专项08 任务型阅读(含答案)-2024年小升初英语暑假专项提升(外研版三起)

专项08 任务型阅读 (含解析)
1.根据图片内容,判断下列句子的正(T) (F)。
( )(1) In this photo, there are some birds in the sky.
( )(2) Two girls are eating and drinking.
( )(3) An old woman is reading a book under the tree.
( )(4) Three boys are playing basketball.
( )(5) In this photo, it’s not cloudy.
(1) Where are they
(2) What are the two old men doing
Please look at the woman. She is walking down the stairs. She’s carrying a heavy basket. The basket is full (满的) of things. It’s too heavy. She can’t carry it. Oh, look! The apples and colas are falling down the stairs! And the eggs are broken. Let’s help e on! We pick up the apples and colas first. And then we clean the floor. At last, the woman thanks us.
(1) The woman is ______. ( )
A. B. C.
(2) The basket is full of ______. ( )
A. B. C.
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
(1) Can the woman carry everything
(2) What happened to the eggs
(3) Is the basket light
It’s half past six in the evening. There are lots of children in the living room. They are having a birthday party. David is singing a beautiful song. And Linda is dancing. What is Tom doing Oh! He is playing the flute, but the bell rings. He stops and everyone waits. Mike comes in and his little brother Jack comes in too. Mike gives a box of chocolate to Tom. Tom is playing the flute again, but Jack starts to cry loudly. “Stop!” Mike says. Jack doesn’t stop. “Please have some sweets.” Tom says. Jack stops. They all laugh.
(1) Jack a)
(2) Linda b)
(3) David c)
(4) Mike d)
(5) Tom e)
(1) The party starts at six o’clock in the morning. ( )
(2) They are having a birthday party in the living room. ( )
(3) Tom is having a birthday party with his parents. ( )
(4) Mike can play the flute. ( )
(5) Jack stops crying, because he wants to sing and dance. ( )
Name Sam Amy Lily Daming
Favourite food bread hamburger fish hot dog
Favourite drink water soup juice milk
9.What’s Sam’s favourite food
10.What’s Lily’s favourite food
11.What’s Amy’s favourite food
12.What’s Daming’s favourite drink
13.What’s Amy’s favourite drink
Coco’s shopping list Ken’s shopping list
Chicken leg $9.50 French fries $6.50 Ice cream $4.00 Hot dog $2.00 Orange juice $5.00 Rice $2.00 Fish $6.50 Dumplings $10.00 Meat $15.00 Tea $3.00
14.What does Ken want to drink
15.Who likes Chinese food
16.How much are their things in all (一共)
17.Does Coco want some fish
Hello, I’m Daming. I have three good friends. They are Sam, Lingling and Amy. What are they wearing What are they going to do Look! Sam is wearing a raincoat. Because he thinks it’s going to rain. Lingling is wearing a cap. Because she thinks it’s going to be sunny. Amy is wearing a dress. Because she is going to the park. Ha ha! I’m wearing a T-shirt. Because I’m going to play football. What about you
(1) a.
(2) b.
(3) c.
(4) d.
(1) Amy is going to the theatre. ( )
(2) Lingling thinks it’s going to be sunny. ( )
(3) Daming is going to play basketball. ( )
(1) In this picture, we can see many people. ( )
(2) Some girls are playing football. ( )
(3) A woman is reading a book under the tree. ( )
(4) Two boys are flying kites. ( )
(5) In this picture, it’s starting to rain. ( )
(1) Where are they
(2) What are the two men doing
Today is Saturday. Daming and Simon have no classes. They want to have a nice day together. They are going to have a picnic in the park. They take some chicken, two hot dogs, two sandwiches and some orange juice. They are going there by bike. They get out of the house and see many dark clouds in the sky. “It’s going to rain soon,” says Daming. “Yes. What about watching a football match on TV ” says Simon. “It’s a good idea. When is the match going to start ” asks Daming. “At half past eleven. One hour to go! Let’s read a storybook first,” says Simon.
