
班级:_________ 姓名:__________
Hello! My name is Sarah. I’m a girl. I’m from Canada. I’m a student. Look at my cat. It has a long tail. It’s short and thin. I have a good friend, Liu Xin. He is a student, too. He has a rabbit. It has long ears and big eyes. The cat and the rabbit are very cute.
1.Sarah is from the USA.( )
2.Sarah’s good friend is Wu Binbin. ( )
3.Sarah is a student. ( )
4.The cat is tall and thin. ( )
5.The rabbit has long ears. ( )
Hello! I’m Amy. Look at my family photo(照片).This is my father, Jim. He is tall. He is a teacher. The beautiful woman is my mother, Grace. The short boy is my brother, Tom. Who’s that small girl Oh, it’s me.
6.This is Amy’s family photo. ( )
7.Amy’s father is a pupil. ( )
8.Amy’s mother is beautiful. ( )
9.The boy is tall. ( )
10.The small girl is Amy. ( )
I am Linda. I’m from Canada. I’m a girl. I’m ten. I’m a pupil. I have a happy family. Look, this is my father. He is tall and thin. He is a teacher. Look at this woman. She is my mother. She is a teacher, too. This little boy is my brother. He’s only five. He is not a pupil. They all love me. I love my family.
11.Linda is from China. ( )
12.Linda’s father and mother are teachers. ( )
13.Linda’s father is short and thin. ( )
14.Linda’s brother is a pupil. ( )
15.Linda has a happy family. ( )
Hello, my name is Wang Na, I'm twelve years old. I'm tall and thin. I'm from China. I'm a pupil and my mother is a teacher. I like grapes and watermelons. I have a dog. It has a small mouth and big eyes. It’s very cute.
16.Wang Na is 11 years old. ( )
17.Wang Na is from China. ( )
18.Wang Na doesn’t like grapes. ( )
19.Wang Na’s father is a teacher. ( )
20.The dog has a small mouth. ( )
My name is Zhang Jun. I’m a boy. I’m twelve. I’m a student. I’m short and thin. I like grapes and pears. I don’t like apples. I have a good friend. He is Peter. He is tall and thin. He likes strawberries. Where is he He is in the classroom.
21.Zhang Jun is thirteen. ( )
22.Zhang Jun is fat. ( )
23.Zhang Jun doesn’t like apples. ( )
24.Zhang Jun and Peter are good friends. ( )
25.Zhang Jun is in the classroom. ( )
读短文,判断句子正“ T ” 误 “ F ”。
Hello, I’m Tan Lu. I go to the zoo with my mother. I see many animals. The giraffe is very tall. The tiger is big. The panda is so cute! The monkey has a long tail. The elephant has a long nose. It has small eyes and big ears.
26.The giraffe is very tall. ( )
27.The tiger is big. ( )
28.The panda is so cute! ( )
29.The monkey has a long tail. ( )
30.The elephant has big eyes and small ears. ( )
(At the zoo)
Zoo keeper: Come here, students. Follow me. You can’t run around(到处跑).
Students: OK!
Zoo keeper: Wow, beautiful birds. How many birds do you see
Students: 1, 2 ... We see 13.
Zoo keeper: Come here, students! How many fish do you see
Students: 1, 2 ... We see 20.
Zoo keeper: Tiantian, how many giraffes do you see
Tiantian: I see 15.
Zhang Peng: Wow! Look at the monkeys!
Tiantian: How many monkeys do you see
Zhang Peng: I see 17.
Tiantian: 17 No. The big one is a bear!
Students: Haha!
31.The students see thirteen birds. ( )
32.The students see twelve fish. ( )
33.Tiantian sees fifteen giraffes. ( )
34.Zhang Peng sees eighteen monkeys. ( )
35.The big one is a bear. ( )
Hello, my name is Mary. I’m 11. I like pears and grapes. It’s my birthday1 today. Look! I have some gifts2. This is a toy panda. It has big eyes. That’s a new kite. A boat is on it. Look at the cake on the desk. I like it very much.
