
(22-23七年级下·广东深圳·期末)A man wanted to sell his donkey (驴) in a market. The market was far from his house, so he started early in the morning with his 1 .
On the way, the man was sitting on the donkey while his son was 2 near it. Someone saw them. He said the father didn’t love his son. After the man 3 this, he got down from the donkey and made his son sit on 4 . Then they continued their journey.
Soon, another man met them. He said it was not 5 for the son to make his old father walk in the sun. What hot weather it was! Then 6 of them decided to walk.
After some time, a group of people saw them. They said the father and the son were 7 . They had a donkey, but they didn’t sit on it. Then both of them 8 to sit on the donkey and then kept going.
There came a woman. “You may 9 the little donkey by doing that!” she shouted.
So what should we do Maybe we should just do what we think is right, because we cannot follow everyone’s 10 .
1.A.daughter B.son C.father D.wife
2.A.walking B.sitting C.sleeping D.lying
3.A.saw B.felt C.heard D.watched
4.A.it B.him C.them D.you
5.A.bad B.real C.wrong D.right
6.A.any B.some C.both D.none
7.A.kind B.foolish C.strict D.clever
8.A.asked B.forgot C.learned D.chose
9.A.leave B.kill C.save D.sell
10.A.news B.dream C.advice D.wish
(22-23七年级下·广东深圳·期末)There are many great stories in Chinese history. And this is one of the most educational stories.
Kuang Heng was a famous person in the Western Han Dynasty. He was born in a 11 family. He liked reading very much. He needed to 12 in the daytime, so he had to read books during the night. But
he didn’t have much 13 to buy a candle.
One day, he found his neighbor had candles, but the light was too 14 in his house. After thinking for a while, he had an idea. He 15 a small hole on the wall in his house so that he could use the light from his neighbor’s house to read books. From that day on, he could read books every night.
After some days, there were no books for him to read in his 16 . Then he went to a rich man’s house and wanted to work for him without 17 any money. Hearing this, the rich man asked in 18 , “You meant you would work for me for free. But why ” Kuang Heng replied, “Well, I only want to borrow your books to read. That’s enough. ”
The rich man was moved and he agreed 19 . Kuang Heng read the books one by one. Finally, he became a 20 scholar (学者).
From Kuang Heng’s story, we can learn that nothing can stop us from being successful if we work hard.
11.A.perfect B.rich C.poor D.famous
12.A.work B.read C.study D.play
13.A.help B.energy C.question D.money
14.A.dirty B.bright C.weak D.comfortable
15.A.dug B.tied C.blew D.imagined
16.A.school B.house C.hole D.garden
17.A.looking after B.asking for C.looking for D.throwing away
18.A.surprise B.fact C.danger D.time
19.A.nervously B.recently C.possibly D.finally
20.A.boring B.healthy C.great D.strange
I still remember the beautiful night when I was only nine. While I was looking up at the shining stars in the 21 , clear sky, I suddenly felt closer to them. “Why are some stars so 22 to us while others are far away Do they have names ...” I kept asking grandpa questions about these amazing 23 . He replied with a smile, “If you want to know more about stars, you should 24 books.”
From then on, I began to read books and magazines on stars. As I read, my interest in stars 25 and I decided to be an astronomer (天文学家). But I found it 26 to calculate the distance(测算距离) between
stars. However, grandpa said to me, “Maths is very important in astronomy. A good astronomer is never 27 of difficulties.” He then gave me some difficult books to read. I studied these books 28 and slowly found that calculations can be interesting.
Now I am standing excitedly on the stage at the prize-giving celebration of the International Astronomy Olympiad VIll (第八届国际天文奥林匹克竞赛), with my 29 being read out,
“Li Zeng, the first prize winner. Li Zeng, who got the highest points out of all winners...”
I know this is just a small step to become a good astronomer. From 30 to career, many difficulties are waiting for me, but I am not afraid...
21.A.bright B.dark C.blue D.cloudy
22.A.small B.beautiful C.close D.quiet
23.A.nights B.names C.stars D.books
24.A.learn from B.ask for C.put away D.connect to
25.A.disappeared B.returned C.changed D.grew
26.A.easy B.difficult C.interesting D.useful
27.A.proud B.lund C.afraid D.careful
28.A.naturally B.patiently C.strictly D.carelessly
29.A.job B.number C.country D.name
30.A.hobby B.game C.exam D.study
Mike and Kevin were good friends. Once they went on a trip together. On the way, Mike told Kevin, “I have a 31 . I am too shy to talk to strangers or new friends. Sometimes people call me ‘coward (胆小鬼)’. I really want to make some 32 ”.
“That won’t be difficult if you do as I say,” Kevin said.
“No problem. I’d love to do anything you ask 33 to do.”
“Well, after we get to the next stop, you have to tell every person you meet that you are a ‘coward’. And you need to say it 34 ”.
Hearing this, Mike felt 35 , but he still planned to do that because of his promise.
