2025北师大版高中英语必修第一册同步练习题--UNIT 2 Part 2 LESSON 1 THE UNDERDOG(含答案与解析)

1.(2023全国乙)To become the Olympic     (冠军) in the individual(个人) all-around event,Gabby Douglas had to leave everything she knew best.
2.The boy has     (赢得) a good reputation for his excellent basketball skills.
3.It was the place I had always dreamed of, so I     (收拾) my bags and set out immediately.
1.He’s a lonely old man who only has his dog to keep him company.
词性:     词义:    
2.While he was looking at the photos, memories crowded his mind.
词性:     词义:    
3.He started his acting career as an extra. Although he played an unimportant role at that time, he did his job well.
词性:     词义:    
keep up with; gather around; crash into; pay off; try out for
1.Don’t brake suddenly; the car behind might       you!
2.I am sure that your hard work will      . So you just try your best.
3.People      , curious to know what was happening.
4.(2024黑龙江牡丹江二中月考)After a talk with his teacher, the boy made up his mind to        others.
5.This is a good opportunity for you, so I suggest you        the basketball team.
1.Though he has failed many times, he still has a strong desire      success.
2.(2024广东江门一中段考)Given the opportunity to show my musical talent, I couldn’t let the audience      .
3.She drew her      (inspire) from her childhood experiences, which influenced her a lot.
4.My neighbor is as     (energy) as a young man and dislikes sitting around all day.
5.Meanwhile, the number of people who have their own cars has increased     (sharp) in recent years.
6.His resignation(辞职) was totally unexpected and, as a result, no plans have been made for a     (replace).
7.Our football team      (defeat) by the visiting team, which made the fans sad and disappointed.
1.Do you remember the mountain village       has a small river in the east
2.I lent some money to Tom,       house was destroyed in the flood.
3.I can still remember the teacher and his lessons       changed my life.
4.This letter was returned because the person to      it was addressed died three years ago.
  Both Paul and I were huge fans of the NBA, and we used to play on the court  1  was next to our building. Paul’s favourite player  2 (be) Tyrone Bogues, who was only 1.6 metres tall, which made him the  3 (short) player ever in the NBA. Paul was only 1.6 metres tall too, and he used Bogues as his  4 (inspire), practising very hard. Although Paul tried  5  many times just for making our school basketball team, our coach didn’t have confidence in him, so Paul was still usually on  6  bench, which was really tough on him.
Our team was playing our main competitors this week. During the competition, a player and I crashed  7  each other and my knee hurt badly, which made me give up the game. The last quarter was about  8 (begin), and my team was behind by 10 points. At our team’s suggestion, our coach permitted Paul to play the game. All the extra hours that Paul had spent  9 (practise) alone paid off. He made shot after shot. When the game ended, our team had won by 2 points. Because of his excellent performance, Paul  10 (praise) by our coach and earned his place on the team.
1.       2.       3.       4.       5.      
6.       7.       8.       9.       10.      
Table tennis first appeared in Victorian England. Table tennis didn’t become a competitive sport  1  1988. Now table tennis not only is  2  matter of competition but also provides an opportunity for people to play together no matter what their ages are. There is a day for people  3  love table tennis to spread their love for the sport. It is called World Table Tennis Day.
So far, the International Table Tennis Federation(ITTF)  4 (improve) table tennis to a completely new level. ITTF tries to help table tennis get its  5 (recognise) around the world.  6 (achieve) this goal, in 2015, ITTF created World Table Tennis Day to get people  7 (attract) to table tennis. Since then it has been celebrating the day so that more people can learn about the sport.
World Table Tennis Day is celebrated by  8 (organize) activities in the streets, clubs, bars, schools, workplaces, etc. People can register  9  all these events on the Internet to join in the worldwide celebration. If you’re looking for other ways to celebrate World Table Tennis Day, you can choose to watch the  10 (amaze) table tennis games on TV on the day and tell your friends what day it is.
1.       2.       3.       4.       5.      
6.       7.       8.       9.       10.      
