
一、Part 1. Read and write the correct word on each line.
(2024五下·长沙期中)Part 1. Read and write the correct word on each line.
cushion, wig, cup and saucer, sunglasses, robber sheriff, istol, handcuffs, saddle, barrel
1. This is a seat that people sit on when they ride a horse.    
2. This person was like a police officer in towns in Wild West.    
3.This is a small gun that you hold in one hand.    
4.This is a person who takes things from shops and banks.    
5.This is wooden. You can put powder or liquid in it.    
6.This soft object helps you sit more comfortably.    
7.An actor wears this on his or her hand. It's not real hair.    
8.These are dark and protect your eyes from the sun.    
9.Something you drink from and a round plate that you put it on.    
10.These are metal. Police officers put them around people's wrists.    
9.cup and saucer
【解析】【分析】cushion坐垫,wig假发,cup and saucer杯碟,sunglasses太阳镜,robber强盗,sheriff警长,pistol手枪,handcuffs手铐,saddle马鞍,barrel桶。
2.句意: 这个人就像狂野西部城镇的一名警察。根据前句表示这个人就像狂野西部城镇的一名警察,可知是警长,sheriff警长。故答案为sheriff。
3.句意: 这是一把你一只手拿着的小枪。根据前句表示是一把你一只手拿着的小枪,可知是手枪,pistol手枪。故答案为pistol。
4.句意: 这是一个从商店和银行拿走东西的人。根据前句表示是一个从商店和银行拿走东西的人,可知是强盗,robber强盗。故答案为robber。
5.句意: 这是木制的。你可以在里面放粉末或液体。根据前句表示是木制的,可以在里面放粉末或液体,可知是桶,barrel桶。故答案为barrel。
6.句意: 这个柔软的物体能让你坐得更舒服。根据前句表示柔软的物体能让你坐得更舒服,可知是坐垫,cushion坐垫。故答案为cushion。
7.句意: 演员把这个戴在手上。这不是真的头发。根据前句表示演员把这个戴在手上,不是真的头发,可知是假发,wig假发。故答案为wig。
8.句意: 这些是深色的,可以保护你的眼睛不受阳光的照射。根据前句表示是深色的,可以保护你的眼睛不受阳光的照射,可知是太阳镜,sunglasses太阳镜。故答案为sunglasses。
9.句意: 你喝的东西和你放在上面的一个圆盘子。根据前句表示喝的东西和放在上面的一个圆盘子,可知是杯碟,cup and saucer杯碟。故答案为cup and saucer。
10.句意: 这些是金属的。警察把它们套在人们的手腕上。根据前句表示是金属的,警察把它们套在人们的手腕上,可知是手铐,handcuffs手铐。故答案为handcuffs。
二、Part 2. Choose and write the correct answers.
11.(2024五下·长沙期中)These books ____ used for teaching French.
A.are B.is C.was
12.(2024五下·长沙期中) There ____ be any rubbish in the city.
A.should B.shouldn't C.should is
13.(2024五下·长沙期中)My earrings ____ gold.
A.is made of B.are made of C.be made of
【解析】【分析】句意:我的耳环是金子做的。be made of…由……做的,固定搭配,主语earrings是复数,be用are。故选B。
【点评】本题考查了固定搭配be made of…,注意牢记固定搭配拼写。
14.(2024五下·长沙期中) Customer: ____ try on this ring, please
Assistant: Of course! Please try on.
A.Could I B.Do I C.Am I
【解析】【分析】句意:—我可以试试这个戒指吗?—当然!请试戴。 表示委婉语气,常用句型为Could+主语+动词原形+其它,please?表示我是否能……吗?答语常用,Sure/Of course.当然。故选A。
15.(2024五下·长沙期中) You____ be afraid to make mistakes.
A.should B.aren't C.shouldn't
16.(2024五下·长沙期中) Do you mind if I ____ some milk
A.get B.cry C.grab
17.(2024五下·长沙期中) ____shoes are a little too big.
A.My dad's B.My dads' C.My dad
【解析】【分析】句意:……鞋子有点太大了。A我爸爸的,名词所有格;B我爸爸的,没有此形式;C我爸爸,名词词组。shoes是名词,前面用名词所有格,我爸爸的名词所有格My dad's。故选A。
18.(2024五下·长沙期中) That ring is____ plastic.
A.made of B.make of C.made for
【解析】【分析】句意:那个戒指是塑料……。be made of由……做的;be made for为…而造,本句表示戒指是塑料做的,此处用be made of。故选A。
19.(2024五下·长沙期中) You shouldn't ____ the sandcastle. It's so beautiful.
A.destroyed B.destroy C.destroying
20.(2024五下·长沙期中) My sisters' ____ are very cool.
A.skateboard B.skateboards C.a skateboard
21.(2024五下·长沙期中) The handcuffs are used for ____ .
A.arrest robbers B.to arrest robbers C.arresting robbers
【解析】【分析】句意:手铐是用来……的。arrest robbers逮捕强盗,A动词原形,B动词不定式;C动名词/现在分词。be used for+名词/动名词,表示用于……,固定搭配。故选C。
22.(2024五下·长沙期中)I promise I'll ____ at nine o'clock every night.
A.go to sleep B.went to sleep C.going to sleep
【解析】【分析】句意:我保证每天晚上九点……。go to sleep去睡觉,A动词原形;B动词过去式;C用于一般将来时,构成be going to/will+动词原形。故选A。
23.(2024五下·长沙期中) My ____ books are in our living room.
