2023-2024牛津沪教版(三起) 英语三年级下册 期末测试卷(二)(含答案)

2023-2024学年三年级下册英语 期末测试卷 牛津上海版(三起)(二)
一、选择题 (每小题2分,共 20 分)
A.选出下列单词中划线部分的发音。(每小题2分,共 10 分)
1.fish ( )
A.[f] B.[v] C.[ ]
2.food ( )
A.[g] B.[f] C.[ ]
3.five ( )
A.[d] B.[f] C.[ ]
4.favourite ( )
A.[t] B.[v] C.[h]
5.very ( )
A.[f] B.[v] C.[e]
6.—______ is your schoolbag ( )
—It’s blue.
A.What B.What colour C.How
7.—How is it ( )
—It’s ______.
A.sour B.one yuan C.candy
8.What do you have _____ breakfast ( )
A.in B.at C.for
9.—Do you like ______ ( )
—Yes. ____ sweet.
A.apple; It’s B.apples; They’re C.apples; It’s
10.______! What can you hear ( )
A.Listen B.Look C.Taste
二、填空题(每小题2分,共 10 分)
11. (touch) the doll. It’s soft.
12.We can see some (monkey) in the zoo. They are thin.
13.—Can the girl (hear) the bell —No, it’ s too quiet.
14.The bell (ring), it’s too quiet. The old man can’t (hear) it.
15.—What do you have
—I have some (apple).
三、排序题(每小题2分,共 10 分)
( ) ( ) ( A ) ( ) ( ) ( )
17.have/ and/ bread/ some/ I/ bananas (.)
18.can, I, you, do, what, for, you ( )
19.can, hear, you, what ( )
20.is, the, banana, how ( )
21.at, light, Don’t, the, go, red (!)
五、匹配题((每小题2分,共 10 分)
A.It's sweet. B.I can see lions. C. I like painting. D.I can hear a car. E. It's pink.
22.What can you hear ( )
23.What do you like ( )
24.How is it ( )
25.What can you see ( )
26.What colour is it ( )
六、补全对话/短文(每小题2分,共 10 分)
A: What’s the (1)
B: I can’t find my ball.
A: (2) is your ball
B: It’s red and white.
A: Look! (3) this your ball
B: (4) , it is.(5) !
Today is February 3rd. The weather is windy and cold. I get many cards today. They’re birthday cards. They’re from my friends. Can you guess why I wear my new red coat and blue jeans. They’re very pretty. My mother takes me to the zoo. I can see many animals. I’m very happy today.
28.My birthday is February 3rd. ( )
29.It’s windy and snowy today. ( )
30.I can see many trees at the zoo. ( )
31.I have a new coat. It’s blue. ( )
32.I have many birthday cards. ( )
I like ______________________________________________________________________________.
I like this ______________________________________________________________________________.
Its ______________________________________________________________________________.
It is _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. (自由发挥)
1.A 2.B 3.B 4.B 5.B
14. rings hear
16. D F E B C
17.I have some bread and bananas.
18.What can I do for you
19.What can you hear
20.How is the banana /How’s the banana
21.Don’t go at the red light!
22.D 23.C 24.A 25.B 26.E
27. (1) matter (2) What colour (3) Is (4) Yes (5) Thank you
28.T 29.F 30.F 31.F 32.T
I like the toy very much. I like this toy, because it is cute. Its eyes are big. Its mouth is small. Its nose is small, too. It has beautiful clothes. It is my best friend. I often talk with it.
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)



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