
1.(1分)What will Jimmy do on his birthday?
2.(1分)Where does the conversation probably take place?
3.(1分)How many times has Steve seen the movie?
C.Three times.
4.(1分)Why was the boy late for class?
A.Because he missed the early train.
B.Because he got up lute.
C.Because he didn't hear the alarm
5.(1分)Where does Brian want to go after the exam?
6.(2分)(1)What does the woman need for supper?
A.Some rice.
B.Some vegetables.
C.Some fruit.
(2)When will Henry arrive?
A.At 6:30 pm.
B.At 7:00pm.
C.At 7:10 pm.
7.(3分)(1)What team will Kevin's school set up?
A.A.football team.
B.A.tennis team.
C.A swimming team.
(2)How many players does the team need?
(3)When will the first match be held?
A.On Tuesday afternoon.
B.On Wednesday afternoon.
C.On Saturday afternoon.
8.(5分)(1)where was the old woman's house?
A.In a town.
B.On a farm.
C.In a city.
(2)Whom did the old woman have dinner with?
A.A young man.
B.Her children.
C.Her husband.
(3)When did Bill come back to the old woman's house?
A.Ten months later.
B.Ten days later.
C.Ten years later.
(4)What was Bill's job when he met the old woman again?
A.A cook.
B.A farmer.
C.A worker.
(5)What do you think of the old woman?
A.She is shy.
B.She is mean.
C.She is kind.
Different Opinions on Surfing the Internet
Tony He thinks Internet is very(1)   .He surfs the Internet to find some information twice a week.
Will He likes surfing the Internet because he can get the(2)   news all over the world.
Lily She thinks surfing the Internet is just a(3)   of time.
Betty She thinks nothing on the Internet is(4)   .
Mike He doesn't think it's right to(5)    too much time on computer games.
第二部分 英语知识运用(共两大题,满分10分)V单项填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个可以填入空白处的最佳选项
10.(1分)﹣﹣Many students think ChatGPT is good for their study.
﹣﹣That depends.We are supposed to use it ______.(  )
A.deeply B. properly C. lately D.hardly
11.(1分)This kind of Huawei Watch_____David's daily needs.He wears it all the time.(  )
A.meets B. hides C. carries D.brings
12.(1分)﹣﹣Which film do you prefer,Article 20 or YOLO ?
﹣﹣_____.I like Kung Fu Panda 4 better.(  )
A.Both B.Neither C.All D.None
13.(1分)﹣﹣Friends are very important to us.
﹣﹣That's right .They can_____the best in you.(  )
A. get out B. look out C. give out D.bring out
14.(1分)﹣﹣Mom,I will try my best to enter my dream senior high school.
﹣﹣You should stick to it,if you make a_____.(  )
A. promise B.way C. deal D.mistake
15.(1分)﹣What do you think is the most____thing in our life?
﹣Health.As we all know,health is wealth.(  )
A. serious B. pleasant C. popular D.valuable
16.(1分)Cai Lei says this tool is specially designed____ASL(渐冻症)patients to read books.(  )
A. through B. across C.for D.over
17.(1分)﹣Alice,do you know_____?
﹣It was on May 16.(  )
A.what was Opening Ceremony of the China﹣Russia Culture Year was
B.what Opening Ceremony of the China﹣Russia Culture Year
C.when was Opening Ceremony of the China﹣Russia Culture Year
D.when Opening Ceremony of the China﹣Russia Culture Year was
18.(1分) To make the environment much better,more trees_____next year.(  )
A. plant B. will plant
C. are planted D. will be planted
19.(1分)It won't take long to clean the hall when we do it together.You know,_____.(  )
A. the early bird catches the worm
B. many hands make light work
C. a friend in need is a friend indeed
D. actions speak louder than words
VI 完形填空(共2小题;每小题10分,满分20分)阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项
20.(10分)Mountain biking is a huge part of my life.(1)    as fast as I can leaves me no time to think about the bad things in my life.I have to pay attention to my(2)    while riding.
I'm in my sixties now,but I(3)   cycling when I was a kid.In the summer,my friends and I would ride our bikes into the woods and see who was(4)   enough to go down steep(陡峭的) hills and do big jumps.The(5)   we had then weren't made for that,and they often broke,so I used to draw pictures of bikes with big thick tyres(轮胎)(6)   enough for what we were doing.They looked just like modern mountain bikes.
Later I took up skateboarding.I did that for about ten years until(7)   hard surfaces started to hurt too much.Mountain biking seemed to be a safe way to keep fit,so I took it up again.I made a lot of friends and took active part in racing,which gave me a(n)(8)   to train hard.I wanted to find out just how fit and fast I could get.(9)   ,I was very fast and I even won a couple of local races.