(1) Tomorrow is ______. ( )
A.Sunday B.Saturday C. Friday
(2) What time is it now ( )
A.Ten o’clock. B.Half past ten. C. Half past twelve.
(3) It’s going to rain. So Daming and Simon are going to ______. ( )
A.have a picnic B.watch TV C. have lunch
(4) Before watching TV, they are going to ______. ( )
A.sing a song B.ride bikes C. read a storybook
(5) How many classes do they have today ( )
A.Six classes. B.Eight classes. C. No classes.
(1) Where are you going at the weekend
(2) What are you going to do there
(3) Who are you going there with
Today is Saturday. It’s sunny. My family is going to have a picnic in the park. We leave home at 7:00. My father drives us to the park. There are many people in the park. The women are talking. The children are playing. We are flying a kite. Oh, I’m hungry."When are we going to eat " I ask."At half past twelve. One hour to go."My mother says. I am sad.
24.Today is . The family is going to have a in the park.
25.The children are .
26.They are going to eat at .
27.They are going to the park by .
28.There is hour to go to eat.
Today is Saturday. It is sunny. My family is going to have a picnic in the park. We leave home at 7:00. My father drives us to the park. There are many people there. The women are talking. The children are playing. We are flying a kite. Oh, I'm hungry. “When are we going to eat ” I ask. “At half past eleven. One hour to go,” my mother says. I am sad.
29.Today is . The family is going to have a in the park.
30.The women are .
31.The children are .
32.They are going to eat at .
33.They go to the park by .
牛奶 (Milk)...................... $1.00
可乐 (Cola) ....................... $1.50
红茶 (Black tea ) .............. $1.50
汉堡 (Hamburger) ............ $3.50
面条 (Noodles) ................ $2.30
蔬菜 (Vegetables) ............. $3.00
牛肉 (Beef)........................ $5.00
热狗 (Hot dog)....................$2.00
Amy: I want some noodles and vegetables. And I want some milk.
John: I want a hamburger, a hot dog and a cola.
36.Who is healthier (更健康的)
37.Here are some (photo / photos) about our picnic in the park. In the first photo, the sun is (shine / shining) and the birds are (sing / singing) in the tree. We are looking at some ducks. They (look / looks) hungry. In the second photo, it’s starting (rain / to rain) and the birds are flying away. And just look at the last photo. The ducks are eating our sandwiches.
(1) What was the weather like at first ( )
A.It was rainy. B.It was windy. C. It was sunny.
(2) What did we do in the park ( )
A.We sang songs. B.We fed ducks. C. We had a picnic.
(3) What was the weather like then ( )
A.It was rainy. B.It was windy. C. It was sunny.
(4) Why did the birds fly away ( )
A.Because it started to rain. B.Because they were hungry. C. Because they like flying.
(5) Were the ducks still hungry at last ( )
A.Yes, they were. B.No, they weren’t. C. We don’t know.
Look! We are having a sports meeting(运动会). The students are all in the playground. Some students are having matches. Some of them are watching matches. Linda and Lucy are running. Linda can run very fast. Dongdong and Qiangqiang are doing the high jump. Qiangqiang jumps higher. Sara and Tina are playing basketball. Pengpeng is playing table tennis. Where is Tingting Look! She is playing football with her good friends.
Linda Tina Qiangqiang Pengpeng Tingting
(1) ______ of the students are having matches. ( )
A.Some B.All C. Most
(2) Qiangqiang jumps ______. ( )
A.lower B.higher C. faster
(3) Who can run fast ( )
A.Lucy. B.Linda. C. Sara.
Mo Yan is a great writer in China. He was born in Shandong in 1955. He is not very tall, but he is very smart. He won the Nobel Prize for literature(诺贝尔文学奖) in 2012. He is the first Chinese to win the Nobel Prize for literature. He likes reading books and writing. When he is free(空闲的), he plays chess and watches the plays. He wrote many famous books about Chinese life. We can buy some books to know him more.