Fitness exercises you can do at home
An effective walking workout at home will help to strengthen your legs, while you can get some low-impact aerobic exercise as well. If you don’t have any stairs available, just walk around the house a few times—it may not be very exciting, but it will do the job!
Jumping jacks
These are always fun, as they bring back memories of being a kid! Who hasn’t done jumping jacks for fun as a child Well, surprise—they are also great cardio exercise, and good for warming up, too.
These are probably not the favorite exercise of many people, but while they can be hard to do, you can find easier ways to do them. You don’t need to pretend you’re “Rocky”, and do them with one hand: just do what works for you. Do them on your knees, instead of keeping your legs straight. Or, do them by standing up against a wall. You will build up arm strength and work the muscles in your chest area.
Leg lifts
These are great for building up the strength and muscles in your legs. If you find it hard to do the exercise with your legs straight, try bending them slightly.
These are the best exercise for building up and strengthening belly muscles. When you’re just getting started, don’t worry about getting your head all the way up. So long as you’re going up until you feel the stretching of the muscles, you will see some benefits.
Jogging in place
Jogging is a great exercise for your heart. You can jog in place at home while watching TV or listening to music. The only equipment you will require is a good pair of shoes, to eliminate any stress on your legs.
These are a wonderful exercise for your legs and bottom. You can even just try these by sitting and standing up again from a regular chair, if you’re finding them to be too difficult. As long as you’re able to do a few repetitions, you will provide some benefits for your body.
Dancing is a wonderful exercise, which is great for your heart. Not only that, but it can lift your spirits as well, and give your overall feeling a boost.
1.In which column of the newspaper can you read this article
A.Health.   B.Entertainment.   C.Travel.   D.Education.
2.If Tom wants to strengthen his chest muscles, which exercise is most suitable for him
A.Walking.   B.Push-ups.   C.Jumping jacks.   D.Squats.
3.What exercises are best for the heart
A.Walking and push-ups.   B.Leg lifts and crunches.
C.Squats and dancing.   D.Dancing and jogging in place.
With her paddle(桨) going through the water quickly, 37-year-old Chinese canoeist(划皮划艇的人) Xie Maosan enjoyed a significant lead in the women’s KL1 canoe final and won the first gold medal of the 4th Asian Para Games on Monday.
Born into a rural family in Anhui Province in 1986 and afflicted by poliomyelitis(小儿麻痹症), Xie couldn’t  1  before the age of 10. Throughout her childhood, as she recalled, the  2  stares of relatives and mockery(嘲笑) from classmates made her more determined to  3  herself.
In her teens, with the  4  and understanding of her mother, Xie decided to master a craft to  5 . She packed up her belongings, went to the county to learn tailoring for three years, and then became a tailor. Later, she went to Shanghai to learn CAD pattern-making.
“Regardless of the career path I choose, I always push myself  6 . I want to prove to everyone that we are  7  capable,” she shared at the post-race press conference, tears in her eyes.
In 2015, things  8  when the news of the national team’s  9  for canoeing talents reached her ears. Without hesitation, she  10 , and then she joined the national canoeing team.
Recalling her initial days, Xie said, “Lacking a foundation in sports, it was truly  11  for me at the beginning. I  12  into the water multiple times during training. Not knowing how to swim, I almost passed out from choking on water.”
Despite all the hardships, a(n)  13  to win glory for her country kept Xie going. At the Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games, Xie finished fifth in the women’s KL1 canoeing final. “ 14  me, canoeing is a  15 , as it gave me confidence and a new life,” said Xie.
