2024年中考英语临考押题卷 广东卷01(原卷版+解析版 无听力试题部分)

本卷共6页, 51小题, 满分90分。考试用时90分钟
1. 答卷前, 考生务必用黑色字迹的签字笔或钢笔将自己的准考证号、姓名、考场 号和座位号填写在答题卡上。用2B铅笔在”考场号”和”座位号”栏相应位 置涂自己的考场号和座位号。
2. 作答选择题时, 选出每小题答案后, 用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目选项的答案 信息点涂黑;如需改动, 用橡皮擦干净后, 再选涂其他答案, 答案不能答在试题上。
3. 非选择题必须用黑色字迹钢笔或签字笔作答, 答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定 区域内相应位置上;如需改动, 先划掉原来的答案, 然后再写上新的答案;不 准使用铅笔和涂改液。不按以上要求作答的答案无效。
4. 考生必须保持答题卡的整洁。考试结束后, 将试卷和答题卡一并交回。
二、语法选择(本大题有10小题, 每小题1分, 共10分)
请通读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 根据语法和上下文连贯的要求, 从每小题所给的三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。
On April 25th, the Shenzhou XVIII spaceship was sent into space by Long March 2F rocket at 8:59 pm in Jiuquan. Although the April is ____1____ month with strong winds and sandstorms, the launch (发射) was ____2____ with careful planning and preparation.
There are three brave astronauts ____3____ the spaceship: Ye Guangfu, Li Cong and Li Guangsu. They will spend six months living in the spaceship before they return to the Earth ____4____. They have more than 90 exciting experiments (实验) to do in the spaceship. They will use special room ____5____ life science, medicine, technology. They will even study ____6____ to raise fish in space. ____7____ great study it is! This will help ____8____ know how plants fit to gravity (重力) in space and provide support for growing plants in space.
Yang Liwei, the first astronaut in China, ____9____, “It’s such a pleasure to see the young astronauts can now carry out these important ____10____. I’m very proud of them. I’m sure they will do well, although the task has become more difficult.”
1. A. a B. an C. the
2 A. successful B. more successful C. the most successful
3. A. to B. in C. from
4. A. safety B. safe C. safely
5. A. study B. studied C. to study
6. A. how B. which C. what
7. A. What B. What a C. How
8. A. we B. us C. our
9. A. say B. says C. said
10. A. task B. tasks C. tasks’
三、完形填空(本大题有10 小题, 每小题1分, 共10分)
请通读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 然后在每小题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。
Wang He, a talented girl who studied art and design, became a strawberry farmer after graduation. This was a ____11____ surprise in her hometown. She often jokes, “A(An) ____12____ who doesn’t farm isn’t a true creator!”
When she was at university, she helped her grandmother sell strawberries. She noticed that Changfeng strawberries were very ____13____ because they were juicy and sweet, but they didn’t have a special local brand (品牌). This made Wang He want to ____14____ a special local brand of strawberries.
After graduating in 2022, Wang He went back to her hometown and became a “new farmer” instead of using a brush to ____15____. To plant the juicy and sweet strawberries, Wang He worked ____16____ in the field and greenhouse. She met many kinds of difficulties, but she didn’t ____17____. She fell down on the field and made her ____18____ hurt badly, but she didn’t tell her family. She treated her wounds secretly.
Now, the strawberries she planted last September are ready for sale. Even though she’s very busy, she still spends time packing (包装) them ____19____. She doesn’t use the usual foam (泡沫) boxes and nets. Instead, she uses gift boxes and prints pretty ____20____ on the outside. She uses her artistic skills to make the whole process of growing and selling strawberries more special.
