
类型一 单词分类
一、Read and choose.找出每组不同类的单词。
(  )1. A. kitchen B. hospital C. post office
(  )2. A. tomorrow B. pencil C. everyday
(  )3. A. healthy B. hobby C. happy
(  )4. A. books B. school bags C. rivers
(  )5. A. spring B. reading C. playing
(  )6. A. officer B. reporter C. sister
(  )7. A. January B. Friday C. August
(  )8. A. sea B. house C. lake
二、Read and choose.找出每组不同类的单词。
(  )1. A. cheap B. expensive C. subway D. fast
(  )2. A. white B. where C. how D. which
(  )3. A. father B. mother C. brother D. teacher
(  )4. A. evening B. train C. bus D. bike
(  )5. A. school B. magazine
C. dictionary D. Chinese book
三、Read and choose.找出每组中不同类的单词。
(  )1. A. cheer B. bored C. poor D. angry
(  )2. A. beef B. egg C. apple D. girl
(  )3. A. took B. bought C. get D. felt
(  )4. A. tall B. wish C. wide D. large
(  )5. A. fever B. headache
C. ill D. stomachache
四、Read and choose.找出每组不同类的单词。
(  )1. A. scientist B. police officer
C. university D. postman
(  )2. A. buses B. sees C. goes D. does
(  )3. A. bookstore B. tonight
C. supermarket D. library
(  )4. A. pizza B. mouse
C. bread D. dumpling
(  )5. A. sometimes B. usually C. afraid D. often
(  )6. A. word book B. dictionary
C. comic book D. helmet
1. morning, evening, ___ 2. beer, coffee, _____
3. post office, shop, _____ 4. thin, fat,_____
5. cool, cold, ______
(  )1. A. bus B. bike C. train D. foot
(  )2. A. March B. Friday C. Sunday D. Monday
(  )3. A. bread B. milk C. apple D. bike
(  )4. A. football B. swim C. basketball D. tennis
(  )5. A. walking B. swimming C. play D. running
(  )6. A. month B. June C. July D. March
(  )7. A. studies B. cousins C. babies D. families
(  )8. A. tiger B. goose C. duck D. child
(  )9. A. pink B. brown C. black D. color
(  )10. A. star B. moon C. sun D. weekend
类型二 英汉互译
1.靠右______________ 2.三点四十五_____________
3.堆雪人_____________ 4.中秋节______________
5.看医生______________ 6. take a deep breath ____________
7. traffic lights ____________ 8. have a rest _____________
9. make friends ____________ 10. on duty ____________
1. go for a walk ____________ 2.长城______________
3. twice a day ____________ 4.摘苹果______________
5. look after her baby brother __________ 6.做得好_____________
7. take turns ___________ 8.一副漂亮的画___________
9. no problem __________ 10.慢下来____________
1.请坐____________ 2.一面红旗___________
3.不客气___________ 4.一只蓝色的鸟__________
5.请打开窗户___________ 6.骑自行车___________
7.去购物___________ 8.谢谢你___________
9.交朋友___________ 10.进来___________
1.新鲜的水果___________ 2.天安门广场___________
3.寒假____________ 4.在将来____________
5. get lost ___________ 6. have to ___________
7. Labour Day __________ 8. heavy traffic __________
9. What was the date yesterday __________ 10. What's he like __________
1.十字路口__________ 2.科学____________
3.地铁____________ 4.步行___________
5.超市____________ 6.词典___________
7.远足___________ 8.教练___________
9.邮递员__________ 10.植树__________
二、1.C 2. A 3. D 4. A 5. A
四、1.C 2. A 3. B 4. B 5. C 6. D
五、1. afternoon(答案不唯一)2.milk(答案不唯一)
3. library(答案不唯一)4. tall(答案不唯一)
5. warm(答案不唯一)
六、1.D2.A3.D4.B5.C6.A7.A 8.D 9.D 10. D
一、1. keep to the right 2. three forty five/a quarter to four
3. make a snowman 4. Mid-Autumn Festival
5. see/go to a doctor 6.深吸一口气 7.交通信号灯
8.休息一下 9.交朋友 10.值日
二、1.散步 2.the Great Wall 3.一天两次
4. pick apples 5.照顾她的小弟弟 6. good job/ well done 7.按顺序来 8. a beautiful/nice picture 9.没问题 10. slow down
三、1. sit down, please 2. a red flay 3. You're welcome 4. a blue bird 5. open the window please/please open the window 6. ride a bike/ride bikes
7. go shopping 8. thank you 9. make friends
e in
四、1. fresh fruit 2. Tian'anmen square 3. winter holiday
4. in the future 5.迷路 6.不得不 7.劳动节
8.拥堵的交通 9.昨天是几号 10.他怎么样
五、1. crossing 2. science 3. subway 4. walk/on
foot 5. supermarket 6. dictionary 7. hiking
8. coach 9. postman 10. plant trees




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