In the end,I(10)   racing,mainly because I knew what it could mean to my life if I felt down,However
(1) A.Riding B.Pushing C.Jumping D.Crossing
(2) A.money B.safety C.trouble D.time
(3) A.started B.finished C.suggested D.avoided
(4) A.young B.polite C.nervous D.brave
(5) A.woods B.bikes C.watches D.hills
(6) A.strange B.convenient C.strong D.common
(7) A.falling onto B.looking for C.thinking of D.arriving at
(8) A.result B.pity C.excuse D.reason
(9) A.Suddenly B.Actually C.Unluckily D.Generally
(10) A.stopped B.completed C.stood D.enjoyed
21.(10分)Abby is my best friend. (1)    she lost her right leg in an accident,she tries to play sports like others.One day,Mr watt led us to the hall to listen to a speech.The speaker,had his legs removed because of a disease.He (2)    a gold medal at the Paralympic Games(残奥会).After we left the hall,Abby said,Trina.I would be afraid of(3)    or making a fool of myself."
A few weeks later,Abby showed up at my house (4)    a new racing leg.She decided to have a try! "If I fall,I fall.It is a risk I'm willing to take." Abby looked (5)    as if she could do anything.
For months,Abby(6)    hard with her coach.She had to learn to run with her new leg.She fell almost every day,but she kept running.She finally felt good enough to enter a race in our school.It was a little more than three miles.This was a big(7)    for her.
On the day of the race,Abby was afraid but decided to race to (8)    herself.I waited for her at the finish line.Hundreds of students crossed the finish line,but not Abby.Finally the last group of (9)    arrived.Abby was among them.I thought she would be sad but there was a big smile on her face. "I fell a few times,but I finished,Abby said(10)   , "Next time it will be a different story."
(1)A.Because B.Although C.Since D.If
(2)A.won B.lost C.made D.broke
(3)A.arguing B.falling C.speaking D.dancing
(4)A.for B.in C.with D.at
(5)A.nervous B.curious C.patient D.hopeful
(6)A.competed B.played C.trained D.talked
(7)A.accident B.course C.lesson D.challenge
(8)A.call B.continue C.practice D.prove
(9)A.writers B.reporters C.runners D.workers
(10)A.angrily B.excitedly C.honestly D.sadly
22.(5分)A:Where were you this morning,Alice?I didn't see you in class.
B:Hi,Matt.I went for a check﹣up (去做体检).
B:No.The doctor said I was very healthy.
B:Maybe.The doctor checked my arms,legs,shoulders and more. (3)   
A:I know.I plan to see a doctor next week. (4)   
B:Seeing a doctor is a good idea.If it's a problem,he can give you treatment(治疗).
A:That's true.(5)   
B:Not many people like it.But it's important.
A.Is there anything wrong?B.I will exercise more to keep healthy.C.The doctor can give you some advice.D.That's because you get a lot of exercise.E.But I don't really like to go to the doctor.F.I'm a little worried about the pain in my neck.G.I think everyone should get a check﹣up from time to time.
VIII 阅读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳选项。
Summer Action for Teenagers!Are you a teenager looking for an active and fun way to spend your summer?Join the Summer Action at the Health Center right now.We have:
◆Social Club—Meet other active teenagers at our parties,BBQs,movie and game nights.Make new friends and create nice summer memories.◆Swimming Club—Free swim and swim lessons.Our Olympic﹣sized pool is open all summer long.◆Sports Club—Basketball,volleyball,soccer and more.We offer fun sports leagues (联赛)◆Health Club—Learn about healthy habits.We offer educational talks and speeches to give you skills for life.
We're open mornings,afternoons,evenings and weekends.Stay for a few hours or the whole day.The choice is yours!Join us for a meaningful summer with other teenagers.Sign up(注册) by this weekend at a big discount (折扣).For more information:www./summerteenclub.Summer Action—﹣keeping teens acthe,social and learning this summer!
(1)Which club will help teenagers make new friends?    
A.Social Club.
B.Health Club.
C.Sports Club.
D.Swimming Club.
(2)Why are teenagers advised to sign up by this weekend?    
A.Because it will be much cheaper.
B.Because it will provide more choices.
C.Because it will be free to sign up.
D.Because it will give more information.
(3)What's the purpose of the passage?    
A.To make teenagers live a healthier life.
B.To help teenagers to develop good habits.
C.To call on teenagers to join Summer Action.
D.To introduce free vacation clubs to teenagers.