I am Jack. I am going to leave my primary school soon. I feel sad, because I will leave this city with my parents next month. I won’t see my friends for a long time. I won’t say goodbye to my friends, because I am afraid to cry in front of(在……面前) them. I bought some gifts for them. Pingping likes listening to music. I will give her some CDs. Li Chao likes flying kites. I will give him a Chinese dragon kite. Chen Xi likes reading. I want to give him a book about Chinese history. Sometimes I will come back to visit. I hope they will remember me.
(1) Jack will leave this city soon. ( )
(2) Jack will send a Chinese dragon kite to Pingping. ( )
(3) Chen Xi’s hobby is flying kites. ( )
(1) Jack see his friends in a short time.
(2) will get some CDs from Jack.
This is Sunday today. It is sunny and cool. Daming and Sam are going to the park. Daming is preparing(准备) the things. He carries some food. They are milk, sandwiches, hot dogs and colas. He carries a basketball. Because Sam and he are interested in playing basketball. Sam likes Yao Ming. Daming likes James. He wants a hat. But he can’t find it. He tries to find it. After while(一会后). He comes to his mother, “Where is my hat, mum ” His mum starts to laugh and says, “Dear, it’s on your head.”
44.What’s the weather like today
45.What is Daming doing
46.Does Daming carry a basketball
47.Who likes James
48.Where is Daming’s hat
The earth is our home. It is the third planet(星球) away from the sun. The earth is the only planet where people, animals and plants can live. There is air and water on the earth. The moon is a round ball and it looks beautiful. But there is no water or air on it. It looks bigger than(比) the stars at night. But it is small. It goes around the earth. The moon gets its light from the sun. The sun is very bright. The light from the sun helps us see things and makes green grass and trees grow(生长). The sun is very hot. It makes air warm. Then we are warm. When the day is over, the sun goes down. The next day the sun comes up. It is a new day.
49.The earth has and .
50.Sunlight makes green plants .
51.People (can / can’t) live on the moon.
52.People, animals and plants can live on .
53.“goes down”在文中的中文含义是“ ”。
( ) (1) Today is Sunday. In the morning, Anna is sleeping, but the dog starts to bark very loudly. So she gets up and has breakfast.
( ) (2) Then she wants to go to the bookstore. She is walking in the street, but it starts to rain. So she starts to run fast.
( ) (3) In the afternoon, Anna is watching TV but the phone rings. Anna’s friend Amy calls her. She wants to go to the cinema with Anna.
( ) (4) In the evening, Anna is doing her homework, but her little brother starts to sing. It’s very noisy (吵闹的). She can’t finish (完成) her homework. Later, Anna's mum helps her. It's a busy day but also a happy day.
A. B. C. D.
(1) It is sunny in the morning today. ( )
(2) Anna’s mum wants to go to the cinema with her in the evening. ( )
Today is Sunday. Tim doesn’t go to school.
It’s seven o’clock. He is doing his homework, but the dog starts to bark. The dog comes to Tim and Tim plays with it. Then he sees his toy cars. He starts to play with his toy cars happily. He is playing with his toy cars, but it starts to rain. He goes to the window and watches the rain.
It’s nine o’clock now. It’s time to go to bed. But Tim hasn’t finished his homework.
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
57.(1) Tomorrow is _______. ( )
A.Saturday B.Sunday C. Monday
(2) Tim doesn’t _______ on Sunday. ( )
A.at home B.go to work C. go to school
(3) Tim _______ his homework at nine in the evening. ( )
A.finished B.hasn’t finish C. We don’t know.
