
1. People in China are ______ (友好的).
2. This ______ (故事) is about a cat.
3. Please don’t ______ (跳) on the bus.
4. Many ______ (女人) like to dance after dinner in the park.
5. I don’t have breakfast. I feel ______ (饥饿的).
6. The ______ (婴儿) is drinking milk.
7. Please put the book ______ (回原处).
8. Show me your ______ (左边的) hand.
9. I ______ (去) to school yesterday.
10. We can send an email on a ______ (电脑).
【详解】句意:我们可以在_____发送电子邮件。电脑computer,名词,on a computer用电脑,介词的固定搭配,故答案为computer。
look run them dad first
11. can happy sad _____
12. up mum hundred _____
13. there then that _____
14. foot cook book _____
15. girl birthday third _____
【答案】11. dad
12. run 13. them
14. look 15. first
can,happy,sad划线部分发音均为/ /,dad中的字母a发/ /,故答案为dad。
up,mum,hundred划线部分发音均为/ /,run中字母u发/ /,故答案为run。
there,then,that划线部分发音均为/ /,them中的字母组合th发/ /,故答案为them。
foot,cook,book划线部分发音均为/ /,look中的字母组合oo发/ /,故答案为look。
girl,birthday,third划线部分发音均为/ /,first中的字母组合ir发/ /,故答案为first。
16 —This kite is for you. ( )
A. Thanks. B. Yes, I do. C. Sorry.
17. The trees _______ small last year. ( )
A. was B. were C. are
【详解】句意:去年树很小。根据last year,可知句子是一般过去时,谓语动词用过去式,主语The trees是第三人称复数,be用are的过去式were,故选B。
18. —_______ is crying ( )
—I don’t know.
A Who B. Why C. What
19. —_______ ( )
—It’s 2:40.
A. What is it B. How long is it C. What time is it
20. —_______ are they ( )
—Fifty yuan.
A. How much B. How many C. How long
【详解】句意:—它们_______?—五十元。A多少钱,B多少,C多长,根据答语可知问句是问价格,故是由How much引导的特殊疑问句及其回答,故选A。
21. Send a postcard and a letter need stamps, _______ an email needn’t. ( )
A. and B. but C. or
22. They are _______ their way to the hotel. ( )
A. to B. for C. on
【详解】句意:他们正在去旅馆路上。on one's way to... 在去……的路上,故选C。
23. —Please don’t sing. ( )
A. No, I don’t. B. No, thanks. C. I’m sorry.
24. —Where is Danny ( )
—He is _______.
A. eat B. eating C. ate
25. Danny _______ playing with the baby. ( )
A. is B. are C. doesn’t
26. Jenny, a, cap, her, brother, for, buys (.)
【答案】Jenny buys a cap for her brother.
【详解】Jenny珍妮,a一顶,cap帽子,her她的,brother哥哥/弟弟,for给,buys买,根据所给句号和单词,可知句子是陈述句,根据词义连成句子:珍妮给她哥哥/弟弟买一顶帽子。故答案为Jenny buys a cap for her brother.
27. like, you, it, Do ( )
【答案】Do you like it
【详解】like喜欢,you你/你们,it它,Do助动词,根据所给问号和助动词Do,可知该句是由助动词do引导的一般疑问句,根据所给词义可以连成句子:你/你们喜欢它吗?故答案为Do you like it
28. Where, post office, the, is ( )
【答案】Where is the post office
【详解】Where在哪,post office邮局,the定冠词,is是,根据所给问号,可知句子是疑问句,根据词义连成句子:邮局在哪?故答案为Where is the post office
29. reading, newspaper, She, the, is (.)
【答案】She is reading the newspaper.
【详解】reading the newspaper看报纸,She她,is是,根据所给句号和单词,可知句子是陈述句,根据词义连成句子:她正在看报纸。故答案为She is reading the newspaper.
30. a, great, I, trip, had (.)
【答案】I had a great trip.
【详解】had a great trip旅途愉快,I我,根据所给句号和单词,可知句子是陈述句,根据词义连成句子:我旅途愉快。故答案为I had a great trip.
31. I ______ (buy) some apples this morning. They are delicious (美味的).
32. Look. I ______ ______ (read) a book.
【答案】 ①. am ②. reading
33. What did you _________ (do) last night
34. Danny is ______ (sing) now.
35. They looked in the window and ______ (see) some tables.
A. B. C. D. E.
36. Danny saw many toys. He liked them very much. ( )
37. I want to send this post card to my mun. ( )
38. There are too many cars and buses. ( )
39. I’d like some bananas, some candies, some chicken and some ice cream. ( )
40. The man behind me is playing cards with his friends. ( )
【答案】36. E 37. B
38. D 39. A
40. C
Sue: Hi, Bill. Here is a new kite for you. ___41___
Bill: Sorry, I can’t.
