
二、单项选择(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)
Daniel was very glad because the toy train moved again after he _______ fixed it all the afternoon.
suddenly B. quickly C. easily D. carefully
22. —Excuse me, but I don’t think you can smoke here.
—Sorry, I ________ this is a non-smoking area.
A. don’t know B. didn’t know C. know D. knew
23. Which of the following “-ed” has a different pronunciation(发音) from the other three?
A. happened B. touched C. enjoyed D. believed
24. —Is ________ ready for the class trip
—No, we still need to prepare a map before we start the trip.
something B. nothing C. anything D. everything
25. Without thinking twice, he stopped and began to _______ the papers on the floor and put them into the box.
A. pick up B. grow up C. put up D. clean up
26. Because of the heavy rain, there are fewer people in the street than usual. But I must go to the supermarket to buy some food, because there is ________ in the fridge.
A. a little B. little C. a few D. few
27. —Who put this coat ______ me when I was sleeping
—It was your father. He didn’t want you to catch a cold.
above B. over C. beside D. under
Which word comes first in a dictionary(字典)
A. treasure B. straight C. traffic D. strange
29. All the students in class _______ when the teacher came into the classroom.
A. started to talk B. started talking C. stopped to talk D. stopped talking
30. —Excuse me. Is the library open all day
—________. Only from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Yes, of course B. Sorry, I’m not sure
C. Sorry, I’m afraid not D. That’s right
One day, Daniel got lost when he and his mom went shopping in the store. He had thought he was right beside Mom, __31__ when he looked up, Mom was gone.
“Mom! Mom!” Daniel called. Many people hurried by, however, nobody __32__ for Daniel. The store seemed very large, and Daniel felt himself very __33__.
Then Daniel remembered something. Mom once told him what he should do if he got lost. She said that he should find someone who was __34__ at the store first. Daniel looked around and saw a saleswoman (女售货员) hanging sweaters, so he ran to her for __35__. “I’m lost. I can’t find my mom.” he said.
__36__ she could answer, a customer (顾客) hurried over, holding a black sweater. “How much is this ” she asked.
Now Daniel was __37__. Would the saleswoman help him
“Just a moment, please,” the saleswoman said to the customer. “We have a lost boy here.” She turned to Daniel, “Don’t worry.” she said, “I will __38__ Mr.Henson, our store security guard(保安). He will help find your mom.”
The customer smiled at Daniel. “I strongly believe your mom is looking for you, too.” she said. Daniel hadn’t thought of that! Mom must be looking for him, too. And now she knew __39__ to find him. He felt better.
When they were waiting for Mr. Henson, the saleswoman gave Daniel a green lollipop (棒棒糖). Although green was Daniel’s __40__, he did not feel like eating at the moment.
Soon here came Mr. Henson. He put his hand on Daniel’s shoulder. “What’s your name, little boy ” he asked, Daniel told him. Then Mr. Henson asked. “What’s your mom’s name ” “Mom,” but he knew that Mr. Henson wanted to know Mom’s __41__ name. “Her name is Amy Wilkerson.” he said.
“Good job!” Mr. Henson said. The saleswoman smiled.
Mr. Henson said he would make a notice so that everybody could __42__ all through the store. He pushed buttons on a special telephone, then said, “Will Ms. Amy Wilkerson please come to ladies’ __43__ on the second floor Your son is waiting for you here.”
Mr. Henson’s voice was strong, and the store’s music __44__ stopped playing when he made the notice. Mom must have heard him. And she really had. Soon Daniel saw her running toward him.
Mom held Daniel close. “I was worried.” she said. “Me too.” Daniel said. “But I __45__ what you taught me.” He told Mom about Mr. Henson and the saleswoman. Then he gave Mom the lollipop, because green was her favorite, too.
A. or B. so C. but D. and
32. A. waited B. stopped C. paid D. hunted
33. A. small B. old C. big D. low
34. A. sitting B. chatting C. working D. standing
35. A. help B. money C. reply D. telephone
36. A. Because B. After C. If D. Before
37. A. bored B. worried C. excited D. tired
38. A. e-mail B. order C. catch D. call
39. A. who B. when C. where D. what
40. A. style B. favorite C. size D. sign
41. A. real B. special C. funny D. possible
42. A. search B. post C. hear D. answer
43. A. sweaters B. bags C. shoes D. dresses
44. A. never B. even C. quite D. ever
45. A. replied B. returned C. reached D. remembered
认真阅读下列图表或短文,从短文后的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
Our school is going to have Social Studies. It can help you get some useful living skills. These classes will start next Wednesday.
Class 1:_____________ Do you want to be a great cook If you are interested in cooking, welcome to take it. You needn’t bring any things to the classroom, because our school has what you need. The only thing is that you should be free between 4: 00 -5: 00 p.m. every Thursday.