1.A.walk   B.hear
C.see   D.speak
2.A.warm   B.cold
C.angry   D.kind
3.A.defend   B.prove
C.improve   D.encourage
4.A.concern   B.flavour
C.admission   D.support
5.A.make a fortune
B.make a difference
C.make a living
D.make a contribution
6.A.more   B.less
C.worse   D.harder
7.A.definitely   B.equally
C.normally   D.actually
8.A.adopted   B.recovered
C.changed   D.started
9.A.search   B.application
C.expectation   D.research
10.A.left   B.challenged
C.refused   D.volunteered
11.A.easy   B.calm
C.painful   D.awesome
12.A.fell   B.jumped
C.crashed   D.dropped
13.A.capability   B.desire
C.opinion   D.attitude
14.A.As for B.According to
C.Because of D.In addition to
15.A.rebirth   B.relief
C.recovery    D.reward
Ⅰ.1.champion 2.earned 3.packed
Ⅱ.1.名词;陪伴 句意:他是一个孤独的老人,只有他的狗陪伴着他。
2.动词;涌上(心头),涌入(脑海) 句意:他看着这些照片,往事涌上他的心头。
3.名词;临时演员,群众演员 句意:他的演艺生涯是从当临时演员开始的。虽然他当时扮演了一个不重要的角色,但是他把工作做得很好。
Ⅲ.1.crash into 2.pay off 3.gathered around 4.keep up with 5.try out for
Ⅳ.1.for 考查介词。句意:尽管他失败过很多次,但是他仍然很渴望成功。have a desire for sth.为固定短语,意为“渴望得到某物”。
2.down 考查固定短语。句意:给了我机会展示我的音乐天赋,我不能让观众失望。let sb. down意为“使失望,辜负(别人的信任或期望)”,为固定短语。
3.inspiration 考查名词。句意:她从她的童年经历中得到了灵感,她的童年经历对她影响很大。由空前的her及句意可知此处应用名词inspiration,表示“灵感”。
4.energetic 考查形容词。句意:我的邻居和年轻人一样精力充沛,不喜欢整天闲坐着。根据句子的后半部分“dislikes sitting around all day”可知,此处表示“精力充沛的”;“as+adj.+as”为固定结构,故用形容词energetic。
5.sharply 考查副词。句意:与此同时,近几年来拥有私家车的人数大幅度增长。设空处作状语,修饰has increased,故用副词sharply。
6.replacement 考查名词。句意:他的辞职完全出乎意料,因此,还没有安排接替者。由a可以判断此处应该填名词,结合句意可知此处填replacement,表示“接替者”。
7.was defeated 考查时态、语态及主谓一致。句意:我们的足球队被客队击败了,这让球迷们感到伤心和失望。此处表示过去发生的事情,应用一般过去时;动词defeat与主语Our football team之间为被动关系,且主语表示单数,故填was defeated。
Ⅴ.1.which/that 句意:你还记得东边有一条小河的那个山村吗 分析句子结构可知设空处引导定语从句,修饰先行词the mountain village,关系词在定语从句中作主语,因此应该用关系代词;关系词指物,因此填which或that。
2.whose 句意:我借给了汤姆一些钱,他的房子在洪水中被毁了。分析句子结构可知设空处引导定语从句,修饰先行词Tom,关系词在定语从句中作定语,修饰house,故填whose。
3.that 句意:我仍然记得改变了我的人生的那位老师和他的课。分析句子结构可知设空处引导定语从句,修饰先行词the teacher and his lessons,关系词在定语从句中作主语,因此应该用关系代词;先行词既有人又有物,因此填that。
4.whom 句意:这封信被退回了,因为收信人在三年前去世了。分析句子结构可知“to      it was addressed”为定语从句,修饰先行词the person(指人),关系词在从句中作介词to的宾语,故填whom。
Ⅰ.1.which/that 考查定语从句。设空处引导定语从句,修饰先行词the court,关系词代替先行词在从句中作主语,指物,故填which或that。
2.was 考查动词的时态及主谓一致。句意:保罗最喜欢的球员是蒂尼·博格斯,他身高只有1.6米,这使他成为NBA有史以来最矮的球员。设空处是主句谓语,根据空前句中的时态并结合全文内容可知,该句陈述的是过去发生的事情,应用一般过去时;主句主语是Paul’s favourite player,主句谓语应用第三人称单数形式,故填was。
3.shortest 考查形容词的最高级。句意同上。由句意再结合空前的定冠词the可知此处表示“最矮的”,应该用形容词short的最高级shortest。
