
第一部分 听力(共30小题;计30分)
1.A.It’s great. B.I’m fine. C.That’s right.
2.A.Good job. B.Of course. C.Not at all.
3.A.Have fun! B.Sounds good! C.Let’s go!
4.A.The same to you. B.I think so. C.Thank you.
5.A.So can I. B.I’d love to. C.I’ll take it.
6.______ 7.______ 8.______ 9.______ 10.______
11.A.Basketball. B.Football. C.Volleyball.
12.A.4 dollars. B.2 dollars. C.6 dollars.
13.A.Chinese. B.French. C.Russian.
14.A.At school. B.At home. C.In the hospital.
15.A.A desk. B.Some coffee. C.Hot water.
16.A.The restaurant. B.The meal. C.The environment.
17.A.Relaxing. B.Busy. C.Boring.
18.A.A reporter. B.A host. C.A fireman.
19.A.At 8:30. B.At 9:00. C.At 9:10.
20.A.To tell the truth. B.To fix it up. C.To hide it.
21.What is the summer course about
A.Fashion. B.Drawing. C.Dress.
22.Which is the right order of the activities
① going to the classroom ② listening to the introduction ③ having the drawing lesson
A.①-③-② B.②-①-③ C.③-②-①
23.When will the designer come
A.On Tuesday. B.On Wednesday. C.On Thursday.
24.What should the students take with them
A.A pen. B.An ipad. C.A smartphone.
25.What are the students expected to do on the last day
A.Take a photo. B.Design a skirt. C.Make a dress.
The International Day of Peace
When is it On 26 every year.
What does “peace” mean It means no war and 27 others.
What happens on this day There is a minute of 28 and many activities related to peace.
What can we do every day for peace · 29 to your own life. ·Help 30 . ·Stand up against bad behavior at school.
第二部分 基础知识运用(共30小题;计40分)
31.Miss Lin teaches piano very well. With ______ help, I’ve made great progress.
A.his B.her C.their
32.Having an ice-cream in the hot summer ______ be cool.
A.must B.need C.can’t
33.Go bird-watching in Qinglong Lake, ______ you will find it fun and meaningful.
A.and B.or C.but
34.What exciting news! The 2025 World Games ______ in Chengdu.
A.was held B.is held C.will be held
35.—______ do you visit your grandparents
—Usually twice a month.
A.How long B.How often C.How far
36.China Daily named “Growth” ______ its “Word of the Year 2023”.
A.as B.after C.for
37.The astronauts of the Shenzhou-18 ______ in the Tiangong space station for about two months since they were sent into space in April this year.
A.will work B.have worked C.is working
38.—Do you know ______ AI is being used to create music
—I’m not sure. Maybe it’s cheaper than paying a musician.
A.why B.if C.how
39.I prefer riding a bike to driving a car to work because it is ______ environmentally friendly.
A.much B.more C.most
40.The cartoon movie Chang An shows how important it is ______ life’s problems with a smile.
A.to find B.to check C.to face
B.补全对话 根据对话内容,从右边方框中选出适当的选项补全对话。(共5小题;每小题2 分,计10分)
A: Hi, Tom. What are you going to do tomorrow
B: 41 But I haven’t decided which one to visit.
A: How about Chengdu Science Fiction Museum 42 It says it’s a new one.
B: That’s good. Tell me more about it.
A: Look! 43
B: Wow, cool! 44
A: Haha, it’s just like something from another planet.
B: So it is. 45
A: Yes. How amazing!
B: Can’t wait.
A.Is it built on a lake B.Here’s a photo of it. C.I plan to visit a museum. D.I’m just reading an article about it. E.I’ve never seen a star-shaped building like this.
七、完形填空 阅读下面两篇短文,根据短文内容,从A、B、C三个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(共15小题;计20分。A篇每小题2分,计10分;B篇每小题1分,计10分)
On Saturday afternoon, Mom asked Jim to tidy his bedroom. A few 46 later he came back.
“It is tidy now,” Jim said.
“Good,” said Mom. “Take some 47 from my drawer(抽屉) and buy some candies.”
Jim opened the drawer 48 . He found six pens, four keys, three gloves, two tickets and a notebook.
“What are all these things ” asked Jim.
“Oh, that s my safe place,” said Mom. “Let’s go and see your room.”