A.parents B.parent's C.parents'
【解析】【分析】句意:我的……书在我们的客厅里。A父母亲,名词复数;B父亲的/母亲的,名词所有格;C父母亲的,名词所有格。books是名词复数,前面用复数名词的名词所有格parents' 修饰。故选C。
24.(2024五下·长沙期中) You shouldn't take photos ____ asking.
A.with B.without C.for
25.(2024五下·长沙期中) Tom: My feet hurt. I can't walk any more!
Linda: ____
A.You should take your raincoat.
B.You shouldn't wear a jumper!
C.You should wear comfortable shoes.
三、Part 3. Read and write down the words.
(2024五下·长沙期中)Example: People go there to see a play. T heatre
26.You use this with water to keep yourself clean. S          
27.This flies in the air and has a symbol for a country on it. F          
28.This person performs in a play. A             
29.People sat in this and horses pulled it along. W             
30.It is a place where criminals are kept in order to punish them. J         
四、Part 4. Complete the conversation between two friends.
(2024五下·长沙期中)Part 4. Complete the conversation between two friends.
A. I think we should go to another shop. B. But what present can we get for her C. Let's buy her a present. D. Miss Sauders never wear earrings. E. Let's go to the ring shop
Maggie: It's Miss Sauders' birthday on Tuesday, 31.  .
Lisa: Of course! She is a brilliant teacher.  32.  
Maggie: I'm not sure. I prefer the earrings.
Lisa: Emm,  33.  .
Maggie: Oh! Look at the necklace over there. They are beautiful.
Lisa: They're not for you, they are for Miss Sauders. She'll like the ring best.
Maggie: Good idea.  34.  .
Lisa: This shop looks nice. Um… it's so expensive!
Maggie: OK,  35.  .
Lisa: I agree!
【解析】【分析】A. I think we should go to another shop.我想我们应该去另一家商店。
B. But what present can we get for her 但是我们能给她买什么礼物呢?
C. Let's buy her a present.让我们给她买一份礼物。
D. Miss Sauders never wear earrings.沙特小姐从不戴耳环。
E. Let's go to the ring shop.让我们去戒指店吧
31.根据上文It's Miss Sauders' birthday on Tuesday.星期二是桑德斯小姐的生日。可知下文表示建议买一份礼物。故答案为C。
32.根据下文I'm not sure. I prefer the earrings.我不确定。我更喜欢耳环。可知上文询问买什么礼物。故答案为B。
33.句意:嗯,……。根据下文 Oh! Look at the necklace over there. They are beautiful. 哦!看看那边的项链。它们很漂亮。可知上文表示沙特小姐从不戴耳环。故答案为D。
34.根据下文This shop looks nice.这家店看起来不错。可知上文建议去商店。故答案为E。
35.根据下文 I agree!我同意!可知上文表示应该去另一家商店。故答案为A。
五、Part 5. Read the passage and choose the best answer for each question.
(2024五下·长沙期中)Part 5. Read the passage and choose the best answer for each question.
An old woman lost her only son. The sad woman goes to a clever man and asks, " Is there any way I can be 36. again " The clever man says to her, " Go and get a seed(种子)from the 37. without sadness. I will use 38. to drive(驱赶) the sadness out of your life." The woman leaves at once to look for that magical seed.
First, she comes to a beautiful house. She knocks at the door and asks politely, "Excuse me, I am 39. a home without sadness. Is this the right place It is very important to me." People there tell her, "Sorry, you may come to the 40. place," Then, they start to tell her all the 41. stories about them. The woman says to herself, "Who can 42. these people They are just as poor as me!" She stays(停留) there to cheer(鼓励) them up before she goes on looking for the home without sadness.
But no matter(无论) she goes to the home of the poor or the rich, she finds one sad story after another. She becomes so 43. helping them. Day by day, she forgets about the home without sadness and the 44. . She even 45. realizes that helping others already helps drive(驱赶) the sadness out of her life.
36.A. sad B. happy C. busy
37.A. home B. group C. life
38.A. them B. us C. it
39.A. looking at B. looking for C. looking up
40.A. right B. wrong C. great
41.A. happy B. sad C. funny
42.A. help B. need C. talk[]
43.A. lazy
B. busy
C. easy
44.A. son B. seed C. clever
45.A. always B. never C. sometimes
37.句意:聪明的男人对她说:"去……里买一颗没有悲伤的种子吧。我会用……把悲伤从你的生活中赶走。"A家;B组;C生活。根据下文First, she comes to a beautiful house.首先,她来到一所美丽的房子。可知聪明的男人让她去家里买一颗没有悲伤的种子。故答案为A。
38.句意:聪明的男人对她说:"去家里买一颗没有悲伤的种子吧。我会用……把悲伤从你的生活中赶走。"A它们;B我们;C它。根据a seed一颗种子。可知会用这颗种子把悲伤从你的生活中赶走,此处用it。故答案为C。
39.句意:她敲了敲门,礼貌地问道:"对不起,我……一个没有悲伤的家。这是合适的地方吗?这对我来说很重要。"A看看;B寻找;C查找。根据上文First, she comes to a beautiful house.首先,她来到一所美丽的房子。可知正在寻找一个没有悲伤的家。故答案为B。
43.句意:她……帮助他们。A懒的;B忙的;C容易的。根据下文 Day by day日复一日,可知。故答案为B。
45.句意:她甚至……意识到,帮助他人已经有助于消除生活中的悲伤。A总是;B从不;C有时。根据上文Day by day, she forgets about the home without sadness and the seed.日复一日,她忘记了家,没有悲伤,也没有种子。可知甚至从未意识到,帮助他人已经有助于消除生活中的悲伤。故答案为B。
六、Reading comprehension.