11. A. big B. long C. wide D. thin
12. A. doctor B. teacher C. artist D. scientist
13. A. kind B. popular C. polite D. valuable
14. A. spent B. believe C. invite D. make
15. A. cook B. paint C. mark D. write
16. A. deep B. quickly C. hard D. warmly
17. A. give up B. pick up C. take up D. set up
18. A. notes B. tapes C. clubs D. legs
19. A. beautifully B. luckily C. suddenly D. seriously
20. A. subjects B. designs C. programs D. reasons
四、阅读理解(本大题共15小题, 每小题2分, 共30分)
请阅读A、B 两篇短文, 从每小题所给的四个选项中选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子 的最佳答案。
Paper cutting has been popular in China for a long time. People in northern part of China are good at making paper cutting. Paper cutting shows wishes for wealth health and happiness. There are different kinds of paper cutting design. Animals, flowers, birds and insects are popular themes (主题). Now I’d like to show you how to make paper cutting. What You Need ★Pieces of paper with different colors ★A pencil or a pen ★A knife ★A pair of scissors How to make paper cutting ★Choose a design: Decide on the design you like. ★Prepare your paper: For paper cutting, you may use yellow, blue, red and so on. But no color is better than red. ★Draw the design: Use a pencil or a pen to draw the design on the paper. ★Cutting skills: Use scissors or a knife according to the shape of your design. ★Start cutting: Cut along the lines of your design carefully. Remember not to cut your fingers. Paper cutting plays an important part in Chinese culture. It is not only beautiful but also very useful. On festivals or special days, people stick beautiful paper cutting on the windows, walls and doors to bring good luck.
21 What does paper cutting show from paragraph 1
A. Wishes for study, health and happiness. B. Wishes for wealth, health and happiness.
C. Animals, flowers, birds and insects. D. Animals, flowers, trees and birds.
22. What do you prepare before making paper cutting
A. Paper, pencil, glue and crayon. B. Pencil, pen, knife and scissors.
C. Paper, pen, fork and scissors. D. Paper, pencil, knife and scissors.
23. Which order is true to make paper cutting from the passage
①Draw the design on the paper. ②Cutting the design carefully.
③Prepare paper and tools. ④Decide what you want to design.
A. ④①②③ B. ②④①③ C. ②①④③ D. ④③①②
24. When do people stick paper cutting on the windows
A. On festivals or special days. B. On School Art Days.
C. On School Labor Days. D. On Spring Festivals.
25. What is the purpose of this passage
A. To introduce art culture of school. B. To sell paper cutting to the world.
C. To show how to make paper cutting. D. To tell the importance of paper cutting.
If you go to a restaurant in western countries, they will serve you a cup of cold water, sometimes even with ice. But when Chinese people ask for hot water, they might get a strange look from the waiter (服务员) or others around. Many westerners don’t understand why Chinese people like hot water so much.
In China, drinking hot water is very common. We believe that hot food and drink are better for our stomachs. According to traditional Chinese medicine, cold food can make our body temperature drop. And it will make us feel cold and even can lead to illness. But hot water warms our stomachs, helping them work better. It also reduces the chance of getting stomach problems and helps with digestion (消化).
On the other hand, many westerners think drinking hot water makes the body weaker. If you often drink hot water, your body might not be able to adapt cooler water later.
In China, we also like warm food. That’s why waiters in Chinese restaurants always give you hot water or tea. But in western countries, they like cold food, so they prefer cold water too. They also love hamburgers, cheese, and fried food which are high in calories (卡路里). As a matter of fact, they need cold drink to cool them off.
Drinking hot water is a healthy habit. Many Chinese doctors are encouraging people around the world to take on the habit of drinking hot water.
26. Where is this passage most probably from
A. A science website. B. A travel newspaper.
C. A music textbook. D. A health magazine.
27. What’s better for our stomachs from paragraph 2
A. Cold food and drink. B. Hamburgers and fried food.
C. Hot food and drink. D. Hot food and cool drink.
28. What does the underlined word “adapt “in paragraph 3 mean
A. Fit. B. Help. C. Catch. D. Join.
29. What’s structure (结构) of this passage (①=Paragraph 1,②=Paragraph 1…)
A. B. C. D.
30. Which can be the best title for the passage
A Drinking Cool Water Is Good For Health B. Drinking Hot Water Is Good For Health
C. Eating Cold Food Can Make Us Healthy D. Making Hot Tea Is Popular In China
___31___ I like writing. And I have written some stories in my free time and my teachers think these stories are great. I want to be a writer in the near future. ___32___ I aspire (向往) to the blue sky, and I hope to be a pilot to fly around the world in the future. That must be cool! ___33___ My favorite sport is basketball And I’m the best basketball player in our school team. I’d like to be a great basketball player like Yao Ming. ___34___ I love science. I think science experiment (实验) is very exciting. It can develop my mind. I want to be a scientist in the future. ___35___ I am good at Chinese. I also enjoy helping my classmates with their Chinese problems. I want to be a Chinese teacher in the future. A. To be a basketball player, you need to practice playing basketball very hard and get good skills of it. B. What about being a singer If you like singing, you can learn some singing skills. If possible, you can even take some courses to improve yourself. C. To be a Chinese teacher is a good choice. One thing you should know is that it takes patience and love to become a teacher. D. Would you like to be a writer If you are dreaming about that, you should read some classical work that can teach you how to write better. E. To be a football player, you must do excise every day and keep a strong body. You should master good skills of playing football. F. If you like the sky, why not try to be a pilot. But first, you should study hard and keep in good health. G. It’s great to be a scientist. To do so, you should be curious about science. And you should learn science well.