4.inspiration 考查名词。句意:保罗身高也只有1.6米,他用博格斯来激励自己,非常刻苦地练习。根据空前的形容词性物主代词his可以判断,此处应用名词形式,表示“鼓舞人心的人”,故填inspiration。
5.out 考查副词。句意:虽然保罗多次参加选拔,方才入选我们学校的篮球队,但是我们的教练对他没有信心,所以保罗仍然经常处于替补席上,这对他来说是很难熬的。try out for为固定短语,意为“参加……选拔”。
6.the 考查冠词。句意同上。on the bench在替补席上。
7.into 考查介词。句意:在比赛中,我和一位球员撞在一起,我的膝盖严重受伤,这使我放弃了比赛。crash into为固定短语,意为“撞上,撞向”。
8.to begin 考查动词不定式。句意:比赛的最后一节就要开始了,我的球队落后了十分。be about to do sth.为固定搭配,意为“即将做某事”。
9.practising 考查动名词。句意:保罗花在独自练习上的所有额外时间都得到了回报。spend time (in) doing sth.为固定搭配,意为“花费时间做某事”。
10.was praised 考查时态、语态及主谓一致。句意:由于保罗出色的表现,他受到了教练的表扬,并在队里赢得了一席之地。根据语境及句中的earned可知应用一般过去时;Paul与praise之间为被动关系,应用被动语态;主语Paul是第三人称单数形式,故填was praised。
Ⅱ.◎语篇解读 本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了世界乒乓球日的来历、庆祝活动等。
1.until 考查固定搭配。句意:乒乓球直到1988年才成为一项竞技性运动。not...until...表示“直到……才……”。故填until。
2.a 考查冠词。句意:现在乒乓球不仅是一件关乎竞争的事情,而且给不同年龄的人提供了一个一起玩乐的机会。a matter of一个关乎……的事情/问题。此处表泛指,应用不定冠词。matter以辅音音素开头,其前应用a。
3.who/that 考查定语从句的关系词。设空处引导定语从句,先行词是people,关系词在从句中作主语,故填who或that。
4.has improved 考查时态和主谓一致。根据句首的时间状语So far(到目前为止)可知应用现在完成时,又因为句子的主语the International Table Tennis Federation是第三人称单数形式,谓语动词也应用第三人称单数形式。故填has improved。
5.recognition 考查名词。设空处前面的its是形容词性物主代词,后面需用名词,因此应用提示词的名词形式,故填recognition。
6.To achieve 考查不定式。句意:为了达到这个目标,2015年,国际乒乓球联合会创立了世界乒乓球日,让人们喜欢上乒乓球。句中已有谓语created,设空处应用非谓语动词;由语境可知此处表示目的,应用不定式。故填To achieve。
7.attracted 考查过去分词。句意同上。句中已有谓语created,设空处应用非谓语动词;由语境可知此处表示“使人们被吸引”,get...done表示“使……被……”,因此应用过去分词作宾语补足语。故填attracted。
8.organizing 考查动名词。根据空前的介词by可知设空处应用organize的动名词形式作by的宾语。故填organizing。
9.for 考查固定搭配。register for表示“登记,注册”。故填for。
10.amazing 考查形容词。设空处修饰空后的名词短语table tennis games,应用形容词;由语境可知设空处表示“令人惊叹的”,故填amazing。
【高频词汇】 1.recognise v.认可,接受;承认;认出
2.celebrate v.庆祝 3.organize v.组织
【差距词汇】 federation n.联合会;联盟
Ⅲ.◎语篇解读 本文是一篇应用文。文章介绍了几种可以在家做的健身运动。
1.A 推理判断题。根据文章标题“Fitness exercises you can do at home”可知,这篇文章主要介绍的是健身运动,由此可知,文章最可能出现在报纸的健康专栏。故选A。
2.B 细节理解题。根据Push-ups部分中的最后一句“You will build up arm strength and work the muscles in your chest area.”可知,俯卧撑运动可以锻炼胸部肌肉。由此可知,如果Tom想锻炼胸肌,俯卧撑最适合他。故选B。
3.D 细节理解题。根据Jogging in place部分中的“Jogging is a great exercise for your heart.”及Dancing部分中的“Dancing is a wonderful exercise, which is great for your heart.”可知,原地慢跑和跳舞这两项运动对心脏有益。故选D。
【高频词汇】 1.effective adj.有效的;实际的 2.available adj.可用的,可获得的;有空的 3.probably adv.或许,很可能 4.pretend v.假装
5.instead of 而不是;代替 6.slightly adv.略微;稍微
原句 So long as you’re going up until you feel the stretching of the muscles, you will see some benefits.
