubt that the consumers are still very s    to the price.
5.The musical     (特征) of the film have left a great impression on the audience present.
1.The police appealed to the public      information about the crime.
2.(2021浙江6月)She was extremely pretty, and her house was a       (reflect) of herself, everything in good taste and in perfect order.
3.(2022全国甲)Sometime in the early 1960s, a      (significance) thing happened in Sydney, Australia.
4.     (determine) to be myself, move forward, free of shame and worldly labels(世俗标签), I can now call myself a “marathon winner”.
5.She had devoted herself to      (teach) and earned a good reputation.
6.Zuozhuan explains its historical background, and      (contain) much rich and lively description of the history and culture in the Spring and Autumn Period.
7.She set an alarm clock, hoping it      (awaken) her the next morning.
8.The value of life lies not in the length of days,       in the use that we make of them.
devote oneself to;in store;draw on;reflect on
Mr Johnson is a researcher 1.       scientific research. He experienced a number of unsuccessful experiments. Rather than feeling disappointed he 2.       the whole process and improved it over and over again. 3.       these failed experiences, he has become a great scientist. He always believes that there will be a big surprise 4.        if he keeps on trying.
The high-speed railway                will lead to Xiong’an New Area.
We                     off firecrackers when it began to rain.
3.他现在已经到了不知所措的地步。(定语从句,at a loss)
He now has reached a point                              .(读后续写—心理描写)
4.We were not amazed at her appearance, but at her excellent writing skills.(句型转换,what引导主语从句)
→               was not her appearance, but her excellent writing skills.
Reading literature creates a world of dreams and magic for us.  1 (understand) literature we’d better know some of its significant qualities.
The first quality is its  2 (describe) of truth and beauty. Some truth and beauty remain unnoticed until they  3 (bring) to our attention by a sensitive human soul. The second quality of literature is that it appeals  4  our feelings and imagination. We are attracted  5 (much) by what it awakens than by what it says. The third quality of literature,  6  comes from the other two, is its permanence. To achieve this, two elements should be included: universal interest  7  personal style.  8 (general) speaking, great literature often reflects the most basic of human nature as well as  9 (take) on a personal style.
In a word, literature expresses life in forms of truth and beauty, the  10 (write) record of man’s thoughts and feelings, and the history of the human soul.
1.      2.      3.      4.      5.    
6.      7.      8.      9.      10.    
As a part of the 2023 Beijing Culture Forum(论坛), the  1 (eight) Beijing October Literature Festival recently kicked off.
Respected writers such as Wang Meng and Mo Yan will hold a  2 (discuss) on literature with readers across the country. Throughout the event, bookstores, museums and local communities will host a number of literature-related  3 (activity). There will also be a good time for writers to collect material for their literary works, all working  4 (build) a widespread reading culture.
Furthermore, on Wednesday, a dialogue between overseas translators  5  Chinese writers will take place. They will discuss how to advance contemporary(当代的) Chinese literature through translation and cross-cultural exchange.
On Saturday, another event will  6 (hold) for people from all walks of life who  7 (be)born in the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s, including writers, college teachers and media figures. They will discuss topics such as survival and life in the Internet era, as well as the extremely  8 (amaze) power of literary expression.
To celebrate  9  festival, a closing event will take the form of a concert. The Beijing Symphony Orchestra will perform at the Cultural Palace of Nationalities with background music of film and television productions  10  are adapted from literary classics.
1.      2.      3.      4.      5.    
6.      7.      8.      9.      10.    
A writer’s home is a kind of autobiography, and visiting the place where a great work of literature was written gives you a deeper understanding of both the book and the person who wrote it. Here are some famous writers’ houses to check out.
Ralph Waldo Emerson’s House
Emerson lived in this house for 46 years until his death in 1882 and wrote his essay Self-Reliance in a study on the first floor, although his son later said that Emerson’s “real study” was nearby Walden Woods.
Margaret Mitchell’s Apartment
For Gone with the Wind fans, Margaret Mitchell’s house is their dream place. Mitchell moved into Apartment No. 1 of this building when she just got married in 1925 and lived there for seven years. She worked on her novel on a table in the living room. When the novel was accepted for publication in 1935, it immediately became a big hit.
William Faulkner’s Rowan Oak
Rowan Oak, Faulkner’s home for about 30 years, is where he wrote many of his major works, including Light in August. In his writing room, he sometimes wrote his plot structures on the wall, and then painted over them when he finished the book. In fact, you can still see the plot for his novel A Fable written on the wall right where he left it.