五、短文填空(本大题有10小题, 每小题1. 5分, 共15分)
art; that; and; on; make; perform; history; with; white; it; but; carry
The shadow (影子) play is a very old traditional play in China. It has a ____36____ of more than 2,000 years in China. It’s said ____37____ Emperor Wudi was very sad when his wife died. To make him happy, a man ____38____ a puppet (木偶) that looked like his wife and showed its shadow on a cloth. This was the start of the shadow play.
Now, the shadow play has formed an artistic work of opera, music, art ____39____ special skills. The puppets are controlled by three to five ____40____ behind a screen. The puppets’ colorful shadows are showed on a ____41____ cloth by a bright light. The puppets move and play roles ____42____ the help of sticks. The plays are very exciting, especially when they’re about old stories or kung fu.
The shadow play is popular because the equipment (设备) is light and easy to ____43____. It also needs a small group of people and can be ____44____ in many different places. Children love the shadow play because ____45____ feels more magical than other traditional plays.
六、读写综合(本大题分为 A、B两部分, 共25分)
A. 回答问题(共5小题, 每小题2分, 共10分)
Safer Internet Day is on the second Tuesday of February every year. On this day, people in around 170 countries take part in activities to try to make the Internet become a safer place for children and young people. We can use the Internet to learn new things, video call family members who live far away, chat to friends, listen to music, watch videos and play games. But there may be some danger when we are online. Online bullying (霸凌) is when someone uses the Internet to make another person feel bad, often with bad messages on social media. Online bullying can happen in games too, when players post unkind messages in the chat box. On Safer Internet Day in the UK, children do activities at school, at home and in other places. They read stories, watch films, make posters and have discussions about how to stay safe online. Here are some tips on how to stay safe online. If you see something online that makes you afraid or worried, or if you know that someone is being bullied, tell parents, teachers or another adult who you trust. Don’t meet people who you only know online. It’s possible that people you meet online aren’t really who they say they are. It’s dangerous to go to meet them in real life. Don’t believe everything you read online! Not everything you read online is true. When you look for information, make sure that you use a website you can trust. And only share things with your friends if you know that they are true.
46. When is the Safer Internet Day every year
47. What is online bullying according to paragraph 2
48. Where can children do activities according to paragraph 3
49. Who can you tell if you know someone is being bullied
50. Why don’t you believe everything you read online
51. 书面表达
周末无网络日 你在“周末无网络日”期间打算和家人做什么有意义的活动 1. …… 2. ……
你认为合理远离网络的意义有哪些 1. …… 2. ……
提示词:proper恰当的,keep away from 远离
The Weekend without the Internet
There will be an activity of the weekend without the Internet in our school. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
本卷共6页, 51小题, 满分90分。考试用时90分钟
1. 答卷前, 考生务必用黑色字迹的签字笔或钢笔将自己的准考证号、姓名、考场 号和座位号填写在答题卡上。用2B铅笔在”考场号”和”座位号”栏相应位 置涂自己的考场号和座位号。
2. 作答选择题时, 选出每小题答案后, 用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目选项的答案 信息点涂黑;如需改动, 用橡皮擦干净后, 再选涂其他答案, 答案不能答在试题上。
3. 非选择题必须用黑色字迹钢笔或签字笔作答, 答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定 区域内相应位置上;如需改动, 先划掉原来的答案, 然后再写上新的答案;不 准使用铅笔和涂改液。不按以上要求作答的答案无效。
4. 考生必须保持答题卡的整洁。考试结束后, 将试卷和答题卡一并交回。
二、语法选择(本大题有10小题, 每小题1分, 共10分)
请通读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 根据语法和上下文连贯的要求, 从每小题所给的三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。
On April 25th, the Shenzhou XVIII spaceship was sent into space by Long March 2F rocket at 8:59 pm in Jiuquan. Although the April is ____1____ month with strong winds and sandstorms, the launch (发射) was ____2____ with careful planning and preparation.
