河南省新乡市2023-2024五年级下册6月期末英语试题(图片版 无答案无听力原文无音频)

V.Read and choose(补全对话)(l0分)
(In the library)
B:I'm reading a book about seasons.
A:Which season do you like best
B:2 I like eating ice cream.
A:I like summer,too.Because I can go swimming with my
parents.And my birthday is in summer.
A:It's on June 3rd.And I have a birthday party every year.
A:I often play games with my friends on my birthday.
C:5 The other students are reading quietly.
A B:Sorry.We will keep quiet.
A.Please be quiet in the library.
B.What are you reading
C.I like summer best.
D.When is your birthday
E.What do you often do on your birthday
Ⅵ.Read and answer(阅读短文,按要求完成习题)(20分)
Today is May Day.The weather is sunny and warm.
Children are having a good time in the zoo.They are looking at
animals.The tigers are running.Sam is running like a tiger
now.He looks funny.What are the bears doing They are
sleeping.The elephants are taking a shower with their long
noses.They look so big and strong.What's the little monkey
doing It is playing with its mother.They are so cute.Mike
wants to feed(投喂)the monkeys with bananas.But there is a
sign(标志).The sign says“No feeding'”.The children also
see a film about animals.They learn a lot about the animals.



上一篇:Unit 4 Don't eat in class.单元复习与巩固(单词短语句子)(含答案)
