专项05 选词填空-2023-2024四年级英语下册暑假专项提升(译林版三起)(含答案)

专项05 选词填空 (含答案)
Yang Ling can ________(have/has) picnics this Saturday.
In winter, we can go ________(skate/skating).
My sister likes ________(snowman/snowmen) very much.
—How many ________(days/seasons) are there in a year —Four.
—Can he ________(climb/climbing) the tree —No, he can't.
—________(Who’s/Whose) picture is this —It’s my picture.
The shoes ________(is/are) my mum's.
________(She’s/Her) coat is so nice.
This is ________(Helen’s/Helen) doll.
Sorry, she can't ________(moves/move) now.
He is ________(hot/cold). He needs a jacket.
Please ________(have/having) some cakes.
I want ________(watch/to watch) TV.
Here ________(is/are) some rice for you.
This is Mike ________(speak/speaking).
—Do you feel ________(hot/cold) —Yes. I'd like a pair of gloves.
Mike is ill. He should ________(watch/see) the doctor.
Can I ________(speak/speaking) to Miss Li
Su Yang ________(have/has) a cough.
—What's the matter with ________(him/her) —He is ill.
Helen and Tom ________(have/has) a dancing lesson on Monday.
How many ________(lessons/subjects) do you have today
I don’t have ________(some/any) bananas.
—What can Mike do —He can ________(swim/swimming) well.
________(Saturday/Sunday) is the first day of a week.
I go to school ________(on/at) six every day.
Wang Tao ________(have/has) a swimming lesson today.
—________(What/When) do you have dinner —At eight.
—Let's go to ________(home/school) together. —Great!
We ________(go to school/go home) at four in the afternoon.
—Can Mike ________(swims/swim) well —Yes, he can.
I can't draw ________(they/them) well, but I can try.
The girl can't dance. The boy can't dance ________(too/either).
—Can you draw a tiger —It’s ________(easy/difficult), but I can try.
Let’s ________(draw/drawing) in the park.
Can you ________(drawing/draw), Helen
The horses are very cool, but I can't draw ________(it/them).
—Look at ________(this/these) skirts. —How nice!
The boy can swim, but the girl ________(can/can't).
—Can you draw a chair —It's ________(easy/difficult), but I can try.
Can I have ________(some/any) noodles
I want ________(to go/go) to bed.
Here ________(is/are) some milk for you.
—________(Who’s/What’s) the matter —I’m ________(thirty/thirsty).
—Here ________(you are/are you). —Thank you.
new timetable, How many, this morning, Art and Music, have PE
1. We ________________ in the playground.
2. What lessons do we have ________________
3. Susan, do you have a ________________
4. ________________ lessons do we have on Friday
5. She is good at(擅长) ________________.
a football match, this morning, any sofas, like Science, every Sunday
1. She takes the bus to the park ________________________.
2. We don’t have ________________________in the living room.
3. I ________________________. It's great fun.
4. We have ________________________in the gym(体育馆) today.
5. What lessons do you have ________________________
in the river, easy for me, on the lake, great fun, Try again, in the tree
1. —Can you draw them —Sure, it’s ________________.
2. I can see a parrot ________________.
3. —I can't play basketball. —________________. Believe yourself.
4. I would like to play football. It's ________________.
5. Can you see a duck ________________
6. Can you see any fish ________________
What, Who's, Whose, When, Where
1.—________T-shirt s are these —They're my brother's.
2. —________is this —It's a blue jacket.
3.—________that woman over there —She's my mother.
4. —________are my shoes, Mum —Look! They're under your bed.
5.—________do you go to school every day —At seven thirty.
一、1. have 2. skating 3. snowmen 4. seasons5. climb
6. Whose 7. are 8. Her 9. Helen’s 10. move
11. cold 12. have 13. to watch 14. is 15. speaking
16. cold 17. see 18. speak 19. has 20. him
21. have 22. lessons 23. any 24. swim 25. Sunday
26. at 27. has 28. When 29. school 30. go home
31. swim 32. them 33. either 34. difficult 35. draw
36. draw 37. them 38. these 39. can't 40. difficult
41. some 42. to go 43. is 44. What's,thirsty 45. you are
二、1. have PE 2. this morning 3. new timetable 4. How many 5. Art and Music
三、1. every Sunday 2. any sofas 3. like Science 4. a football match 5. this morning
四、1. easy for me 2. in the tree 3. Try again 4. great fun 5. on the lake 6. in the river
五、1. Whose 2. What 3. Who’s 4. Where 5. When
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)



上一篇:专项02 语法精选100题-2023-2024四年级英语下册暑假专项提升(译林版三起)(含答案)

下一篇:专题02 单词拼写--2023-2024 牛津上海版(试用本)三年级英语下册期末备考真题演练(含答案解析)