(2024五下·长沙期中)Choose the best answer for each question according to the passage.
46.What is this club about
A.language B.baking C.sports
47.How long does it take to have a meeting
A.One hour B.Two hours C.three hours
48.Students can do many things in the club except (除了…之外) .
A.singing French songs
B.watching French movies
C.eating delicious French food
49.Which of the following is TRUE
A.A friendly boy from Class 9 can join the club
B.Club members have a meeting every day
C.Students in the club can learn to speak French
50.Who should join in the French club
A.Linda who likes watching French movies and dancing
B.Cissy who likes learning English
C.Rahi who likes playing the guitar
【解析】【分析】 大意:有关法语俱乐部信息。
46.句意:这个俱乐部是做什么的?A语言;B烘烤;C体育。根据French Club法语俱乐部,可知这个俱乐部是做语言的。故答案为A。
47.句意:开会需要多长时间?A1小时;B2个小时;C3个小时。根据Every Thursday 2:00—3:00 p.m.可知开会需要1个小时。故答案为A。
48.句意:学生们在俱乐部里可以做很多事情,除了……。A唱法语歌曲;B看法国电影;C吃美味的法国菜。根据sing French songs唱法语歌曲,enjoy French movies欣赏法国电影,可知学生们在俱乐部里可以做很多事情,除了吃美味的法国菜。故答案为C。
49.句意:下列哪一项是正确的?A9班一个友善的男孩可以加入俱乐部;B俱乐部成员每天开会;C俱乐部的学生可以学习说法语。根据learn French学习法语,可知俱乐部的学生可以学习说法语。故答案为C。
50.句意:谁应该加入法国俱乐部?A喜欢看法国电影和跳舞的琳达;B喜欢学习英语的茜茜;C喜欢弹吉他的Rahi。根据have dancing parties有舞蹈聚会,enjoy French movies欣赏法国电影,可知喜欢看法国电影和跳舞的琳达应该加入法国俱乐部。故答案为A。
(2024五下·长沙期中)Choose the best answer for each question according to the passage.
This spring, the most popular movie might be YOLO (《热辣滚烫》). By Feb 26, it had made over 3.3 billion yuan at the box office, according to a report, 41-year-old Jia Ling is the director(导演) of the movie, which tells the story of a woman tired of the world, finding herself and learning to love life through boxing (拳击). The name YOLO is short for the movie's main idea - you only live once.
Jia has tried many different roles in her life. In 2019, she became a director for the first time, making her movie Hi, Mom (《你好,李焕英》). In fact, Jia didn't study directing at university. That's to say, she is a green hand in directing movies. But she believes this is not a bad thing. It makes her feel freer in film-making because she doesn't need to follow a fixed (固定的) style. Beside, she enjoys trying new things. To everyone's surprise, Hi, Mom made her the world's highest-grossing (票房最高的) woman director before 2023.
In this movie, Jia lost 50 kg and looked very different. Some people online call this a "rebirth" (重生) for Jia. After watching the movie, many people decide to lose weight and they are looking forward to their "rebirth". They feel Jia is a good example for them.
In Jia's eyes, her change in the role and look is her way of staying true to herself. "I'm just following my heart and doing the things I think right. Movies are now the best way to show myself and be myself, so I try my best." Jia told Xinhua.
51. According to Paragraph 1, what can we know about YOLO
A.It is directed by Xiaogang Feng.
B.It has made more than 3.3 billion yuan at the box office.
C.It tells a story about an unlucky man who finds himself.
52.What is the meaning of "green hand" in paragraph 2
A.very experienced B.first time C.interesting
53. Why did Jia want to try to direct a movie without learning it
A.because she wanted to earn money.
B.because she likes to try new things.
C.because her parents want her to do this
54.Who might be interested in the movie
A.A hopeless man who wants a rebirth.
B.A woman who wants to put on weight.
C.A student who wants to make more friends.
55.Which is the best title for this passage
A.YOLO and Hi, Mom.
B.The Famous Director Jia Ling.
C.The movie YOLO, A Bing Success.
51.句意:根据第1段,我们对YOLO了解多少?A它是由冯小刚导演的。B它的票房已经超过33亿元。C讲诉了一个不幸的人寻找他自己的故事。根据By Feb 26, it had made over 3.3 billion yuan at the box office, according to a report, 41-year-old Jia Ling is the director(导演) of the movie, which tells the story of a woman tired of the world, finding herself and learning to love life through boxing.据报道,截至2月26日,该片的票房已超过33亿元。41岁的贾玲是该片的导演,该片告诉了一个厌倦世界的女人通过拳击找到自己并学会热爱生活的故事。可知第1段 我们对《热辣滚烫》了解 ,我们对它的票房已经超过33亿元。故答案为B。
52.句意:第 2 段中的"green hand"是什么意思?A:非常有经验的;B:第一次;C:有趣的。green hand表示第一次或新手。故答案为B。
53.句意:为什么贾玲没有学过导演,就想尝试导演电影 ?A:因为她想赚钱。B:因为她喜欢尝试新事物。C:因为她的父母希望她这样做根据Beside, she enjoys trying new things.此外,她喜欢尝试新事物。可知因为贾喜欢尝试新事物。故答案为B。
54.句意:谁可能对这部电影感兴趣?A一个希望重生的绝望的人。B一个想增加体重的女人。C一个想交更多朋友的学生。根据Some people online call this a "rebirth" for Jia. After watching the movie, many people decide to lose weight and they are looking forward to their "rebirth".网上有人称这是贾的"重生"。看完这部电影后,许多人决定减肥,他们期待着自己的"重生"。可知一个希望重生的绝望的人可能对这部电影感兴趣。故答案为A。
(2024五下·长沙期中)Choose the best answer for each question according to the passage.
