专项08 完形填空-2023-2024三年级英语暑假专项提升(译林版三起)

专项08 完形填空 (含答案)
Miss Williams: Good morning, everyone! I 1 your new English teacher this term(学期). Please call me Miss Williams.
Students: Good 2 , 3 Williams.
Miss Williams: What's 4 name, please
Mary: 5 name is Mary.
Miss Williams: Nice to meet you, Mary.
Mary: Nice to meet you 6 .
( )1. A. is B. am C. are D. have
( )2. A. morning B. afternoon C. evening D. noon
( )3. A. Mrs B. Mr C. Miss D. teacher
( )4. A. my B. I C. your D. you
( )5. A. my B. I C. Your D. My
( )6. A. two B. too C. to D. also
Mike and I go to the 1 today. In the library, we 2 . We can walk quietly, but we cannot 3 .
Mike sees someone run.“Don’t 4 in the library,”he says. And we also meet Ken.“Don’t 5 , Ken.”“I’m sorry. I’m very sleepy(困的),”Ken says.
( )1. A. park B. library C. school
( )2. A. read books B. play basketball C. run and jump
( )3. A. read an English book B. run or jump C. do homework
( )4. A. eat B. sleep C. run
( )5. A. sleep B. shout C. read
Yang Ling: I can't find my 1 .
Wang Bing: Look at the rubber over there. Is 2 yours(你的)
Yang Ling: No, it isn't.
Wang Bing: 3 is your rubber
Yang Ling: It's 4 .
Wang Bing: I can see a green rubber in your book.
Yang Ling: Wow!It's 5 rubber. Thank you.
( )1. A. ruler B. rubber C. book
( )2. A. it's B. this C. that
( )3. A. What colour B. What C. Where
( )4. A. green B. blue C. white
( )5. A. a B. your C. my
Mike: 1 my crayon, Jack
Jack: Is it on your 2
Mike: No, it 3 on my desk.
Jack: Is it in 4 schoolbag
Mike: No, it isn't.
Jack: Look! It's 5 the door.
Mike: Oh, yes. Thank you.
( )1. A. Where's B. Where are C. What's
( )2. A. desk B. chair C. book
( )3. A. not B. no C. isn't
( )4. A. you B. your C. I
( )5. A. in B. next C. behind
Today is my birthday. I am 1 years old. I am very happy because my father buys a big cake 2 me. After dinner, I make a wish and blow out the eight candles. Do you want to know my 3 I wish I could study hard and be the No.1 in my class. Then I cut the 4 and share it with my parents. 5 a nice day today!
( )1. A. eight B. nine C. ten
( )2. A. at B. in C. for
( )3. A. cake B. what C. wish
( )4. A. pie B. toy C. cake
( )5. A. How B. What C. Where
My grandpa 1 a farm. The farm is very big and beautiful. There are many animals 2 the farm. There are ten horses, seven goats, nine cows and many 3 . The cows are black and white. The goats are white. The sheep are very fat. My grandpa likes vegetables. So there are a lot of 4 , green beans, carrots and potatoes. I like potatoes. My sister 5 green beans. We all like this farm very much.
( )1. A. have B. has C. having
( )2. A. to B. under C. on
( )3. A. sheep B. sheeps C. sheepes
( )4. A. tomato B. tomatos C. tomatoes
( )5. A. likes B. liking C. like
Hello! My name is John. This is my family 1 . My father is under the tree. He's tall. My mother stands beside him. She is tall too. This is my twin 2 Mary. She is nine 3 old. She has a book. She likes reading books. 4 am I Ha! Ha! I'm behind the tree. And our dog is 5 the tree too.
( )1. A. house B. farm C. photo
( )2. A. brother B. sister C. sisters
( )3. A. years B. year C. month
( )4. A. Who B. How C. Where
( )5. A. under B. behind C. beside
Sam: 1 , Bobby. Welcome to my home.
Bobby: Thank you, Sam. Your house looks nice.
Sam: Thanks. Look! This is 2 family photo.
Bobby: Who is this
Sam: He is my 3 . He's a doctor.
Bobby: Is this your grandma
Sam: 4 . She's a nurse(护士).
Bobby: Are they your 5
Sam: No. They are my uncle and aunt. My father and my uncle are 6 . They look the same.
( )1. A. Wake up B. Come in C. Make a wish
( )2. A. her B. your C. my
( )3. A. grandpa B. grandma C. mother
( )4. A. Yes B. No C. Sorry
( )5. A. father and uncle B. uncle and aunt C. father and mother
( )6. A. sisters B. twins C. friend
Hello, my name is Lucy. I'm a 1 . I'm nine. This is my elder(年纪较大的) 2 George. He's 3 . We're from London. I'm very 4 today. Because it is my birthday. Mum buys a big 5 for me. It's e and eat it with me.
( )1. A. man B. boy C. girl
( )2. A. father B. mother C. brother
( )3. A. eight B. ten C. seven
( )4. A. happy B. sorry C. sad
( )5. A. dog B. car C. cake
Mum: Wake 1 , Liu Tao.
