牛津译林版【广西专用】2023-2024八年级下学期期末满分押题卷 (一)(含听力音频+答案 无听力书面材料)

牛津译林版【广西专用】2023-2024学年八年级下学期期末满分押题卷 (一)
A. B. C. D. E.
1). 2). 3.) 4). 5.)
2. A.See you. B.Excuse me. C.Nice to meet you.
3.A.Nice to meet you. B.That’s nothing. C.I’m sorry to hear that.
4.A.Never mind. B.See you soon! C.Not bad.
5.A.By bus. B.By plane. C.By bike.
6.A.By bike. B.At 7:00. C.At home.
7.What kind of music does Ken like best
A.Country music. B.Classical music. C.Pop music.
8.Why does Lucy like Rock music
A.Because it makes her relaxed.
B.Because it makes her excited.
C.Because she likes music she can dance to.
9.How long did Lucy stay in Chengdu
A.For one week. B.For two weeks. C.For three weeks.
10.How was Lucy’s vacation
A.Wonderful. B.Relaxing. C.Interesting.
11.What does Lucy want to be when she grows up
A.A teacher. B.A scientist. C.A keeper.
12.When did Lily go to Beijing
A.Last year. B.Last month. C.Last week.
13.What did she do in the Summer Palace
A.Went boating. B.Went climbing. C.Went fishing.
14.When did Betty first visit Nepal
A.20 years ago. B.15 years ago. C.10 years ago.
15.How long did Betty stay in Nepal
A.For 20 days. B.For 30 days. C.For 50 days.
16.When will Betty visit Nepal again
A.This weekend. B.This summer holiday. C.The winter holiday.
17.Yangshuo is in the      of Guilin.
A.southeast B.northeast C.northwest
18.In summer,Yangshuo is    .
A.cool B.very hot C.not very hot
19.Yangshuo is famous for    .
A.long history and nice weather
B.green hills and clear water
C.long history and old buildings
20.You can visit Yangshuo by    .
A.bus B.boat C.both A and B
21.A boat trip on the Li River takes about    .
A.two hours B.three hours C.four hours
22.—Where have you ________ in the last few days
—I have ________ to Disneyland with my parents.
A.been; been B.been; gone C.gone; been D.gone; gone
23.—I hope I’m not late.
—I’m afraid the meeting ________ already.
A.has started B.will start C.is starting D.starts
24.Never ________ your dream although you meet with problems and difficulties along the way.
A.give up B.look up
C.put up D.take up
25.—Have you been in Neijiang very long
—Yeah. ________ my parents came here in 2012.
A.For B.As C.When D.Since
26.—Have you ________ watched the film Hi, Mom
—No, never. I plan to watch it on the Internet this Sunday.
A.ever B.still C.never D.already
27.—Please ________ these donations to kids.
—OK, let me see. Perfect! Kids here are in great need of toys and books.
A.check out B.cut down C.sell out D.turn down
28.I didn’t go to sleep ________ my mother came back home last night.
A.when B.since
C.until D.before
29.—John, let’s prepare for our basketball match.
—OK, we’ll lose it ________ we try our best.
A.until B.unless C.if D.although
30.—Dad, ________ I play chess with you this afternoon
—Sure, but you ________ finish your homework first.
A.may; could B.may; can’t C.can; must D.can; mustn’t
31.—What do you want to do this weekend
—I ________ stay at home. But I am not sure.
A.must B.might C.should D.can
Last summer, I went to Yunnan Province on vacation with my family. We 32 four days there.
Our first stop was Lugu Lake. I wonder why there was so beautiful a lake in the world. I enjoyed 33 there. We went boating and took quite a few photos. Then we went up to a hill. On the top of the 34 , we saw something beautiful. I felt like I was in a painting. I thought I would 35 forget the beautiful scenery (风景) there.
The next morning, we went to Lijiang by bus and 36 in the afternoon. After a short break (休息), we walked around the town and bought some 37 for our friends. Then we had the famous (著名的) Guoqiao Rice Noodles for dinner. They were delicious. After dinner, we took a walk and enjoyed the old streets and buildings 38 the moon. The summer evening was cool.
Our third stop was the Spring City, Kunming. We visited Dianchi, watched the birds and went to the flower market. We had a really 39 day.
The four-day trip came to a(n) 40 soon. We had to go home. Everything in Yunnan was great. It is a very beautiful and interesting place. Why not visit it I’m 41 you’ll never regret (后悔) going on a trip there.