Traveling is very important in modern life. The fastest way of traveling is by plane. In the past, it may take you a month to go somewhere. But now you can travel by plane in one day.
Traveling by train is slower than traveling by plane. But it has its advantages. You can enjoy not only the scenery but also the comfort and convenience of modern trains today.
Some people like to travel by sea sometimes. You can visit many other countries and different places in your country on them. Ships are not so fast as trains or planes, but traveling by sea is a very pleasant way to spend a holiday.
Maybe you like to travel by car. You can make your own timetable. You can travel far or just go near around. You can stop anywhere you like—at an interesting place, at a good restaurant, or at a hotel to spend the night. That is why traveling by car is popular for pleasant trips, while people usually take trains or planes to go on business(出差).
56.____ is the fastest way of traveling.
A.train B.plane C.car
57.What does the underlined word "advantages" mean
A.特点 B.优势 C.劣势
58.Which one isn't the advantage of traveling by train
A.You can enjoy the scenery.
B.You can enjoy the comfort and convenience of modern trains.
C.You can enjoy the fastest speed of train
59. Why do some people like travel by sea
A.It's fast to travel to different places.
B.It's enjoyable to spend a holiday.
C.It's great to go on business.
60.What is good about traveling by car
A.Pleasant B.Fast C.Modern
【点评】本题考查了阅读理解,首先通读短文,理解大意;其次阅读题干,根据题干信息找出相关句进行选择,识记 The fastest way of traveling,by plane和on business等。
56.句意:……是最快的旅行方式。A列车;B飞机;C汽车。根据The fastest way of traveling is by plane.最快的旅行方式是乘飞机。可知飞机是最快的旅行方式。故答案为B。
57.句意:下划线的" advantages "一词是什么意思?advantages优势。故答案为B。
58.句意:坐火车旅行哪一个不是优点?A你可以欣赏风景。B你可以享受现代火车的舒适和便利。C你可以享受最快的火车速度。根据You can enjoy not only the scenery but also the comfort and convenience of modern trains today. 今天,你不仅可以欣赏风景,还可以享受现代火车的舒适和便利。可知坐火车旅行可以享受最快的火车速度不是优点。故答案为C。
59.句意:为什么有些人喜欢海上旅行?A去不同的地方旅行很快。B度假很愉快。C出差真好。根据That is why traveling by car is popular for pleasant trips, while people usually take trains or planes to go on business.那就是为什么开车旅行在愉快的旅行中很受欢迎,而人们通常乘火车或飞机出差。可知有些人喜欢海上旅行因为度假很愉快。故答案为B。
60.句意:开车旅行有什么好处?A令人愉快的;B快速的;C现代的。根据That is why traveling by car is popular for pleasant trips, while people usually take trains or planes to go on business.那就是为什么开车旅行在愉快的旅行中很受欢迎,而人们通常乘火车或飞机出差。可知开车旅行令人愉快的。故答案为A。
(2024五下·长沙期中)Part 7. Read the letter and finish each line with a word.
Dong Yuhui has been very famous since last year. He was born  61.   Shanxi Province. He is known for
his talent and charm. He worked as  62.   English teacher after he left university. Later, he began to sell farm products online to help farmers. He became a live streamer (主播) in 2022, but he was not a common live streamer, because he not only sold things but also spread knowledge and cultures. At first, he met many  63.  
(difficulty). Some friends were worried about him and gave him a suggestion that he  64.   give up. To their
surprise, he kept on trying. More and more people are paying attention to his live studio. Now, he is famous all over
the country. Many people praises (赞扬) him a lot,  65.   he is still modest (谦逊的). Dong Yuhui has
become many people's favorite star and taught them never to give up.
61.句意:他出生在山西省。Shanxi Province山西省,前面用介词in在……里。故答案为in。
66.(2024五下·长沙期中)Part 8. Writing
Your friend Amy doesn't know what to do for this weekend. Write an email to invite her to come to Changsha and give her some suggestions. You can use the words from the word bank.
①Where should she go
②What should she do
③What shouldn't she do
④What should she take
Write at least 5 sentences, at least 50 words. Check your spelling. Read your writing again when you have finished.
【解析】【分析】这是一篇应用文,根据句子提示,写给艾米一封电子邮件,要求给她一些建议介绍这个周末做什么。写作时可以以第二人称为主,使用一般现在时,首先问候艾米,建议这周末应该去某地,运用You can go ... this weekend;其次介绍应该在那里做某事和不应该做某事,You should /shouldn't ... there; 接着介绍她应该拿什么,运用You should take ... with you。
一、Part 1. Read and write the correct word on each line.