Sue: It’s easy. ___42___
Bill: It’s too difficult.
Sue: Be careful. The kite is falling. Run! Run!
Bill: ___43___ I can fly it.
Sue: Let me take your picture ___44___
Bill: Yes, I do. ___45___
Sue: Yes, you can.
A. The kite is flying.
B. I can help you.
C. Can I fly a kite next week
D. Do you feel happy today
E. Can you fly a kite
【答案】41. E 42. B 43. A 44. D 45. C
下句是:Yes, I do.,可知这句是do引导的一般疑问句,D你今天开心吗?符合语境,故选D。
下句是:Yes, you can.,可知这句是can引导的一般疑问句,C下周我可以放风筝吗?符合语境,故选C。
I like movies very much. Everyone in my family likes movies too. My family watches movies in different ways. Sometimes we go to the cinema to watch movies. Sometimes we watch movies at home. We can watch movies on the Internet or on TV.
My favorite movies are action (动作) movies. My sister likes movies that are funny (有趣的). My father likes to watch movies about real (真实) things and real people. My mother is different from all of us. She likes all kinds of movies. What kinds of movies do you like
46. My family likes to watch movies. ( )
47. We watch movies only at the cinema. ( )
48. My sister likes action movies. ( )
49. My father doesn’t like real movies. ( )
50. My mother likes all kinds of movies. ( )
【答案】46. T 47. F
48. F 49. F
50. T
句意:我的家人喜欢看电影。根据“Everyone in my family likes movies too.”,可知作者的家人喜欢看电影,故答案为T。
句意:我姐姐喜欢动作片。根据“My sister likes movies that are funny (有趣的).”,可知作者的姐姐喜欢有趣的电影,故答案为F。
句意:我父亲不喜欢真实的电影。根据“My father likes to watch movies about real (真实) things and real people.”,可知作者的父亲喜欢看关于真实事物和真实人物的电影,故答案为F。
句意:我妈妈喜欢各种各样的电影。根据“My mother is different from all of us. She likes all kinds of movies.”,可知作者的妈妈喜欢各种各样的电影,故答案为T。
David has a little sister named Katy. Katy always wants to be first. She thinks first is always best (最好).
“I can finish my homework first,” Katy says. “I am the best.”
David likes to take his time on his homework. “I don’t care (关心) about being the first,” David says. “I just want to do a good job.”
Katy always goes fast. She ties (系) her shoes fast every day. One day Katy makes knots (绳结) too fast. “I can’t untie (解开) these knots,” Katy says.
“You have to slow down,” David says. “Now you can try again. Don’t go so fast this time.”
Katy slows down and ties her shoes. “Thank you, David. You are the best.”
51. David is ______. ( )
A. Katy’s little brother B. Katy’s dad C. Katy’s big brother
52. Why Katy ties her shoes fast ( )
A. Katy thinks first is always best. B. Katy has something to do. C. Katy wants to do a good job.
53. Does David agree with Katy ( )
A. Yes, he does. B. No, he doesn’t. C. I don’t know.
54. Katy can untie the knots because ______. ( )
A. she untie the knots slow down B. she untie the knots fast C. David untie her knots
55. From the text, we know ______. ( )
A. slow down and take your time
B. do a good job on your homework
C. first is always best
【答案】51. C 52. A 53. B 54. A 55. A
句意:大卫是______。A凯蒂的弟弟,B凯蒂的爸爸,C凯蒂的哥哥,根据“David has a little sister named Katy.”,可知大卫是凯蒂的哥哥,故选C。
句意:为什么凯蒂系鞋带很快?A凯蒂认为第一总是最好的。B凯蒂有事要做。C凯蒂想把工作做好。根据“She thinks first is always best (最好).”,可知凯蒂系鞋带很快是因为她认为第一总是最好的,故选A。
56. 如果你在北京游玩,你去那做什么事 请以“Travel in Beijing”为题写一写吧。(提示:Tian’anmen Square; the Palace Museum; the Great Wall; Beihai Park; Summer Palace; Bird’s Nest; Water Cube)
Travel in Beijing
It's sunny today. I'm visiting the Palace Museum. The palace is red and yellow. It's beautiful! I see some chairs and tables. I take many pictures here. Next day, I will go to the Great Wall.