There are three brave astronauts ____3____ the spaceship: Ye Guangfu, Li Cong and Li Guangsu. They will spend six months living in the spaceship before they return to the Earth ____4____. They have more than 90 exciting experiments (实验) to do in the spaceship. They will use special room ____5____ life science, medicine, technology. They will even study ____6____ to raise fish in space. ____7____ great study it is! This will help ____8____ know how plants fit to gravity (重力) in space and provide support for growing plants in space.
Yang Liwei, the first astronaut in China, ____9____, “It’s such a pleasure to see the young astronauts can now carry out these important ____10____. I’m very proud of them. I’m sure they will do well, although the task has become more difficult.”
1. A. a B. an C. the
2. A. successful B. more successful C. the most successful
3. A. to B. in C. from
4. A. safety B. safe C. safely
5. A. study B. studied C. to study
6. A. how B. which C. what
7. A. What B. What a C. How
8. A. we B. us C. our
9. A. say B. says C. said
10. A. task B. tasks C. tasks’
【答案】1. A 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. C 6. A 7. B 8. B 9. C 10. B
successful成功的,原级;more successful比较级;the most successful最高级。分析句子可知,此处不存在比较含义,用形容词原级即可。故选A。
to到;in在里面;from来自。根据“the spaceship”可知,是指在飞船上。in the spaceship“在宇宙飞船里”。故选B。
safety安全,名词;safe安全的,形容词;safely安全地,副词。修饰动词短语“return to”需用副词形式。故选C。
study学习,原形;studied过去式;to study动词不定式。use sth to do sth表示“使用……做某事”。故选C。
how如何;which哪一个;what什么。根据“They will even study...to raise fish in space.”可知,是指学习如何在太空养鱼。故选A。
What后跟中心词名词,构成感叹句;What a后跟单数名词,构成感叹句;How后跟形容词,构成感叹句。分析句子可知,此处中心词是名词,符合“what+a+形容词+名词+主谓”结构。故选B。
say说,原形; says动词三单;said过去式。根据“Yang Liwei, the first astronaut in China,”可知,杨利伟说话的动作发生在过去,需用一般过去时。故选C。
task任务,单数名词; tasks复数形式;tasks’错误表达。“these”后跟名词读复数。故选B。
三、完形填空(本大题有10 小题, 每小题1分, 共10分)
请通读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 然后在每小题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。
Wang He, a talented girl who studied art and design, became a strawberry farmer after graduation. This was a ____11____ surprise in her hometown. She often jokes, “A(An) ____12____ who doesn’t farm isn’t a true creator!”
When she was at university, she helped her grandmother sell strawberries. She noticed that Changfeng strawberries were very ____13____ because they were juicy and sweet, but they didn’t have a special local brand (品牌). This made Wang He want to ____14____ a special local brand of strawberries.
After graduating in 2022, Wang He went back to her hometown and became a “new farmer” instead of using a brush to ____15____. To plant the juicy and sweet strawberries, Wang He worked ____16____ in the field and greenhouse. She met many kinds of difficulties, but she didn’t ____17____. She fell down on the field and made her ____18____ hurt badly, but she didn’t tell her family. She treated her wounds secretly.
Now, the strawberries she planted last September are ready for sale. Even though she’s very busy, she still spends time packing (包装) them ____19____. She doesn’t use the usual foam (泡沫) boxes and nets. Instead, she uses gift boxes and prints pretty ____20____ on the outside. She uses her artistic skills to make the whole process of growing and selling strawberries more special.