Class 2:_____________ Most of you find it tiring and difficult to do housework. But every Wednesday, a two-hour class will change it. You will learn some useful ways that help you do the cleaning. Miss Rome, an expert (专家) in cleaning, will wait for you at 3: 30 p.m.
Class 3:_____________ This class is interesting because teachers show us useful things out of classrooms. There is a big garden that needs planting. Students who take this class will plant flowers, vegetables and some trees with teachers’ help. If the weather is OK, you can take this class every day at 4: 00 p.m. from April 20th to May 30th.
What is the correct order of the titles (标题)
①Plant your hope ②Enjoy a good meal ③Become an expert in cleaning
A. ①②③ B. ②③① C. ②①③ D. ③②①
47. According to the passage, which of the following is true
A. You need to bring some cooking things if you want to take Class 1.
B. You will be able to spend more time cleaning after you take Class 2.
C. Students will plant flowers, vegetables without teachers’ help in Class 3.
D. Students can get some useful living skills from these three Labor Studies.
48. Who may be the reader of the text
A. Students. B. Parents. C. Farmers. D. Teachers.
ChatGPT is an AI chatbot developed by San Franciso-based startup OpenAI. It is controlled by a large language model. What makes ChatGPT so amazing is its ability to have human-like response (反应). It can talk with people, write songs, poems and even jokes. It’s one of the most greatest AI writers.
ChatGPT can write things really fast. Many people began to use it. For example, Mo Yan turned to ChatGPT for help in writing award words for the writer Yu Hua. Yu Hua, the writer of the popular novels “To live” and “Brothers”, get another milestone in 2021. His latest novel, “WenCheng” win the top prize for novel rankings (排名).
During the ceremony(典礼), as an award presenter for Yu, Mo had to make a speech for giving award. “I spent several days trying to write one but failed, so I asked a student to make ChatGPT write one for me,” Mo said, adding that after he put in the keywords including “To Live”, “remove a tooth” and “Wen Cheng”, the chatbot created a citation(颁奖词) of over 1,000 words, written in a Shakespearean style.
The reason for Mo to choose the three key phrases is “To live” is one of Yu’s most popular novels, “remove a teeth” refers to the fact that Yu used to be a dentist before he became a writer, and “Wen Cheng” showed Yu’s latest novel, which won the prize at the ceremony.
ChatGPT is very useful since it can help people work out the problem easily. However, every coin has two sides.
49. What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 1 refer to
A. the model B. ChatGPT C. the response D. OpenAI
50. Which of the following statements is true
A. One of Mo Yan’s students once asked him to use ChatGPT.
B. Mo Yan disliked the citation written in a Shakespearean style.
C. Mo Yan enjoyed using ChatGPT to write novels in his daily life.
D. Mo Yan failed to write award words and asked ChatGPT for help.
51. Which is the correct order of the things below
a. Yu Hua’s latest novel won the top prize.
b. Mo Yan spent several days on award words.
c. Yu Hua wrote “To Live” and “Brothers”.
d. Mo Yan turned to ChatGPT for help.
A. c-a-b-d B. c-b-d-a C. b-d-c-a D. b-c-a-d
52. What will probably be talked about in the following paragraph
A. Robot’s learning habits.
B. People’s feelings about ChatGPT.
C. Problems that may come with AI writing.
D. The ways that ChatGPT deals with writing.
When you think of the sea, you may not think of Xinjiang or Inner Mongolia(内蒙古). But recently, the “seafood” produced in these places has become popular, especially after Japan put nuclear-contaminated water (核污染水) into the sea, reported China Daily.
In Xinjiang, about 6,000 tons of rainbow trout (虹鳟鱼) will be produced this year. Rainbow trout belongs to the same family as salmon (鲑鱼), which is a kind of well-known seafood. It tastes like salmon, too.
Why do farmers there choose to grow fish The weather in some parts of Xinjiang is seldom hot, and the rivers are fed by meltwater from the Tianshan Mountains. Water deeper than 6 meters always stays at 10℃. As the meltwater is very clean and cold, it’s a “comfortable” home for fish, a worker at a fish company in Xinjiang, told China Daily.
To make sure the river stays clean, the company uses machines to clean fish waste in the water. They also use net cages that are good for the environment(环境). The nets are about 51 meters wide and lie 25 meters deep in the river.
Besides, in Inner Mongolia, whiteleg shrimps (南美白对虾) grows well. Saline soil (盐碱土) is a large part of the desert (荒漠) where few plants are able to grow. Farmers put water from the Yellow River onto the farmland to wash away the salt in the past. But this was a waste of salty water.
Scientists then came up with a new idea. They decided to make “seawater” with the salty water by adding(增加) in some other components (成分). Whiteleg shrimps can live well in this kind of water. They taste no different from the same kind of shrimp that grows in the sea.