When the two friends arrived at a new city, Mike 36 to carry out the plan. At first, he couldn’t talk
to anyone, not even say “hi”. He lost his 37 when he looked at the person’s eye. 38 Mike found the courage to tell one person that he was a coward.
The next day, Mike tried to tell more people. With each day passing, his voice sounded louder and his body 39 shaking while he was talking. He was glad about his change.
Kevin was glad, too. “You see, cowardice is like a habit. If you want to get out of it, you must practice by doing things that make you 40 , I’m glad that you make it. ”
31.A.hobby B.problem C.disease D.feeling
32.A.changes B.success C.advice D.rules
33.A.her B.him C.us D.me
34.A.quickly B.quietly C.loudly D.slowly
35.A.sorry B.surprised C.excited D.weak
36.A.decided B.agreed C.continued D.preferred
37.A.smile B.power C.voice D.way
38.A.Usually B.Finally C.Sadly D.Certainly
39.A.allowed B.enjoyed C.forgot D.stopped
40.A.angry B.happy C.afraid D.patient
A boy called Tom sat tears a wall with tears in his eyes. Mrs Bell came and asked, “What makes you so 26 41 ” Tom answered, “We will have a poetry competition. I don’t think I can make it because other boys 42 me and call me ‘Slow Tom’.”
In a kind 43 Mrs Bell said, “Look at the snail on the wall. It is 44 but sure. When you lose heart, think of the sail.” Tom thought he could run a race with the snail. So he decided to practice his 45 until the snail got to the top of the wall.
46 the day came. Tom did best in the competition. He didn’t 47 a word and won the prize. The headmaster asked, “How could you learn the poem so well ” “The snail on the wall taught me how to do it” said Tom. “I saw it 48 the wall little by little. It didn’t stop, nor turn back, but went on. And I thought I would do the same with my task. By the time the 49 had got to the top of the wall, I had learned it well.” “Well done,’ Tom!” said the headmaster happily.
“Now boys, let’s 50 Tom and the snail on the wall.”
41.A.cheerful B.sad C.angry D.patient
42.A.look like B.laugh at C.take in D.tidy up
43.A.joke B.order C.voice D.rule
44.A.slow B.helpful C.harmful D.lively
45.A.greeting B.radio C.example D.poem
46.A.Probably B.Suddenly C.Possibly D.Finally
47.A.miss B.finish C.test D.host
48.A.look around B.fall down C.climb up D.rush out
49.A.seller B.person C.snail D.pet
50.A.wake up B.cheer for C.look around D.take care of
(21-22七年级下·广东深圳·期末)For most travelers, the train is just a kind of vehicle to connect them with the scenery. But for train chasers (追赶者), the train is the scenery 51 . They chase the train to record it in their photos. 24-year-old Wang Tiancheng is one of them. Over the past 10 years, he has 52 more than 100, 000 photos of trains in nearly 30 countries and regions ( 地 区 ).
Wang 53 trains when he was little. “At that time, every month my parents would take me by 54 to visit my grandparents,” he said, “I was always too 55 to fall asleep before the trip.”
Wang is not 56 on his train-chasing journey. He has made a group of friends with people who shared his 57 online.
He is also lucky to get his parents’ 58 . “They always believe me and let me make my own decisions.” Wang said.
Speaking of the future, Wang said that his love for trains would always 59 an important part of his life. “At rst, I only wanted to take a good-looking picture. But later, I wanted to 60 what’s behind the railway. The train is the epitome(缩影)of history. I will never stop my study of railway culture.”
51.A.itself B.themselves C.yourself D.myself
52.A.bought B.painted C.drawn D.taken
53.A.wanted B.liked C.learnt D.enjoyed
54.A.bus B.car C.train D.plane
55.A.excited B.nervous C.angry D.worried
56.A.together B.alone C.around D.lonely
57.A.dream B.career C.interest D.work
58.A.support B.advice C.training D.money
59.A.wait B.remain C.last D.play
60.A.put away B.look for C. nd out D.put up
I went to McDonald’s on a cold morning. I was standing in line when 61 everyone around me began to move. I didn’t move. As I 62 around, I saw a poor man standing behind me.
As I 63 him, he was smiling at me. He had 64 blue eyes. He counted the few 65 he had. The young girl at the counter (柜台) asked him what he wanted. He said, “Coffee is all, Miss.” That was the only thing he could afford (买得起). After all, if he wanted to sit 66 a restaurant and warm up, he had to buy something.
I asked the young girl to give me two 67 meals on a tray (盘子). Then I walked to the table that the 68 man chose as a resting place. I 69 the tray on the table and held his cold hand. He looked up at me with tears in his eyes and said, “Thank you.”
Then I returned to school happily. I thought it was one of the most important experiences I had 70 I would never forget that morning.