生词本:1. birthday 生日 2. gifts 礼物
36.Mary is eleven years old. ( )
37.Mary likes pears and grapes. ( )
38.Mary’s toy panda has small eyes. ( )
39.We see a boat on the kite. ( )
40.The cake is on the desk. ( )
Hello! My name is Wang Han. I'm from China. I'm short. I have a big nose and two small eyes. This is my bear. It has a fat body and short tail.
I'm Jack. I'm from the UK. I'm tall and thin. I have two big eyes and two small ears. I have a dog. It's Doudou. Its legs are short. And it has two big eyes. I like it very much.
41.Wang Han is from China. ( )
42.Jack is tall and thin. ( )
43.The toy bear has a long tail. ( )
44.Jack has two big eyes. ( )
45.Doudou's legs are short. ( )
Mike: Good morning, Mr Wang.
Mr Wang: Good morning, Mike.
Mike: This is my friend, Sarah. Sarah, this is our teacher, Mr Wang.
Sarah: Nice to meet you, Mr Wang.
Mr Wang: Nice to meet you, too. Are you a new student
Sarah: Yes, I am.
Mr Wang: Where are you from
Sarah: I’m from the USA.
Mr Wang: Oh! Welcome.
46.Sarah is Mike’s friend. ( )
47.Mike is a boy. ( )
48.Sarah is from the USA.( )
49.Sarah is not a new student. ( )
50.Mr Wang is a student. ( )
1.F 2.F 3.T 4.F 5.T
1.句意:萨拉来自美国。根据“My name is Sarah. I’m a girl. I’m from Canada.”,可知萨拉来自加拿大,故答案为F。
2.句意:萨拉的好朋友是吴彬彬。根据“I have a good friend, Liu Xin.”,可知萨拉的好朋友是刘鑫,故答案为F。
3.句意:萨拉是一名学生。根据“My name is Sarah. I’m a girl. I’m from Canada. I’m a student.”,可知题干与短文相符,故答案为T。
4.句意:这只猫又高又瘦。根据“Look at my cat. It has a long tail. It’s short and thin.”,可知猫又矮又瘦,故答案为F。
5.句意:这只兔子有长长的耳朵。根据“He has a rabbit. It has long ears and big eyes.”,可知题干与短文相符,故答案为T。
6.T 7.F 8.T 9.F 10.T
11.F 12.T 13.F 14.F 15.T
11.句意:琳达来自中国。根据“I am Linda. I’m from Canada.”,可知琳达来自加拿大,故答案为F。
12.句意:琳达的爸爸和妈妈都是老师。根据“Look, this is my father. He is tall and thin. He is a teacher. Look at this woman. She is my mother. She is a teacher, too.”,可知题干与短文相符,故答案为T。
13.句意:琳达的爸爸又矮又瘦。根据“Look, this is my father. He is tall and thin.”,可知琳达的爸爸又高又瘦,故答案为F。
14.句意:琳达的弟弟是一名学生。根据“This little boy is my brother. He’s only five. He is not a pupil.”,可知琳达的弟弟不是学生,故答案为F。
15.句意:琳达有一个幸福的家庭。根据“I have a happy family.”,可知题干与短文相符,故答案为T。
16.F 17.T 18.F 19.F 20.T
16.句意:王娜是11岁。根据文中句子“Hello, my name is Wang Na, I'm twelve years old.”,可知王娜是12岁,故答案为F。
17.句意:王娜来自中国。根据文中句子“I'm from China.”,可知她来自中国,故答案为T。
18.句意:王娜不喜欢葡萄。根据文中句子“ I like grapes and watermelons. ”,可知她喜欢葡萄和西瓜,故答案为F。