53. To avoid water pollution (避免水污染)caused by growing fish, the company ______.
① cleans the water with machines
② uses net cages to grow fish in the water
③ grows only one kind of fish-rainbow trout
④ adds in some other components in the water
A. ①② B. ③④ C. ①③ D. ②④
54. Why does the writer introduce whiteleg shrimps in the passage
A. To tell people it is safe to eat seafood.
B. To show rivers are important to a country.
C. To show another “seafood” grown without using the sea.
D. To compare (比较) them with the shrimps that grow in the sea.
55. What can you infer (推断) from the story
A. Xinjiang has grown many kinds of seafood.
B. China won’t worry about not having seafood.
C. The Yellow River is fit for growing whiteleg shrimps now.
D. The nuclear-contaminated water won’t change anything in China.
56. Which shows the best structure of the passage (1=Paragraph 1, 2=Paragraph 2, ...)
It was December and the snow was falling quietly outside. The four March sisters were sitting around the fire in the parlor.
“Christmas isn’t Christmas without any presents,” Jo said sadly. “I hate being poor!” Meg said, looking at her old dress.
“Some girls have lots of nice things, and other girls have nothing at all,” said Amy. “I don’t think it’s fair.”
“But we’ve got Father and Mother, and each other,” said Beth. The four sisters looked happy for a moment when they remembered this.
Then Jo said, “But we haven’t got Father.” Their smiles suddenly disappeared(消失). Mr. March was far away with the soldiers(士兵).
“Mother says our men are suffering and we mustn’t spend money for pleasure,” Meg said, “That’s why we can’t have presents this year.”
“Well, each of us has a dollar(美元)to spend,” said Jo, “What can the army(军队)do with four dollars Nothing! I don’t expect anything from Mother, but I really would like to buy a book for myself.” Jo had a passion for books.
“I want to spend mine on some new music,” said Beth. She played the piano and she loved singing.
“I’m going to buy a box of drawing pencils. I really need them,” said Amy. She wanted to be an artist.
“Mother didn’t say anything about spending our own money,” cried Jo, “We work hard for it so let’s buy what we want and have a little fun.”
It was true. The two older sisters had jobs. Meg worked as a teacher for the King family and Jo looked after Aunt March, their father’s rich, bad-tempered old aunt Beth and Amy helped with the housework.
Just then the clock struck six. Beth got up and put her mother’s slippers(拖鞋) near the fire to warm.
“Those slippers are very old,” said Jo, “Mother needs some new ones.”
“I can buy a pair for her with my dollar,” said Beth.
“No, I’m the oldest,” Meg said, “I want to buy the slippers for her.”
“No, it’s my job,” said Jo. “Father told me to take care of Mother while he was away.”
“I have an idea,” said Beth, “Let’s not spend our money on ourselves. Let’s get some presents for Mother."
Her sisters thought that this was a very good idea.
—Extracted from“Little Women”
57. How much money do the four girls have for presents
A. One dollar. B. Four dollars. C. Twelve dollars. D. Sixteen dollars.
58. Which sentence is RIGHT
A. Jo is the oldest of the four girls.
B. Beth looked after her rich Aunt March.
C. The four girls’ father was far away in the army.
D. Amy liked singing and she wanted to be an artist.
59. From the underlined(划线的)sentence “Jo had a passion for books.”, we can infer(推断) ______.
A. Jo had lots of books B. Jo lost her books
C. Jo bought many books D. Jo loved books very much
60. What could be the best title(标题)for the passage
A. Presents for Father B. Presents for Mother
C. Presents for Girls D. Presents for Soldiers
第二节(共5小题; 每小题2分, 满分10分)
Hi, friends! Welcome to our farm! I’ll show you around. Look at this map. Now we are at the cotton fields. ____61____ There I’ll tell you about the growth of rice.
To the north of the rice fields, you’ll find different vegetables such as tomatoes, eggplants and cucumbers(黄瓜). You’re sure to enjoy their beautiful colours. Tum right, and to the east of the vegetable fields are fruit fields. ____62____
____63____ While you climb it, you’ll see a lot of sheep running about or eating grass there. Then we’ll take that path down the hill and come to a large open ground with houses in the middle. ____64____ You will have ten minutes to watch farmers milk the cows.
Finally, we’ll visit an apiary(养蜂场). It is to the west of the cows’ houses. You will find many hives(蜂箱) there. Bees live in them. You must be careful there and keep away from the bees. To the left of the apiary is the dining hall. ____65____
Now let’s start!
We’ll have lunch there.
Farmers raise cows there.
All of us can follow sheep to a large open ground.
You will see watermelons and grapes there.
Go along this path and we’ll get to the rice fields.
To the north of the fruit fields is a small hill.
