
Ⅰ. 听音,用数字1-5给下列图片排序。将序号写在括号内。(5分)
Ⅱ. 听音,选出与所听内容相符图片。将序号写在括号内。(5分)
Ⅲ. 听音,选择适当的答语。将序号写在括号内。(10分)
( )1. A. Yes, I had fun! B. Yes, I had a great trip! C. It's beautiful.
( )2. A. Thank you. B. I miss you. C. Okay.
( )3. A. About 6000 kilometres. B. About six hundred years old. C. That's very old.
( )4. A. Help!Help! B. Ouch! C. Sure
( )5. A. No, thanks. B. Me, too. C. Oh, no!
Ⅳ. 听音,根据所听内容完成短文。每空一词。(10分)
Look at this ______.We were in Beijing. We ______ to Tian'anmen Square last year. It is very big. We ______ many people there. Some people walked. Some ______ talked. The children ______ very happy. We all like Tian'anmen square. A lot of people from all over the world come to visit the square every day.
1. Don't worry, let's go to see a doctor. ( )
2. He hurt his knee under the tree. ( )
3. They are having a party in the park. ( )
4. There are thirteen Chinese people on the plane. ( )
5 I like chicken and bananas very much. ( )
6. He is thirsty. He would like some ______.
7. —Where is the library
—Go straight and turn _______.
8. He played on the ______ last night.
9 Be quiet (安静). The little boy is ______.
10. She is reading a ______ book to her child.
11. We like our English teacher. She is very ______. ( )
A. tired B. excited C. kind
12. I ______ my homework at home last night. ( )
A. do B. did C. does
13. Look, these women ______ pictures now. ( )
A. are taking B. is taking C. takes
14. I want to send an email ______ my friend. ( )
A. from B. to C. for
15. I ______ some pencils for my son yesterday. ( )
A. buy B. bought C. buys
Lee: Good morning, Emma.
Emma: Good morning, Lee.
Lee: What did you do last Sunday
Emma: ______16______
Lee: What did you see at the zoo
Emma: ______17______
Lee: Wow, I like monkeys very much. ______18______
Emma: I like pandas. They are cute (可爱的). ______19______
Lee: It's a pity. (真遗憾) ______20______
Emma: I hope (希望) so.
A. What about you
B. I went to the zoo with my parents.
C. But I didn't see them yesterday.
D. Maybe (或许) you will see them next time.
E. I saw many animals such as (例如) monkeys, tigers, elephants and so on.
It's 8:00 in the morning. The children are doing different things (不同的事情). Robert is opening the window. Some are talking and laughing. Some are listening to them. Some are reading books. Some are doing their homework. Miss Wang is standing beside the teacher's desk. She is writing on the blackboard. Ann is cleaning her desk. Mike is helping her. They all look happy.
What are Bill and Lin Tao doing Oh, dear!They are still playing basketball!
21. The children are ______. ( )
A. in the school B. at home C. in a boat
22. What is Robert doing ( )
A. He is opening the window. B. He is writing on the blackboard. C. He is playing football.
23. The teacher is ______. ( )
A. Robert B. Miss Wang C. Ann
24. Are there any students doing homework ( )
A. No, there aren't. B. Yes, there are. C. Yes, they do
25. Which is NOT right (不正确的) ( )
A. Ann is cleaning blackboard.
B. Mike is helping Ann cleaning her desk.
C. Bill and LinTao are still playing basketball.
John had a school trip with his classmates last Summer. They went to the aquarium (水族馆) by bus. There were many sea animals in it. The children were excited. They took many pictures there. Then they watched a 4D film in the aquarium. It was interesting. At noon, they had lunch in a small restaurant. John ate some delicious (美味) noodles.
They went back to school after lunch. What a fun trip!
26 When did John have the school trip
27. How did they go to the aquarium
28. What was in the aquarium
29. Did they watch a 4D film in it
30. What did John eat in the restaurant
31. 假如你是Jack,请给你的朋友Zhang Peng写一封电子邮件告诉他上周日你去过哪里,做过什么,一日三餐都吃些了什么?不少于50个单词。请注意时态。开头和落款已经给出,不计入总词数。
Dear Zhang Peng,
Your friend,
Ⅰ. 听音,用数字1-5给下列图片排序。将序号写在括号内。(5分)
Ⅱ. 听音,选出与所听内容相符的图片。将序号写在括号内。(5分)
Ⅲ. 听音,选择适当的答语。将序号写在括号内。(10分)
( )1. A. Yes, I had fun! B. Yes, I had a great trip! C. It's beautiful.