Ernest Hemingway’s House
Ernest Hemingway lived in this house for the most productive eight years of his life. His office is in the tower next to the house, which you could only get to by walking across a bridge that extended from the upstairs bedroom. Almost everything in the house had a story.
1.Which of the four places housed its owner for the longest time
A.Ralph Waldo Emerson’s House.   
B.Margaret Mitchell’s Apartment.
C.William Faulkner’s Rowan Oak.   
D.Ernest Hemingway’s House.
2.What do we know from the text
A.Emerson’s “real study” was on the first floor of his house.
B.Margaret Mitchell’s Apartment was a dream place for Margaret Mitchell.
C.Faulkner sometimes liked painting his house structures.
D.Hemingway’s office was accessible only by crossing a bridge.
3.What is the writer’s purpose of writing the text
A.To advertise some famous writers’ works.
B.To recommend some famous writers’ houses.
C.To introduce some famous writers’ birthplaces.
D.To recall some famous writers’ life experiences.
We’re always encouraging students to read fiction.
We push them towards the library doors, wave the latest David Walliams’ bestsellers in front of their faces and catch them in the passage suggesting they read the latest novels.
But do we ever point them in the direction of newspaper websites, travel guides or historical reports
The ability to read and write isn’t just about how often students pick up books; it’s also about the types of texts they read. And that should mean as much non-fiction as fiction.
This does present challenges, as Doug Lemov said in Reading Reconsidered, “Understanding non-fiction needs a strong base of knowledge, but reading non-fiction is also one of the primary ways such a base of knowledge is built.”
This is why we must introduce non-fiction to children from an early age. The more non-fiction young people read in school, under the guidance of teachers, the more chances they will have to build up a large store of background knowledge to help them understand more difficult texts later on. To do this, we must give more lesson time to non-fiction.
Every teacher in every subject also needs to take responsibility for this. Reading has something to do with all subjects, all of which come with their own reading difficulties. Lemov suggests students should be given the chance to read more than one text on any given topic. So, when learning about the Battle of Waterloo in history, why not read some articles about the event And when studying Dickens in English, why not read him alongside some parts chosen from his own Sketches by Boz
For non-fiction to be most helpful for students, it should be as undiluted as possible. Texts should keep their non-fiction features and difficult words should not be taken away to create a simpler text. In fact, non-fiction is one of the best ways to make students learn difficult words.
It is also easy to find a huge number of non-fiction texts online. You can even share sources with students. This is especially important to those students going into higher education.
4.Why does the author raise the question in Paragraph 3
A.To compare different ideas.   
B.To doubt a common practice.
C.To show the necessity of reading.   
D.To question why students read fiction.
5.Why should teachers spend more lesson time on non-fiction
A.To increase students’ understanding.   
B.To get students to study independently.
C.To find excellent students.   
D.To make lessons changeable.
6.What does Lemov suggest teachers in every subject do to help students
A.Teach them to learn from history.   
B.Help them with reading difficulties.
C.Encourage them to read related articles.   
D.Share stories of famous people with them.
7.What does the underlined word “undiluted” in the last but one paragraph mean
A.Easy.   B.Popular.   C.Unexpected.   D.Unchanged.