(4) Tim is doing his homework, but the dog _______. ( )
A.starts to play B.starts to jump C. starts to bark
Hello, I’m Lin Tao. Today is my birthday. Mum bought a present for me. It’s a toy train. We are having a birthday party now. Linging is playing the suona. Mingming is singing. Fangfang is dancing. Han Mei is having a piece of cake. Li dong is on the phone, but the bell rings. Can you guess who it is It’s Wang Bo. He gives me a book about plane. We are all happy. We had a great time.
58.What did Lin Tao’s mum bought for him
59.What is Lingling doing
60.What is Han Mei doing
61.Where is Li Dong dong
62.What does Wang Bo give Lin Tao
I live in the north of China. There are four seasons in a year. I like winter best, because it often snows. It is very cold. But I like to play with snow outside. I like walking in the snow. I can make snowman and fight with my friends. Sometimes I can go skiing with my parents.
I don’t like summer. It often rains and I can’t play outside. There are many mosquitoes(蚊子). They always bit(咬)me. I hate (讨厌)them.
63.It often in the north of China.
64. (季节) is very cold.
65.I like in the snow.
66.I don’t like (季节)。
67.I mosquitoes.
1. F T F F T 2. They are in the park. They are doing taijiquan. 3.In this photo the sun is shining. Some boys are playing football. Two girls are reading books under the tree. Junjun is flying a kite. Lily and Alice are having a picnic. Two old men are doing taijiquan. They are having a good time.
2.(1)句意:他们在哪儿?根据图片内容可知他们在公园里,故答案为They are in the park.
(2)句意:这两个老人在干什么?根据图片内容可知他们在打太极拳,故答案为They are doing taijiquan.
3.题干要求用现在进行时描述一下照片内容,现在进行时的句型结构为主语+be动词+动词的现在分词+其它,根据图片可知一些男孩正在踢足球。两个女孩在树下看书。军军正在放风筝。莉莉和爱丽丝正在吃野餐。两个老人正在打太极拳。他们玩得很开心。故答案为In this photo the sun is shining. Some boys are playing football. Two girls are reading books under the tree. Junjun is flying a kite. Lily and Alice are having a picnic. Two old men are doing taijiquan. They are having a good time.
4. C A 5. 3 1 4 2 6. No, she can’t. The eggs are broken. No, it isn’t.
4.(1)句意:这位女士正在_____。根据文章“She is walking down the stairs. ”得知这位女士正在下楼梯。根据图可知图C是下楼梯,故选C。
(2)句意:篮子里装满了______。根据文章“The apples and colas are falling down the stairs! And the eggs are broken. ”得知篮子里装满了苹果,可乐和鸡蛋。根据图可知,图A是苹果,可乐和鸡蛋,故选A。
5.根据文章“ Let’s help e on! We pick up the apples and colas first. And then we clean the floor. At last, the woman thanks us.”得知让我们去帮帮她吧!然后捡起苹果和可乐。接下来清扫地板。最后女士感谢了我们。故答案为3;1;4;2。
6.(1)句意:这个女人能携带所有东西吗?根据文章“She can’t carry it.”得知这跟女人不能携带所有的东西。故答案为No, she can’t.
(2)句意:鸡蛋怎么了?根据文章“And the eggs are broken. ”得知鸡蛋都碎了。故答案为The eggs are broken.
(3)句意:篮子是轻的吗?根据文章“ It’s too heavy. ”得知篮子很重。故答案为No, it isn’t.