61.A.usually B.suddenly C.finally D.luckily
62.A.turned B.walked C.showed D.came
63.A.thought about B.put up C.looked at D.found out
64.A.tiring B.successful C.crazy D.beautiful
65.A.letters B.papers C.coins D.cards
66.A.on B.in C.over D.off
67.A.coffee B.dinner C.lunch D.breakfast
68.A.strong B.poor C.happy D.cheerful
69.A.put B.made C.collected D.picked
70.A.although B.if C.and D.but
When I was in my first year of middle school, my father died. And my mother was ill just after I started high school. I had to stop 71 to school.
I started working in people’s gardens 72 enough money for me to go back to school. After some time, I returned to school. 73 , my mother died the next year. Suddenly, my world 74 dark. I asked my headmaster (校长) if I could work for the school so I could pay my bills. He was a 75 man and let me work in the school garden during the holidays. I had not been able to study well because of my mother’s death. 76 of my second year, I failed (不及格) most of my exams and was told I would have to repeat (重复) the year. After another summer working in the school garden, I went back to class again. But suddenly I fell ill.
Because of my illness, I was 77 and couldn’t work at school. My headmaster told me not to give up. And my teachers and classmates helped me 78 . Now I’m feeling better and I 79 my third year soon.
My life is still not easy. A few 80 call me “farmer” because I work in the school garden. But I know have to deal with (应对) such problems.
71.A.going B.replying C.adding D.rushing
72.A.to use B.to save C.to produce D.to drop
73.A.Luckily B.Unhappy C.Unluckily D.Helpful
74.A.look B.attend C.see D.went
75.A.nice B.bad C.tidy D.ordinary
76.A.At the end B.In the end C.To the end D.At last
77.A.strong B.strict C.weak D.successful
78.A.a lot of B.a lot C.a bit D.a little
79.A.will finish B.will stop C.will burn D.will follow
80.A.teachers B.workers C.students D.members
(21-22七年级下·广东深圳·期末)Once upon a time, a farmer’s old donkey (驴) fell into a dry well. The farmer tried to 81 the animal. But the donkey was too old, and pulling it out of the well with a rope might kill it. So in the end, the farmer decided to 82 . At the same time, he wanted to do something to stop other animals from 83 into the well in the future. He asked his neighbors to help him fill the well with dirt.
The farmer and his 84 started throwing dirt into the well. Soon, the donkey realized that it was going
to be buried (埋). It began to cry out 85 . After a while, however, the animal quieted down. The farmer looked down into the well and was amazed: The donkey shook the dirt off its back and jumped on it.
The farmer and his neighbors continued to throw dirt on top of the 86 . The donkey used the dirt to slowly 87 itself up. Finally, it could jump out of the well and ran away 88 !
Like this donkey, we may feel that life sometimes throws 89 things at us and tries to “bury” us in sadness. When this happens, only by taking positive action can we get out of the well of life. Shake the dirt off and take a 90 up!
81.A.sell B.keep C.train D.save
82.A.give up B.get down C.rush out D.call out
83.A.flowing B.running C.falling D.hiding
84.A.team B.neighbors C.family D.donkey
85.A.excitedly B.shyly C.sadly D.happily
86.A.animal B.tree C.flower D.rock
87.A.tie B.wake C.lift D.cheer
88.A.gently B.quickly C.slowly D.patiently
89.A.surprising B.funny C.good D.bad
90.A.step B.trip C.walk D.ride
My friends and I joined a two-day survival (生存) training course in the mountains. The first day was really 91 there was so much to do! Arriving at the camping site, we were divided into groups and given a tent, some food, a 92 and a compass (指南针). Standing next to a small river, Fanny suggested camping in the grassy area nearby. However, our instructor, Mr. Lee, pointed out that it might flood if it rained. In the end, we found a 93 area. Putting up the tent was very hard. 94 , Mr. Lee helped us a lot.
By the time we had put up the tent, 95 was really hungry. “We wouldn’t have got this hungry if we had brought some snacks,” Peter said. We all told him to 96 complaining and help us start a fire to cook our food instead. Realizing we were having trouble making the fire, he finally helped out.
The next day started early. Woken by a strange noise, Peter went to see what was 97 . “Some cows have eaten our breakfast!” he shouted. “That’s all because you didn’t put away the food properly last night,” said
Mr. Lee. Worried that Mr. Lee would be 98 us, we tried very hard on our next task—using the map and compass to find a secret location. We made it to the location 99 the other groups did. We all felt very proud of 100 .
The survival training course was great. Now I feel I could survive anywhere!
91.A.boring B.different C.difficult D.helpful
92.A.map B.book C.knife D.light
93.A.bigger B.higher C.lower D.nearer
94.A.Suddenly B.Usually C.Actually D.Luckily
95.A.everyone B.someone C.no one D.anyone
96.A.start B.continue C.stop D.try
97.A.developing B.following C.happening D.beginning
98.A.angry with B.proud of C.patient with D.interested in
99.A.before B.until C.when D.after
100.A.themselves B.yourselves C.himself D.ourselves
(21-22七年级下·广东深圳·期末)阅读下面短文, 从短文后所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将相应的字母编号涂黑。
Mr. and Mrs. King have a bookshop by the bus station. They often sell poor students some books 101 in order to give them a hand. The couple are so 102 that people like them very much. Many young men like visiting them. So people can always hear their rooms are full of 103 .
