
1、本试卷共 10页,六个大题,满分120分,考试时间100 分钟:
一、听力理解(20小题,每小题1分,共 20 分)
听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳答案。每段对话读两遍。
1.What will the weather be like this afternoon
A.Sunny. B.Cloudy. C.Windy.
2.When does the supermarket usually close
A.At 8:30 p.m. B.At 9:00 p.m. C.At 9:30 p.m.
3.How many English students are there in Mr. Yang's class
A.Forty-three. B.Forty-five. C.Fifty.
4.What time does the shop close
A.At 5:00. B.At 5:30. C.At 6:00.
5.Where will the man go on May Day
A.To Macao. B.To Beijing. C.To Hong Kong.
6.How long did Lucy skate today
A.For three hours. B.For six hours. C.For seven hours.
7.Who bought the first pair of skates for Lucy
A.Her father. B.Her mother. C.Her grandmother.
8.What time will the concert begin on Friday
A.At 4:00 p. m. B.At 5:00 p. m. C.At 6:00 p. m.
9.What will Ted do on Friday afternoon
A.Take a piano lesson. B.See the dentist. C.Go to the concert.
听下面一段独白,回答第 10 至第 12 三个小题。
10.Who sent George to work when he was eight years old
A.His teacher. B.His uncle. C.His father.
11.Where were the adult classes
A.Near his home. B.In another city. C.Far from his home.
12.What is the main idea of this story
A.Life is so good. B.Reading is important. C.Never too late to learn
听下面一段对话,回答第 13 至第 15 三个小题,
13.How does the man feel
A.Tired. B.Sad. C.Nervous.
14.When does the man feel better
A.In summer and autumn. B.In winter and spring. C.In spring and summer.
15.What does the woman advise the man to do
A.To stay in bed. B.To do exercise. C.To drink more water.
A.B.C. D.E.
16. 17. 18. 19. 20.
China has a large area and there are 56 peoples (民族) in it. So China has plenty of Chinese food with different but mouth-watering flavor (风味). Generally speaking, Chinese food can be mainly divided into eight cuisines (菜系). Let’s have a look at some of them.
Sichuan cuisine is hot, spicy and sour. It is related (有关) to the wet weather of that area and people need hot food to stay away from the wet. There are many popular dishes that stand for Sichuan cuisine like Kung Pao Chicken.
Zhejiang cuisine is from the local dishes of Hangzhou, Ningbo and Shaoxing. Food in Zhejiang has a pleasant smell and it tastes fresh. Most of the dishes are perfectly made. If you visit Zhejiang, you must taste Dongpo Pork.
Fujian cuisine often uses materials from the sea to cook. It tastes light and the color is beautiful. You can enjoy different kinds of soup in Fujian because many dishes of Fujian cuisine are served in soup, like Fo Tiao Qiang.
Shandong cuisine is very famous in northern China. It includes much seafood which tastes light and fresh. It is also the symbol of cooking culture along the Yellow River. Its most famous dish is Sweet and Sour Carp (糖醋鱼).
21.Sichuan cuisine helps local people _________.
A.become strong B.stay cool C.keep away from the wet D.keep warm
22.Fo Tiao Qiang belongs to _________.
A.Sichuan cuisine B.Zhejiang cuisine
C.Fujian cuisine D.Shandong cu sine
23.Which of the following is TRUE according to the information above
A.In general, Chinese food can be mainly divided into eighty cuisines.
B.Food in Zhejiang has a pleasant smell and a fresh taste.
C.Not only Sichuan cuisine but also Shandong cuisine tastes light.
D.Dongpo Pork is the symbol of cooking culture along the Yellow River.
24.Both of the materials of Fujian cuisine and Shandong cuisine mainly come from _________.
A.the water B.the field C.the mountain D.the forest
25.From the passage, we can learn that _________.
A.most of the Chinese prefer Sichuan cuisine
B.Chinese cuisines are becoming more popular around the world
C.different cuisines are formed because of different living conditions
D.many foreigners come to China to eat Chinese cuisines
There are lots of fun-filled ethnic (少数民族的) festivals in our country. Let’s take a look at some of them.