They went to Jim’s bedroom. It looked nice and tidy. Then Mom looked 49 Jim’s bed. All Jim’s clothes, books and toys were there.
“What are all these things ” she asked.
“That’s my 50 place,” said Jim.
Mom laughed. “Let’s tidy your room and then we can tidy my drawer.”
46.A.minutes B.hours C.days
47.A.tickets B.gloves C.money
48.A.cheerfully B.patiently C.carefully
49.A.on B.under C.at
50.A.own B.safe C.favorite
Last weekend my friend Clara and I went to a special restaurant. When we arrived there, it looked like other restaurants. The only 51 thing was that they took our bags, phones and watches and locked them up.
Next, we followed the blind waiter, Serge, down a long and fairly dark hallway. He took us to another room. It was totally 52 . Serge showed us to our table and 53 us to sit down. There were no menus. Serge just put 54 down on the table and told us to enjoy our meal. At first, we found it difficult to eat and drink in complete darkness. But after a while, we got 55 to it. Everything smelled and tasted so good that it didn’t matter 56 nobody could see anything.
57 , it made the meal lots of fun. We had a really good time, laughing and trying to 58 what we were eating. With light music, we were soon chatting and joking with all the other 59 .
After the meal, Serge took us 60 and told us what we’d eaten. It was certainly an unusual experience.
51.A.funny B.strange C.serious
52.A.silent B.empty C.dark
53.A.taught B.ordered C.helped
54.A.nothing B.anything C.something
55.A.close B.used C.ready
56.A.that B.before C.because
57.A.Actually B.Thankfully C.Finally
58.A.share B.learn C.guess
59.A.waiters B.friends C.customers
60.A.back B.away C.in
第三部分 阅读理解(共15小题;计30分)
CALLING ALL BIG THINKERS! If you are interested in life’s BIG questions, why not join our online discussion group It helps you to explore your own ideas and opinions, as well as those of others, including some of the world’s most famous thinkers! Build confidence and communication skills in a safe and friendly environment! BIG THINKERS-AGE 12-16 Fun live discussions about life, the universe and everything in it with activities. Sundays 10 am and 4 pm starting 6th October. Six periods for 50. To explore more, visit www.thethinker***.com.
61.Group members can discuss with the world’s most famous thinkers.
62.The discussion group can help you improve yourself.
63.A 15-year-old teenager can join in the discussions.
64.There will be some fun outdoor activities.
65.You can visit the website or call for more information.
a Rather than using cash or a bank card, customers simply look at a screen which recognizes their face using the latest facial recognition software (软件). This is connected to their bank account and payments are completed within seconds.
b If you use flight alert, you’ll never miss out on the best flight deals ever a-gain. Simply enter your email address and preferred holiday places and we will find out the best and cheapest flight deals on-line and email a list to you. You’ll be amazed at the prices on offer.
c Are you a crazy shopper who wants to know if the shirt on sale looks good Take a photo and send it to the app and receive reviews at once from thousands of other shoppers who are on hand to tell you whether or not it is right for you. The app also stores your photos and recommends more that you might also be interested in.
d You may have already moved into the world of online shopping. You place an order online, and then the products are sent right to your door. But what a-bout our beloved pets This is a website that sells pet clothes. The clothes can be sent to your home. If you are not completely satisfied with the products, then simply post them back to us for free.
66.Which of the following can best describe the latest payment in Passage a
A.Safe. B.Cheap. C.Fast.
67.What can flight alert help people do
A.Save money for a trip.
B.Arrive on time for a flight.
C.Decide the best travelling place.
68.What does the underlined word “it” in Passage c refer to
A.The shirt. B.The photo. C.The app.
69.What can we learn about the website in Passage d
A.It offers offline orders for customers.
B.It’s for pet owners to sell their pets’ clothes.
C.It allows customers to return unwanted products.
70.What can be the best title shared by the four passages
A.Cool apps, new styles B.Life made easy C.Click for a better world
Have you ever looked at a cat’s face and wondered what it is thinking Well, according to a new study, cats have many different facial expressions, which show how they are feeling.
The research was carried out by the scientists at the University of California, in the US. They visited a local cat café over several months to record videos of 53 cats, collecting 194 minutes of videos. They found that the cats have 276 different expressions. “Each expression was a mixture of lip different facial movements, which included licking(舔) their nose, opening their mouth, or widening the pupils of their eyes,” said the scientists. They also found cats use 26 of these facial movements in total, which can be mixed to express how they are feeling. Dogs use 27 facial movements and humans use a total of 44.
