
班级: 姓名:
一、读一读, 选一选。
1.当你想知道别人的名字时,应说:( )
A. My name is Tom. B. What' s your name C. How are you
2. 当班上来了新同学,他要表示欢迎时,应说:( )
A. What' s your name B. Welcome! C. How old are you
3.班里来了新同学,我们应该说:( )
A. I' m fine. B. Welcome! C. Thank you.
4. 当你介绍一个人的身份时,你可以说:( )
A. He is from Canada. B. He is a teacher. C. I'm a student.
A. I'm from Zhejiang. B. I'm Zhejiang. C. She's Zhejiang.
( )1.当你想向你的朋友询问照片上的男人是不是他的老师时,应该问:
A. Is he your teacher B. Is she your teacher
( )2.请选择描述正确的句子:
It is short tail and long nose.
B. It has a short tail and a long nose.
( )3.当你想和你的好朋友一起回家时,你会说:
A. Let's go home. B. Let's play.
( ) 4.当Amy说“I don’t like watermelon”, 如果你也不喜欢, 你会说:
A. Me too. B. Me, neither.
( )5.你想问Sam有几只蜡笔时,应该问:
How many crayons do you have
How many crayons do you see
( )1.当你把爷爷介绍给你朋友时,你会说:
A. This is my grandfather.B. This is my grandmother.
( )2.你如何用英语询问朋友“那个男人是你的父亲吗 ”
A. Is he your brother B. Is he your father
( )3.当你看到一个不认识的男孩时,你应该如何询问:
A. Who’ s that girl B. Who' s that boy C. Who’ s that man
( )4.小明说他的爸爸是一名飞行员,你觉得很惊讶,你会说:
A. Look at me. B. Really
( )5.你想告诉大家你的奶奶是一位女演员,应该说:
A. My grandma is an actress. B. My grandpa is a teacher.
1.你想知道对方来自哪里,可以说:( )
A. Where are you from B. Where are you
2.你来自美丽的英国,当同桌询问你来自哪里时,你会告诉他:( )
A. I am from the UK. B. I am from the US. C. I am from Australia.
3.初次见面打招呼,应该说:( )
A. How are you B. Nice to meet you. C. Thank you.
4.当你想知道别人的名字时,应说:( )
A. My name is Mike. B. What's your name C. How are you
5.迈克是你的同学,你应该这样介绍他:( )
A. This is Mike. He's a student. B. This is Mike. She's a student.
1.你告诉你的爸爸:这是我的朋友张鹏。你可以这样说:( )
A. This is my friend Zhang Peng. B. This is Amy.
2.当你跟新朋友第一次见面时,你可以说:( )
A. Nice to meet you. B. Thank you. C. Good afternoon!
3.你想知道Amy是不是学生,应说:( )
A. Is he a student B. Is she a student
4. 班里转来一位新同学Tim, 你应该怎样向Miss White介绍这位新同学呢 ( )
A. Miss White, this is Tim. B. Miss White, I' m Tim.
5.当你想要向别人介绍你的朋友张鹏时,你可以说:( )
A. Nice to meet you, Zhang Peng. B. This is my friend, Zhang Peng.
1.你想说“她是一个学生。”应该说:( )
A. She is a student. B. I am a teacher.
2.当你想问朋友他最近怎么样时,你可以说:( )
A. How old are you B. How are you
3.你想告诉同学你来自加拿大,可以说:( )
A. I'm from China. B. I'm from Canada.
4. Mary刚认识了一位新朋友Mike, 她想知道他来自哪里。Mary会这样问: ( )
A. Where are you from B. What about you
5.你的新笔友是英国人,他在自我介绍时会对你说:( )
A. This is the USA B. I'm from the UK. C. Welcome back to China.