March Fair of Bai People
The March Fair is the most important festival for the Bai people living in Dali, Yunnan. It starts from the 15th day of the 3rd lunar month and lasts about 7 days. During the festival, people in and around Dali come together for trade. What’s more, they race horses, dance to and sing traditional songs.
Torch Festival of Yi People
In Yunnan, Guizhou and Sichuan, Yi people celebrate the Torch (火把) Festival. It usually takes place from the 24th to the 26th day of the 6th lunar month every year. As part of the festival, every family needs to light a torch. The idea is that these torches will drive away bad luck. In the center of town, there is always a bonfire (篝火). People of all ages sing and dance around it.
Water Festival of Dai People
The Water Festival is the New Year for the Dai people living in Xishuangbanna, Yunnan. It lasts 3 days in April. During the festival, Dai people wear their festival suits to dance and throw water at each other (they believe it could bring happiness and good luck). The wetter you get, the luckier you will be.
Interested in these Chinese festivals Go and experience them yourself.
26.What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 3 refer to
A.The Bai People. B.The Torch Festival. C.The bonfire. D.The Water Festival.
27.How long does Torch Festival of Yi People last
A.Three days. B.Four days C.About 7 days D.About two weeks.
28.Where can you experience all the three ethnic festivals above
A.In Sichuan. B.In Yunnan. C.In Guizhou. D.In Guangdong
29.Which of the following is TRUE according to the text
A.The Torch Festival lasts the shortest time.
B.Bai People often trade and draw in March Fair.
C.The Water Festival is the New Year for Dai people.
D.Yi People need to light a torch to see the road clearly.
30.What does the passage mainly talk about
A.Some ethnic clothes in our country. B.Some ethnic food in our country.
C.Some ethnic movies in our country. D.Some ethnic festivals in our country.
These days, we easily feel stressed as we need to do lots of work every day. It’s important to know how to solve problems and find ways to relax.
We should try organizing our problems from most important to least important as well as most urgent (紧急的) to least urgent. If some problems are both important and urgent, such as studying for a next-day test, do those tasks first. Once those are done, work on things that are important but not urgent, such as preparing for the final exams. From there, we can work on problems that are less important. Organizing our work this way helps a lot in knowing what to do first and not worrying about the rest.
Sometimes we feel stressed because we are not able to complete the task by ourselves. It’s better to ask someone for help. If we stick to doing these tasks ourselves, it can make us more stressed and upset. Open your mouth bravely, and someone must give you a hand.
Still, sometimes we don’t feel relaxed even after organizing our work well. That’s okay. We can try to plan some exercise in our daily life. It doesn’t even have to be a big trip to the gym, although that surely helps. It could be something as small as walking around the neighborhood for 10 minutes. Also, we can try different activities together with our family members or friends.
We can try meditation (冥想). Again, this does not need to be anything special. Just set aside 10to 20 minutes with a timer, sit upright, close your eyes, and focus only on breathing. If other ideas come up, accept that they are there and let them fall away on their own.
By trying these steps, we will go a long way toward feeling relaxed and peaceful when finishing all of the work.
31.In which order should we organize our tasks
a. Both important and urgent tasks. b. Less important tasks.
c. Important but not urgent tasks. d. Neither important nor urgent tasks.
A.a→b→c→d B.a→c→b→d C.d→c→b→a D.d→b→c→a
32.What does Paragraph 3 tell us
A.Always complete the tasks by ourselves. B.We can tell the truth to other people.
C.Try to give a helping hand to others. D.We should ask for help sometimes.
33.What does the writer advise us to do to relax in Paragraph 4
A.Go on a big trip. B.Take a walk around.
C.Spend time organizing our work well. D.Do the same activity every day.
34.What should we do when other ideas come up during meditation
A.Lie down and set a timer. B.Try to breathe gently.
C.Just leave them alone. D.Open and then close our eyes.