Unit 4 Exploring literature
Part 1 Welcome to the unit & Reading
Ⅰ.1.universal 2.issues 3.capable 4.sensitive 
Ⅱ.1.for 考查介词。appeal to sb. for sth.意为“为……向某人呼吁”,故填for。句意:警方呼吁公众提供有关犯罪活动的信息。
2.reflection 考查名词。根据设空处前的冠词a和设空处后的介词of可知,此处应用名词。故填reflection。句意:她非常漂亮,她的房子反映了她本人(的品味),一切都很高雅,井井有条。
3.significant 考查形容词。根据设空处前的冠词a和设空处后的名词thing可知,此处应用形容词修饰名词。故填significant。句意:20世纪60年代初的某个时候,澳大利亚悉尼发生了一件大事。
4.Determined 考查形容词。be determined to do sth.意为“决心做某事”,设空处作状语,所以直接用形容词,注意首字母大写,故填Determined。句意:决心要做自己、前进、摆脱羞耻和世俗的标签,我现在可以称自己为“马拉松获胜者”。
5.teaching 考查动名词或名词。devote oneself to中的to是介词,后跟动名词或名词, 故填teaching。句意:她致力于教学,并且赢得了好名声。
6.contains 考查时态和主谓一致。设空处与句中的explains是并列的谓语动词,主语是Zuozhuan,谓语动词应用单数形式。故填contains。句意:《左传》解释了它的历史背景,并且包含了大量丰富生动的对春秋时期的历史和文化的描述。
7.would awaken 考查过去将来时。根据主句谓语set和从句的时间状语the next morning可知,从句表示从过去某一时间来看将要发生的事,应用过去将来时,故填would awaken。句意:她设置了一个闹钟,希望它会在第二天早上唤醒她。
8.but 考查连词。此处为not...but...结构,意为“不是……而是……”,故填but。句意:生命的价值不在于活了多少天,而在于我们如何利用这些日子。
Ⅲ.1.devoting himself to 2.reflected on 3.Drawing on
4.in store
Ⅳ.1.being built now 2.were about to set 3.where he is at a loss 4.What amazed us
Ⅰ.1.To understand 考查动词不定式。设空处作状语,表示目的,应用动词不定式,位于句首,首字母大写,故填To understand。
2.description 考查名词。空前有形容词性物主代词its修饰,应用名词,故填description。
3.are brought 考查动词时态、语态和主谓一致。设空处是until引导的时间状语从句中的谓语,主语they指代Some truth and beauty,与动词bring之间是被动关系,结合by a sensitive human soul可知,应用被动语态;根据上下文时态可知应用一般现在时;主语为they,谓语动词应用复数形式,故填are brought。
4.to 考查介词。appeal to意为“对……有吸引力”,是固定短语,故填to。
5.more 考查副词的比较级。设空处作状语修饰谓语are attracted,根据后面的than可知,设空处应用副词的比较级,故填more。
6.which 考查定语从句。设空处引导非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词The third quality of literature,关系词在从句中作主语,指物,故填which。
7.and 考查连词。根据空前的two elements可知, universal interest和personal style为并列关系,应用并列连词连接,故填and。
8.Generally 考查副词。generally speaking为固定搭配,作状语,意为“一般说来”,设空处位于句首,首字母大写,故填Generally。
9.taking 考查动名词。as well as doing sth.意为“(除……之外)还做某事”,故填taking。
10.written 考查形容词。设空处修饰名词record,应用形容词written,表示“书面的”,written record意为“书面记录”,故填written。
Ⅱ.◎语篇解读 本文是一篇新闻报道。文章主要介绍了第八届北京十月文学月的相关活动。
1.eighth 考查序数词。根据空前的定冠词the可知,此处使用序数词eighth“第八”。故填eighth。
2.discussion 考查名词。根据空前的冠词a和空后的介词on可知,此处使用名词单数discussion“讨论”作hold的宾语。故填discussion。
3.activities 考查名词复数。根据空前的a number of可知,此处使用名词复数activities“活动”作host的宾语。故填activities。
4.to build 考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,此处使用动词不定式形式作目的状语。故填to build。
5.and 考查连词。between...and...“在……和……之间”,为固定搭配。故填and。
6.be held 考查被动语态。根据空前的will和句意可知,本句用一般将来时,且主语another event和动词hold“举办”之间为被动关系,应用一般将来时的被动语态。故填be held。
7.were 考查时态和主谓一致。句意:周六,将为出生于20世纪70年代、80年代和90年代的各行各业的人举办另一场活动,其中包括作家、大学教师和媒体人物。结合句意可知,出生这一动作发生在过去,定语从句用一般过去时。分析句子结构可知,who引导定语从句,修饰先行词people,people为集合名词,所以定语从句的谓语动词应用复数形式。故填were。
8.amazing 考查形容词。此处使用形容词amazing“令人惊奇的”作定语,修饰名词power。故填amazing。
9.the 考查冠词。句意:为了庆祝此次文学月,闭幕式将以音乐会的形式举行。根据句意可知,此处用定冠词the表示特指。故填the。
10.which/that 考查定语从句。分析句子结构可知,设空处为定语从句的关系词,先行词是productions,指物,关系词在从句中作主语,应用关系代词which或that引导。故填which或that。
【高频词汇】 1.material n.素材;材料 2.advance v.促进,推动;(知识、技术等)发展,进步 3.survival n.生存,存活,幸存 4.perform v.演出,表演;执行 5.production n.制作,上映;生产,制造
Ⅲ. A
◎语篇解读 本文是一篇应用文。文章主要介绍了四座著名作家故居。
1.A 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“Emerson lived in this house for 46 years”、第三段中的“Mitchell moved...and lived there for seven years.”、第四段中的“Rowan Oak, Faulkner’s home for about 30 years”以及最后一段中的“Ernest Hemingway lived...eight years of his life.”可知,Ralph Waldo Emerson’s House的主人住的时间最长。故选A。
2.D 细节理解题。根据最后一段中的“His office is in the tower next to the house, which you could only get to by walking across a bridge that extended from the upstairs bedroom.”可知,海明威的工作室只有过桥才能到达。故选D。
3.B 推理判断题。根据第一段“A writer’s home is a kind of autobiography, and...famous writers’ houses to check out.”可知,参观作家故居会让读者对书和作者有更深的了解,因此作者的写作目的是推荐一些著名作家的故居。故选B。
【高频词汇】 1.check out 察看,观察;退房;调查;借出
2.structure n.结构 3.productive adj.多产的,富有成效的 4.extend v.延伸,扩大 5.accessible adj.可到达的,可进入的;容易理解的
【熟词生义】 1.study n.书房 2.hit n.很受欢迎的事物
3.house v.给(某人)提供住处
原句 A writer’s home is a kind of autobiography, and visiting the place where a great work of literature was written gives you a deeper understanding of both the book and the person who wrote it.
