
班级: 姓名: 成绩:
( )1. —What’s Tim doing ( )
—He’s _______ his toy ship ________ his friends.
A.show; for B.showing; to C.Showing; for
( )2. They have two animal friends. One is red and _____ is black.
A.one B.the one C.the other
( )3. Look! The twins _______ model planes at home.
A.are make B.make C.are making
( )4. The _______ play football.
A.man B.men C.boy
( )5. The young girl______the bus and then runs away along the street.
A.gets on B.gets off C.gets to
( ) A .China B .teacher C Christmas
( ) A .cow B .flower C .yellow
( ) A .brown B .grass C .green
( ) A .thing B .mother C .brother
( ) A .trunk B .sing C .think
三、 看图读句子,选择合适的单词补全句子。(10分)
1.Our winter vacation is from January to ______.
2.Every Friday, I take a ______ class with my friends together.
3.—In Japan, there are two Children’s Days. One is for boys and the other is for girls.
—Wow, interesting! ______ is Children’s Day for boys
—It’s on ______ ______. I love it!
4.—What do you usually do on the weekend
—I often _____ _____ with my mother.
5.I like _____ best. Because I can play with snow and make a snowman. Look! I _____ _____ a big snowman with my parents. So funny!
1.Take (顺序), please.
2.I often (go) for a walk on Sundays.
3.I see (nine) birds in the zoo.
4.August is the (eight) month of a year.
5.Do you often take a (dance) class on the weekend
1. swimming, I, sometimes, go,in,summer(. )
2. at, 7:00, I, often,play, football(. )
3. the, Can, bed, you, make(?)
4. mother, to , my,10:00 goes, bed, at, usually (.)
5. try, I'd, have, to, a, like(.)
Tom: 1
Doctor: What’s wrong with you
Tom: 2
Doctor: When do you usually go to bed
Tom: 3
Doctor: What do you often do at night
Tom: I watch TV and play computer games.
Doctor: 4
Tom: What should I do
Doctor: You should go to bed before 10 o’clock.
Tom: What else can I do
Doctor: 5
Tom: OK, Thank you.
Doctor: That’s all right.
A.I have a bad headache.
B.You can drink some milk before you go to sleep.
C.That’s a bad habit to stay up late.
D.I’m not feeling well, Doctor.
E.I usually go to bed after 12 o’clock.
A clever boy There is a big tree near the playground. It is fifty years old. There is a big hole(洞)in it. Now some boys are playing football on the playground. Jim kicks the ball into the hole. The hole is very deep. They can't reach(达到)the ball. How can they get the ball out of the hole Now Bob has a good idea. He asks the boys to bring some water, and fill the hole with water. Soon they get the ball out of the hole. They say Bob is a clever boy.
1.The big tree is  .
A.very old
B.far from the playground
C.near the river
2.There are  on the playground.
A.big trees B.big holes C.some boys
3.  kicks the ball into the hole.
A.Jim B.Bob C.Jim and Bob
4.Bob lets the boys bring  .
A.some water B.a stick C.some people
5.—Why can the boys get the ball out of the hole
—Because  .
A.the water is lighter than the ball B.the ball is lighter than the water
3.When June 5th
4.go shopping
5.winter am making
1. Sometimes I go swimming in summer.
2. I often play football at 7:00.
3. Can you make the bed?
4. My mother usually goes to bed at 10:00.
5. I'd like to have a try.



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