35.Which can be a proper title for the text
A.Ways of Organizing Tasks B.Advice on Dealing with Stress
C.Advantages of Taking Exercise D.Keys to Keeping a Peaceful Mind
An art journal is like a written journal, but its more than words alone. 36 If you’re wondering how to start an art journal, read the following.
37 It often has thicker paper than a traditional notebook. So a sketchpad (画板) is a good choice. You can use markers (记号笔) and paints without worrying about them spreading through the paper.
Collect art tools. Check tools you have already owned. A small watercolor paint set, colored pencils and markers can give you many creative choices. 38 Next, collect newspapers or other printed materials and cut words out of them.
Create a background. If you’re not sure where to begin, one easy place to start is a background. Use brushes to paint colors all over a page, or create some simple pictures with markers. If you’re not sure what to draw, you can take your journal outside. 39
Keeping an art journal at certain times can bring many advantages. Make it before bed or after school. It allows you to get relaxed and forget the stress of the whole day 40 By creating art that reflects your thoughts and feelings, you can get a deeper understanding of yourself and your life.
A.Choose a special notebook.
B.You can add more tools over time.
C.An art journal can show your personal growth.
D.Everything you see may be useful for your journal.
E.It allows you to express yourself through any art form you enjoy.
三、完形填空(15 小题,每小题1分,共15分)
先通读短文,掌握其大意,然后从 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入相应空白处的最佳答案。
What’s FOREST What is FOREST for Answers like nature’s green treasure, the home of wildlife may appear in our minds, while in the Grimms’ stories, a forest is often 41 as the home of evil witches, talking animals and other magical beings.
Once upon a time, a devil living 42 happened to meet a young soldier, who behaved himself 43 in the war, but when peace was made, he had nowhere to go and didn’t know how to make a living for himself. The devil knew what the solider needed. 44 , the devil wanted to test his courage. Here was the 45 the devil made with him. The solider could live a wealthy life, but he would be Bearskin without bathing, haircutting or cutting nails for 46 years. And if he died during the time, the devil would take the soldier’s soul. During seven years’ period, people were 47 to the bearskin for his generosity—wherever he went, he helped the poor and people in trouble. At the end of the story, the devil kept the 48 and the bearskin harvested his love.
At my young age, what lesson I got from the story is that small acts of kindness go a long, long, long way. 49 you are kind, evil spirits will keep off you. Yet, as I grew up, my perspective (视角) on this book 50 . What came to my mind is the meaning of forest. In the Grimms’ story, magical power is from forest.
Forests which 51 the unknown, mysteries, dangers… are used 52 in many classic novels like Alice in Wonderland, the Wonderful Wizard of OZ, the Secret Garden…. So why not enjoy a 53 time with nice reads and the smell of nature in forests
A good 54 is tasked with carrying out activities to encourage a culture of reading and spread its values in all ages.
At its best, reading happens 55 . Slow down and feel the double gifts from nature and knowledge.
41.A.explained B.described C.created D.praised
42.A.in a forest B.near the sea C.in a mountain D.on the sand
43.A.with courage B.in fear C.with excitement D.in anger
44.A.Moreover B.Otherwise C.Suddenly D.However
45.A.business B.game C.effort D.trade
46.A.five B.six C.seven D.eight
47.A.thankful B.meaningful C.careful D.helpful
48.A.product B.promise C.progress D.project
49.A.Unless B.Until C.If D.Though
50.A.remained B.changed C.continued D.improved
51.A.ask for B.prepare for C.look for D.stand for
52.A.widely B.quickly C.rapidly D.wildly
53.A.calm B.proud C.surprising D.fantastic
54.A.story B.spirit C.read D.act
55.A.naturally B.certainly C.quickly D.safely
填一次, 每调限用一次。
member wait responsible like when she lucky laugh n large provide
It was Olivia’s first day at Rockford Public Schools. She felt very excited, but at the same time, she was a little nervous. The new school, with 900 students in her grade, is much 56 than her old school, where there were just 330 students. 57 she sat down at a table in her new school’s dining hall, she wasn’t yet sure how she would feel about being at the school.