Out of the expressions they recorded, 45% were friendly and 37% were angry. “A friendly cat moves its ears and whiskers forward and closes its eyes. However, an angry cat often flattens its ears to its head, makes its pupils smaller and licks its lips,” said the team.
Although the researchers aren’t sure what the cats were trying to communicate with each other using their faces, they plan to study cats in other places to improve their understanding. They also hope that the research could help animal shelters (收容所) improve the way they look after the cats. Some pet owners even suggest the researchers develop an app for them to find out what their cats’ facial expressions really mean.
71.Which of the following uses the most facial movements
A.Humans. B.Dogs. C.Cats.
72.Which picture shows a cat’s angry expression
A. B. C.
73.What might the scientists do next
A.Use an app to study cats’ expressions.
B.Build an animal shelter to look after cats.
C.Keep on studying to know more about cats.
74.How does the writer develop the text
A.By giving numbers and choices.
B.By showing examples and results.
C.By presenting opinions and facts.
75.What’s the writing purpose of the text
A.To call on people to love cats more.
B.To introduce a new study about cats.
C.To tell readers why the team did the research.
一、补全单词 根据首字母及句意写出完整单词。(共5小题;每小题1分,计5分)
1.They enjoy h ______ up the mountains in the free time.
2.For a shy student, it takes c ______ to give a speech in class.
3.The brain makes up 2% of our body weight but uses about a fifth of the e______ we get from food.
4.From pocket parks to forest parks, local governments have been making efforts to make China’s cities much g______.
5.Chinese archaeologist (考古学家) Fan Jinshi was h______ for her sixty years’ work to protect the Dunhuang Mogao Caves.
二、完成对话 在空格中填上适当的单词,使对话完整正确。一空一词(含缩写词)。(共10小题;每小题1分,计10分)
(N: Nick T: Taylor)
N: Dr. Taylor, I’m Nick from Popular Science. Nowadays people are easily distracted(分心的). How come
T: It’s “the monkey mind”. You feel it hard to stay focused, like a monkey 1 from thought to thought.
N: Yeah. Many people get mad with 2 for having so many thoughts.
T: It’s 3 to feel like this because humans have around 6,000 thoughts per day. So 4 it and make friends with your monkey mind. What if your monkey mind isn’t a 5 Perhaps it can remind you to be curious and kind towards your mind.
N: Umm, I see. 6 that, what else can we do to calm our brain
T: When the monkey mind is getting busy, give it a job to do. Use your 7 , like watching a flower, listening closely to the birds, smelling the air or taking deep breaths. Notice 8 your thoughts and feelings change.
N: That’s to say, try to focus our attention first. When our mind is calm, we can 9 our work a-gain.
T: That’s true. In the daily life, developing habits helps make your brain stronger. Try drawing, reading, playing chess or else and see what 10 . Then keep practicing to strengthen your brain’s power.
三、短文填空 从下面方框中选出10个单词,将其正确形式填入短文,使短文意思正确通顺(每词限用一次)。(共10小题;每小题1分,计10分)
age agree decide follow lead mean perform please solve talent they wide
William Shakespeare was born more than 450 years ago. He is 1 regarded as one of the greatest writers in history and is still influencing artists today. However, his language is too old-fashioned and difficult 2 because his time was quite different from today. This has 3 to a discussion: To update(更新) or not to update Shakespeare
Some people think updating Shakespeare is necessary. They say Shakespeare’s plays are great, but what is the point if they cannot be understood So many 4 modern writers have rewritten Shakespeare’s plays in the way people speak today. This makes 5 clearer for today’s audiences (读者). At the same time, audiences would still get as much 6 from the plays.
Some people 7 . They think Shakespeare’s works are beautiful and timeless. The richness of the language and the playful use of words should be celebrated. There are good reasons why the plays are still being 8 today. Many of Shakespeare’s expressions are still used, for example, “All that glitters(发光) isn’t gold.” His works tell us what it 9 to be human. Topics such as love, kindness and friendship last through the 10 .