Liu Tao: What time 2 , Mum
Mum: It's seven o'clock. It's time for 3 .
Liu Tao: OK, Mum. What 4 these
Mum: They are milk and eggs.

Liu Tao: It's time for school. 5 my schoolbag
Mum: Is 6 in your bedroom, behind the door
Liu Tao: Oh! Yes, it is. Goodbye, Mum.
Mum: Goodbye.
( )1. A. on B. down C. up
( )2. A. it is B. is it C. is this
( )3. A. breakfast B. lunch C. dinner
( )4. A. am B. is C. are
( )5. A. What's B. Where's C. Where
( )6. A. the B./ C. it
My name is Dick. I'm a boy. Look! This is my family 1 . My father sits on the chair. 2 is a doctor(医生). My mother stands behind him. She is a nurse(护士). This is my twin 3 . He is having a hot dog. He likes 4 very much. His name is Terry. We are twelve. 5 is me Ha! Ha! I'm behind the door. And our dog, Teddy, is 6 the door too. It has a bone(骨头) in its mouth. We love it very much.
( )1. A. house B. friend C. photo
( )2. A. He B. It C. She
( )3. A. sister B. brother C. cousin
( )4. A. ice cream B. hamburgers C. hot dogs
( )5. A. Where B. Who C. How
( )6. A. on B. near C. behind
一、1. B 2. A 3. C
4. C 解析 询问对方姓名可以用“What's your name, please ”,意为“请问你叫什么名字 ”,故选C。
5. D 解析“What's your name, please ”的答句应为“My name ...”。注意,在英语中,位于句首的单词首字母应大写,故选 D。
6. B
二、1. B 解析·此处由下文的“In the library,we …”可知,“我”和 Mike 去了图书馆, 故选 B。
2. A
3. B 解析·句意:我们可以安静地走,但是不可以跑或跳。 A 选项意为“读一本英文书”;C 选项意为“做家庭作业”。A、C选项均不符合题意,故选 B。
4. C 解析·由上文的“Mike sees someone run.”可知, Mike 应是阻止他人在图书馆里“跑”,故选C。
5. A 解析·由下文的“I’m very sleepy”可知, Mike 应是阻止 Ken 在图书馆里“睡觉”,故选 A。
三、1. B 解析·由“Look at the rubber over there.”可知, Yang Ling 在寻找她的橡皮,故选 B。
2. C 解析·由“Look at the rubber over there.”可知,橡皮离杨玲和王兵较远,要用指示代词 that,故选 C。
3. A 解析·由“I can see a green rubber in your book.”可知,此处是在问橡皮的颜色,应用疑问词组 what colour,故选 A。
4. A 5. C
四、1. A 解析·对地点或位置进行提问用where,且此处 crayon 是单数可数名词,故选 A。
2. A 解析· 联系下文“No, it ... on my desk.”可知,此处应选 desk 与下文的内容保持一致,故选 A。
3. C 解析·由上文的“No”可知,此处应用be动词与 not连用表示否定,故选C。
4. B
5. C 解析·句意:看! 它在门的后面。A选项意为“在……里面”;B 选 项意为“紧接着”;C 选项意为“在······后面”。A、B选项均不符合题意,故选C。
五、1. A 解析·由“After dinner, I make a wish and blow out the eight candles.”可知,“我”今年八岁,故选 A。
2. C 解析· buy sth for sb 意为“为某人买某物”,故选C。
3. C 解析·由“I wish I could study hard and be the No.1 in my class. ”可知,前面的问句应该是问的愿望,故选C。
4. C 解析·由上下文可知,“我”切的是蛋糕,故选 C。
5. B 解析·句中的 a nice day 是名词短语, 前面需用 what 构成感叹句,故选 B。
六、1. B 2. C
3. A 解析· sheep的单复数同形,故选 A。
4. C 解析· a lot of 意为“很多”,后接可数名词复数;tomato 意为“西红柿”,是以 o结尾的有生命的名词,其复数形式是 tomatoes,故选 C。
5. A
七、1. C 解析·由上下文可知,这是John 的全家福,故选C。
2. B 解析· Mary是女孩名,她是 John 的双胞胎姐姐(妹妹),故选 B。
3. A 解析·表示“……岁”用固定搭配“…years old”,故选 A。
4. C 解析·由“I’m behind the tree.”可知,此处问的是地点,应用疑问词 where提问,故选C。
5. B 解析·句中有 too一词,表示狗的位置和John的位置相同,故选 B。
八、1. B 解析·由“Welcome to my home.”可知,山姆是在邀请波比进门, come in 意为“进来”,故选 B。
2. C 3. A 4. A
5. C 解析·由“No. They are my uncle and aunt.”可知,A、B选项均不符合人物之间的对话逻辑,故选C。
6. B 解析·由“They look the same.”可知,山姆的爸爸和叔叔看起来一样,是一对双胞胎,故选 B。
九、1. C 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. C
十、1. C 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. B 6. C
十一、1. C 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. A 6. C
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)



