
广阳区 2021—2022 学年度第二学期期末质量评价
一、听录音,根据你听到的信息,选择正确的图片,只填序号。(10 分)
1.________________ 2.________________ 3.________________ 4.________________ 5.________________
6.________________ 7.________________ 8.________________ 9.________________ 10._______________
二、听录音,选择你听到的信息,只填序号。(6 分)
( )1. A. did B. dad C. do
( )2. A. easy B. every C. everyone
( )3. A. look in B. look at C. look out of
( )4. A. Please don’t jump! B. Please don’t sing! C. Please don’t point.
( )5. A. We write a letter on paper. B. We write an email to friends.
C. I want to send this letter to my mum and dad.
( )6. A. I’m washing the clothes. B. I wash the clothes.
C. I washed the clothes last night.
三、听对话和问题,选出最佳答案,只填序号。(6 分)
( )1. A. Yes, please. B. No, I don’t. C. Yes, I am.
( )2. A. It’s 2:00. B. It’s two yuan. C. They are twenty yuan.
( )3. A. It’s far. B. Let’s take a bus. C. It’s near.
( )4. A. A baby. B. No, I’m not. C. The baby isn’t sleeping.
( )5. A. They are walking. B. The man is running. C. The woman behind me is dancing.
( )6. A. Don’t do it! B. No, no, no. C. Sure.
四、听录音,填空。(8 分)
It __________a fine day last Sunday. Wang Lin and I walked to the _________________ together. We
played _______________ there. We _____________ a lot of fun. But I_____________ my leg, I felt(感觉) very
_______________. At last, Wang Lin, my friend, a _______________ boy, he _____________ me go home.
五、选出不同类的一项(1-5)找出划线部分发音不同的单词(6-10)。(10 分)
( )1. A. open B. girl C. look
( )2. A. right B. left C. woman
( )3. A. went B. see C. go
( )4. A. yesterday B. thousand C. today
( )5. A. sit B. down C. up
( )6. A. arrive B. about C. apple
( )7. A. child B. find C. help
( )8. A. down B. window C. how
( )9. A. wrong B. what C. write
( )10.A. fly B. baby C. thirsty
六、选择正确的选项,只填序号。(10 分)
( ) 1. Turn right _________ the traffic lights.
A. on B. at C. in
( )2. ______________day, we went to the Great Wall.
A. The third B. Third C. The three
( )3. Look, some people______________ basketball now.
A. play B. played C. are playing
( )4. The people in Shijiazhuang are ___________________. I like them.
A. bad B. angry C. kind
( )5. We can send an email on a _________________.
A. picture B. computer C. postcard
( )6. They ____________ ice cream yesterday afternoon.
A. ate B. eating C. eat
( )7. The school is near my home. Let’s _____________________.
A. take a bus B. go by train C. go on foot
( )8.——______________ will they go to Beijing
—— Tomorrow.
A. Where B. How C. When
( )9. ——How _______ is the Palace Museum ——It’s about six _______________ years old.
A. long; hundred B. old; hundred C. old; hundreds
( )10. __________ walk on the grass.
A. No B. Don’t C. Doesn’t
七、用所给词的正确形式填空。(10 分)
1.They __________(not) like animals.
2. Wangfujing Street has many ______________(shop).
3. My father is ______________(sit) on the chair now.
4. This ________________(照片) is about the Palace Museum.
5. Where ______________(be) you last night
6. Don’t be ________________(害怕的), I’ll help you.
7. Jenny buys a scarf for _______________(she) mother.
8. The light is yellow. Please _____________(等待).
9. These _____________________(女士) are singing in the park.
10. Let’s ___________________(find) the differences.
八、连词成句。(10 分)
1. there, famous, in, many, places, Beijing, are (.)
2. the, weather, is, today, how ( )
3. they, eating, honey, are, the (.)
4. a, trip, what, fun (!)
5. play, may, with, I, baby, the ( )
九、阅读短文,在 A、B、C 中选择一个最佳答案。(10 分)
Jack and his mother are having breakfast at the table.
“I don’t like this soup. I don’t want to eat it,” says Jack and he puts down the spoon. “All right,” says
his mother. “Don’t eat it.”
After breakfast,Jack and his mother work in the field (田地). They work so hard.
In the evening, Jack’s mother gives him a bowl of soup. “Oh, this soup is delicious,” says Jack. “It is the
same soup,” says his mother.
( ) 1. Jack and his mother are having breakfast____________________.
A. at the table B. in the room C. on the desk
( ) 2. Why does Jack put down the spoon when they eat breakfast
A. Because he doesn’t like the soup. B. Because he doesn’t want to eat the soup.
C. A and B
( ) 3. _______________ Jack and his mother work in the field.
A. In the morning B. After breakfast C. After lunch
( ) 4. In the evening, Jack’s mother gives him __________________.
A. another kind of soup B. the same cake C. the same soup
( ) 5. Does Jack like this soup at last(最后)
A. Yes, he does. B. He doesn’t like the soup. C. No, he doesn’t.
十、阅读短文判断正误(正 T 误 F)。(10 分)
The Monkey and the Crocodile(鳄鱼)
A crocodile is swimming in a river. He sees a monkey in the tree. He wants to catch the monkey
and eat his heart.
He says to the monkey, “Monkey, there are many banana trees on the other side of the river. Do
you want to eat bananas ” The monkey is very glad. He jumps onto the crocodile's back.
In the middle of the river, the crocodile says, “You are foolish(愚蠢的). I want to eat your heart.”
The monkey is very frightened(害怕的), but he is very clever.
“You have to take me back to the tree. My heart is there. I can't give you my heart now,” the
monkey says to the crocodile.
The crocodile thinks that it is true. He swims back with the monkey. When the monkey gets to the
tree, he shouts at the crocodile, “You can't get my heart now. You can't climb up a tree. I will not come
( ) 1. A crocodile sees a monkey in the tree.
( ) 2. The crocodile wants to eat the monkey.
( ) 3. There are many banana trees on the other side of the river.
( )4.The monkey is foolish.
( )5.The crocodile eats the monkey at last(最后).
十一、书面表达。(10 分)
假如你是 Jenny,请你给你的新朋友 Danny 写一封 email,向她介绍一下你所在城市的情况。
Dear Danny,
Yours truly
4广阳区 2021-2022 学年度第二学期期末质量评价五
一、 共 10 分,每个 1 分。
1-5 BFHCE 6-10 IGADJ
二、共 6 分,每个 1 分。
三、共 6 分,每个 1 分。
四、共 8 分, 每个 1 分。
was park football had hurt sad kind helped
五、共 10 分,每个 1 分。
1-5 BCABA 6-10 CCBBA
六、共 10 分,每个 1 分。
1-5 BACCB 6-10 ACCBB
七、共 10 分,每个 1 分。
1. don’t 2. shops 3. sitting 4. photo\picture 5. were
6. afraid 7. her 8. wait 9. women 10. find
八、共 10 分,每个 2 分。个别单词抄错可酌情减分。
1. There are many famous places in Beijing.
2. How is the weather today
3. They are eating the honey.
4. What a fun trip!
5. May I play with the baby
九、共 10 分,每个 2 分。
十、共 10 分,每个 2 分。
十一、共 10 分。
1. 短文通顺完整,表达清楚,语法基本无误 9-10 分。
2. 短文较通顺完整,表达基本清楚,语言有少量错误 7-8 分。
3. 短文不够流畅完整,语言错误较多,但尚能表达意思 5-6 分。
4. 能写部分要求,部分句子不完整,语言错误多 3-4 分。
5. 错误过多,已影响意思表达 3 分以下。




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