Unit 1 How tall are you?单元测试(含答案含听力原文无音频)

时间:60分钟 满分:100分
( )1. A. tall B. taller C. tallest
( )2. A. how tall B. how old C. how heavy
( )3. A. younger B. shorter C. longer
( )4. A. smarter B. stronger C. smaller
( )5. A. countryside B. become C. kilogram
二、听录音,用1 -5给下列句子排序。(5分)
( )I'm thinner than you.
( )It’s getting lower and lower.
( )How heavy are you
( )The sun goes down every day.
( )I'm 48 kilograms.
( )1. There are more dinosaurs over there.
( )2. He's taller than his brother.
( )3.I wear size 38 shoes.
( )4. Little Duck is watching the sun go down.
( )5. You're older and smarter than me.
( )1. A. Maybe 4 metres. B. I’m 4 metres. C. It is 4 tons.
( )2. A. Jack is younger. B. Amy is younger. C. Tm older.
( )3. A. She's 34 kilograms. B. She's 31 kilograms. C. She's 37 kilograms.
( )4. A. My shoes are smaller. B. Amy's shoes are bigger.
C. Sarah's shoes are bigger.
( )5. A. It’s 9 cm. B. It’s 16 cm. C. It's 11 cm.
( )1. Amy is__________ metres.
A. 1.54 B. 1.56 C. 1.52
( )2. Amy is__________ than Lily.
A. younger B. older C. smarter
( )3. Lily is__________ kilograms.
A. 40 B. 42 C. 38
( )4. Lily is __________metres.
A. 1.54 B. 1.44 C. 1.64
( )5. Lily is __________than Amy.
A. thinner B. shorter C. happier
( )1. A. younger B. stronger C. small
( )2. A. heavier B. longer C. tall
( )3. A. shadow B. metre C. kilogram
( )4. A. happier B. older C. tallest
( )5. A. shoes B. become C. window
( )1. Tom is 1.65 metres. Jack is 1.62 metres. Jack is__________ than Tom.
A. shorter B. taller C. longer
( )2.(名校期末真题)Whose ruler is longer,__________or mine
A. your B. you C. yours
( )3. Its legs are __________than the monkey's.
A. longer B. smarter C. lower
( )4.(名校期末真题)You are 5__________ than me.
A. years old B, years older C. year older
( )5.(名校期末真题)Look! That’s the __________dinosaur in this hall.
A. tall B. taller C. tallest
( )6.(新情境 生活运用)Spring is coming! The day is getting__________.
A. longer and longer B. long and longer C. long and long
( )7.(名校期末真题)一Which is__________, the elephant or the monkey
-The monkey.
A. bigger B. heavier C. smaller
( )8. She is taller than__________, but her hair is shorter than.
A. I; my B. me; mine C. my; mine
( )9.(名校期末真题)My friend is 52 kilograms. Tm 54 kilograms. Tm two kilograms
__________than my friend.
A. thinner B. taller C. heavier
( )10.(新趋势 学科融合)Sam is 160 cm tall. Ted is 10 cm shorter than him. How tall is
A. 150 cm. B. 160 cm. C. 170 cm.
1. My schoolbag is__________(big) and__________(heavy) than yours.
2.(名校期末真题)The sun__________(go) down every day and we grow older every day.
3.(名校期末真题)The tree is taller than both of__________(we) together.
4.(名校期末真题)My legs are longer than__________(Mike).
( )1. The woman is taller than the boy.
( )2. My mother is younger than my father.
( )3. The man is older than the boy.
( )4. The girFs hair is longer than the boy's.
( )5. The boy is thinner than the girl.
( )1. How old is your sister A. Yes, it is.
( )2.(名校期末真题)How heavy are you B. Jack is stronger.
( )3. Who is stronger, you or Jack C. It’s 3 metres.
( )4. Is Mike's fish bigger than Sarah's D. She's 14 years old.
( )5.(名校期末真题)How tall is it E. I’m 45 kilograms.
十一、(新情境 真实情境)选择合适的句子,补全对话。(10分)
A: 1.
B: I'm 1.64 metres.
A: Oh! 2._________ I’m 1.61 metres.
B: Really You look taller than me.
A: 3.__________How heavy are you
B: 4.
A: 5.__________I’m 42 kilograms.
This is Lily. She's a tall girl. She's 1.57 metres. She has short hair. She's only 34 kilograms. Her sister, Lucy, is three years younger than her. But Lucy is 5 kilograms heavier than Lily. Lucy is shorter than Lily. She has long hair. How old is she Haha, she's 9 years old. Do you have a sister or a brother How about you
( )1. Lily is taller than Lucy. ( )2. Lily is younger than Lucy.
( )3. Lily's hair is longer than Lucy's. ( )4. Lily is 39 kilograms.
( )5. Lucy is 1.57 metres.




下一篇:Unit 4 Then and now 单元测试(含答案含听力原文无音频)