32.A.found B.spent C.took D.kept
33.A.staying B.living C.missing D.studying
34.A.photo B.lake C.hill D.painting
35.A.always B.sometimes C.never D.usually
36.A.forgot B.waited C.stopped D.arrived
37.A.pigs B.hens C.gifts D.books
38.A.by B.under C.from D.near
39.A.hot B.boring C.wonderful D.terrible
40.A.place B.end C.idea D.visit
41.A.sure B.afraid C.worried D.excited
March 12th is China’s National Tree Planting Day. On this day, millions of Chinese, from all walks (行业) of life, will put their works at hand down for a moment to green up their hometowns.
Now planting trees in the spring has become a tradition for Chinese, marking the beginning of children’s schooling, joining in army, or for a wedding or birthday celebration. It has also been used by people in many areas as a way to commemorate (作为……的纪念) the dead.
For those living in the big cities, Tree Planting Day is a good time for family activities. They often take the planting as a nice short tour back to nature with their family members. After their work together, they not only harvest greener environment but also much better family relations. They will be more interested in nature around them.
Meanwhile, more and more Chinese and foreign tourists take part in the festival. The government asks them to name and nurse the trees they have planted. It is so interesting for them to find that their plants have grown to big trees still with their name board on it.
42.On March 12th, only teachers and students plant trees.
43.Planting a tree can mark the beginning of children’s schooling.
44.Tree Planting Day is a time for family activities together.
45.Family members can have better relationship after planting.
46.People can plant their trees, but they can’t name their trees.
The Winter Olympics is also called the White Olympics. At this time, many colourful stamps are published out to mark the great Games. The first stamps marking the opening came out on January 25, 1932 in the United States for the 3rd White Olympics. From then on, publishing stamps during the White Olympics became a rule.
During the 4th Winter Olympic Games, a group of stamps were published in Germany in November, 1936. The five rings of the Olympics were drawn on the front of sportswear (运动装). It was the first time that the rings had appeared on the stamps of the White Olympics.
In the 1950s, the stamps of this kind became more colourful. When the White Olympics came, the host countries as well as the non-host countries published stamps to mark those games. China also published four stamps in February, 1980, when the Chinese sportsmen began to take part in the White Olympics.
Japan has ever held the White Olympics. Altogether 14.5 billion stamps were sold to raise money for this sports meet.
Different kinds of sports were drawn on these small stamps. People can enjoy the beauty of the wonderful movements of some sportsmen.
47.The White Olympics and the Winter Olympics ________.
A.are the same thing B.are different games
C.are not held in winter D.are held in summer
48.The world made it a rule to publish stamps to mark the great world games ________.
A.after the year 1936 B.after the 3rd White Olympics
C.before the 3rd White Olympics D.before the year 1932
49.The Winter Olympics is held once ________.
A.every two years B.every three years C.every four years D.every five years
50.Which of the following is TRUE
A.Only the host countries can publish stamps to mark those Games.
B.Only the non-host countries can publish stamps to mark those Games.
C.All countries can publish stamps to mark those Games.
D.Japan can’t publish stamps to mark those Games.
51.What may appear on the stamps of the White Olympics
A.Basketball. B.Table tennis. C.Football. D.Skating.
Travelling is an exciting experience. It makes us feel pleased, and enjoy new wonders and new part of life that we’ve never known. A single holiday trip can give you the freedom and the chance to make changes that daily life does not allow. It matters little where you go on your holiday; it is all in what you make of it. Any travel can be interesting and attractive, giving you memories to last a lifetime.
Having those memories is truly what travels are all about. Many people say that a bit of planning and research before you leave can make sure of those long-lasting memories. But why not try something unexpected In fact, the most unforgettable moments of a travel experience are the ones that you don’t plan for. Yes, maybe you’ll experience a bad meal in an unfamiliar place. But these experiences will make sure you find out little-known shops or an open-air theatre production that is only advertised (做广告) in the local paper.
You’ll find the enjoyable moments happening all around you: a wonderful sunset or a small child playing in the puddles (水洼) of a cobble (鹅卵石) road. The magic will truly be in the trip you take. Take time to go for a long walk for enjoyment when visiting a new place, which will allow you to listen, smell, and see the different culture and sights that your busy life may stop you from enjoying.
Simple things such as a leaf from a tree you sat under can keep the memories of your travel alive for years to come. Collect small things such as leaves, stones, or feathers, which can be turned into memorable works of art when you return home.
52.What can we learn from the passage
A.There is no need to choose where to go on a holiday.
B.Plans can make travelling become uninteresting.
C.Small things around you always look simple.