It was a Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. King were going to take a trip to an island the next morning. It was a little 104 from their town. So they had to 105 earlier than usual to catch the train at 6 a.m.
After supper, a few friends came to Mr. King’s home. They talked and laughed a lot, and few of them looked at the 106 on the wall. It was 11 p.m., Mr. and Mrs. King were worried about the time but they didn’t want the guests to 107 their worry. The woman thought for a few 108 and had an idea. She said to the visitors, “The last train will leave in 20 minutes. Would you like us to drive you to the bus stop or do you want to 109 there yourselves ” The visitors preferred to go to the bus stop on foot, so they left at once.
The husband smiled and said to his wife, “You solved the problem in a 110 way. Thank you, my dear!”
101.A.safely B.cheaply C.quietly D.quickly
102.A.helpful B.thankful C.careful D.cheerful
103.A.noises B.shouts C.laughs D.greetings
104.A.different B.far C.safe D.free
105.A.stand up B.break up C.get up D.give up
106.A.picture B.paper C.window D.clock
107.A.learn from B.know about C.laugh at D.write down
108.A.minutes B.hours C.days D.weeks
109.A.drive B.fly C.walk D.swim
110.A.smart B.traditional C.funny D.lively
(20-21七年级下·广东深圳·期末)Running is one of the cheapest sports because you don’t need any expensive equipment(装备)when you do it. All you need is a good pair of running 111 and a safe environment. But this doesn’t mean running is 112 . It is almost a daily sport.
Like other sports, it needs 113 and practice. It is impossible for a man to run a marathon without 114 any training.
Many running clubs are 115 to people of all ages. If you search on the Internet, you can discover some 116 near your home. You can be a member of one of them. The club shows you how to make a right plan and 117 your body when you enter a running competition. Or you just 118 a running group around you. Then all of you run 119 .
Runners have great respect for each other because they know how difficult the sport can be. You’ll see people cheering for all the runners. Running isn’t always about how fast you are or how 120 you’re going. It’s about joining in it and doing it Whether you get a prize or not, you will be proud of yourself.
111.A.flags B.shoes C.flowers D.coat
112.A.afraid B.noisy C.easy D.helpful
113.A.life B.money C.race D.time
114.A.getting B.enjoying C.stopping D.finding
115.A.rich B.fast C.open D.prepare
116.A.halls B.restaurants C.theatre D.clubs
117.A.look after B.throw away C.write down D.take care
118.A.agree B.join C.finish D.find
119.A.again B.together C.instead D.fast
120.A.same B.round C.happy D.far
1.B 2.A 3.C 4.A 5.D 6.C 7.B 8.D 9.B 10.C
daughter女儿;son儿子;father父亲;wife母亲。根据下文“the man was sitting on the donkey while his son was...”可知,这个男人和儿子一起去卖驴。故选B。
walking走路;sitting坐;sleeping睡觉;lying躺。根据下文“He said the father didn’t love his son.”可知,路人说父亲不爱儿子是因为父亲让儿子走路,而自己骑驴。故选A。
saw看见;felt感觉;heard听见;watched观看。根据上文“He said the father didn’t love his son.”可知,这个男人听见别人说他不爱儿子。故选C。
it它;him他;them他们;you你,你们。根据“he got down from the donkey and made his son sit on...”可知,此处指父亲从驴上下来,然后让儿子坐驴上,应用单数代词it指代“donkey”。故选A。
bad坏的;real真实的;wrong错误的;right对的,正确的。根据“it was not...for the son to make his old father walk in the sun.”可知,让年迈的父亲在阳光下行走是不对的。故选D。