7.(1)-(5) ecbda 8. F T F F F
7.(1)根据““Please have some sweets.” Tom says.”可知汤姆让吃些糖果。选项e是糖果,故连e。
(2)根据“Linda is dancing.”可知琳达正在跳舞,选项c是一个正在跳舞的小女孩,故连c。
(3)根据“David is singing a beautiful song.”可知大卫正在唱一首优美的歌。选项b是一个话筒,故连b。
(4)根据“Mike gives a box of chocolate to Tom. ”可知迈克给汤姆一盒巧克力。选项d是一和盒巧克力,故连d。
(5)根据“Tom is playing the flute again”可知汤姆又在吹笛子了。选项a是一根笛子,故连a。
故答案为(1)-(5) ecbda。
8.(1)句意:聚会早上六点开始。根据“It’s half past six in the evening.”现在是晚上六点半。题干描述不正确,故答案为F。
(2)句意:他们正在客厅里举行生日聚会。根据“There are lots of children in the living room. They are having a birthday party.”客厅里有很多孩子。他们正在过生日派对。题干描述正确,故答案为T。
(3)句意:汤姆正在和他的父母举行生日聚会。根据“There are lots of children in the living room. They are having a birthday party.”客厅里有很多孩子。他们正在过生日派对。题干描述不正确,故答案为F。
(4)句意:迈克会吹笛子。根据“What is Tom doing Oh! He is playing the flute”汤姆在做什么?哦!他在吹笛子。题干描述不正确,故答案为F。
(5)句意:杰克不哭了,因为他想唱歌跳舞。根据“Please have some sweets.” Tom says. Jack stops. ”可知给了汤姆糖果他才不哭,题干描述不正确,故答案为F。
9.Sam’s favourite food is bread. 10.Lily’s favourite food is fish. 11.Amy’s favourite food is hamburger. 12.Daming’s favourite drink is milk. 13.Amy’s favourite drink is soup.
14.He wants to drink some tea. 15.Ken likes Chinese food. 16.It’s sixty-three dollars and fifty cents. 17.No, she doesn’t.
14.句意:肯想喝什么?根据肯的购物清单可知肯想喝茶,故答案为He wants to drink some tea.
15.句意:谁喜欢中国食物?根据购物清单可知肯喜欢中国食物,故答案为Ken likes Chinese food.
16.句意:他们的东西总共多少钱?根据购物清单可知他们的东西总共六十三美元五十美分,故答案为It’s sixty-three dollars and fifty cents.
17.句意:可可想要一些鱼吗?根据可可的购物清单可知可可不想要鱼,答语为否定回答,故答案为No, she doesn’t.
18.cabd 19. F T F
18.根据“Sam is wearing a raincoat. ”可知Sam穿着一件雨衣,a选项是雨衣,故连c。
根据“Lingling is wearing a cap. ”可知Lingling带着一个帽子,a选项是帽子,故选a。
根据“Amy is wearing a dress. ”可知Amy穿着一条连衣裙,b选项是连衣裙,故选b。
根据“I’m wearing a T-shirt.”可知大明穿着一件T恤,d选项是T恤,故选d。
19.句意:Amy打算去剧院,根据“Amy is wearing a dress. Because she is going to the park.”可知Amy打算去公园,题干与短文不符,故答案为F。
句意:Lingling认为天气将是晴朗的。根据“Lingling is wearing a cap. Because she thinks it’s going to be sunny.”可知Lingling认为天气将是晴朗的。题干与短文相符,故答案为T。
句意:大明打算去打篮球。根据“I’m wearing a T-shirt. Because I’m going to play football.”可知大明打算去踢足球,题干与短文不符,故答案为F。
20. T F T T F 21. They are in the park. They are playing chess.
(2)句意: 一些女孩正在踢足球。根据图片可知一些女孩正在唱歌,故答案为F。
(3)句意: 一个女人正在树下看书。根据图片可知一个女人正在树下看书,故答案为T。
21.(1)句意:他们在哪?根据图片可知他们在公园里,在公园里in the park,故答案为They are in the park.
(2)句意:两个男人正在做什么?根据图片可知两个男人正在下棋,下棋play chess,问句是现在进行时,答语也应是现在进行时,play用现在分词playing,故答案为They are playing chess.