11. A. big B. long C. wide D. thin
12. A. doctor B. teacher C. artist D. scientist
13. A. kind B. popular C. polite D. valuable
14. A. spent B. believe C. invite D. make
15. A. cook B. paint C. mark D. write
16. A. deep B. quickly C. hard D. warmly
17. A. give up B. pick up C. take up D. set up
18. A. notes B. tapes C. clubs D. legs
19. A. beautifully B. luckily C. suddenly D. seriously
20. A. subjects B. designs C. programs D. reasons
【答案】11. A 12. C 13. B 14. D 15. B 16. C 17. A 18. D 19. A 20. B
big大的;long长的;wide宽的;thin瘦的。根据“Wang He, a talented girl who studied art and design, became a strawberry farmer after graduation.”可知,王鹤本是一个学艺术设计的大学生,结果毕业后种了草莓,对于村民而言,这事有些出乎意外。故选A。
doctor医生;teacher老师;artist艺术家;scientist科学家。根据“Wang He, a talented girl who studied art and design”可知,王鹤是一名艺术设计专业学生,毕业后的她本来可以做艺术家。故选C。
kind友好的;popular受欢迎的;polite有礼貌的;valuable有价值的。根据“because they were juicy and sweet”可知,草莓多汁又甜,所以会受大家的欢迎。故选B。
spent花费;believe相信;invite邀请;make做。根据“but they didn’t have a special local brand”可知,王鹤观察到草莓没有当地的品牌,故想开创品牌。故选D。
cook做饭;paint绘画;mark标记;write写。根据“using a brush”可知,此处指用画笔去画。故选B。
deep深地;quickly快地;hard努力地;warmly温暖地。根据“She met many kinds of difficulties, but she didn’t...She fell down on the field and made her...hurt badly”可知,王鹤克服各种困难去种草莓,可推断她工作非常努力。故选C。
give up放弃;pick up捡,摘;take up开始从事;set up建立。根据“She met many kinds of difficulties, but she didn’t...”可知,王鹤遇到各种困难,但她没有放弃。故选A。
notes笔记;tapes磁带;clubs俱乐部;legs腿。根据“She fell down on the field”可知,她摔倒在地,可推知身体部位会受伤。故选D。
beautifully漂亮地;luckily幸运地;suddenly突然地;seriously严重地。根据“she uses gift boxes and prints pretty”和“She uses her artistic skills”可知,在包装草莓时,她用了礼品盒还用了艺术技巧,是为了包装地漂亮一些。故选A。
subjects主题;designs设计;programs项目;reasons原因。根据“Instead, she uses gift boxes and prints pretty...on the outside.”可知,王鹤在草莓外包装上印刷上了一些她设计的东西。故选B。
四、阅读理解(本大题共15小题, 每小题2分, 共30分)
请阅读A、B 两篇短文, 从每小题所给的四个选项中选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子 的最佳答案。
Paper cutting has been popular in China for a long time. People in northern part of China are good at making paper cutting. Paper cutting shows wishes for wealth, health and happiness. There are different kinds of paper cutting design. Animals, flowers, birds and insects are popular themes (主题). Now I’d like to show you how to make paper cutting. What You Need ★Pieces of paper with different colors ★A pencil or a pen ★A knife ★A pair of scissors How to make paper cutting ★Choose a design: Decide on the design you like. ★Prepare your paper: For paper cutting, you may use yellow, blue, red and so on. But no color is better than red. ★Draw the design: Use a pencil or a pen to draw the design on the paper. ★Cutting skills: Use scissors or a knife according to the shape of your design. ★Start cutting: Cut along the lines of your design carefully. Remember not to cut your fingers. Paper cutting plays an important part in Chinese culture. It is not only beautiful but also very useful. On festivals or special days, people stick beautiful paper cutting on the windows, walls and doors to bring good luck.
21. What does paper cutting show from paragraph 1
A. Wishes for study, health and happiness. B. Wishes for wealth, health and happiness.
C. Animals, flowers, birds and insects. D. Animals, flowers, trees and birds.
22. What do you prepare before making paper cutting
A. Paper, pencil, glue and crayon. B. Pencil, pen, knife and scissors.
C. Paper, pen, fork and scissors. D. Paper, pencil, knife and scissors.
23. Which order is true to make paper cutting from the passage
①Draw the design on the paper. ②Cutting the design carefully.
③Prepare paper and tools. ④Decide what you want to design.