分析 本句是并列复合句。第一个and连接两个并列分句。前一分句A writer’s home is a kind of autobiography为主系表结构;后一分句为主从复合句,主句为 visiting the place gives you a deeper understanding of both the book and the person,where引导的定语从句修饰先行词the place,who引导的定语从句修饰先行词the person。
译文 一个作家的家是一种自传,参观一个伟大文学作品诞生的地方能让你更深入地了解这本书以及写出它的那个人。
◎语篇解读 本文是一篇议论文。文章主要论述的观点是作者认为教师应鼓励学生阅读非小说类作品。
4.B 推理判断题。根据第一段“We’re always encouraging students to read fiction.”和第二段“We push them towards the library doors, wave the latest David Walliams’ bestsellers in front of their faces and catch them in the passage suggesting they read the latest novels.”可知,我们总是在鼓励学生读小说;而根据第四段“The ability to read and write...as much non-fiction as fiction.”可知,作者认为学生的阅读和写作能力与他们阅读的文本类型有关,说明看小说和纪实文学的数量应该是一样多,由此可知,作者在第三段提出问题“但我们有没有把他们引向报纸网站、旅游指南或历史报告呢 ”是质疑我们通常只鼓励学生阅读小说的做法。故选B。
5.A 推理判断题。根据第五段中的“This does present challenges, as Doug Lemov said...such a base of knowledge is built.”可知,Doug Lemov认为理解纪实文学需要坚实的知识基础,而阅读纪实文学是建立这种知识基础的主要方式之一,结合第六段中的“The more non-fiction...understand more difficult texts later on.”可知,阅读纪实文学能增加学生的知识储备,有助于他们以后理解更难的文章,所以教师应该在上课时让学生多阅读纪实文学。故选A。
6.C 细节理解题。根据倒数第三段中的“Lemov suggests students should be given the chance to read more than one text on any given topic.”可知,Lemov建议让学生多阅读与任何特定的主题相关的文章。故选C。
7.D 词义猜测题。根据画线单词后的“Texts should keep their non-fiction features and difficult words should not be taken away to create a simpler text.”可知,要让纪实文学最有利于学生,就应该保留其写作特点,且不能为了让作品变得易懂而删掉难以理解的词汇,由此推断,作者认为应尽可能不要改动原作,所以画线单词的意思与unchanged意思相近。故选D。
【高频词汇】 1.latest adj.最新的 2.historical adj.历史学的,有关历史研究的;历史题材的 3.challenge n.挑战 4.guidance n.指导,引导,咨询 5.take responsibility for对……负责 6.especially adv.尤其,特别
【差距词汇】 undiluted adj.真挚的,纯洁的;纯粹的,毫无掩饰的
原句 The more non-fiction young people read in school, under the guidance of teachers, the more chances they will have to build up a large store of background knowledge to help them understand more difficult texts later on.
分析 the more...the more... 是固定结构,表示“越……就越……”。to build up a large store of background knowledge作后置定语,修饰chances,to help them understand more difficult texts later on作目的状语。
译文 在学校里,在老师的指导下,年轻人读的纪实文学越多,他们就会有更多的机会积累大量背景知识来帮助他们以后理解更难的文章。
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