19.句意:王娜的爸爸是一名老师。根据文中句子“ I'm a pupil and my mother is a teacher.”,可知她的妈妈是一名老师,故答案为F。
20.句意:狗有一个小嘴巴。根据文中句子“It has a small mouth and big eyes. ”,可知它有一个小嘴巴和大眼睛。故答案为T。
21.F 22.F 23.T 24.T 25.F
21.句意:张军13岁。根据“My name is Zhang Jun. I’m a boy. I’m twelve.”,可知张军12岁,故答案为F。
22.句意:张军很胖。根据“I’m short and thin.”,可知张军很瘦,故答案为F。
23.句意:张军不喜欢苹果。根据“I don’t like apples.”,可知题干描述正确,故答案为T。
24.句意:张军和彼得是好朋友。根据“I have a good friend. He is Peter.”,可知题干描述正确,故答案为T。
25.句意:张军在教室里。根据“Where is he He is in the classroom.”,可知彼得在教室里,不是张军。故答案为F。
26.T 27.T 28.T 29.T 30.F
31.T 32.F 33.T 34.F 35.T
31.句意:学生看见十三只鸟。根据“Zoo keeper: Wow, beautiful birds. How many birds do you see Students: 1, 2 ... We see 13.”,可知题干与对话相符,故答案为T。
32.句意:学生看见十二条鱼。根据“Zoo keeper: Come here, students! How many fish do you see Students: 1, 2 ... We see 20.”,可知学生看见二十条鱼,故答案为F。
33.句意:田田看见十五只长颈鹿。根据“Zoo keeper: Tiantian, how many giraffes do you see Tiantian: I see 15.”,可知题干与对话相符,故答案为T。
34.句意:张鹏看见十八只猴子。根据“Tiantian: How many monkeys do you see Zhang Peng: I see 17.”,可知张鹏看见十七只猴子,故答案为F。
35.句意:大的那只是一只熊。根据“The big one is a bear!”,可知题干与对话相符,故答案为T。
36.T 37.T 38.F 39.T 40.T
36.句意:玛丽11岁。根据“Hello, my name is Mary. I’m 11.”,可知题干与短文相符,故答案为T。
37.句意:玛丽喜欢梨和葡萄。根据“I like pears and grapes.”,可知题干与短文相符,故答案为T。
38.句意:玛丽的玩具熊猫有小眼睛。根据“This is a toy panda. It has big eyes.”,可知玛丽的玩具熊猫有大眼睛,故答案为F。
39.句意:我们看到风筝上有一只船。根据“That’s a new kite. A boat is on it.”,可知题干与短文相符,故答案为T。
40.句意:蛋糕在桌子上。根据“Look at the cake on the desk.”,可知题干与短文相符,故答案为T。
41.T 42.T 43.F 44.T 45.T
41.句意:王涵来自中国。根据原文 My name is Wang Han. I'm from China.得知,王涵来自中国。句意与原文意思相符合,故答案为T。
42.句意:杰克又高又瘦。根据原文I'm Jack. I'm from the UK. I'm tall and thin. 得知杰克又高又瘦。句意与原文意思相符合,故答案为T。
43.句意:玩具熊有一条长尾巴。根据原文This is my bear. It has a fat body and short tail.得知玩具熊有短尾巴。句意与原文意思不相符合,故答案为F。
44.句意:杰克有两只大眼睛。根据原文I'm Jack. I'm from the UK. I'm tall and thin. I have two big eyes and two small ears. 得知杰克有两只大眼睛。句意与原文意思相符合,故答案为T .
45.句意:豆豆的腿很段。根据原文I have a dog. It's Doudou. Its legs are short.得知豆豆的腿很短。句意与原文意思相符合,故答案为T。
46.T 47.T 48.T 49.F 50.F
【解析】46.题干句意为“萨拉是麦克的朋友。”根据“This is my friend, Sarah.”可知表述正确,故答案为T。
48.题干句意为“萨拉来自美国。”根据“Mr Wang: Where are you from Sarah: I’m from the USA. ”可知表述正确,故答案为T。
49.题干句意为“萨拉不是一位新学生。”根据“Mr Wang: Nice to meet you, too. Are you a new student Sarah: Yes, I am. ”可知萨拉是一位新学生,表述不正确,故答案为F。
50.题干句意为“王先生是一位学生。”根据“Sarah, this is our teacher, Mr Wang.”可知Mr Wang是老师不是学生,表述不正确,故答案为F。
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)