(2024五下·长沙期中)Part 1. Read and write the correct word on each line.
cushion, wig, cup and saucer, sunglasses, robber sheriff, istol, handcuffs, saddle, barrel
1. This is a seat that people sit on when they ride a horse.    
2. This person was like a police officer in towns in Wild West.    
3.This is a small gun that you hold in one hand.    
4.This is a person who takes things from shops and banks.    
5.This is wooden. You can put powder or liquid in it.    
6.This soft object helps you sit more comfortably.    
7.An actor wears this on his or her hand. It's not real hair.    
8.These are dark and protect your eyes from the sun.    
9.Something you drink from and a round plate that you put it on.    
10.These are metal. Police officers put them around people's wrists.    
二、Part 2. Choose and write the correct answers.
11.(2024五下·长沙期中)These books ____ used for teaching French.
A.are B.is C.was
12.(2024五下·长沙期中) There ____ be any rubbish in the city.
A.should B.shouldn't C.should is
13.(2024五下·长沙期中)My earrings ____ gold.
A.is made of B.are made of C.be made of
14.(2024五下·长沙期中) Customer: ____ try on this ring, please
Assistant: Of course! Please try on.
A.Could I B.Do I C.Am I
15.(2024五下·长沙期中) You____ be afraid to make mistakes.
A.should B.aren't C.shouldn't
16.(2024五下·长沙期中) Do you mind if I ____ some milk
A.get B.cry C.grab
17.(2024五下·长沙期中) ____shoes are a little too big.
A.My dad's B.My dads' C.My dad
18.(2024五下·长沙期中) That ring is____ plastic.
A.made of B.make of C.made for
19.(2024五下·长沙期中) You shouldn't ____ the sandcastle. It's so beautiful.
A.destroyed B.destroy C.destroying
20.(2024五下·长沙期中) My sisters' ____ are very cool.
A.skateboard B.skateboards C.a skateboard
21.(2024五下·长沙期中) The handcuffs are used for ____ .
A.arrest robbers B.to arrest robbers C.arresting robbers
22.(2024五下·长沙期中)I promise I'll ____ at nine o'clock every night.
A.go to sleep B.went to sleep C.going to sleep
23.(2024五下·长沙期中) My ____ books are in our living room.
A.parents B.parent's C.parents'
24.(2024五下·长沙期中) You shouldn't take photos ____ asking.
A.with B.without C.for
25.(2024五下·长沙期中) Tom: My feet hurt. I can't walk any more!
Linda: ____
A.You should take your raincoat.
B.You shouldn't wear a jumper!
C.You should wear comfortable shoes.
三、Part 3. Read and write down the words.
(2024五下·长沙期中)Example: People go there to see a play. T heatre
26.You use this with water to keep yourself clean. S          
27.This flies in the air and has a symbol for a country on it. F          
28.This person performs in a play. A             
29.People sat in this and horses pulled it along. W             
30.It is a place where criminals are kept in order to punish them. J         
四、Part 4. Complete the conversation between two friends.
(2024五下·长沙期中)Part 4. Complete the conversation between two friends.
A. I think we should go to another shop. B. But what present can we get for her C. Let's buy her a present. D. Miss Sauders never wear earrings. E. Let's go to the ring shop
Maggie: It's Miss Sauders' birthday on Tuesday, 31.  .
Lisa: Of course! She is a brilliant teacher.  32.  
Maggie: I'm not sure. I prefer the earrings.
Lisa: Emm,  33.  .
Maggie: Oh! Look at the necklace over there. They are beautiful.
Lisa: They're not for you, they are for Miss Sauders. She'll like the ring best.
Maggie: Good idea.  34.  .
Lisa: This shop looks nice. Um… it's so expensive!
Maggie: OK,  35.  .
Lisa: I agree!
五、Part 5. Read the passage and choose the best answer for each question.
(2024五下·长沙期中)Part 5. Read the passage and choose the best answer for each question.
An old woman lost her only son. The sad woman goes to a clever man and asks, " Is there any way I can be 36. again " The clever man says to her, " Go and get a seed(种子)from the 37. without sadness. I will use 38. to drive(驱赶) the sadness out of your life." The woman leaves at once to look for that magical seed.
First, she comes to a beautiful house. She knocks at the door and asks politely, "Excuse me, I am 39. a home without sadness. Is this the right place It is very important to me." People there tell her, "Sorry, you may come to the 40. place," Then, they start to tell her all the 41. stories about them. The woman says to herself, "Who can 42. these people They are just as poor as me!" She stays(停留) there to cheer(鼓励) them up before she goes on looking for the home without sadness.
But no matter(无论) she goes to the home of the poor or the rich, she finds one sad story after another. She becomes so 43. helping them. Day by day, she forgets about the home without sadness and the 44. . She even 45. realizes that helping others already helps drive(驱赶) the sadness out of her life.
36.A. sad B. happy C. busy
37.A. home B. group C. life
38.A. them B. us C. it
39.A. looking at B. looking for C. looking up
40.A. right B. wrong C. great
41.A. happy B. sad C. funny
42.A. help B. need C. talk[]
43.A. lazy
B. busy
C. easy
44.A. son B. seed C. clever
45.A. always B. never C. sometimes
六、Reading comprehension.
(2024五下·长沙期中)Choose the best answer for each question according to the passage.