A. ④①②③ B. ②④①③ C. ②①④③ D. ④③①②
24. When do people stick paper cutting on the windows
A. On festivals or special days. B. On School Art Days.
C. On School Labor Days. D. On Spring Festivals.
25. What is the purpose of this passage
A. To introduce art culture of school. B. To sell paper cutting to the world.
C. To show how to make paper cutting. D. To tell the importance of paper cutting.
【答案】21. B 22. D 23. D 24. A 25. C
细节理解题。根据“Paper cutting shows wishes for wealth, health and happiness.”可知,剪纸表达了对财富、健康和幸福的祝愿。故选B。
细节理解题。根据“What You Need ★Pieces of paper with different colors ★A pencil or a pen ★A knife★A pair of scissors”可知,做剪纸前需要彩纸、笔、小刀和一把剪刀。故选D。
细节理解题。根据“How to make paper cutting ★Choose a design ★Prepare your paper ★Draw the design ★Cutting skills (Using scissors or a knife) ★Start cutting”可知,剪纸的步骤为:确定设计、准备纸、画出设计、用刀剪刀剪和切割。故选D。
细节理解题。根据“On festivals or special days, people stick beautiful paper cutting on the windows, walls and doors to bring good luck.”可知,人们在节日和特殊的日子会粘贴剪纸。故选A。
主旨大意题。根据第一段“Now I’d like to show you how to make paper cutting.”可知,作者在向读者介绍如何制作剪纸。故选C。
If you go to a restaurant in western countries, they will serve you a cup of cold water, sometimes even with ice. But when Chinese people ask for hot water, they might get a strange look from the waiter (服务员) or others around. Many westerners don’t understand why Chinese people like hot water so much.
In China, drinking hot water is very common. We believe that hot food and drink are better for our stomachs. According to traditional Chinese medicine, cold food can make our body temperature drop. And it will make us feel cold and even can lead to illness. But hot water warms our stomachs, helping them work better. It also reduces the chance of getting stomach problems and helps with digestion (消化).
On the other hand, many westerners think drinking hot water makes the body weaker. If you often drink hot water, your body might not be able to adapt cooler water later.
In China, we also like warm food. That’s why waiters in Chinese restaurants always give you hot water or tea. But in western countries, they like cold food, so they prefer cold water too. They also love hamburgers, cheese, and fried food which are high in calories (卡路里). As a matter of fact, they need cold drink to cool them off.
Drinking hot water is a healthy habit. Many Chinese doctors are encouraging people around the world to take on the habit of drinking hot water.
26. Where is this passage most probably from
A. A science website. B. A travel newspaper.
C. A music textbook. D. A health magazine.
27. What’s better for our stomachs from paragraph 2
A. Cold food and drink. B. Hamburgers and fried food.
C. Hot food and drink. D. Hot food and cool drink.
28. What does the underlined word “adapt “in paragraph 3 mean
A. Fit. B. Help. C. Catch. D. Join.
29. What’s structure (结构) of this passage (①=Paragraph 1,②=Paragraph 1…)
A. B. C. D.
30. Which can be the best title for the passage
A. Drinking Cool Water Is Good For Health B. Drinking Hot Water Is Good For Health
C. Eating Cold Food Can Make Us Healthy D. Making Hot Tea Is Popular In China
【答案】26. D 27. C 28. A 29. D 30. B
推理判断题。根据最后一段“Drinking hot water is a healthy habit. Many Chinese doctors are encouraging people around the world to take on the habit of drinking hot water.”并通读全文可知,喝热水是一种健康的习惯,许多中医鼓励世界各地的人们养成喝热水的习惯,属于健康范畴。故选D。
细节理解题。根据第二段中的“We believe that hot food and drink are better for our stomachs.”可知,热的食物和饮料对胃更好。故选C。
词句猜测题。根据倒数第三段“On the other hand, many westerners think drinking hot water makes the body weaker. If you often drink hot water, your body might not be able to adapt cooler water later.”可知,许多西方人认为喝热水会使身体虚弱,如果经常喝热水,你的身体以后可能无法适应较凉的水,所以划线词的含义是“适应”。故选A。
___31___ I like writing. And I have written some stories in my free time and my teachers think these stories are great. I want to be a writer in the near future. ___32___ I aspire (向往) to the blue sky, and I hope to be a pilot to fly around the world in the future. That must be cool! ___33___ My favorite sport is basketball. And I’m the best basketball player in our school team. I’d like to be a great basketball player like Yao Ming. ___34___ I love science. I think science experiment (实验) is very exciting. It can develop my mind. I want to be a scientist in the future. ___35___ I am good at Chinese. I also enjoy helping my classmates with their Chinese problems. I want to be a Chinese teacher in the future. A. To be a basketball player, you need to practice playing basketball very hard and get good skills of it. B. What about being a singer If you like singing, you can learn some singing skills. If possible, you can even take some courses to improve yourself. C. To be a Chinese teacher is a good choice. One thing you should know is that it takes patience and love to become a teacher. D. Would you like to be a writer If you are dreaming about that, you should read some classical work that can teach you how to write better. E. To be a football player, you must do excise every day and keep a strong body. You should master good skills of playing football. F. If you like the sky, why not try to be a pilot. But first, you should study hard and keep in good health. G. It’s great to be a scientist. To do so, you should be curious about science. And you should learn science well.