What do you think Should Shakespeare be updated
A.补全短文 根据短文内容,从短文后的A~F选项中,选出5个适当的选项补全短文。(共5小题;每小题1分,计5分)
Taking a great photo is not easy and there are lots of things to consider. How do you choose and organize your subjects within your photo 1 Here are some tips from the art, design and photography experts.
Find a focus. When taking a picture, ask yourself, “What’s the focus ” If you are taking a picture of a crowded street, choose a subject which draws your eye. 2 If it’s a landscape photo of a field, the focus could be a big tree.
3 It’s a bit boring to put your subject right in the middle. Place it a little on the left or right of your photo. Imagine your photo is divided into a three-by-three grid(网格) of boxes. One of the corners of your central square is where your focus should be.
Create colorful contrasts (对比). Color in a picture is more easily noticed if it has a contrast. 4 They will stand out more if they are taken beside a grey stone wall, or photographed against a bright blue sky.
Try different angles. To add more interest to a photo, try taking it from different angles. This means you need to move around, taking photos from different sides, from above or from below. For example, if you photograph a building from a plane it looks tiny but a photo of the same building loo-king up from the street makes it look huge. 5
Practice makes perfect. Try everything for the perfect shot.
A.Place the photo correctly. B.It can tell a different story. C.Remember the rule of thirds. D.Think about focus, color, light and more. E.It could be a person wearing bright colors. F.If you take a picture of yellow flowers, don’t fill your picture with them.
B.完成图表 根据短文内容,完成图表中所缺信息。(共5小题;每小题1分,计5分)
Humans have long tried to predict (预测) the weather. From the hunters of ancient times to to-day’s pilots, predicting rain or shine can shape people’s life and make a difference.
In 650 BC, the Babylonians tried to predict the weather based on the appearance of clouds. A-round 340 BC, Aristotle, a famous Greek thinker and scientist, wrote Meteorologica. It introduced the types of weather, such as rain, cloud and lightning. Aristotle believed that there was water, air and fire around the Earth. It was almost 2,000 years before his ideas were replaced by new ones.
By 300 BC in China, a calendar divided the year into 24 festivals gradually, each festival related to a type of weather, like the Rain Water (the start of the spring rains), the Waking of Insects (the spring thunder awakens sleeping insects) and so on. That was useful for farmers to plan when to plant and harvest (收获).
People used lots of ways to predict the weather over the centuries. You might have heard the expressions like “Red sky at night, sailor’s delight”, which suggests a red sky in the evening is followed by good weather. This has a basis in science, as does telling wind direction through smoke from the fire. On the other hand, some thought that if sheep crowded together, it meant rain. But there isn’t any science behind it.
The science of weather prediction really took off in the 1830s with the invention of the tele-graph. It sent messages over hundreds of thousands of miles, so weather maps were drawn up and storm systems were studied. The next big step came in the 1920s with the invention of the “radiosonde”, a balloon carrying weather instruments high above the ground to collect information. Experts took the information and built a picture of the weather over the following few days.
Today, supercomputers are used to take data (数据) from the world and process it very fast to work out the weather. For example, they once helped predict where Hurricane Lee, which hit the US and Canada, would land nine days in advance (提前).
你校英语报就“团队合作”这一话题征稿。请根据以下图示,以“Be a Good Team Member”为题投稿。
Be a Good Team Member
第一部分 听力
1~5 ACBCB 6~10 CEDBA 11~15 CCBBC 16~20 ABACA 21~25 ABCCC
26.September 21(st)/ 21(st) September 27.being kind to 28.silence
29.Bring peace 30.stop fights
第二部分 基础知识运用
选择填空 31~35 BAACB 36~40 ABABC
补全对话 41~45 CDBEA
完型填空 46~50 ACABB 51~55 BCCCB 56~60 AACCA
第三部分 阅读理解
61 ~65 BAABB 66~70 CAACB 71~75 ACCBB
1.hiking 2.courage/ confidence 3.energy 4.greener 5.honored/ honoured
1.jumping 2.themselves 3.normal/ common 4.accept 5.problem
6.Besides 7.senses 8.how 9.begin/ start 10.works/ helps
1.widely 2.to follow 3.led 4.talented 5.them
6.pleasure 7.disagree 8.performed 9.means 10.ages
A.补全短文 1~5 DECFB
6.science 7.farming 8.partly 9.use 10.process



