
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分20分)
1. What kind of music does the man prefer
A. Pop music. B. Rock music. C. Electronic music.
2. What does the man want to buy
A. Some books. B. Some newspapers. C. Some magazines.
3. How does the girl study for the math final test
A. By studying with a friend.
B. By doing plenty of exercises.
C. By asking the teacher for help.
4. Where will they probably go
A. To the library. B. To the bookshop. C. To the classroom.
5. What does the girl want to be in the future
A. A nurse. B. A singer. C. A painter.
6. What is the dress made of
A. Silk. B. Cotton. C. Cloth.
7. Who bought the dress for Grace
A. Her father. B. Her friend. C. Her mother.
8. How many foreign languages can the man speak
A. Four. B. Five. C. Six.
9. How did the man learn these languages
A. By listening to tapes.
B. By watching foreign movies.
C. By talking to local people.
10. Where is the backpack
A. On the floor. B. Under the table. C. Behind the chair.
11. What isn’t in the backpack
A. A book. B. A dictionary. C. A basketball.
12. What is the relationship between Jane and Michael
A. Friends. B. Strangers. C. Relatives.
13. Where is Michael from
A. The UK. B. The USA. C. China.
14. How does Michael return home
A. By ship. B. By train. C. By plane.
15. Where will Bill go
A. To Beijing. B. To Xi’an. C. To Shanghai.
16. When is Sally leaving for Hong Kong
A. Tomorrow. B. Next Friday. C. This Sunday.
17. How long will Mary stay in Hong Kong
A. For a week. B. For 10 days. C. For half a month.
18. Why did Mark fly to New York
A. He got some work there.
B. He went there for a holiday.
C. His home was there.
19. What did Mark do in the evening
A. He had a meeting. B. He bought some gifts. C. He watched a movie.
20. Who would send Mark the address of his hotel
A. His wife. B. A policeman. C. The waiter.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分30分)
Wonderful Events
Horse Racing All Year RoundRaces starting at 3 p.m. every SundayRacetrack only 20 miles awayLots of free parking spaceFree presentsNo children allowed 100 Years Of PicturesThen & now (photo show)See the history pictures (1923-2023)February 1—April 30City Art Museum 750 High StreetTuesday to Sunday, 10 a.m.—5 p.m.
Weekend SalesThis Saturday 2—6 p.m.Everything 20%—40% offVisit us at Block G. Grandview MallRealize your dreams, save time and moneyFall in love with prices we offer Dance PartyCelebrate special dateBring your sweet heartSunday night, country clubLive band from 9 p.m.—1 a.m.$25 a couple (夫妇); $15 a single person
21. Who can NOT go to the horse race
A. A single person. B. A couple. C. Children.
22. How much will Mr. and Mrs. Smith pay if they want to go to the dance party
A. 15 dollars. B. 25 dollars. C. 30 dollars.
23. Where is the material probably from
A. A story. B. A diary. C. An ad.
For young people who grow up in villages, finding a job in the city sounds good. But Ning Fenfang, 34, left the big city to be a farmer. In 2017, she left her job in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, and went back to her hometown of Cili County in Zhangjiajie, Hunan Province. At that time, much of the farmland there was deserted (被遗弃). Seeing this, Ning decided to be a farmer. She started with growing rice and rape seed (油菜籽) in 2020 and hired many villagers to work on her land, providing jobs for local people.
Ning now farms more than 66.7 hectares (公顷) of land. More than 300 housewives have worked part-time on her land, each making more than 10,000 yuan per year. “It’s never easy,” said Ning. At first, she didn’t have enough farming knowledge. Then, people couldn’t understand her decision to become a farmer. Farming is often seen as an “unsuitable” job for both the post-90s generation and women in general. However, Ning loved farming. “When you’re tired, you can stop and rest and do what you want to do. Every day, you can enjoy nature that many people hope for,” Ning said.
Ning has tried to turn farming into a “fashionable” job. Rather than depend on farmers, she advises mechanized (机械化) farming, which means using high-tech machines. She also plans to provide children living in cities with a chance to experience farming.
Ning always feels responsible for farmers. Recently she has suggested that the agricultural insurance (农业保险) plans should include greenhouses, as freezing rain hit her hometown and caused losses to farmers in the winter of 2023.