46.What is this club about
A.language B.baking C.sports
47.How long does it take to have a meeting
A.One hour B.Two hours C.three hours
48.Students can do many things in the club except (除了…之外) .
A.singing French songs
B.watching French movies
C.eating delicious French food
49.Which of the following is TRUE
A.A friendly boy from Class 9 can join the club
B.Club members have a meeting every day
C.Students in the club can learn to speak French
50.Who should join in the French club
A.Linda who likes watching French movies and dancing
B.Cissy who likes learning English
C.Rahi who likes playing the guitar
(2024五下·长沙期中)Choose the best answer for each question according to the passage.
This spring, the most popular movie might be YOLO (《热辣滚烫》). By Feb 26, it had made over 3.3 billion yuan at the box office, according to a report, 41-year-old Jia Ling is the director(导演) of the movie, which tells the story of a woman tired of the world, finding herself and learning to love life through boxing (拳击). The name YOLO is short for the movie's main idea - you only live once.
Jia has tried many different roles in her life. In 2019, she became a director for the first time, making her movie Hi, Mom (《你好,李焕英》). In fact, Jia didn't study directing at university. That's to say, she is a green hand in directing movies. But she believes this is not a bad thing. It makes her feel freer in film-making because she doesn't need to follow a fixed (固定的) style. Beside, she enjoys trying new things. To everyone's surprise, Hi, Mom made her the world's highest-grossing (票房最高的) woman director before 2023.
In this movie, Jia lost 50 kg and looked very different. Some people online call this a "rebirth" (重生) for Jia. After watching the movie, many people decide to lose weight and they are looking forward to their "rebirth". They feel Jia is a good example for them.
In Jia's eyes, her change in the role and look is her way of staying true to herself. "I'm just following my heart and doing the things I think right. Movies are now the best way to show myself and be myself, so I try my best." Jia told Xinhua.
51. According to Paragraph 1, what can we know about YOLO
A.It is directed by Xiaogang Feng.
B.It has made more than 3.3 billion yuan at the box office.
C.It tells a story about an unlucky man who finds himself.
52.What is the meaning of "green hand" in paragraph 2
A.very experienced B.first time C.interesting
53. Why did Jia want to try to direct a movie without learning it
A.because she wanted to earn money.
B.because she likes to try new things.
C.because her parents want her to do this
54.Who might be interested in the movie
A.A hopeless man who wants a rebirth.
B.A woman who wants to put on weight.
C.A student who wants to make more friends.
55.Which is the best title for this passage
A.YOLO and Hi, Mom.
B.The Famous Director Jia Ling.
C.The movie YOLO, A Bing Success.
(2024五下·长沙期中)Choose the best answer for each question according to the passage.
Traveling is very important in modern life. The fastest way of traveling is by plane. In the past, it may take you a month to go somewhere. But now you can travel by plane in one day.
Traveling by train is slower than traveling by plane. But it has its advantages. You can enjoy not only the scenery but also the comfort and convenience of modern trains today.
Some people like to travel by sea sometimes. You can visit many other countries and different places in your country on them. Ships are not so fast as trains or planes, but traveling by sea is a very pleasant way to spend a holiday.
Maybe you like to travel by car. You can make your own timetable. You can travel far or just go near around. You can stop anywhere you like—at an interesting place, at a good restaurant, or at a hotel to spend the night. That is why traveling by car is popular for pleasant trips, while people usually take trains or planes to go on business(出差).
56.____ is the fastest way of traveling.
A.train B.plane C.car
57.What does the underlined word "advantages" mean
A.特点 B.优势 C.劣势
58.Which one isn't the advantage of traveling by train
A.You can enjoy the scenery.
B.You can enjoy the comfort and convenience of modern trains.
C.You can enjoy the fastest speed of train
59. Why do some people like travel by sea
A.It's fast to travel to different places.
B.It's enjoyable to spend a holiday.
C.It's great to go on business.
60.What is good about traveling by car
A.Pleasant B.Fast C.Modern
(2024五下·长沙期中)Part 7. Read the letter and finish each line with a word.
Dong Yuhui has been very famous since last year. He was born  61.   Shanxi Province. He is known for
his talent and charm. He worked as  62.   English teacher after he left university. Later, he began to sell farm products online to help farmers. He became a live streamer (主播) in 2022, but he was not a common live streamer, because he not only sold things but also spread knowledge and cultures. At first, he met many  63.  
(difficulty). Some friends were worried about him and gave him a suggestion that he  64.   give up. To their
surprise, he kept on trying. More and more people are paying attention to his live studio. Now, he is famous all over
the country. Many people praises (赞扬) him a lot,  65.   he is still modest (谦逊的). Dong Yuhui has
become many people's favorite star and taught them never to give up.
66.(2024五下·长沙期中)Part 8. Writing
Your friend Amy doesn't know what to do for this weekend. Write an email to invite her to come to Changsha and give her some suggestions. You can use the words from the word bank.
①Where should she go
②What should she do
③What shouldn't she do
④What should she take
Write at least 5 sentences, at least 50 words. Check your spelling. Read your writing again when you have finished.