分析 本句是主从复合句。So long as引导条件状语从句,其中含有until引导的时间状语从句。
译文 只要你向上起身,直到你感觉到肌肉的拉伸,你就会看到一些成效。
Ⅳ.◎语篇解读 本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了在第四届亚洲残疾人运动会女子皮划艇决赛中夺得金牌的选手谢毛三的人生故事。
1.A 根据上文“afflicted by poliomyelitis”可知,她患有小儿麻痹症,因此运动能力会受到影响,十岁前不会走路。故选A。
2.B 根据下文“stares of relatives and mockery from classmates”可推知,因为她的病情,她受到了亲戚的冷眼和同学的嘲笑。故选B。
3.B 根据下文“I want to prove to everyone that we are  7  capable”可知,她是想证明自己。故选B。
4.D 根据下文“and understanding of her mother”可推知,来自母亲的应该是支持和理解。故选D。
5.C 根据谢毛三患过小儿麻痹症的情境和上文“Xie decided to master a craft”可推知,她是想掌握一门手艺来谋生。故选C。
6.D 根据下文“I want to prove to everyone that we are  7  capable”可知,她想证明自己的能力,个性要强,因此会逼迫自己更加努力。故选D。
7.B 根据谢毛三患过小儿麻痹症,是一名残疾人运动员的情境可推知,她想证明的是有一定身体缺陷的她和普通人有同样的能力。故选B。
8.C 根据上文叙述的谢毛三学手艺谋生和下文叙述的她加入国家皮划艇队,刻苦训练,取得好成绩可推知,在这一年情况发生了变化。故选C。
9.A 根据上文“the national team’s”和下文“she joined the national canoeing team”可推知,当时国家队正在搜寻皮划艇人才,她才得以加入国家皮划艇队。故选A。
10.D 根据下文“she joined the national canoeing team”可推知,她需要先自告奋勇地报名申请,才能有机会加入国家皮划艇队。故选D。
11.C 根据上文“Lacking a foundation in sports”可知,她没有体育基础,因此一开始她会很痛苦。故选C。
12.A 根据下文“into the water multiple times during training”和“Not knowing how to swim”可推知,在皮划艇训练中,不会游泳的她应该是不慎落水,fall侧重物体或人在没有受控制下失去平衡而倾倒或受重力影响而“自然下落”,而drop则描述人为的、有空间高度下落的动作。故选A。
13.B 根据下文“to win glory for her country kept Xie going”可推知,让她坚持下去的应该是内心为国争光的渴望。故选B。
14.A 根据下文“canoeing is a  15 , as it gave me confidence and a new life”可知,此处她在陈述自己的想法,应该是描述皮划艇运动对自己的意义。故选A。
15.A 根据下文“as it gave me confidence and a new life”可知,皮划艇运动给了她信心和新的生活,因此是一种重生。故选A。
【高频词汇】 1.significant adj.显著的;有重大意义的
2.recall v.回想起;使想到 3.(be) determined to do sth.决心做某事 4.regardless of 不管;不顾;不理会
5.press conference记者招待会,新闻发布会
6.hesitation n.犹豫,迟疑 7.multiple adj.数量多的;多种多样的
【差距词汇】 afflict vt.使痛苦;折磨
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)