【答案】31. D 32. F
33. A 34. G
35. C
根据“I want to be a writer in the near future.”可知,想成为一名作家,D选项“你想成为一名作家吗?如果你有这样的梦想,你应该读一些可以教你如何写得更好的经典作品”符合,故选D。
根据“I aspire (向往) to the blue sky”可知,向往蓝色的天空,F选项“如果你喜欢天空,为什么不试着成为一名飞行员呢 但首先,你应该努力学习,保持身体健康”符合,故选F。
根据“I’d like to be a great basketball player like Yao Ming.”可知,想要成为一名篮球运动员,A选项“要成为一名篮球运动员,你需要非常努力地练习打篮球,并获得良好的技术”符合,故选A。
根据“I want to be a scientist in the future.”可知,想成为一名科学家,G选项“成为一名科学家很棒。要做到这一点,你应该对科学充满好奇。你应该学好科学”符合,故选G。
根据“I want to be a Chinese teacher in the future.”可知,想成为一名语文老师,C选项“成为一名语文老师是一个很好的选择。你应该知道的一件事是,成为一名教师需要耐心和爱心”符合,故选C。
五、短文填空(本大题有10小题, 每小题1. 5分, 共15分)
art; that; and; on; make; perform; history; with; white; it; but; carry
The shadow (影子) play is a very old traditional play in China. It has a ____36____ of more than 2,000 years in China. It’s said ____37____ Emperor Wudi was very sad when his wife died. To make him happy, a man ____38____ a puppet (木偶) that looked like his wife and showed its shadow on a cloth. This was the start of the shadow play.
Now, the shadow play has formed an artistic work of opera, music, art ____39____ special skills. The puppets are controlled by three to five ____40____ behind a screen. The puppets’ colorful shadows are showed on a ____41____ cloth by a bright light. The puppets move and play roles ____42____ the help of sticks. The plays are very exciting, especially when they’re about old stories or kung fu.
The shadow play is popular because the equipment (设备) is light and easy to ____43____. It also needs a small group of people and can be ____44____ in many different places. Children love the shadow play because ____45____ feels more magical than other traditional plays.
【答案】36. history
37. that 38. made
39. and 40. artists
41. white 42. with
43. carry 44. performed
45. it
句意:它在中国已有2000多年的历史。根据“more than 2,000 years in China”并结合备选词汇可知,此处指历史。故填history。
句意:据说,当他的妻子去世时,武帝非常伤心。It’s said that“据说”,固定句式。故填that。
句意: 为了让他高兴,一个男人做了一个看起来像他妻子的木偶,并在一块布上展示了它的影子。根据“To make him happy, a man…a puppet (木偶) that looked like his wife and showed its shadow on a cloth.”的句意并结合备选词汇可知,此处指一个男人做了一个看起来像他妻子的木偶,make“制作”符合,此处指过去发生的事情,应用一般过去时。故填made。
句意:现在,皮影戏已经形成了集戏曲、音乐、美术、特技于一体的艺术作品。根据“Now, the shadow play has formed an artistic work of opera, music, art… special skills.”的句意并结合备选词汇可知,此处表示并列关系。故填and。
句意:木偶由三到五名艺术家在屏幕后面控制。根据常识并结合备选词汇可知,此处表示三到五名艺术家在屏幕后面控制木偶,artist“艺术家”符合;根据空前的“three to five”可知,此处应用复数形式。故填artists。
句意:木偶在棍子的帮助下移动和扮演角色。with the help of…“在……的帮助下”,固定词组。故填with。
句意:皮影戏很受欢迎,因为它的设备轻便易携带。根据“the equipment (设备) is light”并结合备选词汇可知,此处表示它的设备轻便易携带,carry“携带”符合;根据空前的“to”可知,此处应用动词原形。故填carry。
句意:它还需要一小群人,可以在许多不同的地方表演。根据“It also needs a small group of people and can be…in many different places.”的句意并结合备选词汇可知,此处表示皮影戏可以在许多不同的地方表演,perform“表演”符合;分析句子结构可知,此处应用被动语态。故填performed。
句意:孩子们喜欢皮影戏,因为它们比其他传统戏剧更神奇。根据“Children love the shadow play because…feels more magical than other traditional plays.”的句意并结合备选词汇可知,此处表示皮影戏比其他传统戏剧更神奇,此处应用it指代“the shadow play”。故填it。
六、读写综合(本大题分为 A、B两部分, 共25分)
A. 回答问题(共5小题, 每小题2分, 共10分)
Safer Internet Day is on the second Tuesday of February every year. On this day, people in around 170 countries take part in activities to try to make the Internet become a safer place for children and young people. We can use the Internet to learn new things, video call family members who live far away, chat to friends, listen to music, watch videos and play games. But there may be some danger when we are online. Online bullying (霸凌) is when someone uses the Internet to make another person feel bad, often with bad messages on social media. Online bullying can happen in games too, when players post unkind messages in the chat box. On Safer Internet Day in the UK, children do activities at school, at home and in other places. They read stories, watch films, make posters and have discussions about how to stay safe online. Here