( )2. A. Thank you. B. I miss you. C. Okay.
( )3. A. About 6000 kilometres. B. About six hundred years old. C. That's very old.
( )4. A. Help!Help! B. Ouch! C. Sure
( )5. A. No, thanks. B. Me, too. C. Oh, no!
Ⅳ. 听音,根据所听内容完成短文。每空一词。(10分)
Look at this ______.We were in Beijing. We ______ to Tian'anmen Square last year. It is very big. We ______ many people there. Some people walked. Some ______ talked. The children ______ very happy. We all like Tian'anmen square. A lot of people from all over the world come to visit the square every day.
1. Don't worry, let's go to see a doctor. ( )
2. He hurt his knee under the tree. ( )
3 They are having a party in the park. ( )
【答案】1. F 2. T
3. T
该题单词画线部分的读音分别为[ ]和[ ],是不同的,故答案为F。
4. There are thirteen Chinese people on the plane. ( )
5. I like chicken and bananas very much. ( )
【答案】4. T 5. F
thirteen的读音是/ θ ti n/,Chinese的读音是/ t a ni z/,重音位置相同,故答案为T。
chicken的读音是/ t k n/,重音位置是前面,bananas的读音是/b nɑ n z/,重音位置是中间;位置不同,故答案为F。
6. He is thirsty. He would like some ______.
7. —Where is the library
—Go straight and turn _______.
【详解】句意:—图书馆在哪里?—直走然后向___转。根据所给的图片,可知考查单词left左边,turn left向左转,固定短语,故答案为left。
8. He played on the ______ last night.
【详解】句意:他昨晚玩了电脑。在电脑上on the computer,故答案为computer。
9. Be quiet (安静). The little boy is ______.
10. She is reading a ______ book to her child.
【详解】句意:她正在给她的孩子读一本______ 书。由图片可知是一本故事书,故答案问story。
11. We like our English teacher. She is very ______. ( )
A. tired B. excited C. kind
【详解】句意:我们喜欢我们的英语老师。她非常_____。A疲惫的,B兴奋的,C 仁慈的,选项C符合题意,故选C。
12. I ______ my homework at home last night. ( )
A. do B. did C. does
【详解】句意:昨天晚上我在家写作业。A动词原形,B过去式,C动词第三人称单数形式,Last night是一般过去时标志词,故选B。
13. Look, these women ______ pictures now. ( )
A. are taking B. is taking C. takes
【详解】句意:看,这些女人们现在在拍照。Look看是现在进行时态的标志词,现在进行时态的构成是:主语+be+动词的现在分词+其它,本题主语these wome这些女人们是复数,be动词用are,take的现在分词去e加ing,taking,故选A。
14. I want to send an email ______ my friend. ( )
A. from B. to C. for
【详解】句意:我想要发送邮件给我的朋友。A来自,B给,C为了,send an email to sb.给某人发邮件,故选B。
15. I ______ some pencils for my son yesterday. ( )
A. buy B. bought C. buys
Lee: Good morning, Emma.
Emma: Good morning, Lee.
Lee: What did you do last Sunday
Emma: ______16______
Lee: What did you see at the zoo
Emma: ______17______
Lee: Wow, I like monkeys very much. ______18______
Emma: I like pandas. They are cute (可爱的). ______19______
Lee: It's a pity. (真遗憾) ______20______
Emma: I hope (希望) so.
A What about you
B. I went to the zoo with my parents.
C. But I didn't see them yesterday.
D. Maybe (或许) you will see them next time.
E. I saw many animals such as (例如) monkeys, tigers, elephants and so on.
【答案】16. B 17. E 18. A 19. C 20. D
根据上文的问话“What did you do last Sunday ”你上个星期天做什么了?可知下文要回答做的事情,B“我和我父母去动物园了。”,符合语境,故选B。
根据上文的问话“What did you see at the zoo ”你在动物园都看到了什么?可知下文要回答看到的动物名称,E“我看到了很多动物,比如猴子、老虎、大象等等。”,符合语境,故选E。
根据下文的回答“I like pandas.”我喜欢熊猫,可知上文问的是对方喜欢什么,A“你呢?”符合语境,故选A。
根据下文的回答“It's a pity.”真遗憾,可知上文说的是比较遗憾的事情,C“可惜我昨天没看见它们。”,符合语境,故选C。
根据下文的回答“I hope (希望) so.”我希望如此,可知上文提出了好的愿望,D“或许下次你会看到它们的。”,符合语境,故选D。
It's 8:00 in the morning. The children are doing different things (不同的事情). Robert is opening the window. Some are talking and laughing. Some are listening to them. Some are reading books. Some are doing their homework. Miss Wang is standing beside the teacher's desk. She is writing on the blackboard. Ann is cleaning her desk. Mike is helping her. They all look happy.