9.cup and saucer
【解析】【分析】cushion坐垫,wig假发,cup and saucer杯碟,sunglasses太阳镜,robber强盗,sheriff警长,pistol手枪,handcuffs手铐,saddle马鞍,barrel桶。
2.句意: 这个人就像狂野西部城镇的一名警察。根据前句表示这个人就像狂野西部城镇的一名警察,可知是警长,sheriff警长。故答案为sheriff。
3.句意: 这是一把你一只手拿着的小枪。根据前句表示是一把你一只手拿着的小枪,可知是手枪,pistol手枪。故答案为pistol。
4.句意: 这是一个从商店和银行拿走东西的人。根据前句表示是一个从商店和银行拿走东西的人,可知是强盗,robber强盗。故答案为robber。
5.句意: 这是木制的。你可以在里面放粉末或液体。根据前句表示是木制的,可以在里面放粉末或液体,可知是桶,barrel桶。故答案为barrel。
6.句意: 这个柔软的物体能让你坐得更舒服。根据前句表示柔软的物体能让你坐得更舒服,可知是坐垫,cushion坐垫。故答案为cushion。
7.句意: 演员把这个戴在手上。这不是真的头发。根据前句表示演员把这个戴在手上,不是真的头发,可知是假发,wig假发。故答案为wig。
8.句意: 这些是深色的,可以保护你的眼睛不受阳光的照射。根据前句表示是深色的,可以保护你的眼睛不受阳光的照射,可知是太阳镜,sunglasses太阳镜。故答案为sunglasses。
9.句意: 你喝的东西和你放在上面的一个圆盘子。根据前句表示喝的东西和放在上面的一个圆盘子,可知是杯碟,cup and saucer杯碟。故答案为cup and saucer。
10.句意: 这些是金属的。警察把它们套在人们的手腕上。根据前句表示是金属的,警察把它们套在人们的手腕上,可知是手铐,handcuffs手铐。故答案为handcuffs。
【解析】【分析】句意:我的耳环是金子做的。be made of…由……做的,固定搭配,主语earrings是复数,be用are。故选B。
【点评】本题考查了固定搭配be made of…,注意牢记固定搭配拼写。
【解析】【分析】句意:—我可以试试这个戒指吗?—当然!请试戴。 表示委婉语气,常用句型为Could+主语+动词原形+其它,please?表示我是否能……吗?答语常用,Sure/Of course.当然。故选A。
【解析】【分析】句意:……鞋子有点太大了。A我爸爸的,名词所有格;B我爸爸的,没有此形式;C我爸爸,名词词组。shoes是名词,前面用名词所有格,我爸爸的名词所有格My dad's。故选A。
【解析】【分析】句意:那个戒指是塑料……。be made of由……做的;be made for为…而造,本句表示戒指是塑料做的,此处用be made of。故选A。
【解析】【分析】句意:手铐是用来……的。arrest robbers逮捕强盗,A动词原形,B动词不定式;C动名词/现在分词。be used for+名词/动名词,表示用于……,固定搭配。故选C。
【解析】【分析】句意:我保证每天晚上九点……。go to sleep去睡觉,A动词原形;B动词过去式;C用于一般将来时,构成be going to/will+动词原形。故选A。
【解析】【分析】句意:我的……书在我们的客厅里。A父母亲,名词复数;B父亲的/母亲的,名词所有格;C父母亲的,名词所有格。books是名词复数,前面用复数名词的名词所有格parents' 修饰。故选C。
【解析】【分析】A. I think we should go to another shop.我想我们应该去另一家商店。
B. But what present can we get for her 但是我们能给她买什么礼物呢?
C. Let's buy her a present.让我们给她买一份礼物。
D. Miss Sauders never wear earrings.沙特小姐从不戴耳环。
E. Let's go to the ring shop.让我们去戒指店吧
31.根据上文It's Miss Sauders' birthday on Tuesday.星期二是桑德斯小姐的生日。可知下文表示建议买一份礼物。故答案为C。
32.根据下文I'm not sure. I prefer the earrings.我不确定。我更喜欢耳环。可知上文询问买什么礼物。故答案为B。
33.句意:嗯,……。根据下文 Oh! Look at the necklace over there. They are beautiful. 哦!看看那边的项链。它们很漂亮。可知上文表示沙特小姐从不戴耳环。故答案为D。
34.根据下文This shop looks nice.这家店看起来不错。可知上文建议去商店。故答案为E。
35.根据下文 I agree!我同意!可知上文表示应该去另一家商店。故答案为A。
37.句意:聪明的男人对她说:"去……里买一颗没有悲伤的种子吧。我会用……把悲伤从你的生活中赶走。"A家;B组;C生活。根据下文First, she comes to a beautiful house.首先,她来到一所美丽的房子。可知聪明的男人让她去家里买一颗没有悲伤的种子。故答案为A。
38.句意:聪明的男人对她说:"去家里买一颗没有悲伤的种子吧。我会用……把悲伤从你的生活中赶走。"A它们;B我们;C它。根据a seed一颗种子。可知会用这颗种子把悲伤从你的生活中赶走,此处用it。故答案为C。
39.句意:她敲了敲门,礼貌地问道:"对不起,我……一个没有悲伤的家。这是合适的地方吗?这对我来说很重要。"A看看;B寻找;C查找。根据上文First, she comes to a beautiful house.首先,她来到一所美丽的房子。可知正在寻找一个没有悲伤的家。故答案为B。
43.句意:她……帮助他们。A懒的;B忙的;C容易的。根据下文 Day by day日复一日,可知。故答案为B。
45.句意:她甚至……意识到,帮助他人已经有助于消除生活中的悲伤。A总是;B从不;C有时。根据上文Day by day, she forgets about the home without sadness and the seed.日复一日,她忘记了家,没有悲伤,也没有种子。可知甚至从未意识到,帮助他人已经有助于消除生活中的悲伤。故答案为B。