22. A B B C C 23. I am going to the park. I am going to fly kites. I am going there with my family.
22.(1)句意:明天是_____。A星期日,B星期六,C星期五。根据文中“Today is Saturday.”可知今天是星期六,所以明天是星期日。故选A。
(2)句意:现在几点了?A十点了。B十点半了。C十二点半了。根据文中“When is the match going to start ” asks Daming. “At half past eleven. One hour to go!”可知大明问比赛几点开始,十一点半,还有一个小时。所以现在是十点半了。故选B。
(3)句意:将要下雨了。所以大明和西蒙将要去_____。A野餐,B看电视,C吃午饭。根据文中““Yes. What about watching a football match on TV ” says Simon.”可知西蒙说在电视上看场足球比赛怎么样,所以他们将要看电视。故选B。
(4)句意:在看电视之前,他们将要_____。A唱歌,B骑自行车,C读故事书。根据文中“Let’s read a storybook first,” says Simon.”可知西蒙说让我们先读故事书吧。故选C。
(5)句意:他们今天有多少节课?A六节。B八节。C没课。根据文中“Daming and Simon have no classes.”可知大明和西蒙没有课。故选C。
23.(1)句意:在周末你将要去哪里?题干要求结合自己的实际情况,我将要去公园。故答案为I am going to the park.
(2)句意:你将要在那里做什么?题干要求结合自己的实际情况,我将要放风筝。故答案为I am going to fly kites.
(3)句意:你将要和谁去那里?题干要求结合自己的实际情况,我将要和我的家人去那里。故答案为I am going there with my family.
24. Saturday picnic 25.playing 26.half past twelve 27.car 28.one
29. Saturday picnic 30.talking 31.playing 32.11:30/half past eleven 33.car
34.six dollars and thirty cents 35.seven dollars 36.Amy
34.根据Amy: I want some noodles and vegetables. And I want some milk.,可知艾米想要一些面条,蔬菜和牛奶,根据菜单可知一共花费6.3美元,故答案为six dollars and thirty cents。
35.根据John: I want a hamburger, a hot dog and a cola.,可知约翰想要一个汉堡包,一个热狗和一杯可乐,根据菜单可知一共7美元,故答案为seven dollars。
37. photos shining singing look to rain 38. C C A A B
句意:在第二张照片中,天气开始下雨,鸟正在飞走。主语是无生命的事物而不是人时使用start to do sth.开始做某事。故答案为to rain。
38.句意:一开始天气怎么样?A天气是下雨的。B天气是刮风的。C天气是晴朗的。根据“In the first photo, the sun is shining and the birds are singing in the tree.”可知一开始天气是晴朗的,故选C。
句意:我们在公园里做什么了?A我们唱歌了。B我们喂鸭子了。C我们去野餐了。根据“Here are some photos about our picnic in the park.”可知我们在公园里野餐了,故选C。
句意:然后天气怎么样了?A下雨了。B刮风了。C天气是晴朗的。根据“In the second photo, it’s starting to rain and the birds are flying away.”可知后来下雨了,故选A。
句意:为什么鸟飞走了?A因为开始下雨了。B因为它们饿了。C因为它们喜欢飞。根据“In the second photo, it’s starting to rain and the birds are flying away.”可知鸟飞走了是因为下雨了,故选A。
句意:鸭子们最后还饿吗?A是的,它们饿。B不,它们不饿。C我们不知道。根据“And just look at the last photo. The ducks are eating our sandwiches.”可知鸭子们吃了三明治不饿了,故选B。
39. 40. A B B
39.句意:琳达_________根据“Linda and Lucy are running.”可知琳达在跑步,第五幅图片是跑步,故连第五幅图。
句意:缇娜________根据“Sara and Tina are playing basketball.”可知缇娜在打篮球,第一幅图是打篮球,故连第一幅图。
句意:强强________根据“Dongdong and Qiangqiang are doing the high jump.”可知强强在跳高,第四幅图是跳高,故连第四幅图。
句意:鹏鹏_______根据“Pengpeng is playing table tennis.”可知鹏鹏在打乒乓球,第三幅图是打乒乓球,故连第三幅图。
句意:婷婷________根据“Where is Tingting Look! She is playing football with her good friends.”可知婷婷在踢足球,第二幅图是踢足球,故连第二幅图。
40.(1)句意:_______学生参加了比赛。A一些,B所有,C大部分。根据“Some students are having matches.”可知一些学生参加了比赛,故选A。
(2)句意:强强跳得_______。A更低的,B更高的,C更快的。根据“Qiangqiang jumps higher.”可知强强跳得更高,故选B。
(3)句意:谁跑得很快?A露西。B琳达。C萨拉。根据“Linda can run very fast.”可知琳达跑得很快,故选B。
in Shandong in 1955;reading, writing, playing chess, watching the plays;He won the Nobel Prize for literature. He wrote many famous books about Chinese life.; a great writer.