【详解】1. 题干解读:该题目要求以“Travel in Beijing”为题写一篇短文。然后再阐述参观的地方,做的事情。注意文章主要为一般现在时态并要符合句子数量要求。
2. 参考词汇与句型:
参考单词:sunny晴朗的,the Palace Museum故宫博物院,beautiful漂亮的,the Great Wall长城
参考句型:It's …; I'm visiting …;The palace is …; I see some …;Next day, I will ...;2021—2022学年第二学期期末调研考试
1. People in China are ______ (友好的).
2 This ______ (故事) is about a cat.
3. Please don’t ______ (跳) on the bus.
4. Many ______ (女人) like to dance after dinner in the park.
5. I don’t have breakfast. I feel ______ (饥饿的).
6. The ______ (婴儿) is drinking milk.
7. Please put the book ______ (回原处).
8. Show me your ______ (左边的) hand.
9. I ______ (去) to school yesterday.
10. We can send an email on a ______ (电脑).
look run them dad first
11. can happy sad _____
12. up mum hundred _____
13. there then that _____
14. foot cook book _____
15. girl birthday third _____
16. —This kite is for you. ( )
A. Thanks. B. Yes, I do. C. Sorry.
17 The trees _______ small last year. ( )
A. was B. were C. are
18. —_______ is crying ( )
—I don’t know.
A. Who B. Why C. What
19. —_______ ( )
—It’s 2:40.
A. What is it B. How long is it C. What time is it
20. —_______ are they ( )
—Fifty yuan.
A. How much B. How many C. How long
21. Send a postcard and a letter need stamps, _______ an email needn’t. ( )
A. and B. but C. or
22. They are _______ their way to the hotel. ( )
A. to B. for C. on
23. —Please don’t sing. ( )
A. No, I don’t. B. No, thanks. C. I’m sorry.
24. —Where is Danny ( )
—He is _______.
A. eat B. eating C. ate
25. Danny _______ playing with the baby. ( )
A. is B. are C. doesn’t
26. Jenny, a, cap, her, brother, for, buys (.)
27. like, you, it, Do ( )
28. Where, post office, the, is ( )
29. reading, newspaper, She, the, is (.)
30. a, great, I, trip, had (.)
31. I ______ (buy) some apples this morning. They are delicious (美味的).
32. Look. I ______ ______ (read) a book.
33. What did you _________ (do) last night
34. Danny is ______ (sing) now.
35. They looked in the window and ______ (see) some tables.
A. B. C. D. E.
36. Danny saw many toys. He liked them very much. ( )
37. I want to send this post card to my mun. ( )
38. There are too many cars and buses. ( )
39. I’d like some bananas some candies, some chicken and some ice cream. ( )
40. The man behind me is playing cards with his friends. ( )
Sue: Hi Bill. Here is a new kite for you. ___41___
Bill: Sorry, I can’t.
Sue: It’s easy. ___42___
Bill: It’s too difficult.
Sue: Be careful. The kite is falling. Run! Run!
Bill: ___43___ I can fly it.
Sue: Let me take your picture. ___44___
Bill: Yes, I do. ___45___
Sue: Yes, you can.
A. The kite is flying.
B. I can help you.
C. Can I fly a kite next week
D. Do you feel happy today
E. Can you fly a kite
I like movies very much Everyone in my family likes movies too. My family watches movies in different ways. Sometimes we go to the cinema to watch movies. Sometimes we watch movies at home. We can watch movies on the Internet or on TV.
My favorite movies are action (动作) movies. My sister likes movies that are funny (有趣的). My father likes to watch movies about real (真实) things and real people. My mother is different from all of us. She likes all kinds of movies. What kinds of movies do you like
46. My family likes to watch movies. ( )
47. We watch movies only at the cinema. ( )
48. My sister likes action movies. ( )
49. My father doesn’t like real movies. ( )
50. My mother likes all kinds of movies. ( )
David has a little sister named Katy. Katy always wants to be first. She thinks first is always best (最好).
“I can finish my homework first,” Katy says. “I am the best.”
David likes to take his time on his homework. “I don’t care (关心) about being the first,” David says. “I just want to do a good job.”
Katy always goes fast. She ties (系) her shoes fast every day. One day Katy makes knots (绳结) too fast. “I can’t untie (解开) these knots,” Katy says.
“You have to slow down,” David says. “Now you can try again. Don’t go so fast this time.”
Katy slows down and ties her shoes. “Thank you, David. You are the best.”
51. David is ______. ( )
A. Katy’s little brother B. Katy’s dad C. Katy’s big brother
52. Why Katy ties her shoes fast ( )
A. Katy thinks first is always best. B. Katy has something to do. C. Katy wants to do a good job.
53. Does David agree with Katy ( )
A. Yes, he does. B. No, he doesn’t. C. I don’t know.
54. Katy can untie the knots because ______. ( )
A. she untie the knots slow down B. she untie the knots fast C. David untie her knots
55. From the text, we know ______. ( )
A. slow down and take your time
B. do a good job on your homework
C. first is always best
56. 如果你在北京游玩,你去那做什么事 请以“Travel in Beijing”为题写一写吧。(提示:Tian’anmen Square; the Palace Museum; the Great Wall; Beihai Park; Summer Palace; Bird’s Nest; Water Cube)