are some tips on how to stay safe online. If you see something online that makes you afraid or worried, or if you know that someone is being bullied, tell parents, teachers or another adult who you trust. Don’t meet people who you only know online. It’s possible that people you meet online aren’t really who they say they are. It’s dangerous to go to meet them in real life. Don’t believe everything you read online! Not everything you read online is true. When you look for information, make sure that you use a website you can trust. And only share things with your friends if you know that they are true.
46. When is the Safer Internet Day every year
47. What is online bullying according to paragraph 2
48 Where can children do activities according to paragraph 3
49. Who can you tell if you know someone is being bullied
50. Why don’t you believe everything you read online
51. 书面表达
周末无网络日 你在“周末无网络日”期间打算和家人做什么有意义的活动 1. …… 2. ……
你认为合理远离网络的意义有哪些 1. …… 2. ……
提示词:proper恰当的,keep away from 远离
The Weekend without the Internet
There will be an activity of the weekend without the Internet in our school. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
【答案】46. On the second Tuesday of February every year.
47. Online bullying is when someone uses the Internet to make another person feel bad, often with bad messages on social media.
48. At school, at home and in other places.
49. Parents, teachers or another adult who you trust.
50. Because not everything we read online is true.
51. 例文:
The Weekend without the Internet
There will be an activity of the weekend without the Internet in our school. All of the student will take part in it, including me.
Without the Internet, we also have something meaningful to do with my family. I plan to go camping in the Kangping Lake which is near our house. During the camping, we can dance and sing to the music played by the CD player, and I also design to have a delicious barbecue. After going back from camping, doing house cleaning together is good choice for my family. I think my parents and I will be closer after the camping and the cleaning-up.
Keeping away from the Internet properly not only can make our relationship closer, but also can remind us of the beautiful things along the way and around us.
根据第一段“Safer Internet Day is on the second Tuesday of February every year.”可知,安全互联网日在每年的二月第二个星期二。故填On the second Tuesday of February every year.
根据第二段“Online bullying is when someone uses the Internet to make another person feel bad, often with bad messages on social media.”可知,网络欺凌是指某人利用互联网让另一个人感觉不好,通常在社交媒体上发布不好的信息。故填Online bullying is when someone uses the Internet to make another person feel bad, often with bad messages on social media.
根据第三段“On Safer Internet Day in the UK, children do activities at school, at home and in other places.”可知,在英国的安全互联网日这一天,孩子们会在学校、家里和其他地方进行活动。故填At school, at home and in other places.
根据第四段“If you see something online that makes you afraid or worried, or if you know that someone is being bullied, tell parents, teachers or another adult who you trust.”可知,如果你在网上看到一些让你害怕或担心的东西,或者如果你知道有人被欺负,告诉父母、老师或其他你信任的成年人。故填Parents, teachers or another adult who you trust.
根据第六段“Don’t believe everything you read online! Not everything you read online is true.”可知,不要相信你在网上看到的一切,不是你在网上读到的所有东西都是真的。故填Because not everything we read online is true.
① including 包括
② design to do sth. 制定计划
③ good choice 好的选择
④ keep away from 远离
① I plan to go camping in the Kangping Lake which is near our house. (定语从句)
② During the camping, we can dance and sing to the music played by the CD player. (过去分词做后置定语)
③ Keeping away from the Internet properly not only can make our relationship closer, but also can remind us of the beautiful things along the way and around us. (动名词做主语,not only...but also...连接的并列句)
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