Unit 5 Amazing things 课时练习Reading(1) (无答案)

1. ---When ________ you_______( write) this poem
--- I________ it last year. ( write)
2. I like______(三明治)very much. I eat them for breakfast every day.
3. All the computers in my house are in ________(使用).
4. When I was a child , I liked sweet snacks but _______( late), I didn't eat them anymore.
5. What animal can smell things as ________( good) as dogs .
6. Is there anything _________(amaze) in today's newspaper
7. Now each of the girls __________ (enjoy) listening to the music.
8. The last dodo ________(die) in 1861.
9. Who made the boy ________(cry) so loudly
10. He came to school this morning without ____________(ride)his bike.
( ) 1. _____her way _______ the museum, Millie ____ Mr. Green.
A. On, /; see B. On; to; saw C. In; /; see D. In; to; saw
( ) 2. Do you know that a tortoise can live_______ 150 years
A. to B. until C. up D. up to
( )3.A true friend will never _______ from you when you are in trouble.
A. take away B. run away C. put off D. get off
( ) 4. This question is too difficult, so ____ of them can work it out.
A. a few B. a little C. few D. little
( ) 5. The old man lives in a faraway village, so he often says______.
A. for him B. to him C. to himself D. for himself
( )6. When you cross the street, you must be________ you can ,
A. as careful as B. careful as C. as careful than D. as careful
( )7. He asked his son _______ forget to water the flowers.
A. don’t B. not C. not to D. to not
( )8. We can put meat______ two pieces of bread. It is called sandwich. It's delicious.
A. among B. between C. beside D. behind
( ) 9. ---Jack, is maths difficult to learn in high school
--- Sure , no subject can be learned well _______hard work ,
A. without B. through C. by D. with
( ) 10. ---I _______that a football star is coming to our school .
---Yes, we all________ him before .
A. hear, heard B. hear of, heard C. hear of, hear of D. hear, heard of
( )11. —Taizhou is so beautiful, isn’t it
—Yes. A river runs_______ the city, and there are lots of beautiful bridges______ it.
A. across; through B. through; over
C. through; through D. across; over
( )12. Mom makes me eat an apple a day ________ the doctor away.
A. keeps B. is kept C. to keep D. keeping
( )13. 下列单词中“-ed”发音与其他三项不同的是:________ .
A. talked B. lived C. carried D. played
( )14. ---What a wonderful talk (讲座) you gave us, Mr. Li! ----________________.
A. Thanks a lot B. I don't think so C. Not at all D. No, I don't think so
( ) 15. “I won't make the same mistake (错误)__________.” said John.
A. some more B. no more C. any more D. much more
Some people are special. They can do very amazing things. If you want to know about them, you can read the book Guinness World Records.
A man in the USA has very big feet. His shoes cost a lot of money. In the same country, a woman has a tongue (舌头) over nine cm long. A boy in Germany did a flip (空翻) on his bike. A boy in the USA jumped more than five metres high on a skateboard. It takes a long time to make a football bigger than an elephant. But someone did it! Now the problem is who can kick (踢) it. Maybe we will need at least twenty people to kick it at the same time.
( )1. Guinness World Records can tell you about some .
A. interesting people B. dangerous boys C. amazing things D. sick people
( )2. The woman with a long tongue is from .
A. the USA B. the UK C. Germany D. China
( )3. It’s for one man to kick the football bigger than an elephant.
A. important B. difficult C. easy D. fun
( )4. How many amazing things does the writer talk about in the passage
A. Three. B. Four. C. Five. D. Six.
( )5. Which of the following is right according to the passage
A. Boys from the USA all like dangerous sports.
B. Men with big feet always spend a lot of money.
C. Twenty men can carry an elephant.
D. Some people are special because of some parts (部分) of their bodies.
四、阅读表达(answer the following questions no more than 6 words)
A boy called Kenny moved to countryside from a large city. He wanted to buy a donkey (驴子)from a farmer. It cost him 100 dollars. The farmer agreed to bring the donkey the next day. The next day, the farmer came and say, “Sorry, the donkey died.” “OK,” he said. “Please give the money back to me.” “But I have spent all the money !” “Then give me the donkey,” Kenny said. The farmer wondered, “Why do you want the dead donkey ” “I can use it as a prize in a draw lot (抽奖).” The farmer shouted, “No one wants a dead donkey !” You are crazy.” Kenny answered , “Don’t worry ! I won’t tell them the donkey is dead.”
A few months later, the farmer met Kenny . “How about the dead donkey ” he asked . Kenny said, “Well, I held a lucky draw lot, and I told them the prize is a donkey. I sold 500 tickets, 2 dollars each. So I got 998 dollars.” The farmer was very much surprised . “Why doesn’t anyone say ‘No ’” Kenny answered , “Only the winner said ‘No’. So I gave the money that he bought the tickets to him.”
Many years later, when Kenny grew up , he became the chief of Anther (安然公司主管).
How much was the donkey
Why couldn’t the farmer return the money to Kenny
What did Kenny use the dead donkey as
Did Kenny tell people the donkey was dead
How much money did Kenny earn (赚)?
When the plane was waiting at the airport, a big snake climbed up the steps and into the plane. It went to sleep under the pilot's seat. Nobody noticed. Soon the passengers(乘客) got on the plane and it took off. A little girl called Mary took out a whistle(口哨) and began playing. But none of the passengers liked the music. They got the stewardess(女乘务员) to ask the girl to stop.
The sound of the plane's engines woke up the snake. It put its head out and looked around the captain's(机长) room. When the captain saw the snake, he was so frightened that he could hardly breathe. He was so afraid that he could not control the plane. The plane began to swing from side to side. The stewardess told the passengers what was happening and asked them to calm down. Mary was not afraid. She ran to the captain's room with her whistle and began to play the slow tune (曲子).At once the snake followed her. The girl returned to her seat and the snake lay on the floor beside her. When the plane landed at the airport,the snake was taken in a net to a zoo near Mary's house. She often went to visit the snake.
( )1. What did the girl do after the stewardess asked her to stop
A.She didn't stop playing her whistle.
B. She quarreled(争吵) with the stewardess.
C. She began to cry.
D. She stopped playing her whistle.
( )2. The plane was in danger because .
A. there was trouble in one of the engines B. the pilot suddenly fell ill
C. the captain couldn't control the plane D. the snake killed the pilot
( )3. How did the snake feel when it heard the music
It liked it. B. It didn't enjoy it.
C. It was frightened by it. D. It became afraid of it.
( )4. Who saved all the people's lives in the plane
A. A brave man. B. Stewardesses. C. Mary. D. The captain.
1. 没有太阳就没有生命。
2. 不要让门开着就离开家。
3. 你知道她发生什么事了吗?
4. 人们以那个伟大的作家来命名这个图书馆。
5. 我们转身但没有看到任何不寻常的东西。



