
( )1.It’s very cold. A.I’m fine, thank you.
( )2.How are you B.Here’s a coat for you.
( )3.What’s the matter C.This is Sam speaking.
( )4.May I speak to Sam D.It’s my mother’s.
( )5.Whose dress is this E.All right.
( )6.Your schoolbag is so beautiful. F.They’re my cousin’s.
( )7.Whose shorts are these G.No, I can’t.
( )8.Are you hungry H.Thank you.
( )9.Your sweater is so small. Try this one. I.Yes, I am.
( )10.Can you come to school today J.I have a headache.
( )1.Let’s go and play football. A.Here’s a chair for you.
( )2.Are you happy today B.See you, Lily.
( )3.See you tomorrow, Miss Wang. C.Great!
( )4.What can you do D.I can play football.
( )5.Can you draw the big tree E.Yes, you can.
( )6.Do you like winter F.No, I can’t.
( )7.Look at my dress. G.Yes, I am.
( )8.Can I have a cake H.At seven o’clock.
( )9.I’m tired, Mum. I.No, I don’t. I like autumn.
( )10.When do you go to school in the morning J.It’s too long.
( )1.Are those your shoes A.Yes, speaking.
( )2.How are you B.Yes, I am.
( )3.Welcome back to school, class. C.Not so good.
( )4.How much are they D.No, thanks.
( )5.I have a headache. E.No. They’re my cousin’s.
( )6.Are you hungry F.They’re five yuan.
( )7.Would you like a pie, Bobby G.I’m sorry to hear that.
( )8.May I speak to Yang Ling H.At seven thirty.
( )9.When do you go to school I.Nice to see you, Mr Green.
( )10.Look at my gloves. J.How nice! I like them.
( )1.What subjects do you like A.They’re Liu Tao’s.
( )2.Can you make a salad, Jill B.I have a fever.
( )3.What can you see over there C.I can see a hill.
( )4.What’s the matter, dear D.I like Maths and Chinese.
( )5.Whose shorts are these E.Yes, I can.
( )6.How are you F.At seven.
( )7.See you tomorrow, Nancy. G.No, I’m not.
( )8.Are you thirsty H.See you, Miss Li.
( )9.When do you have breakfast I.In the park.
( )10.Where do you usually fly kites J.I’m fine.
A.How many robots do you have B.Where are you C.They can sing songs. D.I play with my robots. E.No, but they can walk. F.Yes, it can.
Mike: Hello, Tom! 1.
Tom: I’m in the e in , please.
Mike: What do you do here
Tom: 2.
Mike: 3.
Tom: Three. Look! They are here.
Mike: Can your robots jump
Tom: 4.
Mike: What else can they do
Tom: 5. Listen!
A.I’m sorry to hear that. B.May speak to Bill C.This is Bill. D.I’m Bill. E.Yes, I’d love to. F.No, she can’t.
Tom: Hello. This is Tom speaking. 1.
Bill: Hello, Tom. 2.
Tom: Hello, Bill. It’s Sunday tomorrow. Can you come to my party
Bill: 3.
Tom: Can your sister come too
Bill: 4.
Tom: Why(为什么) What’s the matter with her
Bill: She has a fever. She’s in bed.
Tom: 5. I hope she can be better soon.
A.Have some noodles, please. B.Here’s a hot dog for you. C.Hello, Helen. D.What would you like E.Are you ill F.What do you like
Tim: 1.
Helen: Hello, Tim.
Tim: What’s the matter 2.
Helen: No, I’m not. I’m hungry.
Tim: 3.
Helen: Sorry, but I don’t like hot dogs.
Tim: 4.
Helen: I like noodles.
Tim: 5.
Helen: Thank you.
A.And I’m thirsty too. B.Shall we go now C.Sorry. D.But I’m hungry. E.Thanks.
Mike: Let’s go and play table tennis.
Wang Bing: OK. 1.
Mike: Here are some cakes for you.
Wang Bing: Thank you. 2.
Mike: Here’s some water for you.
Wang Bing: 3.
Mike: 4.
Wang Bing: 5. I can’t move now.
Tom: Good morning, Wang Bing.
Wang Bing: Good morning, Tim.
Tom: Let’s go and now.
Wang Bing: Sorry, I have an .
Tom: But it’s today.
Wang Bing: Yes. I’m going to the Children’s Palace(少年宫).
Tom: What about this Do you have any
Wang Bing: No, I don’t.
Tom: Good. Let’s meet at o’clock in the playground this afternoon.
Wang Bing: All right. See you at school.
Liu Tao: Wang Bing, you look tired.
Wang Bing: Yes, I’m very .
Liu Tao: Have some , please.
Wang Bing: I’m not thirsty. But I feel a little .
Liu Tao: Here’s a hot for you.
Wang Bing: Thanks, Liu Tao.
Linda&Mike: Hello, Yang Ling.
Yang Ling: Hi, Linda and Mike. to my home. Have , Linda.
Linda: But I’m not . I’m . Can I have a
Yang Ling: S . Here you are. you, Mike
Mike: I’d like some .
Yang Ling: OK. Here you are.
Amy: Hello, Nick.
Nick: Hello, Amy. It’s M today. Do you go to s
Amy: No. We have to stay at h because of COVID-19(新型冠状病毒肺炎). We have l on the Internet(互联网).
Nick: I see. do you have this morning
Amy: We have C , Maths, Science and PE.
Nick: What do you like
Amy: I like S . It’s f . And I want to be a scientist.
Nick: Great!
一、(一)1-5BAJCD 6-10HFIEG(二)1-5CGBDF 6-10IJEAH(三)1-5ECIFG 6-10BDAHJ(四)1-5DECBA 6-10JHGFI
三、(一)play basketball; English lesson; Sunday; afternoon; lessons; three(二)tired; water; hungry; dog(三)Come; some juice; thirsty; hungry; cake; Sure; What about; milk(四)Monday; school; home; lessons; What lessons; Chinese; subjects; Science; fun