kind和蔼的;foolish愚蠢的;strict严格的;clever聪明的。根据下文“They had a donkey, but they didn’t sit on it.”可知,他们有驴却不骑,路人觉得他们很愚蠢。故选B。
asked询问;forgot忘记;learned学习;chose选择。根据“They had a donkey, but they didn’t sit on it. Then both of them...to sit on the donkey”可知,路人嘲笑他们有驴却不骑,所以他们选择坐驴上。故选D。
leave离开;kill杀死;save拯救;sell卖。根据上文“Then both of them chose to sit on the donkey”可知,两人都坐在驴上,太重了以至于可能会杀死驴。故选B。
11.C 12.A 13.D 14.C 15.A 16.B 17.B 18.A 19.D 20.C
perfect完美的;rich富有的;poor贫穷的;famous著名的。根据“ he could use the light from his neighbor’s house to read books”和“Then he went to a rich man’s house and wanted to work”可知,他需要借助邻居家的光来看书,以及他想去一位富人家去工作,推测他出生的家庭是“贫穷的”。故选C。
work工作;read读;study学习;play玩。根据“ He liked reading very much...he had to read books during the night”可知,他非常喜欢读书,但是不得不晚上读,结合上句表示他的家境贫穷,所以他白天要工作,选项A符合语境。故选A。
dirty脏的;bright明亮的;weak微弱的;comfortable舒适的。根据“After thinking for a while, he had an idea...neighbor’s house to read books”可知,经过努力后他可以借用邻居的光
dug挖;tied拴,捆;blew吹;imagined想象。根据“...a small hole on the wall”可知,墙上的小洞是“挖”出来的。故选A。
school学校;house房子;hole洞;garden花园。根据“ Then he went to a rich man’s house...”可知,然后他去了一个有钱人的家……,所以上文是指他的家没有书了。故选B。
looking after照顾;asking for要求,索要;looking for寻找;throwing away扔掉。根据“You meant you would work for me for free”可知,匡衡想免费为富人工作,所以是不要求金钱。故选B。
surprise惊讶;fact事实;danger危险;time时间。根据“You meant you would work for me for free”可知,匡衡愿意为他工作,但是不要钱,他听到这件事情的态度是惊讶的,in surprise“惊讶地”。故选A。
nervously紧张地;recently最近;possibly可能地;finally最终。根据“Then he went to a rich man’s house...That’s enough. ”可知,经过富人和匡衡的沟通后,富人被感动,最终同意了他的想法。故选D。
boring无聊的;healthy健康的;great伟大的;strange奇怪的。根据“From Kuang Heng’s story, we can learn that nothing can stop us from being successful if we work hard”可知,匡衡最后是成功的,所以形容他是“伟大的”符合语境。故选C。
21.B 22.C 23.C 24.A 25.D 26.B 27.C 28.B 29.D 30.A
bright明亮的;dark黑暗的;blue蓝色的;cloudy多云的。根据“I still remember the beautiful
night when I was only nine. ”可知晚上的天空是黑暗的,故选B。
small小的;beautiful美丽的;close接近的;quiet安静的。根据“while others are far away”可知“远”的反义词是“近”。故选C。
nights晚上;names名词;stars星星;books书。根据“If you want to know more about stars,”可知是问关于星星的问题,故选C。
learn from学习;ask for寻求;put away收起来放好;connect to连接到。根据下文“From then on, I began to read books and magazines on stars”可知是指从书上学习来了解星星,故选A。
disappeared消失;returned归还;changed改变;grew增长。根据“I decided to be an astronomer (天文学家).”可说明作者对星星的兴趣与日俱增。故选D。
easy容易的;difficult困难的;interesting有趣的;useful有用的。根据下文“A good astronomer is never...of difficulties”可知作者在计算星星之间的距离上遇到了困难,故选B。
proud自豪的;loud大声的;afraid害怕的;careful认真的。根据“Maths is very important in astronomy. A good astronomer is never...of difficulties”可知一个好的天文学家是不怕困难的。故选C。
naturally自然地;patiently有耐心地;strictly严格地;carelessly粗心地。根据“and slowly found that calculations can be interesting.”可知作者应该是耐心地研究这些书,故选B。
job工作;number数字;country国家;name名字。根据下文“Li Zeng, the first prize winner.”可知作者的名字被念出来,故选D。
hobby爱好;game游戏;exam考试;study书房。根据“I know this is just a small step to become a good astronomer.”结合文章一开始介绍作者对星星很感兴趣可知,此处应用hobby符合语
31.B 32.A 33.D 34.C 35.B 36.A 37.C 38.B 39.D 40.C
hobby爱好;problem问题;disease疾病;feeling感觉。根据“I am too shy to talk to strangers or new friends.”可知,此处是在说自己的问题,故选B。
changes变化,改变;success成功;advice建议;rules规则。 根据“ I am too shy to talk to strangers or new friends.”和“I really want to make some...”可知,此处应是说“想做些改变”,故选A。