【解析】【分析】 大意:有关法语俱乐部信息。
46.句意:这个俱乐部是做什么的?A语言;B烘烤;C体育。根据French Club法语俱乐部,可知这个俱乐部是做语言的。故答案为A。
47.句意:开会需要多长时间?A1小时;B2个小时;C3个小时。根据Every Thursday 2:00—3:00 p.m.可知开会需要1个小时。故答案为A。
48.句意:学生们在俱乐部里可以做很多事情,除了……。A唱法语歌曲;B看法国电影;C吃美味的法国菜。根据sing French songs唱法语歌曲,enjoy French movies欣赏法国电影,可知学生们在俱乐部里可以做很多事情,除了吃美味的法国菜。故答案为C。
49.句意:下列哪一项是正确的?A9班一个友善的男孩可以加入俱乐部;B俱乐部成员每天开会;C俱乐部的学生可以学习说法语。根据learn French学习法语,可知俱乐部的学生可以学习说法语。故答案为C。
50.句意:谁应该加入法国俱乐部?A喜欢看法国电影和跳舞的琳达;B喜欢学习英语的茜茜;C喜欢弹吉他的Rahi。根据have dancing parties有舞蹈聚会,enjoy French movies欣赏法国电影,可知喜欢看法国电影和跳舞的琳达应该加入法国俱乐部。故答案为A。
51.句意:根据第1段,我们对YOLO了解多少?A它是由冯小刚导演的。B它的票房已经超过33亿元。C讲诉了一个不幸的人寻找他自己的故事。根据By Feb 26, it had made over 3.3 billion yuan at the box office, according to a report, 41-year-old Jia Ling is the director(导演) of the movie, which tells the story of a woman tired of the world, finding herself and learning to love life through boxing.据报道,截至2月26日,该片的票房已超过33亿元。41岁的贾玲是该片的导演,该片告诉了一个厌倦世界的女人通过拳击找到自己并学会热爱生活的故事。可知第1段 我们对《热辣滚烫》了解 ,我们对它的票房已经超过33亿元。故答案为B。
52.句意:第 2 段中的"green hand"是什么意思?A:非常有经验的;B:第一次;C:有趣的。green hand表示第一次或新手。故答案为B。
53.句意:为什么贾玲没有学过导演,就想尝试导演电影 ?A:因为她想赚钱。B:因为她喜欢尝试新事物。C:因为她的父母希望她这样做根据Beside, she enjoys trying new things.此外,她喜欢尝试新事物。可知因为贾喜欢尝试新事物。故答案为B。
54.句意:谁可能对这部电影感兴趣?A一个希望重生的绝望的人。B一个想增加体重的女人。C一个想交更多朋友的学生。根据Some people online call this a "rebirth" for Jia. After watching the movie, many people decide to lose weight and they are looking forward to their "rebirth".网上有人称这是贾的"重生"。看完这部电影后,许多人决定减肥,他们期待着自己的"重生"。可知一个希望重生的绝望的人可能对这部电影感兴趣。故答案为A。
【点评】本题考查了阅读理解,首先通读短文,理解大意;其次阅读题干,根据题干信息找出相关句进行选择,识记 The fastest way of traveling,by plane和on business等。
56.句意:……是最快的旅行方式。A列车;B飞机;C汽车。根据The fastest way of traveling is by plane.最快的旅行方式是乘飞机。可知飞机是最快的旅行方式。故答案为B。
57.句意:下划线的" advantages "一词是什么意思?advantages优势。故答案为B。
58.句意:坐火车旅行哪一个不是优点?A你可以欣赏风景。B你可以享受现代火车的舒适和便利。C你可以享受最快的火车速度。根据You can enjoy not only the scenery but also the comfort and convenience of modern trains today. 今天,你不仅可以欣赏风景,还可以享受现代火车的舒适和便利。可知坐火车旅行可以享受最快的火车速度不是优点。故答案为C。
59.句意:为什么有些人喜欢海上旅行?A去不同的地方旅行很快。B度假很愉快。C出差真好。根据That is why traveling by car is popular for pleasant trips, while people usually take trains or planes to go on business.那就是为什么开车旅行在愉快的旅行中很受欢迎,而人们通常乘火车或飞机出差。可知有些人喜欢海上旅行因为度假很愉快。故答案为B。
60.句意:开车旅行有什么好处?A令人愉快的;B快速的;C现代的。根据That is why traveling by car is popular for pleasant trips, while people usually take trains or planes to go on business.那就是为什么开车旅行在愉快的旅行中很受欢迎,而人们通常乘火车或飞机出差。可知开车旅行令人愉快的。故答案为A。
61.句意:他出生在山西省。Shanxi Province山西省,前面用介词in在……里。故答案为in。
【解析】【分析】这是一篇应用文,根据句子提示,写给艾米一封电子邮件,要求给她一些建议介绍这个周末做什么。写作时可以以第二人称为主,使用一般现在时,首先问候艾米,建议这周末应该去某地,运用You can go ... this weekend;其次介绍应该在那里做某事和不应该做某事,You should /shouldn't ... there; 接着介绍她应该拿什么,运用You should take ... with you。



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