D.Travelling is a good way for people to understand life.
53.According to the writer, travelling is all about ________.
A.having unforgettable experiences B.having a healthy life
C.enjoying natural wonders of the world D.visiting places of interest
54.If you want a most unforgettable travel experience, you could ________.
A.learn much about the new place
B.research into all possible ways of travelling
C.find out as many local activities as possible
D.try something unplanned
55.What is really magical in the trip
A.The beautiful local sights. B.The enjoyment around you.
C.The different cultures and places. D.The enjoyment from a long walk.
56.What does the passage mainly tell us
A.Travelling can make you tired but happy. B.Travelling should be unexpected.
C.Travelling is a wonderful experience. D.Travelling may change your life.
One of the world’s most important and lovely animals is quickly disappearing (消失).Can you guess which one it is It has the longest neck among all animals. 57
In 1985, there were between 152,000 and 163,000 giraffes, and they lived in the plains (平原) and forests of Africa. A new report on endangered wild animals and plants says, “ 58 ”
Why are there fewer and fewer giraffes Because humans are cutting down many trees to build more houses. 59 A report from the International Union for Conversation of Nature (国际自然保护联盟) says, “Giraffes will disappear silently in the near future. 60 ”
People think giraffes are everywhere. Kids’ books are full of giraffes, and there are always giraffes in zoos. 61 Humans should stop killing off certain endangered wild animals and try hard to help save them.
A.The number of giraffes has fallen by as much as 40 percent since the 1980s.
B.And it is time that we do something for the giraffe before it is too late.
C.Yes, it’s the giraffe.
D.But giraffes are in great danger now.
E.And they are also killing the animals to get their meat.
根据中文提示或句意及首字母,写出单词在句中的正确形式,每空填一词。62.Most people communicate (交流) with each other by WeChat at p . It’s convenient.
63.—Doctor, what’s the m with my son
—Don’t worry. He is just too tired and needs a rest.
64.—What’s wrong with the old man
—Maybe he is d . It seems that he can’t hear the car horn (喇叭).
65.Country music is a traditional kind of music from the (南方的) states of America.
66.There are (几个) students cleaning the windows of the library.
before she while real money watch by recent take hard
Do you have any online classes It is possible to take classes at home 67 yourself. All you need is a computer and a headset.
However, most students don’t seem to like online classes. According to a 68 survey, only 33 percent of students would take such classes. Over 1,500 students from 10 cities 69 the survey.
Many students said it was hard to focus on studying 70 taking online classes. This was true for Lian Ruohan, 15, at the Affiliated (附属的) High School of Peking University. “There are no classmates, no real teachers 71 me. I can surf the Internet or do other things if I want to. It’s much 72 to always stay focused,” she said.
Lian prepares a lot 73 taking her classes to make sure she will pay attention. She also pushes 74 to communicate with teachers. Students can come up with or answer questions while taking online classes.
But Wen Jiayi, 14, at Yuying Middle School Attached to Chengdu No. 7 High School, thinks online interaction isn’t enough. “The online teachers don’t 75 get to know me. When I don’t hand in homework, all I get is a short message instead of real concern (关心),” she said.
However, online classes still have other advantages. “It saves time and 76 compared to taking offline classes. Also, if I don’t understand some parts of a lesson, I can watch it over again,” Lian said.
1.去年五一假期(May Day),你和你的父母去北京度假;
1. B A D E C
7.A 8.B 9.B 10.A 11.C
12.C 13.A
14.C 15.A 16.B
17.A 18.C 19.B 20.C 21.C
32.B 33.A 34.C 35.C 36.D 37.C 38.B 39.C 40.B 41.A
42.B 43.A 44.A 45.A 46.B
47.A 48.B 49.C 50.C 51.D
52.D 53.A 54.D 55.B 56.C
57.C 58.A 59.E 60.B 61.D
67.by 68.recent 69.took 70.while 71.watching 72.harder 73.before 74.herself 75.really 76.money
77.One possible version:
Last May Day, my parents and I went to Beijing for a holiday. It took us two hours to get there by plane. Beijing is the capital of China. It has a lot of places of interest, such as the Palace Museum, the Summer Palace, the Great Wall and so on. We enjoyed the beautiful views there and couldn’t help taking many photos. We stayed there for two days.
We were very tired after the trip, but we were very excited to see so many beautiful sights of Beijing. We hope to visit it again in the near future.



上一篇:牛津深圳版【深圳专用】2023-2024八年级下学期期末满分押题卷 (二)(含答案)

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