her她;him他;us我们;me我。此处是迈克说的话,根据上文“That won’t be difficult if you do as I say”可知,应是会做“你让我”做的事,故选D。
quickly快速地;quietly安静地;loudly大声地;slowly缓慢地。 根据下文“his voice sounded louder ”可知,是要求迈克大声说,故选C。
sorry抱歉的;surprised惊讶的;excited兴奋的;weak虚弱的。根据“but he still planned to do that because of his promise.”可知,but表示转折,所以空处应是表示听了后感到很吃惊,故选B。
decided决定;agreed同意;continued继续;preferred更喜欢。上文讲到“he still planned to do that ”,结合“to carry out the plan”可知,此处应是说决定执行计划,故选A。
smile微笑;power力量;voice嗓音,说话声;way方法。根据“At first, He couldn’t talk to anyone, not even say ‘hi’”可知,此处指要说话时就没了声音,故选C。
Usually通常;Finally最后,终于;Sadly悲哀地;Certainly无疑,确定。 根据“At first”可知,上文是讲起初的情况,结合“Mike found the courage to tell one person that he was a coward”可知,此处指最后的情况,故选B。
allowed允许;enjoyed享受;forgot忘记;stopped停止。 根据“his voice sounded louder”和上文“他不敢和人说话”对比可知,现在有了很明显的改变,所以应是指说话时身体不再颤抖了,故选D。
41.B 42.B 43.C 44.A 45.D 46.D 47.A 48.C 49.C 50.B
cheerful欢快的;sad难过的;angry生气的;patient有耐心的。根据“A boy called Tom sat near a wall with tears in his eyes”可知,询问男孩为何如此难过,故选B。
look like看起来像;laugh at嘲笑;take in吸收;tidy up收拾。根据“call me ‘Slow Tom'”可知,其他人都嘲笑他,故选B。
joke玩笑;order命令;voice嗓音;rule规则。根据“Mrs Bell said”可知是指说话的嗓音。故选C。
slow慢慢的;helpful有帮助的;harmful有害的;lively生动的。根据“Look at the snail on the wall”及常识可知,蜗牛爬得很慢,故选A。
greeting问候;radio手机;example例子;poem诗。根据前文“We will have a poetry competition.”可知此处是指他练习他的诗歌。故选D。
Probably可能地;Suddenly突然;Possibly可能地;Finally最后。根据”“the day came”可知是指:最后,这一天来临了。故选D。
miss错过;finish完成;test测试;host主办。根据“won the prize”可知他没有错过一个单词。故选A。
look around四周看;fall down倒下;climb up爬上去;rush out冲出。根据后文“got to the top of the wall”可知是一点点地爬上墙。故选C。
seller卖家;person人;snail蜗牛;pet 宠物。根据“The snail on the wall taught me how to do it”可知此处是指蜗牛爬到了墙的顶端。故选C。
wake up醒来;cheer for为……欢呼;look around四周看;take care of照顾。根据“Tom and the snail on the wall”可知,汤姆和蜗牛都取得了胜利,所以要为他们喝彩欢呼。故选B。
51.A 52.D 53.B 54.C 55.A 56.B 57.C 58.A 59.B 60.C
itself 它自己;themselves 他们自己;yourself 你自己;myself 我自己。此空指the train,且为单数。故选A。
bought 买;painted 粉刷;drawn 画画;taken 拿走,拍摄。根据“more than 100, 000 photos of trains”可知此处指“拍摄照片”,用动词take。故选D。
wanted 想要;liked 喜欢;learnt 学到;enjoyed 喜欢。根据“I was always too...to fall asleep before the trip.”可知王很小就很喜欢火车,喜欢某物用like。故选B。
bus 公交车;car 汽车;train 火车;plane 飞机。根据“Wang ...trains when he was little.”可知此处介绍自己坐火车的经历。故选C。
excited 兴奋的;nervous 紧张的;angry 生气的;worried 担心的。根据“I was always too...to fall asleep before the trip.”可推测,王喜欢火车,所以每次去之前都兴奋。故选A。
together 一起;alone 独自;around 周围;lonely 孤单的。根据“He has made a group of friends with people who shared his...online.”可知王并不是独自在喜欢,还有很多朋友。alone侧重为行动上的独自一人,而lonely侧重情感上的孤独、寂寞,故选B。
dream 梦想;career 事业;interest 兴趣;work 工作。根据“Wang is not alone on his train-chasing journey.”可知王和朋友们是有共同的兴趣。故选C。
support 支持;advice 建议;training 训练;money 钱。根据“They always believe me and let me make my own decisions”可知父母很支持他。故选A。
wait 等待;remain 保留;last 持续;play 玩,扮演。根据“Speaking of the future”可知未来对火车的痴迷也会保留在他的生活中,并成为重要的一部分。故选B。
put away 收起;look for 寻找;find out 找出;put up 搭建。根据“The train is the epitome (缩影) of history. I will never stop my study of railway culture.”可知王想要找寻出隐藏在火车背后的文化背景。find out 着重表示通过理解、分析、思考、询问等“弄清楚”、“查明”一件事情,其后的宾语常常是某个情况、事实,而look for侧重于寻找的过程,寻找的通常是某种物体或人,故选C。
61.B 62.A 63.C 64.D 65.C 66.B 67.D 68.B 69.A 70.C
usually通常;suddenly突然;finally最终;luckily幸运地。根据“ I was standing in line when...everyone around me began to move. I didn’t move”可知是描述排队时发生的突然事件,故选B。