58 , she wasn’t the only new one at the school. To help the new students from junior high schools feel better, this special activity was 59 for them.
Rebecca, a new school counselor (辅导员), was 60 for the activity. “I know what it is 61 to be in a new place and I want the students to know they’re not alone.” she said. After Rebecca introduced 62 and other school workers to the new students, she announced that the students could talk freely and ask them any questions. The 63 of the student council (学生会) were also available to answer questions about the school, Soon the room was filled with sounds of 64 .
The activity was very successful. Some students said they couldn’t 65 to study in such a wonderful school. As for Olivia, she felt a sense of belonging. “It’s a really special place. And I believe l will have a good time at the school in the following years,” she said.
Dong Yuhui used to be 66 teacher who taught high school students to learn English. But now he is a successful live streamer (主播). He explains the products in both Chinese and English in the live studio (直播间). He can also talk about geography, history and poetry in Chinese as well 67 in English. He has attracted millions of followers. How did he learn things
Once Dong shared his way of learning 68 is one of the most famous methods around the world—Feynman Technique (费曼学习法). It can be included into four words: Concept, Teach, Review, Simplify (简化)! Its key thought is to express what you have learned. How 69 Dong practice it He took notes after reading the book, made a mind map and repeated the main idea in his own words. Dong also suggested parents prepare a whiteboard for their children and let them speak out the new knowledge. The Feynman Technique is useful for us 70 understand what we learn deeply.
Do you believe the method of Feynman Technique is useful Just have a try!
A: Hey, Eric. I heard you traveled to China this spring.
B: Yes, Lily. I went there with my family.
A: 71
B: Yes, of course. We visited the Great Wall as soon as we arrived in Beijing.
A: 72
B: The Great Wall was built over two thousand years ago. Later, people in many dynasties repaired the old walls and built new ones. The section I visited was built during the Ming dynasty.
A: 73
B: To keep away from the enemies in the north.
A: What do you think of the Great Wall
B: 74 . It’s well worth visiting.
A: How long did you stay in China
B: For ten days.
A: Oh, you must have had a good time there. 75 .
B: Not at all.
提示词语:improve, effort, form a good habit
提示问题:What did you devote yourself to How did you do it What have you learnt from the experience
英 语
一、听力理解(20小题,每小题1分,共 20 分)
1.A 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.B 6.B 7.C 8.A 9.B 10.C
11.A 12.C 13.A 14.C 15.B 16.C 17.E 18.A 19.D 20.B
21.C 22.C 23.B 24.A 25.C
26.C 27.A 28.B 29.C 30.D
31.B 32.D 33.B 34.C 35.B
36.E 37.A 38.B 39.D 40.C
41.B 42.A 43.A 44.D 45.D 46.C 47.A 48.B 49.C 50.B 51.D 52.A 53.D 54.C 55.A
56.larger 57.When 58.Luckily 59.provided 60.responsible 61.like 62.herself 63.members 64.laughter 65.wait
66.a 67.as 68.which/that 69.did 70.To
71.Did you visit the Great Wall 72.When was the Great Wall/it built 73.Why was it built 74.It’s great/wonderful/... 75.Thanks a lot/Thank you for telling me so much
Five years ago, I started to devote myself to painting, which turned out to be one of the most important experiences in my life. One day, after school, I saw some of my schoolmates painting in the art room. The colorful dots and lines caught my attention immediately. I was so drawn to the beauty in front of me that I joined the Painting Club without hesitation. After that, no matter how bad the weather was, or how much homework, I still was on time to each art lesson and finished each painting attentively.
By doing this, I developed incredible focus and decided that I wanted to completely devote myself to painting. Not only did I win countless awards but also my painting journey helped me grow into a better person.




下一篇:广东省佛山市禅城区2023-2024九年级下学期第三次模考四校联考物理试卷(图片版 无答案)