24.(8分)Zong Qinghou was a very special person in China who recently passed away,leaving many people sad about his loss.He was born in 1945 into a simple family but grew up to be a businessman and a kind﹣hearted man who always thought about others before himself.
Zong Qinghou first started as a worker in a school factory,showing us from the start that he was dedicated and worked really hard.He didn't just dream about success but chased it with all he had.In the late 1980s,Zong started his own small business.He sold ice cream and drinks.This might seem like a small thing,a big name known for making delicious drinks.
One of their most famous products is a nutritional(营养的) drink for kids,which became a hit and helped make Wahaha a big success.
What makes Zong really special,though,isn't just how successful his business was.It's about how he used his success to help others.He cared deeply about other people.Even when he became very wealthy,he gave a lot of his money to help others.In 2020,the company spent 942 million yuan on the construction(建设),360 apartments for its workers in the Shangcheng district of Hangzhou.In the same year,when businesses in Chin had trouble due to COVID﹣19(企业) to take more responsibility to ensure the interests of employees are met and to keep employment steady(稳定就业).In 2023
Zong Qinghou's life teaches us some important lessons.Success isn't just about making money;it's also about working hard,staying humble(谦卑),showing us how to live a life that is not only successful but also meaningful.
(1)What was Zong Qinghou's first job?    
A.A worker.
B.A businessman.
C.A teacher.
D.A drink producer.
(2)Which is mentioned as a great success for Wahaha Group?    
A.Ice cream.
B.Nutritional drink for kids.
C.Apartments for workers.
D.Soft drinks.
(3)What best describes Mr Zong's difference from other successful businessmen?    
A.His attention to the development of business.
B.His decision to live a better life.
C.His effort to help others and living simply.
D.His hard work to get rich.
(4)What is the main idea of the article?    
A.The challenges of starting a business in China.
B.The importance of living a simple lifestyle.
C.The meaning of Zong Qinghou's contributions to society and business.
D.The technology for the production of drinks.
25.(8分)Most people nowadays wear sneakers (跑鞋),leather (皮) shoes or boots.But in ancient China
Tangchang,a town in Sichuan province with 700 years of shoemaking history,is known for its cloth shoes.
"Tangchang cloth shoes are easy to walk in,and they don't get damp (潮湿的) easily
Tangchang cloth shoes were popular in China until the1980s.According to China Daily,there were five Tangchang cloth shoe factories in Chengdu alone.In 2018,Tangchang cloth shoes were added to Sichuan's intangible cultural heritage (非物质文化遗产)
But making cloth shoes is not easy.Growing up in Tangchang,Lai Shufang,63(费力的) and over time sneakers became more popular with customers.Many factories producing Tangchang cloth shoes were shut down.The last,where Lai worked
To make a living and help the cultural heritage survive,however,Lai and her co﹣workers continued to make cloth shoes and sold them in her store.
Ai Peng,Lai's son,also helps and adds Shu embroidery (蜀绣),000 pairs of shoes each year.
(1)What shoes did people wear in ancient China?    
C.Cloth shoes.
D.Leather shoes.
(2)What can we learn about Tangchang cloth shoes?    
A.Few factories can make them in China.
B.They are easy and comfortable to wear.
C.They don't have any cultural meaning.
D.They are now even more popular than before.
(3)What is Lai's life experience?    
A.The place she used to work closed down.
B.Her family members stopped her from making cloth shoes.
C.It is difficult for her to make a living now.
D.She learned how to make cloth shoes easily 40 years ago.
(4)Which of the following is the best title for the passage?    
A.Shoes can help make a living
B.Shu embroidery and cloth shoes
C.Shoes in China's history
D.Not just shoes
26.(6分) Do you live in a big city?I do.Every day,the streets are noisy with the activity of millions of souls.Each of them lives in their own way.It seems that people from every comer of the planet live here.And every single person has their own unique(唯一的) story.
However,people here can often feel quite lonely.It's a strange contradiction(矛盾)一you're surrounded by other people at every moment
You can walk through a crowd and feel like you're flying alone in space.Even the busiest shopping center can feel like a foreign planet.
Have you ever felt like this?It's not an unusual feeling.Living in crowded urban areas can often make people feel this way.There are many ways to deal with this feeling﹣but perhaps the best way is to depend on your friends.
When I'm feeling lonely or sad,the first thing I do is pick up my phone and text a friend.All of us are busy with work and personal matters﹣but my closest friends always take the time to reply.In a world where feelings of loneliness can come so easily,friends are the best antidote to these feelings.