turned转;walked走路;showed展现;came来。根据“As I...around”可知是指转身,turn around“转身”,故选A。
thought about考虑;put up搭建;looked at看;found out弄清。根据“he was smiling at me.”可知是当作者看着这个人的时候,这个人正在对作者微笑,故选C。
tiring疲惫的;successful成功的;crazy疯狂的;beautiful美丽的。根据“blue eyes”可知是指漂亮的蓝眼睛,故选D。
letters信;papers纸;coins硬币;cards卡片。根据“That was the only thing he could afford (买得起)”可知是指买咖啡的硬币,故选C。
on在上面;in在里面;over在正上方;off离开。根据“ sit...a restaurant”可知是坐在餐馆里,故选B。
coffee咖啡;dinner晚餐;lunch午餐;breakfast早餐。根据“I went to McDonald’s on a cold morning”可知是买早餐,故选D。
put放;made制作;collected收集;picked摘。根据“ I...the tray on the table ”可知是把盘子放在桌子上,故选A。
71.A 72.B 73.C 74.D 75.A 76.A 77.C 78.B 79.A 80.C
going去;replying回复,答复;adding增加;rushing冲,奔。根据下文“I started working in people’s gardens… enough money for me to go back to school.”可知是停止了上学,go to school“上学”。故选A。
to use用;to save节约,攒钱;to produce生产;to drop落下。 根据“enough money for me to go back to school”可知是攒足够的钱回去上学,故选B。
Luckily幸运地;Unhappy不高兴的;Unluckily不幸地;Helpful有帮助的。根据“my mother died the next year”可知第二年妈妈去世了,应该是不幸的事,故选C。
look看;attend参加;see看见;went去,变得(尤指朝坏的方面)。根据上文“my mother died the next year”可知妈妈去世,所以我的世界变得黑暗,故选D。
nice好的;bad坏的;tidy整洁的;ordinary普通的。根据“let me work in the school garden during the holidays”可知此处指他是一个好人,故选A。
At the end在……的尽头/末尾,常和of连用;In the end最后,终于,常单独使用;To the end到尽头;At last最后,终于。根据“of my second year”可知是第二年的最后,故选A。
strong强壮的;strict严格的;weak弱的,差的;successful成功的。根据“Because of my illness”可知我有病,所以身体弱,故选C。
a lot of许多,后跟名词;a lot多,很,修饰动词,后置;a bit一点儿,修饰不可数名词或形容词;a little有点,修饰不可数名词,形容词或副词。根据“helped me”可知是修饰动词,用a lot,故选B。
will finish将结束;will stop将停止;will burn将燃烧;will follow将跟随。根据上文“My headmaster told me not to give up. And my teachers and classmates helped me…”可知,校长告诉我不要放弃,我的老师和同学帮了我很多,所以应该是完成了第三年的学习,故选A。
teachers老师;workers工人;students学生;members成员。根据“I work in the school garden.”可知是在学校里,应该是老师或学生,结合生活常识,应该是学生会这样做,故选C。
81.D 82.A 83.C 84.B 85.C 86.A 87.C 88.B 89.D 90.A
sell卖;keep保持;train训练;save拯救。根据“a farmer’s old donkey (驴) fell into a dry well.”及“But the donkey was...kill it”可推断,这个农民想救这头驴。故选D。
give up放弃;get down使沮丧;rush out冲出去;call out大声叫喊。根据上一句“But the donkey was too old, and pulling it out of the well with a rope might kill it. ”可知,这个农民没法把驴活着救出来,所以决定放弃。故选A。
flowing流动;running跑;falling落下;hiding隐藏。根据“He asked his neighbors to help him fill the well with dirt.”可推测,他是怕以后再发生动物掉到井里的事情。故填C。
team队;neighbors邻居;family家庭;donkey驴。根据“He asked his neighbors ...”可知,帮
excitedly激动地;shyly害羞地;sadly悲伤地;happily开心地。根据“the donkey realized that it was going to be buried” 可知,驴知道自己要死了,所以悲伤。故选C。
animal动物;tree树;flower花;rock岩石。根据上一句“The donkey shook the dirt off its back and jumped on it.”可知,土是被扔到驴身上,驴是动物。故选A。
tie系;wake醒;lift举起,升起;cheer欢呼。根据前面句子“The donkey shook the dirt off its back and jumped on it”可知,驴站在土上,随着土的增高不断的往上升。故填C。
surprising令人惊讶地;funny滑稽的;good好的;bad坏的。根据“Like the donkey...”及文意可知,这头驴经历的是生活中不好的事情。故选D。
step迈步;trip旅行;walk走路;ride旅程。根据文章可知,驴是抖落身上的泥土,把泥土踩在脚下,就往上又迈了一步。take a step“迈出一步”。故选A。
91.C 92.A 93.B 94.D 95.A 96.C 97.C 98.A 99.A 100.D
boring无聊的;different不同的;difficult困难的;helpful有帮助的。根据“there was so much to do!”可知,要做的事情很多,应该是比较困难。故选C。
map地图;book书;knife刀;light光。根据“using the map and compass”可知,此处指地图,故选A。
bigger更大的;higher更高的;lower更低的;nearer更近的。根据“Mr. Lee, pointed out that it might flood if it rained.”可知,在低的地方有被洪水淹没的危险,所以要去较高的地方,故选B。