What are Bill and Lin Tao doing Oh, dear!They are still playing basketball!
21. The children are ______. ( )
A. in the school B. at home C. in a boat
22. What is Robert doing ( )
A. He is opening the window. B. He is writing on the blackboard. C. He is playing football.
23. The teacher is ______. ( )
A. Robert B. Miss Wang C. Ann
24. Are there any students doing homework ( )
A. No, there aren't. B. Yes, there are. C. Yes, they do
25. Which is NOT right (不正确的) ( )
A. Ann is cleaning blackboard.
B. Mike is helping Ann cleaning her desk.
C. Bill and LinTao are still playing basketball.
【答案】21. A 22. A 23. B 24. B 25. A
句意:罗伯特在做什么?A他正在开窗户。B他正在黑板上写字。C他正在踢足球。根据"Robert is opening the window."可知在开窗户。故选A。
句意:老师是______。根据" Miss Wang is standing beside the teacher's desk. "可知是王老师。故选B。
句意:有学生正在做家庭作业吗?根据" Some are doing their homework."可知有。故做肯定回答,are问are答,故选B。
句意:哪个句子是不正确的?A安正在擦黑板。B迈克正在帮安打扫课桌。C比利和林涛仍然在打篮球。根据"Ann is cleaning her desk."可知安正在打扫课桌。故A选项错误,故选A。
John had a school trip with his classmates last Summer. They went to the aquarium (水族馆) by bus. There were many sea animals in it. The children were excited. They took many pictures there. Then they watched a 4D film in the aquarium. It was interesting. At noon, they had lunch in a small restaurant. John ate some delicious (美味的) noodles.
They went back to school after lunch. What a fun trip!
26. When did John have the school trip
27. How did they go to the aquarium
28. What was in the aquarium
29. Did they watch a 4D film in it
30. What did John eat in the restaurant
【答案】26. He had a school trip last Summer.
27. They went to the aquarium by bus.
28. There were many sea animals in it.
29. Yes, they did.
30. He ate some delicious noodles.
句意:约翰什么时候有学校旅行?根据“John had a school trip with his classmates last Summer.”上个暑假,约翰和同班同有学校旅行。故答案为He had a school trip last Summer.
句意:他们怎么去水族馆?根据“They went to the aquarium (水族馆) by bus. ”他们坐公交车去水族馆,故答案为They went to the aquarium by bus.
句意:水族馆里面有什么?根据“There were many sea animals in it. ”这里有许多的海洋动物。故答案为There were many sea animals in it.
句意:他们在里面看4D电影吗?根据“Then they watched a 4D film in the aquarium.”他们在里面看4D电影,作肯定回答,故答案为Yes, they did.
句意:约翰在餐馆吃了什么?根据“John ate some delicious (美味的) noodles.”约翰吃了美味的面条,故答案为He ate some delicious noodles.
31. 假如你是Jack,请给你的朋友Zhang Peng写一封电子邮件告诉他上周日你去过哪里,做过什么,一日三餐都吃些了什么?不少于50个单词。请注意时态。开头和落款已经给出,不计入总词数。
Dear Zhang Peng,
Your friend,
Last Sunday I did many things. In the morning, I had an egg and some bread for breakfast. Then I went to the cinema. I had some coke. I had some rice and meat for lunch. In the afternoon, I watched TV with my sister. In the evening, I had a big dinner with my family.
【详解】1. 题干解读:该题目要求假设你是Jack,给你的朋友Zhang Peng写一封电子邮件告诉他上周日你去过哪里,做过什么,一日三餐都吃些了什么?按照时间顺序依次去写,注意文章为一般过去时态且满足词数要求。
2. 参考词汇与句型:
参考单词:last Sunday上周日,bread面包,breakfast早餐,cinema电影院,Coke可乐,meat肉,watch TV看电视,have a big dinner吃丰盛的晚餐
参考句型:Last Sunday I…;The I… ;In the evening/afternoon, I...



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