2023-2024人教PEP版英语四年级下册期末试题 (含答案)

时间:60分钟 满分:100分
题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 总分
( )1. sir skirt ( )2. scarf park
( )3. computer old ( )4. people little
( )5. tomato table
( )1. A. first B. second C. thirty
( )2. A. breakfast B. playground C. dinner
( )3. A. horse B. rainy C. sunny
( )4. A. coat B. umbrella C. shirt
( )5. A. carrot B. cow C. hen
1. n,a,i,a,m,l,s
2. o,p,t,r,e,c,m,u
3. l,v,o,g,e
4. c,s,o,e,d,n
5. a,r,n,i,y
四、单项选择。 (10分)
( )1. We have many animals the farm.
A. on B. in C. to
( )2. It's 11:50 a. m. It's time have lunch.
A. to B. for C./
( )3. Jack to eat green beans.
A. love B. loves C. to love
( )4. It's cold today. So I my warm clothes.
A. take off B. put on C. put away
( )5. We have a show the library today.
A. in B. on C. at
1. beans the green long so are (.)
2. that room lunch the is ( )
3. is the report this weather (.)
4. you your fly can kite ( )
5. you how have many do cows ( )
( )1.纽约的天气怎么样
A. What's the weather like in New York
B. How's the weather like in New York
( )2.我喜欢那件绿色的短裙。
A. I like those pants.
B. I like that green skirt.
( )3.这件衬衫不是我的,是迈克的。
A. This shirt isn't mine. It's Mike's.
B. This shirt isn't Mike. It's mine.
( )4.太阳镜多少钱
A. How much are the sunglasses
B. How much is the sunglasses
( )5.这是谁的毛衣
A. Whose sweater is this
B. Who sweater is this
( )1. These are tomatoes. They are good.
( )2. They are horses. They like grass.
( )3. It's time for English class.
( )4. The sunglasses are eight-nine yuan.
( )5. It's sunny today.
( )1. A:How much are these shoes
B:It's 98 yuan.
( )2. A:Can I help you
B:Yes,I want a skirt.
( )3. A:Let’s play football.
B:Good idea!
( )4. A:Whose coat is this
B:It's Mike's.
( )5. A:What's the weather like
B:It's a dog.
Hi,I'm Sarah. I'm in London. It's cold and windy here.
Hello,I'm Mike. I'm in Shanghai now. It's very hot and sunny today.
Hi,I'm Jack. I'm in Hangzhou. It's cool and rainy.
Name Place Weather
Sarah 1. ______ cold and 2. ______
3. _______ Shanghai 4. _______
Jack Hangzhou 5. ______