Suddenly突然;Usually通常;Actually事实上;Luckily幸运地。根据“Mr. Lee helped us a lot”可知,帮了我们很多,应该是比较幸运。故选D。
everyone每个人;someone某人;no one没有人;anyone任何人。根据“We wouldn’t have got this hungry if we had brought some snacks”可知,我们每个人都饿了,故选A。
start开始;continue继续;stop停止;try尝试。根据“help us start a fire to cook our food instead”可知,此处应该停止抱怨,故选C。
developing发展;following遵循;happening发生;beginning开始。根据““Some cows have eaten our breakfast!” he shouted.”可知,此处彼得去看发生了什么,故选C。
angry with生……的气;proud of为……而自豪; patient with对……耐心;interested in对……感兴趣。根据“‘That’s all because you didn’t put away the food properly last night,’ said Mr. Lee.”和“we tried very hard on our next task—using the map and compass to find a secret location”可知,为了不让李先生生气,下个任务非常努力去完成,故选A。
before在……之前;until直到;when当……时;after在……之后。根据“We all felt very proud of”可知,应该到达地点比其他组快,故选A。
themselves他们自己;yourselves你自己;himself他自己;ourselves我们自己。根据“We all felt
very proud of ”可知,此处指我们都为自己感到骄傲,主宾同一人,使用反身代词。故选D。
101.B 102.A 103.C 104.B 105.C 106.D 107.B 108.A 109.C 110.A
safely安全地;cheaply便宜地;quietly迅速地;quickly快速地。根据“to help them”可知要帮助贫困学生,应是把书便宜卖给他们。故选B。
helpful有帮助的;thankful感谢的;careful仔细的;cheerful欢快的。根据“that people like them very much”可知人们非常喜欢他们是因为他们非常乐于助人。故选A。
noises噪音;shouts喊叫声;laughs笑声;greetings问候。根据“Many young men like visiting them.”及上文讲的人们都喜欢他们,可推出来访时房间里应是充满笑声。故选C。
different不同的;far远的;safe安全的;free空闲的。根据“So they had to…earlier than usual to catch the train at 6 a.m.”可知需要赶6点的火车,应是离得有点远。故选B。
stand up站起来;break up打碎;get up起床;give up放弃。根据“earlier than usual to catch the train at 6 a.m”可知,要早起去赶火车,故选C。
picture图片,照片;paper纸;window窗户;clock钟表。根据“It was 11 p.m.”可知没有人注意到钟表上的时间。故选D。
learn from从……中学习;know about知道;laugh at嘲笑;write down写下。根据“but they didn’t want the guests to …their worry”可知,不想让客人知道他们的担心,故选B。
minutes分;hours小时;days天;weeks周。根据“thought for a few ...”结合上文时间太晚了可知符合实际的是想了几分钟。故选A。
drive驾驶;fly飞;walk步行,走;swim游泳。根据“The visitors preferred to go to the bus stop on foot”可知第二种情况是自己走过去。故选C。
smart聪明的;traditional传统的;funny有趣的;lively活泼的。根据“Would you like us to drive you to the bus stop or do you want to … there yourselves”可知金太太解决问题的方式是聪明的。故选A。
111.B 112.C 113.D 114.A 115.C 116.D 117.A 118.B 119.B 120.D
flags旗帜;shoes鞋子;flowers花;coat外套。根据“All you need is a good pair of running...”可知,跑步需要跑鞋,故选B。
afraid害怕的;noisy吵闹的;easy容易的;helpful乐于助人的。根据“But this doesn’t mean running is...”可知,虽然跑步是不需要任何昂贵设备的最便宜的运动之一,但这并不意味着跑步很容易。故选C。
life生活;money钱;race竞赛;time时间。根据“Like other sports, it needs...and practice.”可知,跑步需要时间和练习,故选D。
getting得到;enjoying欣赏;stopping停止;finding找到。根据“It is impossible for a man to run a marathon without...any training.”可知,接受过训练才可以跑马拉松,故选A。
rich富有的;fast快的;open开放的;prepare准备。根据“Many running clubs are...to people of all ages.”可知,许多跑步俱乐部对所有年龄的人开放,故选C。
halls大厅;restaurants饭店;theatre剧院;clubs俱乐部。根据“Many running clubs...”可知,此处指俱乐部,故选D。
look after照顾;throw away扔掉;write down写下;take care保重。根据“The club shows you how to make a right plan and...your body”可知,俱乐部教我们如何照顾身体,故选A。
agree同意;join参加;finish结束;find找到。根据“Or you just...a running group around you.”可知,是参加跑步小组,故选B。
again再,又;together一起;instead而不是;fast快地。根据“Then all of you run...”可知,小组人一起跑,故选B。
same相同的;round圆的;happy开心的;far远的。根据“Running isn’t always about how fast you are or how...you’re going.”可知,跑步不在乎你跑得多快多远,重要的是参与,故选D。




下一篇:山东省泰安肥城市2024届届高三下学期三模试题 物理(答案)