【详解】句意:出生:________根据“He was born in Shandong in 1955.”可知他于1995年出生在山东,in Shandong in 1955于1995年出生在山东,符合题意,故答案为in Shandong in 1955。
句意:爱好:____________根据“He likes reading books and writing.”“When he is free(空闲的), he plays chess and watches the plays.”可知他喜欢看书和写作,下棋和看戏,reading看书,writing写作,playing chess下棋,watching the plays看戏,符合题意,故答案为reading;writing; playing chess;watching the plays。
句意:成就:_________根据“He won the Nobel Prize for literature(诺贝尔文学奖) in 2012. He is the first Chinese to win the Nobel Prize for literature.”“He wrote many famous books about Chinese life.”可知他在2012年获得了诺贝尔文学奖,也写了很多关于中国生活的书籍。He won the Nobel Prize for literature他获得了诺贝尔文学奖,He wrote many famous books about Chinese life他写了许多关于中国生活的著名书籍,符合题意。故答案为He won the Nobel Prize for literature. He wrote many famous books about Chinese life.
句意:我认为他是________。本题答案不唯一。可以说:我认为他是一个伟大的作家。伟大的作家a great writer,符合题意,故答案为 a great writer。
42. T F F 43. won’t Pingping
42.(1)句意:杰克不久会离开这个城市。根据“I feel sad, because I will leave this city with my parents next month.”,可知题干与短文相符,故答案为T。
(2)句意:杰克会给萍萍一个中国龙风筝。根据“Li Chao likes flying kites. I will give him a Chinese dragon kite.”,可知杰克会给李超一个中国龙风筝,故答案为F。
(3)句意:陈曦的爱好是放风筝。根据“Chen Xi likes reading.”,可知陈曦喜欢看书,故答案为F。
43.(1)句意:杰克很快就见不到他的朋友了。根据“I won’t see my friends for a long time.”,可知杰克很快就见不到他的朋友了,故答案为won’t。
(2)句意:______会从杰克那里得到一些光盘。根据“Pingping likes listening to music. I will give her some CDs.”,可知萍萍会从杰克那里得到一些光盘,故答案为Pingping。
44.It’s sunny and cool. 45.He is preparing the things. 46.Yes, he does. 47.Daming. 48.It’s on his head.
【解析】44.题目意思是:今天的天气怎么样?根据文中的句子It is sunny and cool.可知天气是晴朗的凉爽的。故答案为It’s sunny and cool.
45.题目意思是:大明正在做什么?根据文中的句子Daming is preparing(准备) the things.可知大明正在准备一些东西。故答案为He is preparing the things.
46.题目意思是:大明带着一个篮球吗?根据文中的句子He carries a basketball.可知他带着一个篮球。故答案为Yes, he does.
47.题目意思是:谁喜欢詹姆斯?根据文中的句子Daming likes James.可知大明喜欢詹姆斯。故答案为Daming.
48.题目意思是:大明的帽子在哪里?根据文中的句子Dear, it’s on your head.可知帽子在大明的头上。故答案为It’s on his head.