I've gotten through some of the hardest times in my life with the help of my friends.Take time to nurture your own friendships.You never know when you will need someone to cheer you up.
(1)What is the best thing to do when we feel lonely or sad?    
A.Hang out on a busy street.
B.Go shopping at the mall.
C.Text your parents on the phone.
D.Connect with friends.
(2)The underlined word "nurture" means    .
A find
B build
(3)What can we infer from the passage?    
A.People in big cities are always happy.
B.The writer's friends helped him a lot when he is in trouble.
C.Depending on your friends is the only way to deal with the contradiction.
D.It takes time to make the closest friends.
27.(6分) The live﹣streaming by New Oriental(新东方直播)is very popular now.You can learn English and shop online at the same time.
Dong Yuhui,one of the teachers at New Oriental,became a famous star on Douyin.There were about 108,with sales hitting 15.34 million yuan.Such a way of teaching English and selling things at the same time made young people show great interest in it.For example,when Dong sold rice,and how to use "rice" in a phrase or a sentence.In this way,Dong sold more than 6(评论区留言),saying it seemed to send them back to class at New Oriental.
Yu Minhong,the company's leader,also showed in the studio,the studio has had about 2.5 million followers.On the evening of December 28,2021,and he said this was a very important change for New Oriental.
"They have changed from being teachers to being live﹣streaming hosts."Yu said.
(1)How does the writer describe(描述)the famous star Dong Yuhui on Douyin?    
①By giving an example.
②By giving numbers.
③By asking a question.
④By making a contrast(对比).
(2)According to Yu Minghong,what is the important change for New Oriental?    
A.From teachers to live﹣streaming hosts.
B.From live﹣streaming hosts to teachers.
C.From the company leader to teachers.
D.From teachers to the company leader.
(3)Why do young people show great interest in the live﹣streaming by New Oriental?    
A.Because they can learn some English.
B.Because they can shop online.
C.Because their hosts are very popular.
D.Because they can both learn English and buy things at the same time.
Recently, "cloud tourism" has attracted millions of people in China."Cloud tourism" refers to a new form of travel that depends on high technologies such as 5 G and virtual reality.During the May Day holiday,250 million people took an online tour by livestream(直播),a popular channel,livestreamed the sunrise at the top of Mount Tai on May 1st and attracted 330,000 people on cloud tourism.According to the survey results,74.8% of them said they were willing to take an online tour and 59.7% said they had a good online travelling experience. "I hate large crowds and long lines, "said Wang Bo,a museum lover in Beijing."What's more,according to Xinhua News Agency.
(1)What did the popular channel Taishan livestream on May 1st?(不超过10个词)
(2)What makes Wang Bo angry when visiting museums in person?(不超过5个词)
(3)Do you think online travelling is a good experience?Why or why not?(不超过15个词)
29.(1分)He p    (拉) the kite down from the tree and gave it to the little boy.
30.(1分)According to a survey, the average number of   (日常的)steps of people across the world is 4,961.
31.(1分)He made some m    (模型) cars for his son as his birthday presents..
32.(1分)Can you find English﹣dictionaries on book s    ?(架子)
33.(1分)Tom always   (混合)blue and yellow paint to make green.
34.(20分)Shouchun Weekly 网站中的Culture板块有一项"Tell a Chinese traditional story"的征文活动。旨在鼓励同学们通过讲述中国神话故事(如愚公移山、后羿射日、精卫填海),加深对中国传统文化的理解,弘扬传统文化。假设你是李华,请你以"My favourite Chinese traditional story"为题写一篇英语文章进行投稿。
There are many traditional stories in China,_______________________________.
第二部分 英语知识运用(共两大题,满分10分)V单项填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个可以填入空白处的最佳选项
VI 完形填空(共2小题;每小题10分,满分20分)阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项
VIII 阅读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳选项。
28.【答案】(1)It livestreamed the sunrise at the top of Mount Tai on May 1st.
(2)Large crowds and long lines.
(3)Yes,I do.Because "cloud tourism" has made big contributions to the local development.
My favourite Chinese traditional story
There are many traditional stories in China.My favorite ancient mythology of China is"Chang'e Flying to the Moon".
Long long ago,Hou Yi got a special medicine from a goddess as a reward after he shot down nine suns.Peng Meng wanted to get it when Hou Yi was not home.To stop Peng Meng,Chang'e had to take it and she flew up to the moon.Hou Yi missed her so much that he became really sad every night.One night,he found that the moon was so bright and round that he saw his wife there.He quickly laid out her favorite fruits and desserts in the garden.
I really love this ancient mythology because it shows our strong desire for family reunion and love.




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