Most middle school students are busy with their schoolwork. They may worry __66__ their subjects. But Henry, a 15-ycar-old boy, is busy running a __67__(wonder) company.
Henry comes from __68__ town in the east of England. He started __69__(he) own company when he was only nine. He began by selling sweets but soon turned to more things like bags and soft __70__(toy).
Henry’s early school life __71__ difficult because he saw the world differently. He also had a stammer (口吃) at that time, __72__ he had few friends. To make himself happy, Henry became __73__ (interesting) in writing stories about animals. He also practiced hard and grew out of stammer.
Now his company makes him a lot of money. Also, he works as hard as he can. He always
takes his homework with him when he goes out and does it on the train. Henry is a famous boy. He is glad that he __74__ (speak) at a school meeting next month.
Henry wrote a book called Young and Mighty two years ago. He wrote, “The real point of the book is to make people of my age __75__(think) about how to make their way in the world.”
六、短文填空(本题共10小题: 每小题1分,满分10分)
Would you like to know about New York Please follow me.
Public transport(公共交通).
In New York, there’s a good bus and subway(地铁) service. I__76__ you are planning to use the subway a lot, you should buy a subway ticket for ten journeys. But you don’t have to use public transport, b__77__ there are lots of places you can go to on foot, l__78__ the Empire State Building (帝国大厦), 5th Avenue and Central Park. The New York taxis are a part of the city experience (经历), so you should take at l__79__ one taxi during your visit!
There are p__80__ of good hotels in New York. The best is The Plaza on 5th Avenue.
Eating out.
There are many kinds of food in New York and you shouldn’t eat at KFC every day. There are good r__81__ in Little Italy and Chinatown, for example.
S__82__ in New York is fun.
There are big shops on 5th Avenue. They are o__83__ seven days a week. But be careful when you look at the prices; you have to pay a special 8% tax (税) on everything you buy in New York.
Places of interest to see.
Finally, there are a lot to see in New York. It’s f__84__ for Times Square, the Statue of Liberty and so on. It is reported that every year, m__85__ of visitors come to the modern city.
You love reading. You read your favourite book a thousand times and you want to read something new, but you don’t know what you want to read. If you have the right information, it is easy to choose (选择) a good book!
Go to the library first. Answer these questions. What writers do you like What are your interests If the library has computers, you can use it to find a book by its writer, or keywords of your interests. If you like a certain book, search the book up and read its summary(概要). That will help you decide if the book is right for you.
Search your house next. Often good books are quietly lying somewhere in your own house. Maybe you forget about one. Maybe you will find some books that you can read, and they won’t cost you any money.
Then, ask someone to recommend (推荐)a good book. You can ask your elder brothers or sisters, your mom, your dad, your best friend, or your teachers. They know you well and can often make wonderful book recommendations.
Finally, read the first part of each book. Of course, if you have many books, this can take much time. But reading the first part of each book can help you know what books and genres (体裁) of books you like, and you won’t have a hard time looking for books again.
How many ways to choose a good book are there in the passage
How can you use the computer in the library to find a book
Who can you ask to recommend a good book
What does the underline word “this” in the last paragraph mean
What else can you do to help you
91. 那天晚些时候,他们把小猫送到了动物中心。(take...to...)
92. 现在我再也不会害怕动物了。(not ... any more)
93. 他足够勇敢地从火里救出他的邻居。(...enough to ...)
94. 爱丽丝太小了,够不到桌上的钥匙。(too... to ...)
她抬起头,看到一只穿着外套的白兔从身边经过。(see ... doing)
下周你们班将举行以“My free time” 为主题的班会,同学们都来聊一聊如何利用业余时间做一些有意义的事。请你从下列图表中,选取2~3个方面或自拟,谈谈自己是如何度过业余时间的,并说说自己的收获或感想。
词数 90 字左右,短文开头已经给出,不计入总词数:
We should do some meaningful things in our free time. Today I will tell you about my free time in the class meeting._________________________________________________________
21-25 DBBDA 26-30 BBBDC
31-35 CBACA 36-40 DBDCB 41-45 ACABD
46-48 BDA 49-52 BDAC 53-56ACBA 57-60 BCDB
61-65 EDFBA
66. about 67. wonderful 68. a 69. his 70. toys
71. was 72. so 73. interested 74. will speak 75. think
76. If 77. because 78. like 79. least 80. plenty
81. restaurants 82. Shopping 83. open 84. famous 85. millions
86. There are four ways./Four
87. By its writer, or keywords of my interests.
88. My family or best friend or teachers.
89. It refers to “Reading the first part of book”.
90. I can join in the Reading Club.
91. Later that day, they took the little cat to the animal centre.
92. Now I am not afraid of animals any more.
93. He was brave enough to save his neighbour from a fire.
Alice was too small to reach the key on the table.
She looked up and saw a white rabbit in a coat passing by.



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