49. air water 50.grow 51.can’t 52.the earth 53.落下
49.句意:地球上有_____和_____。根据“There is air and water on the earth.”可知地球上有空气和水。故答案为air;water。
50.句意:阳光使绿色植物_____。根据“The light from the sun helps us see things and makes green grass and trees grow(生长). ”可知阳光帮助我们看见东西并且使草木生长。故答案为grow。
51.句意:人类_____在月球上生存。根据“But there is no water or air on it. The moon gets its light from the sun.”可知月球上没有水或空气,也没有光,所以人类不能在月球上生存。故答案为can’t。
52.句意:人类、动物和植物可以生存在_____上。根据“The earth is the only planet where people, animals and plants can live.”可知地球是唯一适合人类和动植物生存的星球。故答案为the earth。
53.句意:“goes down”在文中的中文含义是“_____”。根据“When the day is over, the sun goes down. The next day the sun comes up. It is a new day.”可知一天结束了,太阳落下。第二天太阳升起,又是新的一天。故答案为落下。
54. D B A C 55. F F
54.(1) 句意:今天是星期天。早上,安娜正在睡觉,但狗开始大声吠叫。所以她起床吃早餐。选项D是狗大叫,符合句意,故选D。
(2) 句意:然后她想去书店。她正走在街上,但是天开始下雨了。于是她开始快速奔跑。选项B是下雨,符合句意,故选B。
(3) 句意:下午,安娜正在看电视但电话响了。安娜的朋友艾米给她打电话。她想和安娜一起去看电影。选项A是在看电视,符合句意,故选A。
(4) 句意:晚上,安娜正在做作业,但她的弟弟开始唱歌。非常吵闹。她无法完成她的作业。后来,安娜的妈妈帮助了她。这是忙碌的一天但也是快乐的一天。选项C是在做作业,符合句意,故选C。
55.(1) 句意:今天上午天气是晴朗的。根据“She is walking in the street, but it starts to rain.”可知是下雨的,故答案为F。
(2) 句意:安娜的妈妈想晚上和她一起去看电影。根据“Anna’s friend Amy calls her. She wants to go to the cinema with Anna.”可知是安娜的朋友下午想和她一起去看电影,故答案为F。
56. 3 1 2 5 4 6 57. C C B C
56.根据“It’s seven o’clock. He is doing his homework, but the dog starts to bark.”可知七点在写作业,第二幅图是七点,写作业,应排1。
根据“It’s seven o’clock. He is doing his homework, but the dog starts to bark.”可知狗开始叫,第三幅图是狗叫,应排2。
根据“The dog comes to Tim and Tim plays with it.”可知提姆开始和狗玩,第一幅图是和狗玩,应排3。
根据“He starts to play with his toy cars happily. ”可知开始高兴地玩玩具汽车,第五幅图是玩玩具汽车,应排4。
根据“He goes to the window and watches the rain.”可知他在窗边看雨,第四幅图是看雨,应排5。
根据“It’s nine o’clock now. It’s time to go to bed. But Tim hasn’t finished his homework.”可知九点了提姆还没写完作业,第六幅图是还在写作业,应排6。
57.(1) 句意:明天是_____。A星期六,B星期日,C星期一。根据“Today is Sunday.”可知明天星期一,故选C。
(2) 句意:提姆在周日不______。A在家,B去工作,C去上学。根据“Tim doesn’t go to school.”可知不去上学。故选C。
(3) 句意:提姆在晚上九点____他的作业。A完成了,B没有完成,C我们不知道。根据“It’s nine o’clock now. It’s time to go to bed. But Tim hasn’t finished his homework.”可知没有完成作业。故选B。
(4) 句意:提姆在做他的作业,可是狗_______。A开始玩,B开始跳,C开始叫。根据“He is doing his homework, but the dog starts to bark.”可知是开始叫,故选C。
58.She bought Lin Tao a toy train. 59.She is playing the suona. 60.She is having a piece of cake. 61.He is on the phone. 62.He gives Lin Tao a book about plane.
63.snows 64.Winter 65.walking 66.summer 67.hate
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)



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