2025外研版高中英语必修第一册同步练习题--Unit 3 Family matters词句检测(含答案)

Unit 3 Family matters
1.    n.(书、剧本、电影等中的)人物,角色
2.    v.走近,靠近
3.    n.闲谈,聊天
4.    n.职业,事业
5.    n.一代(人)
6.    adv.现今,现时
7.    n.慢跑锻炼
8.    adj.苗条的,修长的
9.    n.主题
10.    n.一系列
11.    n.活动(指演出、体育比赛、聚会等)
12.    n.作用,影响
13.    n.风格
14.    n.系列比赛
15.    adj.额外的,另外的
16.    n.运动员,田径运动员
17.    n.奖牌,勋章
1.studio n.     
2.sigh n.      
3.curtain n.     
4.jaw n.     
5.beard n.      
6.cheek n.      
7.issue n.     
8.track n.     
9.despite prep.     
10.disqualify v.     
1.    v.假定,假设,认为→    n.假定
2.    v.& n.尊敬,敬重→    adj.表示敬意的;尊敬的→    adj.体面的;值得尊敬的→    adj.分别的,各自的
3.    v.忽视,不理→    adj.无知的,愚昧的→    n.无知
4.    adj.职业的,专业的→    n.行业
5.    v.适合→    adj.适当的
6.    n.天赋,才能→    adj.有天赋的
7.    n.选择,可选择的东西→    adj.可选择的
8.    adv.现时,当前→    adj.当前的;通用的;流通的 n.水流;气流;电流;思潮
9.    adv.经常→    adj.有规律的,频繁的n.常客,老主顾;主力(或正式)队员
10.    adj.(对事故、错误、罪行等)负有责任的,应承担责任的→    n.责任,职责
11.    n.记忆,回忆→    v.记忆,记住→    adj.值得纪念的,难忘的
12.    n.国家→    adj.国家的;民族的
13.    v.力求达到→    adj.没有方向的,无目标的→    adv.漫无目的地
14.    v.庆祝,过(节日、生日等);观察;遵守(法律、规则等)→    n.观察;监视
15.    v.道歉→    n.道歉
16.    n.重音,重读v.强调,着重→    adj.压力重的→    adj.焦虑不安的
17.    n.强烈程度;力量,力气→    adj.强壮的→     v.加强
18.    v.钦佩,赞美,羡慕→    n.钦佩,赞赏,羡慕→    adj.可钦佩的,值得赞赏的
19.    v.认为,判断 n.法官,裁判员→    n.判断力,识别力;判决,裁决
20.    adv.明显地,显而易见地→    adj.明显的
21.    adv.一般,通常→    adj.典型的
22.    n.细节,细微之处→    adj.详细的
23.    v.包含,含有→    n.容器,集装箱
24.    n.总结,概要→    v.总结,概括
25.    adj.强有力的,有影响(感染)力的→    adj.无能为力的→    adv.有力地→    n.力量
26.    adj.全部的,整个的→    adv.全部地
27.    adv.非常,极其→    adj.巨大的
1.       查出;查明,弄清
2.       除了……外(还);和
3.       集中(注意力)于……;聚焦于……
4.       (使)平静,镇静,安静
5.       以……为傲,对……感到自豪
6.       听从某人的劝告
7.       担心;担忧
8.       弥补,补偿;表示歉意
9.       领先
10.       不再
11.turn to sb. for sth.     
12.raise one's voice       
13.jump in with both feet      
14.be related to      
15.settle for       
16.now and then       
Grandfather and Father,                   , are playing chess.
You just assume I want to be a lawyer, but               you are a lawyer.
                             , Alistair Brownlee was in third place and his younger brother, Jonny, was in the lead.
              , the ending to the race has divided opinions: should the brothers have been disqualified or highly praised for their actions
I               throw everything away      my mother came in.
Unit 3 Family matters
Ⅰ.(A)1.character 2.approach 3.chat 4.career 5.generation
6.nowadays 7.jogging 8.slim 9.theme 10.range 11.event
12.impact 13.style 14.series 15.extra 16.athlete 17.medal
(B)1.(音乐)录音室 2.叹气,叹息(尤因厌烦、失望、疲倦等) 3.(舞台上的)幕,帷幕 4.下巴,下颌 5.胡须 6.面颊,脸颊 7.(尤指社会或政治方面的)议题;争论的问题 8.跑道 9.尽管,虽然 10.(因犯规而)取消……的资格
(C)1.assume;assumption 2.respect;respectful;respectable;respective 3.ignore;ignorant;ignorance 4.professional;profession 5.suit;suitable
6.talent;talented 7.option;optional 8.currently;current 9.regularly;regular 10.responsible;responsibility 11.memory;memorize;memorable
12.nation;national 13.aim;aimless;aimlessly 14.observe;observation 15.apologise;apology 16.stress;stressful;stressed 17.strength;strong;strengthen 18.admire;admiration;admirable 19.judge;judgement
20.obviously;obvious 21.typically;typical 22.detail;detailed
23.contain;container 24.summary;summarize 25.powerful;powerless;powerfully;power 26.entire;entirely 27.enormously;enormous
Ⅱ.1.find out 2.as well as 3.focus on 4.calm down 5.be proud of
6.take one's advice 7.be worried about 8.make up for 9.in the lead
10.no longer 11.向某人求助某事 12.提高某人的嗓门 13.全心全意地从事 14.与……有关 15.勉强接受,将就 16.时常,有时
Ⅲ.1.seated at the table 2.that's only because 3.With just 700 metres to go
4.watched by millions 5.was about to;when
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