24. What can we infer from the first paragraph
A. Many young people from villages expect to get a job in the city.
B. Quite a few young people want to be farmers in the village now.
C. It’s impossible for young people from villages to get a job in the city.
25. How did Ning manage her farmland at first
A. She worked on the land by herself.
B. She hired many villagers to work on her land.
C. She used the high-tech machines all the time.
26. Why was it not easy for Ning to be a farmer at first
A. She didn’t have a strong will.
B. She didn’t have enough money.
C. She didn’t have enough farming knowledge.
27. What is Ning like according to the last two paragraphs
A. Friendly and humorous.
B. Creative and responsible.
C. Strict and hard-working.
Are you an “I person” or an “E person” These two personality labels (标签) are widely discussed online. They are part of a popular personality test called MBTI (职业性格测试). All of the results have four letters and there are 16 results in total. “I” and “E” refer to “introverted” (内向的) and “extroverted” (外向的).
Even if someone is typically quiet, many online discussions suggest that an “I” person can still act outgoing sometimes. For example, when an introverted person is with a group of introverted friends, they might become more social like an “E” person. According to psychologists (心理学家), this idea of changing personalities is called “masking”. That is hiding your true personality in specific situations. That is because human beings want to please others to feel a sense of belonging.
Using the MBTI result to describe someone’s personality seems fun. However, I was wrong at one time. My sister was excitedly making a day-to-day travel plan when I remembered from an article that “P people” don’t like to make plans, so I said to her, “You don’t seem like a ‘P person’ ” “Why ” she asked back. “Since when do I need to follow what my personality test tells me to do ” It was at that time I realized I’d taken the result too seriously.
The MBTI personality test may show something you don’t know about yourself and it can even help you to make new friends. But knowing someone’s MBTI result doesn’t mean you really know this person. And those four letters of yours don’t define (定义) who you are. Personality types are not static (静止的), they are changing over time. No personality can completely describe a person exactly, after all, everyone is special so we don’t have to keep an eye on such tests.
28. What does the underlined word “masking” mean in Paragraph 2
A.化妆 B.伪装 C.戴口罩
29. How does the writer develop Paragraph 3 in this text
A. By giving examples. B. By comparing facts. C. By raising questions.
30. Which of the following is TRUE according to the text
A. The results of the personality test have 16 letters.
B. People may change personalities because they want to make others happy.
C. Personality types will never change over time.
31. What is the main purpose of the text
A. To show the importance of the personality test.
B. To ask people to take the personality test.
C. To tell people not to pay too much attention to the personality test.
Going to high school is a new experience full of excitement of the unknown. It is common to feel a little uncomfortable going into a situation where everyone is a stranger. You may probably miss your old friends. Trying actively to find new friends can help ease (缓解) the feelings of being lonely. High school is a great chance to make new friends. 32
● Get to know your roommates
You may find you have lots of things in common with your roommate, but even if you are completely different from each other, with a little effort and understanding, the two of you may become best friends.
● 33
If you leave your door open, this shows that you welcome visitors. As a result, people will naturally stop and say hello. Closed doors are not likely to bring many visitors and those who stay in their rooms may give others the impression of being cold. Other students will be less likely to stop and build a new friendship.
● Join clubs or organizations
It is a great way to help you meet new people. 34 By staying active in high school groups such as clubs and organizations, you can meet lots of people with whom you share common interests.
● Talk to classmates
Get to know your classmates as you’ll be spending several months with them. Starting conversations in class is a great chance to meet people who are interested in the same kind of studies as you are. Short and friendly discussions can build friendships.
● Try out for a sport
If you are energetic, trying a sport is like joining a club for you. You will meet a large group of people who share your interests in sports.
In short, when you are nervous about the coming high school life, you may try the above suggestions. 35 And you will find yourself well fit in high school right away.
A. Don’t stay in your rooms all the time.B. Open the door to welcome friends.C. Here are some suggestions about how to make more friends.D. It also helps you get more familiar with the campus.E. They can ease your worries and guide you from the beginning.
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分25分)
第一节 完形填空(共10题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
Just before I turned 10, my parents gave me a cat called Muffin as my birthday gift. Since then, we’ve shared a special relation that has brought me a lot of 36 .
Every night, she rests on my lap as I sit in my favorite armchair, and her 37 purring (呼噜) has made my evenings more relaxing. However, about a year ago, Muffin started behaving 38 .
Instead of her usual routine, she began to meow (喵叫声) without stopping, which 39 that she was trying to communicate something important to me. At first, I thought she might just be trying to attract my 40 , but her meowing became serious gradually.
I ended up taking her to the animal hospital as her behavior was so 41 . I explained why I had brought her in, then some tests were agreed to run. After not finding anything strange, I decided to see the doctor myself, just in case.
42 the result turned out, it wasn’t the cat that had a problem - it was me! I 43 that I had a serious health problem. I didn’t feel anything unusual, but somehow Muffin knew that 44 was wrong. I’m doing much better now, but the doctor said that if I had 45 until the symptoms (症状) were noticeable, it’s likely I would have faced a dangerous situation in health. I’m so thankful for having my cat around, and now she’s more important to me than ever!
36. A. trouble B. performance C. happiness
37. A. gentle B. scary C. brave
38. A. strangely B. comfortably C. successfully
39. A. liked B. seemed C. remained
40. A. pleasure B. attention C. expression
41. A. calm B. unusual C. important
42. A. As B. If C. Because
43. A. find out B. take out C. look out
44. A. everything B. anything C. something
45. A. shouted B. waited C. carried
第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
A 50-year-old patient had a surgery (外科手术) in Yinchuan, Ningxia Region in Northwest China 46. ______ Tuesday. However, the surgery was performed by a doctor in Shanghai, more than 2,000 47. ______ (kilometer) away.
Doctor Hua from the Shanghai hospital said a robot copied every moment of her hands in the People’s Hospital of Ningxia and it completed the surgery 48. ______ (perfect) in two hours. The Shanghai hospital said it 49. ______ (be) the first faraway surgery to be helped by robot, 5G and AI technologies in Shanghai. This kind of robot 50. ______ (make) in China a few years ago.
“If patients traveled from Yinchuan to our hospital, it would take 51. ______ (they) many hours to arrive. But now, with information technology, we have successfully got some achievements in performing difficult surgeries across faraway places,” said Jiang Hua, president of the Shanghai hospital. “It has allowed patients in faraway areas to get good 52. ______ (medicine) service in their hometowns.”
The patient has been ill for eight years, and she hoped to be treated by a good doctor in a big city. With the help of the technologies of the robots, 5G and AI, the patient realized her wish without the long travel.
This surgery robot was developed by 53. ______ Shanghai company. It uses a special technology 54. ______ makes doctors sit outside of the surgery room to perform. Since the government encouraged the hospital 55. ______ (use) this kind of robot in China last year, around 800 surgeries have been completed in nearly 40 hospitals all over the country.
第四部分 读写综合(共两节,满分25分)
The popular talent reality show Riding Wind 2024 (《乘风2024》) came out on April 19. 36 female stars from around the world give amazing performances on the show. One excellent performer has been Chen Lijun, a young Yueju Opera actress.
Chen is a member of Zhejiang Xiaobaihua, one of China’s most famous Yueju Opera groups. Born and raised in Shengzhou, Zhejiang, the birthplace of Yueju Opera, Chen began studying the art form at 13. With her tall height and bright character, Chen’s teachers encouraged her to play xiaosheng roles or young male characters, said News China magazine.
Chen is known and loved by people for her reversed (反串的) role in New Dragon Gate Inn (《新龙门客栈》), a Yueju Opera show. In the show, Chen plays the male role of Jia Ting, a gentleman with a handsome look and great charm (魅力). In her acting, Chen brings out the chemistry with her partners. For example, with just one arm, she spins (旋转) a partner around easily. In Chen’s opinion, she sees the role as a mix of both female and male charms.
Her performance is helping bring new life and more audiences to this ancient art form. “At first, most of the audience were common opera fans. But later newcomers to theater many of them young people, began showing up,” Chen told China Dauy.
“Traditional Chinese opera must be passed on, but more importantly, it needs to be brought to a wider audience,” Chen wrote online on April 12.
56. Who are the performers in Riding Wind 2024
57. Where was Chen born
58. Why did Chen’s teachers encourage her to play xiaosheng roles
59. What does Chen think of her role Jia Ting
60. Do you think Chen’s performance play a role in helping Yueju Opera Why
第二节 书面表达(满分15分)
61.初中生活即将结束,回顾过去的三年,我们一直在努力学习英语,在这条漫长的道路上,我们有过迷茫与挣扎,汗水与泪水,拼搏与希望,最终是什么原因使你坚持到了现在?某英语网站以“What do I study English for ”为题,发起征文活动,请跟你的同龄人分享你学习英语的原因、方法和感悟,以激励更多年轻人学好英语。
What do I study English for
As we all know, English has become a world-wide language. _______________________________________
1-5:BCBAC 6-10:BABCA 11-15:BABCC 16-20:ACACA
21-23:CBC 24-27:ABCB 28-31:BABC 32-35:CBDE
46. on 47. kilometers 48. perfectly 49. was
50. was made 51. them 52. medical 53. a
54. and/which/that 55. to use
56. 36 females stars from around the world.
57. In Shengzhou, Zhejiang.
58. Because of her tall height and bright character.
59. A mix of both female and male charms.
60. Yes. Because her performance is helping bring new life and more audiences to the art form./Because her performance makes more people know the Yueju Opera. D)



